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Choosing Her

Page 6

by Jessika Klide

  "Are you ready?" I ask as I poke his chest to the last words. Telling everyone that he is mine and I won’t be giving him back.

  Aurei’s eyes rest softly on my face as silence falls on the dance floor. Mike has either forgotten to spin or forgotten to talk. Either way is perfect. Everyone is looking at the couple under the spotlight.

  I balance on one leg and lift my Christian Louboutin heel and hook it around his waist to sit on his ass, then I lean forward onto him, drag the back of my hand down his face as I arch away. I can feel my hair hanging down. I tease him with a command. "Now, Aurelius. Kiss me, BAE."

  His hands encircle my waist and he pulls me to him. As I roll up, I wonder what kind of kiss I will get. When I lift my eyes to his to tease him, I blink.

  His thunderous intensity is back.

  For just a moment, I feel a flash of fear. Not from the thunder, I understand that, but from the intensity in this public place. Then I realize exactly what it is and my heart sings inside my chest.

  He puts his hand under my knee and lifts. My hips surge forward and rest on him. He holds me captive as he runs his other hand down to my hand, then cinches our fingers tight. Bonding us together more intimately than anything I could have done through dance.

  "This Kiss" by Faith Hill breaks the silence and he smirks at me. Leaning down, he whispers in my ear, then he nibbles it. "Listen, Sweet Thang." He says as he looks into my eyes. "You turn me into a damn rocket and I shoot the fucking sky!" He steps up, pressing our bodies together, towering over me, holding me under his spell with his seductive magnetism. "No good byes."

  I melt under his heat.

  He moves his hand down to my ass and presses my body against his.

  I grab his shoulder and hold myself there.

  He slides it up my back, then buries it in the thick part of my hair, twisting his whole hand around my long strands. He yanks it hard, jerking my head back. He continues to pull it rough, but with control until my face is looking at the ceiling, fully exposing my neck to him.

  Instantly I’m transported to the first time he made me surrender to his kiss.

  He puts his mouth on the bone behind my ear and he moans.

  My knees go weak and my heart melts to my pussy, soaking me.

  He inhales deeply and blows a stream of air in my ear then down my throat making me shiver against his body. His primal throat moan escapes him as he lays his mouth on my neck and sucks hard, then he nips my juggler.

  I quiver, not in fear, not in pain, but with pure passion.

  Moving his hand to the nape of my neck, he gently tilts only my face back to his. His dark green gaze thunders into my light wild ones and caresses them as his open mouth advances and devours mine. He thrusts his tongue completely down my throat.

  My knees buckle so he holds me up by my hair, controlling me as his kiss fucks my face.

  Then withdrawing to the edge of my mouth, he waits, knowing my tongue will search his out. When they touch, he rolls it around in a caressing roll, and my throat moans. When he pulls away, his eyes devour mine, searching them and I see that this wasn’t a kiss for show. This was a kiss of commitment.

  I whisper. "I'm yours, Aurei. Forever."

  The world falls away as we lose ourselves in each other. He slowly, but thoroughly thrusts in and out of my mouth while I suck him in and release him out, again and again.

  When the crowd sings the last chorus, they get really loud and he ends the kiss, grinning at me, holding my face, staring into my twinkling eyes. Hoots and hollers, Hell Yeah's, Yee Haw's and Damn's, all fill the air. He jerks my head back roughly again and examines my neck. When he releases me, he winks. "Territory marked and claimed, My Thang. That shouldn't leave any doubt to anyone!"

  He side steps around me and walks quickly back to the table, pulling me trailing behind him as "Can't Hold Us" by Macklemore plays and the dance floor starts to thump.

  At the table, Gaby is sitting on Steve's lap and Paul has another girl. Everyone's face has a different expression, but no one says anything at first. When we sit down, Aurei sits first, spreads his legs and sits me inside so that we are both facing the table and the stares together.

  Paul leans across, looking Aurei directly in the eye and asks him in a serious tone. "How long have you known each other, Bro?"

  Steve's ears pick up and he dumps Gaby off his lap to lean across the table too. They are both super serious now.

  I can feel that Aurei is relaxed so I follow his lead. He looks at me. "I've known her a few months, but we only met … almost a week ago?" He takes the two drinks that Gaby has refilled for us and hands one to me. He sips his as he waits for my answer.

