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Choosing Her

Page 7

by Jessika Klide

  "Don said it was the owner."


  Aurei shrugs. "The fight broke out. I didn't wait around to find out."

  DJ Mike has taken a break while the dance floor is cleared. The noise of the crowd is loud. Everyone is talking at once trying to get information about who was fighting and over whom.

  "What happened?" Steve asks. "We hear FIGHT, FIGHT. Then Aurei charges up, 'Where's Siri.' I point to the bathroom and he charges off like you needed your ass saved. Like you were in the fight."

  Scarlet giggles, making me smirk.

  "I didn't need saving." I play slap Aurei's chest. "I wasn't anywhere near it when it broke out. I was talking to Scarlet, I have you know."

  Scarlet is giggling her ass off, sitting on Paul's lap. I don't know if all those giggles are from my words or other action taking place below the table, but she is enjoying it.

  Several bouncers come out of the hallway carrying Ruth and dragging a couple of her bitches. She is yelling at the top of her lungs. Everyone stops talking to listen. "That Royal Bitch, Siri! I'm gonna kick her ass for her and send her back to the hell she came from. Put me down! Who does she think she is moving in on my man! Let me go, you stupid bro! Put me down!"

  Everyone at our table turns to look at me. I crinkle my nose and smile.

  Aurei's frowns at me. "What the hell happened?"

  I confess. "Ok, I was involved, sort of." Aurei cuts his eyes at Steve with an 'I told you so' look on his face. "Ruth tried to jump me when I came out of the bathroom."

  "She tried to jump you?" He asks.

  Scarlet explains as if he’s ignorant. "Dude, she tried to jump on her. Like, she physically assaulted her!"

  He ignores her definition and stares me down. I can see both disbelief and fear in his face. I answer him, knowing what he was really asking. "Yes. She did. She really does think you two have a thing and that I'm trying to steal you away."

  He reaches up and pushes my hair behind my ear and runs his thumb over my cheek. "Did she hurt you, Little Thang?"

  "No. I'm ok." I reassure him. "I can take care of myself."

  Scarlet brags. "She sure can. You should have seen her! Siri stood up to ole Ruthless and all her bitches. Every one of them! She was fearless. When Ruth grabbed her hair, Siri punched her square in the face and pushed her up against the wall. Then she backed off and dared the rest of them to jump on her. 'Who wants to go first?' she said. 'I’ll kick all these asses.' It was great! Those pussies bailed on Ruth without a second thought." She looks at Aurei. "That's when the actual fight that broke out. When Ruth went in after them!"

  "The fight was between Ruthless and her crew because Siri scared the shit out of them?" Gaby asks.

  "Yes!" Scarlet laughs. "It was fucking awesome! Badass, Baby!"

  Gaby excited to get first hand details says. "Spill the beans!"

  While Scarlet tells them exactly what happened, including the bitch slap of Debbie, I turn my back to them. Aurei sits in the chair and pulls me on him to straddle his lap. He looks at me with a mix of emotions on his face.

  "I'm ok." I whisper to him as I form a heart over his eyebrows, down his temples and finish it on his lips. "Aurei, the only way to back Ruth off is to beat her at her own game. Which I have done three times tonight, but I don't know if that will be enough. As she just proved, she's still pretty mad."

  His frown remains.

  I kiss his forehead. "Is she obsessed? Yep. Is she delusional? Yep. Is she a mean bitch? Absolutely. Is she deranged? Umm, maybe. Is she a stalker? Not sure yet. TBD. Depends on her next move on the game board."

  He looks up at me with a serious scowl. "This isn't a game, Siri."

  "Of course, it’s a game, Aurei, and you’re a player."

  "I have not played games with her or anyone else."

  I smirk. "Maybe you haven’t played, but they've been playing a game for you."

  He frowns and shakes his head.

  "Which is why we kissed. Game over! I win!" I put my nose on his. "Which reminds me. Scarlet has a video of the kiss." My eyes sparkle into his. "I would love to video you fucking me. That would be awesome to watch."

  He grins, puts his arms around me, relaxes, then pinches my ass. "We'll discuss that tomorrow." He slides his hands over my butt and strokes my skin above the waistline with his thumbs.

  That feels so sexy. The slightest touch and smallest gestures of this man turn me on! It's simply amazing! He's simply amazing! I start to hum a song that my Dad sings to my Mama, "Amazed" by Lonestar. I lean up, putting his face on my neck. He inhales my scent and nibbles me.

