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Double Her Pleasure (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Marla Monroe

She watched as Joshua visibly reined himself in. He drew in a deep breath, letting it out in a whoosh, and nodded.

  Haley did the same. She wasn’t going to make things any worse than they already were. She sort of understood why Joshua was upset. She was upset.

  “Let’s finish this up, so I can go to the grocery store and get back home.”

  Joshua and Jayson remained where they were while she finished her statement, read over it, and signed it. Then she thanked the officer and stood up to leave. Joshua ushered her out of the station with a hand at her back. When she started to walk toward her Pathfinder, he steered her toward his truck instead.

  “My car is over there, Joshua.”

  “We’re going to take you to do your shopping and errands. Then you can pick up your car and we’ll follow you home. I don’t trust that Matt isn’t watching for another chance to catch you unawares.”

  Haley couldn’t really argue that since she had decided the man was crazy. She just nodded and let them help her up into the truck. They went by the laundry and picked up her dry cleaning before heading for the grocery store. Jayson pushed the cart for her while she and Joshua divided up her list and shopped. Jayson followed her around, so she skipped the personal care aisle.

  “Hey, I saw your list. You’re forgetting something.”

  She frowned. “What?”



  “Hey, if you need them, then get them. It’s not going to bother me.”

  She sighed and led him around to the woman’s row and grabbed what she needed then hurried around the corner just as Joshua walked up.

  “I was just coming to get those. I figured you wouldn’t come over here with Jayson in tow.” He grinned at her.

  “He made me.” She made a face at them both.

  “I think that’s everything, then.” Jayson turned the buggy around, and they walked back up the embarrassing aisle toward the front of the store.

  Chapter Eight

  Haley shook her head when Joshua’s truck pulled in behind her SUV in the drive. They had her groceries in the back of their truck, so it wasn’t like she could tell them not to follow her home. She climbed out of the car and headed toward the door to unlock it. Jayson was right behind her with a bag of groceries. Joshua wasn’t far behind.

  They unloaded them out of the truck into her kitchen then pulled out beers and sat at the bar to watch her put the food up. When she got to paper towels, Joshua got up and put them in the cabinet over her head for her. She normally had to pull out her step ladder to reach it. Then Jayson snagged her tampons.

  “I’ve got these.” He walked out of the kitchen.

  “How would he know where those go?” she asked, not really wanting to know the answer.

  “Most women keep them in the same place, Haley.”

  “My brothers didn’t seem to know,” she muttered.

  “That’s because you were their sister.” He grinned at her when she made a face at him.

  Jayson came back and sat down at the bar once again. He seemed thoughtful about something. She didn’t want to know what it was if it dealt with her bathroom.

  “Okay, guys. I’ve finished putting up the groceries. I appreciate all the help with shopping and my laundry. You can go now. I have to clean house.”

  “Don’t answer the door without looking to see who it is first.” Joshua stood up.

  “I don’t. I wouldn’t have opened it had I known he was there. I was on my way to run my errands.”

  “Then check before you go out from now on.”

  “I know what to do, Joshua. Go. I’ll be fine.”

  Jayson pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Then Joshua did the same, only his was a little deeper. It almost curled her toes. She had no doubt he could do it with one of his serious kisses.

  They left, closing the door behind them. She slid the chain and locked the deadbolt. Then she looked out the window until they drove off.

  What am I going to do about them? If they are going to get all territorial, I’m going to go crazy. That was why I stopped seeing Matt.

  No, she had stopped seeing Matt because he insisted that she couldn’t see Joshua and Jayson. She had stopped seeing her other friends and going out on Saturday nights. It wasn’t until he had told her not to have anything to do with them that she put her foot down and left him. It was obvious that she valued her friendship with them more than she had with Cindy and her other friends. Now she felt guilty.

  “Aw, hell.” She forced herself to stop thinking about it and get to work on cleaning the house.