  "Yeah." I answer then sip mine and watch his bro's over the rim.

  Paul raises his eyebrow slightly and looks from Aurei to me, but directs his question to him. "It's kinda quick, don't you think?"

  I look at Aurei and he smiles at me. "Is it?" He asks as he looks at the girl in Paul's lap then looks at Paul. His cold, honest stare makes Paul blink.

  Serious Alpha Male domination applied to the bro there. I take a sip to hide my amused smirk.

  Paul answers with a cold, honest stare. "Not for me. I fuck everybody, and always have. But you don’t, and never did."

  Aurei stares at him. "Is there a problem?"

  "You've been so careful for so long. I'm, we're…." He looks to Steve for support. "Surprised that you would take a chance on a girl you have just met, and no one knows." He looks around at everyone.

  Aurei smiles as he plays with my hair. "I know her."

  Gaby says softly not necessarily wanting to be heard and brought into the discussion. "Me too." I look up at her and she gives me a small smile.

  Aurei leans over, pushes my hair back and plants a kiss on his mark. "Thanks Bros, for the love, but I got this." He pulls me back against him, wrapping his arms protectively over my chest.

  Paul and Steve stare at us, then Paul takes a chance. "What do you know about her exactly?"

  I feel Aurei bristle, then relax when he states. "She is the girl of my dreams."

  David Archuleta, "Crush" starts to play.

  Shock registers on their faces. They clearly weren’t expecting him to go that far with his answer. Steve's mouth almost falls open, but he manages to keep it closed. Paul’s eyes widen as he stares past me to Aurei.

  I can't see Aurei's expression, but Paul's next expression speaks volumes. He was def given a 'back off' look. So he smiles at us as he leans back, and a nervous laugh escapes him. "My bad, Bro. I thought you were just bullshitting us earlier. I didn't know you were serious about her, but since you are." He directs his attention to me. "What do you know about my bro here?"

  I’m surprised by his persistence. I didn’t take him for the big brother type. Then I realize he probably feels obligated to run damage control after the incident with Ruth, so I cut him some slack.

  I turn to look at Aurei and purse my lips. "Not a whole helluva lot, honestly. I only wanted his body."

  Aurei chuckles hard then rewards me with an approving peck and we turn back to Paul smiling.

  "I didn't realize we needed your permission … Bro. Anything else you want to know?" I ask him making Aurei chuckle again.

  Paul laughs too this time. "Sassy suits you." He looks back to Aurei. "No. I’m good if you’re good."

  I tell him. "Oh, he’s good. He’s really good."

  Everyone laughs.

  Gaby kisses Steve. "Booty coming up." Then walks away. She spins around and comes right back to the table reading a text. "Don said to tell you there is a bottle of complimentary Crown at the bar for you. I'll go get it."

  Aurei and I exchange a look, then I ask the others. "Any ideas who would buy that for us?"

  Steve says, "Someone offering congrats, maybe?"

  Paul looks at him. "Really, Bro?"

  Aurei reassures me, joking. "After that kiss, the game for me is officially closed."

  The girl on Paul's lap offers. "Ma
ybe a bro got game for her?"

  Roger and Brandy recognized me outside. What if they aren't the only ones? Suddenly I think of Brutus and realize how hard he works to quietly protect me from all the crazies and over zealous fans. Damn, I should have been more subtle.

  Aurei squeezes me. "Don't look so concerned."

  "Habit." I tell him, and my poker face slides on.

  Aurei scoots us off the chair. "I'll go find out who it is." Then he sits me back down with a quick peck.

  This isn't Vegas and Aurei isn't a trained bodyguard. I smile up at him but it doesn't reach my eyes.

  I look out onto the dance floor as Toby Keith sings "Courtsey of the Red, White and Blue." The whole bar comes alive with patriotic people singing it.

  He squats in front of me. "Don't worry, Baby Thang. I won't let anyone hurt you."

  "I know. I've seen your hidden thunderous side."

  "Sit tight. I’ll be quick."

  "Ok." I give him a closed smile. Watching him walk away, I try to calm myself. Don't be paranoid, Siri. These are honorable military men blowing off steam. Aurei will take care of them if he needs too.