  I'm amazed. Truly. Everything about this man matches my vision of who I've wanted, who I was waiting for. From his ripped physique, color of his hair, and his eyes, to the way he makes me feel when he touches me.

  I lean back to study his face. "Aurelius Moore…. What a beautiful name…."

  He moans as my thumbs rub his temples and he closes his eyes.

  "Aurelius. The name of a Roman Emperor…. Aureus, Latin for golden. What a beautiful man you are." I run my fingers through his hair. "Your hair looks like a halo." I place my thumbs on his temples and rub again while I pull his head back and look at his eyes, not connecting but examining. "Your eyes look like a peaceful lagoon. I get lost in them and then become centered in them." I trace my fingertip down his nose. "Your nose is straight, like a Roman statue." I run my fingertip lightly over his lips. "Your lips are so sensuous." I place my lips lightly on his and run my tongue across. "And so tasty."

  "Umm. That tickles."

  I lay my cheek on his cheek. "Your skin is soft." I slide my face down to his neck. "You smell so good too. " I lick his throat. "Did I say tasty already?"

  He chuckles. "Mmmhmm."

  I shift my position in his lap as I push my hands under his shirt, pulling it up exposing his chest. "Your body is nothing short of perfection, both with clothes and without. I can't wait to explore your Thor bastard-ness."

  "Me too!"

  I play with his snatch of chest hair. "Moore…. You leave me wanting more. More of your smiles. More of your kisses. More of your laughter. More of the touch of your skin on mine. More of your time. More of everything about you, Aurelius Moore." I trace a heart on his heart as I kiss him. He takes my tongue in his mouth and massages it until I feel so turned on, I grind him then pull away. "More of you inside of me." I tell him as I stand. "I'm thinking booty call in my car."

  He grins. "I like the way you think."

  Scarlet chuckles, then Paul bursts out laughing. They both look from Aurei to me and back to Aurei. We both stop and stare at them. He snickers then laughs out loud again. Scarlet shrugs at us, then laughs with him. When Aurei looks at Steve, he shrugs innocently and laughs with them because it’s contagious. Gaby stands, then says. "I hate to ask you not to go, but my boss has asked if you would hang out until he comes by. He'll be here in about an hour. Do you mind?"

  Aurei pulls me back in his lap. "We can stay."

  She says to Steve. "Behave. Booty call on hold until he leaves, Steve-o."

  "I'm not going any where Gaby. You know I'm waiting on you." He reaches out and takes her hand. "To say the word."

  She looks surprised then smiles at him, leans over and says. "Word."

  He watches her ass as she skips away with a happy smile on his face.

  Aurei asks Paul. "What's so fucking funny?"

  "You better behave! She could kick your ass!" He bursts out laughing again with tears in his eyes. "I find that fucking hilarious!"

  Aurei leans over. "I'm not worried, bro, but you better watch yourself. I'd hate to brag to everyone my girl opened a can of whoop ass on you." Aurei puts his arms around my waist and hugs me. "You could do it too, couldn't you, Bad Thang? You've got a warrior's heart in there like Wonder Woman."

  I laugh at that. "Yep." I wink at him, then tell Paul. "I could kick your ass. I've gotten some tips from Ronda Rousey." He who quits laughing. "If I have to, so don’t make me have
to." I turn to Aurei and play slap him. "Hey, I thought you were going to kick any bastards ass that tries to hurt me?"

  "And I will, but isn’t a bastard. Paul only wants to fuck."

  I smirk at Paul. "Paul, I'm not available."

  Paul smirks. "Funny! Yeah, I got that. Thanks."

  Scarlet asks Paul. "Got what? The part about not fucking Siri, or her being able to kick your ass?"

  We all bust out laughing with that poke and Paul admits. "Both!"

  Then she whispers something in his ear, spins around on his lap and straddles him. They forget about us and proceed to get better acquainted.

  Aurei cradles me and I lean my head on his shoulder. He whispers in my ear. "Siri."

  My name sounds so sexy rolling off his tongue. "Yes, Aurei?"

  "You are simply stunning." He slides his fingers over mine and closes them.

  Leaning my head on his shoulder, I watch Paul and Scarlet prepare to fuck, and Steve waiting on Gaby for a fast fuck. I slide my head across his chest to look at him. "Aurei, are we gonna be friends who only fuck?"