  Four hours later, she had everything neat and spic-and-span. With two loads of laundry done and another one in the washer, she felt like she’d accomplished something. Looking at the clock she realized that she’d skipped dinner. It was nearly seven and getting dark outside. She pulled out a frozen dinner and popped it in the microwave. It would have to do. She’d eaten some peanut butter and crackers before she’d opened the door to Matt earlier, but it was long since gone.

  Her cell phone rang. She picked it up and checked the number. Jayson.


  “Hey, baby girl. How are you doing? Did you get the house cleaned up?”

  “Hey, Jayson. Yep, I got everything done. I still have a load of laundry left to dry, but that won’t take long.”

  “Good. You’re free tomorrow then. How about taking a ride on Sugar Cube. He missed you this morning.”

  “That’s right, Jayson. Make me feel guilty.” She chuckled.

  “Whatever works. We thought we’d leave about nine and ride out to the old homestead. What do you say?”

  “I can’t be gone too long. I need to get some rest as well as get ready for work on Monday. I have a lot to handle tomorrow.”

  “We won’t keep you late. We’ll see you in the morning. Just come on inside when you get here.”

  She said bye and hit end. She closed her eyes and sighed. Why had she agreed? It was because of Sugar Cube needing to be ridden. No, she couldn’t lie to herself. She wanted to see them again. This gave her the excuse.

  “You’re getting in over your head, Haley. It won’t be long before they will move on and you’ll be left with a broken heart.”

  She pulled out her frozen dinner and began to eat. She couldn’t figure out what they saw in her as a potential girlfriend. She wasn’t small, she had a temper, she didn’t dress up, and she wasn’t a bit fragile.

  Haley finished her meal and washed up her utensils before heading for the bathroom and the shower. She needed to get to bed at a decent hour tonight. She hadn’t gotten nearly enough sleep the night before. She wasn’t complaining. She’d enjoyed herself. Her face heated as she remembered just how much she had enjoyed it.

  Once out of the shower, she pulled the brush through her hair and winced at the small knot on the back of her head. Thank goodness the guys hadn’t known about that. The fingerprint bruises on her arms were bad enough.

  After slipping into the bed, she closed her eyes, thinking about the men. She had little doubt she would dream about them. They tended to stick in her thoughts even when she was doing something else. Didn’t that tell her something?

  * * * *

  Haley pulled up outside Joshua and Jayson’s house at eight thirty the next morning. She always tended to be a bit early. Whether it was because of the excitement of seeing them, or of riding Sugar Cube, she didn’t care.

  She didn’t bother banging on the door. She was used to walking inside and waiting on one of them to emerge from the back of the house. As she closed the door to the kitchen, Joshua walked in without a shirt on and the top buttons to his jeans unsnapped. It wasn’t anything she hadn’t seen a thousand times, but it affected her differently this time. She jerked her eyes back up from where they’d migrated and was thankful he hadn’t seen her looking at him.

  “Late night?” she asked as he poured a cup of coffee.

  “Didn’t sleep well. I’ll be fine af
ter my first cup.”

  “I’ll speed things up and cook omelets.”

  “That would be great, baby girl. We’ll both be down in a few minutes.”

  She nodded, knowing it would be lost on him. He was still asleep.

  Haley pulled out the eggs and other ingredients for southwestern omelets. It took her a little over fifteen minutes to have everything ready to cook when the guys got downstairs. Almost immediately, the sound of boots on the stairs could be heard. She poured the first omelet in the skillet and then added the other ingredients before folding it over.

  Jayson emerged from the other room first. She slid the egg onto a plate and handed it to him.

  “Thanks.” He dug in, not waiting for Joshua.

  When she heard another set of boots on the stairs, she started his omelet. Joshua sat down on the other bar stool and accepted his plate from her when she had it ready. She refilled both of their cups and then poured a cup for herself. Since it was the last of the coffee, she washed out the pot and cleaned the coffee maker.

  “Do you guys want more? I can start another pot.”

  “No thanks,” Jayson said. “We need to get going anyway.”