  When he disappears into the crowd, I turn to see Steve and Paul staring at me, wondering what's going on. I smile weakly at them.

  Holy Fuck, I don't want to be sitting here with them and their questions, or silent glares while Aurei is gone. Standing I say, "Excuse me, I need to use the ladies room."

  Steve points to the back left rear corner.

  The girl on Paul's lap stands too. "I'll go with you. I have to go too."

  I look at my new bathroom buddy. "Lead the way."

  She smiles sweetly. "Follow me, Siri. My name is Debbie."

  I stop and look at her. "How do know my name?"

  She turns around. "I heard them say it. Are you paranoid?"

  "No, just cautious, but I probably should be."

  Chapter Eleven

  We arrive without incident to the bathroom. As I pull the door open, the first person I see is Ruth.

  Fuck! Confrontation! I should have stayed at the damn table and faced Steve and Paul.

  She doesn't see me at first. She is at the sinks, washing up. I try to slide to the back of the line behind a couple of big girls, but Debbie announces us. "Hey Ruth, look who I found."

  Fucking bitch, Debbie!

  Ruth spots me and her eyes narrow, but she doesn't say anything to me. She says to Debbie. "How 'bout that."

  I smile sweetly at Ruthless wondering if she has gotten the hint, taken a hike and seen the kiss. She walks out without saying anything to me.

  Maybe she did.

  Stupid Debbie gets back in line behind me. I turn my back to her and ignore her completely.

  When it is my turn to take a stall, Scarlet comes out and speaks. "Fucking hot kiss, Siri." She holds up a video on her phone that shows my hickey and Aurei's tongue being sucked deep in my throat.

  "Sweet!" I say, then go in the stall and relieve myself.

  Nope, that didn't leave any doubt. Damn that was hot to watch! I'll have to ask Aurei if he would mind if I filmed us.

  The thought of watching his perfect, ripped body and his perfect fucking muscle fucking me till I scream and cum all over him, gets me wet and horny immediately. I slide my hand over my throbbing clit and smile, knowing I will not have to masturbate ever again.

  Well, maybe if he wants to watch.

  Smiling, I finish and come out.

  Resa’s crew are all in line and Resa gives me a warning. "Hey, Siri, you should know Ruth is right outside the door."

  My defensive guard comes up immediately. "Thanks for the heads up."

  Prissy adds. "Yeah, and she’s just seen the kiss too."

  Boo adds. "And she's not happy."

  "Good." I tell them. "That didn’t leave any doubt who Aurei chooses."

  They laugh. "Nope. No doubt 'bout it."

  As I rinse my hands off, I prepare myself for the inevitable delusional stalker bitch confrontation.

  "Remember, Siri, the best defense is a surprise offense." I hear Brutus telling me while we worked on my self defense skills. "But never be too proud to just walk away."

  I look at the towel dispenser and decide what I will do. I skip it and wait for Debbie. I smile at my new friends. "You ladies, enjoying yourselves?"

  "Always." They chime in.

  When Debbie steps up to the sink, I thank them again about the Ruth alert.

  "Maybe it's nothing." Kay says.

  I open the door to exit and smile at them. "Maybe."

  I step into the dark hall and see that not only Ruth, but her band of Mean Girl bitches are waiting for me.

  Nope. It's something. The hair on the back of my neck stands up, my adrenaline spikes, and I square my shoulders. I can hear the dance floor jumping to "Sweet Home Alabama," by Lynard Skynard as the bathroom door closes behind me and know that no one will hear anything from here out there.

  Ruth calls me out. "YOU LITTLE BITCH!" She takes a threatening step toward me as the door opens again and Debbie's smiling mug steps through.

  She says to Ruth. "Here you go. Promised and delivered."

  On offense, I open my wet palm, rear back and 'bitch slap' Debbie as hard as I can. The sound of my wet skin striking her soft cheek with such force sounds like a gun shot. "POW!" And the velocity spins her around. She screams out in panic and pain, then flees back into the safety of the bathroom.

  Shocked, Ruthless takes an involuntary step backwards. While her bitches all gasp, flinch, or do both, but no one moves to attack me or defend Debbie.