  They raked off their plates in the garbage and stacked them by the sink. When Haley started to rinse them and put them in the dishwasher, Joshua stopped her.

  “Don’t clean up, Haley. You cooked. We’ll do it when we get back. Our dishwasher actually does clean dried, stuck-on food.” He actually said it with a straight face.

  She shrugged and followed them out the door toward the barn. She couldn’t wait to see Sugar Cube. When they walked in, several of the horses whinnied to them. She hurried over to her horse’s stall and held out her hand. The animal reached out his neck and sniffed her before nuzzling her hand. She rubbed his forehead then opened the gate to grab her horse. Then she hooked on the lead and took him outside to put the saddle on him.

  Jayson and Joshua were already saddling their horses. She grinned and got her saddle next. By the time she was settled on the back of Sugar Cube, the men had walked their horses around waiting on her.

  “You took your own sweet time, baby girl.” Joshua reined in his horse next to hers.

  “I did because I can. You have to wait on me.”

  “Well, we don’t have to wait on you now.” He and Jayson took off ahead of her.

  She laughed and followed them, slowly shortening the gap until they were all neck and neck. After a few minutes, they slowed the horses down to a walk and chatted as they headed toward their destination.

  Twenty minutes later, they came up on the old homestead and climbed down from the horses to tether them where they could eat. Jayson took her hand and let her inside the house. They had long since repaired most of it to make it safe. It was either that or tear it down, and they didn’t want to do that.

  They pulled out the lounge chairs they stored there and set them up on the front porch. Once they were all three settled, they grew quiet. The sounds of the insects and an occasional bird had just about lulled Haley to sleep when Joshua startled her awake.

  “Baby girl, you know I want you, don’t you?”


  “We want to make love to you, Haley. More than anything in the world, we want to hear you scream our names when you come.”

  She sat up in the chair and stared at first him, then Jayson.

  “Why are we talking about this?”

  “Because we need to. I want to make sure you know what our intentions are. We want you in our lives and in our bed. We’re looking at more than a temporary fling.”

  Jayson took her hand in his. “This is serious, Haley. I wake up each morning wishing you were between me and Joshua. I want to see you walk in the room every day. I don’t want to wonder what you’re doing. I want to know because you’ve talked about it with us.”

  “Let us make love to you, baby.”

  “I–I don’t know what to say. You’re rushing me.”

  “No, this has been coming for over a year. We’ve wanted you for years, but you’ve been fighting it for that long. Don’t deny it. We’ve seen the looks. They’re the same looks we give you.” Joshua stood up and walked over to where she was sitting.

  Haley didn’t want to be sitting down with him towering over her. She stood up as well and was surprised when Jayson got up and moved behind her. They slowly closed the gaps until she was sandwiched between them.

  Joshua put his hands on her shoulders and drew her in tighter so that she felt the outline of his engorged cock against her belly. Jayson gripped her waist and eased in behind her until the evidence of his thick dick was pressed into her lower back. Heat built in her blood as her panties grew wet from her pussy juices. She closed her eyes and leaned back into Jayson’s body. Breathing became an iffy thing, as if something was sitting on her chest.

  “I want to sink my cock into your hot cunt, Haley. I want to feel you squeeze around me as you come undone.” Joshua whispered naughty words in one ear.

  Jayson whispered in the other ear. “I want to lick your pretty pussy as you come, so that I can lap up all your honey. Then I would thrust my dick inside you and make you scream my name.”

  “Oh, God. What are you doing to me?”

  “Then one day, we’d take you together. I’d take your ass while Jayson fucks your cunt. You can’t imagine the pleasure you’d feel with us both inside you. You’d be full of cock at any one time.” Joshua nipped at her earlobe then sucked it into his mouth.

  “Just think about having all your fantasies fulfilled. We’d give them all to you if we can.” Jayson nibbled at her neck then placed openmouthed kisses down her neck.

  He slowly unfastened her jeans and slipped his hand inside to tunnel past her panties, through her trimmed mound, and into her dripping pussy. He exhaled in her ear when he reached it.

  “You are so fucking wet. You want us, don’t you, baby girl?”

  “Please, Jayson. Don’t tease me.”

  “Tell us you want us, baby. Let us know that you desire us as much as we want you.” Joshua cupped her face on either side and lowered his mouth a hair’s breadth from hers.

  Each time she breathed in, it was his breath, and when she breathed out, she gave it back to him. He closed the distance and sipped at her lips before thrusting through them into her mouth. Their tongues sparred, rubbing back and forth over each other. Haley moaned into his mouth and tried to suck on him as he angled her head for better access.

  Then Jayson was pumping his finger in and out of her pussy, adding pressure to her clit as he did. She felt her legs begin to quiver as her blood began to boil. They were killing her with their lovemaking. She wouldn’t survive intact if they continued, but she didn’t have the strength to pull away. Wanting them was a mild term for how she felt. She desired them and needed them to the point of losing her sanity. They’d awakened her feminine needs so that she knew she would go crazy if they ever turned away from her.

  Jayson chose that instant to press his thumb over her clit and massage it as he filled her pussy with two fingers. Joshua swallowed her screams of completion. Then he pulled away just enough to look into her eyes that were heavy with arousal. She couldn’t stop the small smile that bloomed across her face.

  “We need to get back. I can’t wait another day without being inside of you.”

  Jayson pulled his hand from her pussy and rearranged her jeans. She fastened them as he sucked his fingers in front of her. She drew in a shuddering breath at the sight of him licking her juices from his fingers.

  “You taste like spicy honey, baby girl.”

  “On the horses. Now.” Joshua took her hand and led her to Sugar Cube. He helped her up into the saddle before climbing on back of his own horse. Jayson was one step behind them. They made it home in less time than it took to ride out. Joshua was off his horse as soon as they arrived. He pulled out his cell phone and spoke into it before putting it back on the clip.

  “I’ve got a hand comin
g to tend to the horses. In the house, Haley, or I’m going to fucking take you out here. I want a bed under us.”

  Before she could say anything, Jayson was urging her inside at a fast clip. The moment they were inside, Joshua began pulling off her boots and then the rest of her clothes. She opened her mouth to say something, maybe to protest, but lost her train of thought when Jayson latched onto her breast with his mouth.

  Joshua pulled her away from Jayson and picked her up in his arms. He was striding down the hall and up the stairs with Jayson right behind him. She turned and looked over Joshua’s shoulder to see Jayson with heavy lidded eyes staring hungrily at her as he unbuttoned his shirt. She caught her breath at the sight.

  When they walked into the master bedroom, Joshua laid her on the bed and began stripping. She glanced at Jayson and found that he was already half undressed. This was it. She would never be the same after this. They were going to make her theirs and she couldn’t do a thing to stop them. She didn’t want to stop them. Maybe later, but not now.

  Joshua crawled between her legs and propped himself on his forearms as he slipped his hands beneath her hips. He used his thumbs to pull her pussy lips apart as his tongue delved between them. She couldn’t halt the small scream that erupted from her when he licked up the slit. He lapped at her juices as they creamed from her body.

  As Joshua ate at her pussy, Jayson sucked on her nipples, giving each equal time. His tongue teased the tips then licked along the areola. He massaged them then shoved as much of her breast into his mouth as he could get. When he pushed them together and sucked both nipples in at one time, she actually felt her juices release from her body.

  “Jayson!” She couldn’t put into words what she wanted to say.

  He growled and nibbled her tits before nipping around them. Then Joshua was thrusting two fingers in and out of her cunt. A tingling began along her spine as heat burned deep in her pussy. Little sparks ignited larger flames until a wildfire of emotions and sensations coursed through her body. He curled his fingers and stroked over her sweet spot even as he sucked her clit between his teeth and lapped at it with his tongue. Jayson twisted her nipples, pinching them lightly between his thumb and forefinger. She bucked between them as her climax rushed her over a giant waterfall of pleasure so intense she thought she would die from it.


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