  I advance on Ruth. Stabbing my finger at her, I let them all know who they are dealing with. "Make no mistake. I am a bitch! A Royal Fucking Bitch! And if you want a piece of me, I'm more than happy to take a piece of you." Turning to the others, I poke my finger at each of them, promising in a dangerous voice. "Back off or I'll kick your ass, and your ass, and your ass too … for being fucking stupid enough to follow this cunt." They stare stunned and no one moves, so I try to heed Brutus’ advice and back away toward the dance hall, but Ruth barks something at me about Aurei being hers and I lose my shit.

  You're really pissing me off!

  Drawing myself up, I march my ass right up to her. I lean my head over and lift my hair up so she can clearly see the hickey he marked me with. "He’s marked his territory, Motherfucker! Now BACK OFF!"

  She growls and reaches for a handful of my hair.

  That's it. I'm kicking your ass for you.

  I lift my self defense weapon, my Christian Louboutin stiletto heel, and stomp her sandaled foot at the same time my heel palm strikes under her chin. The sound of her teeth clicking together as her head snaps back is very satisfying. As soon as she grip lets go of my hair, I forcefully hand shuck her away from me into the wall. Then, I back away a safe distance while they absorb what happened. I strike an experienced defensive pose and wait for their next move.

  Ruth lets out an angry tirade as she comes off the wall, looking at me with crazy eyes, but my karate stance keeps her from charging me. She’s crazy but not stupid.

  Unafraid and boldly confident in my ability to take her down, I turn my palm up and motion for her to come to me with my fingers. "Come here, you big mouth bullying bitch. Someone needs to shut you the fuck up!"

  She sasses but doesn’t approach. "What are you gonna do? Kick all our asses?"

  "I'm gonna give it one hell of a try." I sass right back.

  "You ain't big enough to take all of us." Her tone says she’s gaining confidence again.

  "Maybe not, but I can take more than one." I trace my finger down in an imaginary line. "Which means several of you will NOT report to Church tomorrow and probably won’t be at work on Monday." I curl my fingers again to all of them. "Now, who wants to go first?"

  The 'not so stupid after all girls' turn and walk back into the bathroom leaving Ruth alone.

  That's what I thought.

  Ruth and I stare each other down as th
e girls retreat. When the bathroom door closes with a bang, she looks back to discover she's all alone. I advance on her and say in a deadly soft voice. "Leave Aurei the fuck alone, leave me the fuck alone, or I'll send your fucking punk ass to the hospital all fucked up! That's a promise from a real ruthless bitch to a pussy nicknamed one." I swing my hair with attitude, turn and leave her standing there.

  Half way to the dance hall, I see Scarlet and Candy leaning on the wall, smiling at me.

  Ruth pulls the door open, snarling, and follows her crew of cowards back into the bathroom as Resa and her crew come out, laughing.

  "Sup!" Candy says to me then walks back towards the dance floor and the bar.

  Scarlet raises her hand for a high five. "Badass Baby!"

  I laugh with her and slap her hand.

  Kay says to me as they walk by. "Hey Siri, we forgot to say thanks for the free drink."

  "No problem! Glad to ease your pain."

  Scarlet and I walk out behind them. "So, who's the black haired stud at your table? Is he single? He seems to have roaming eyes and frequent, random booty calls."

  "Paul. Yes. That sums him up. Aurei says he loves to fuck and will fuck anyone."

  She smiles. "Me too."

  "You guys might be a match made in heaven. Come on. I'll introduce you."

  Before we exit the hallway, the bathroom door flies open and several girls run out, yelling. "Fight! Fight! In the bathroom! Fight!"

  The chain reaction is quick. People swarm towards us. Rednecks love a good girl fight!

  Scarlet and I manage to side step the oncoming surge. We carefully elbow our way out and break free as Aurei, followed by Steve and Paul, rush up. When they see us, they stop. Aurei's thunderous face relaxes into a very relieved smirk. He puts his arm around me and I wink at Scarlet putting my finger to my lips. "Shush." She laughs and nods, hooks Paul's arm, and says something in his ear. His eyebrows shoot up and he grins at her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Back at the table, the bottle of Crown is waiting for us in a bucket of ice. I look at Aurei. "So, who?"


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