  I hear his throat moan. "No, more than that."

  "I want more with Moore."

  "Sei tutto ciò che voglio."

  I put my fingers to his lips, sliding them across, tickling them. He licks them then rubs them together. He has the most sensuous lips. "Italian?"


  "It sounds so sexy. What does it mean?"

  He smiles that beautiful smile. "I said, you're everything I want."

  "Oh my Golden God!" I nuzzle him. "And in the elevator?"

  "Ah. An early confession." He strokes me with his thumbs.

  "Tell me, please."

  "Day and night I dream only of you."

  "Oh, fuck!" I giggle. "If you would have said that in English, we would have hooked up right then and there."

  He chuckles.

  "And in the parking lot?"

  "You're the woman of my dreams!"

  "I was thinking the same thing about you."

  "I know. It was in your eyes."

  I smile. "And when we did hookup?"

  "Another confession." He kisses my eyes. "I am yours."

  "That was so sweet."

  "I'm really a sweet guy."

  I chuckle. "Yes, you are."

  Chapter Thirteen

  DJ Mike hits the mike. "Everything is resolved, folks. Let's settle down with some Motown sounds. Let me see what I can find."

  Motown! Brilliant! I have an idea and I slide off Aurei’s lap.

  "Where are you going?" He reaches for my hand.

  I smile as I back away. "I have a song request."

  "Hang on. I’ll go with you." He stands, not wanting to let me out of his sight again.

  "Wait right here." I insist, the laughing, I walk across the dance floor without his permission. When I turn back to see if he has followed me, he is leaning against the table with his arms crossed, watching me like a hawk. I give him a twinkle wave, making him smile and he points at his phone.

  I shrug, making him smile bigger and shake his head.

  There are a lot of people meandering around the dance floor and hovering by the stage, but the vast majority are in groups at the back tables. Walking to the edge of the DJ stage, I wave to Mike. He smiles recognizing me and motions me to come on up to him. I turn around and boost my butt up. Aurei is still leaning on the table.

  When I walk up to Mike’s station, I introduce myself. "Hey, I'm Siri."

  "Mike. Nice to meet you."

  "Likewise. What can I do you for?"

  "Is it possible to request a couple of songs?"

  "Sure. What do you want me to play?"

  I tell him and he smiles at my choices as he makes a few adjustments to his set. "For Aurei?"


  "I hear ya. Did you like the way I played "This Kiss" when he kissed you?"

  "Yes, your timing was perfect."

  "Steve sent me a text that it was going down."

  I laugh. "Bros!"

  "Always." He laughs, then says. "He’s the real deal." He looks up. "Aurei's quite the catch around here."

  "He is quite the catch anywhere."

  "True dat." His phone dings and when he looks at it he turns the face at me and laughs. "Another song request, right after yours." He sends a text, then continues. "He's a good guy, you know."

  "Yeah, I know."

  "Money didn't change him at all. He's still the same ole Aurei. Ok, you’re all set."

  "Thanks, Mike. I'm going over there." I point to the stripper pole. "Wait until I get set, then start the songs, please."

  His grin is for real. "You got it."

  I walk over to the stripper pole, directly in front of Aurei. I can feel his eyes following me.

  So, money didn’t change him….

  He’s gotta be wealthy. He drives a Raptor, took me to a family farm, owns rentals in Vegas. Duh! I laugh at my lack of comprehension. That's probably why Paul was protective of him. They thought I might be after his money. Well, his bros will be happy to know, I have plenty of money of my own. I don't need any of his.

  The lights behind the curtains come on when I arrive. Perfect. My outfit will make a sharp silhouette. No one will notice because I'm too high, but Aurei will. And this show is for him. I examine the platform area. It’s stable, just unused.

  When I'm in place, Mike starts the song. I sway like a gentle breeze is blowing, immersing myself in Whitney Houston's, "Lover for Life." Then I roll my head and my hips as I slowly circle around, letting my hair flow, following the rhythm.

  Cat's sexy voice purrs in my mind. "The subtle suggestion of body movements are as provocative as the brass and bold when delivered in the right context. Use seduction, not sex, to sell yourself. We are not porn stars, we are erotic dancers. Every movement on the pole should be slow, deliberate, effortless, and mesmerizing."

  Let me mesmerize you, My Golden God.

  I touch the pole gently, as if I'm touching the arm of a lover. I slide my hand, caressing the bar, then I walk around it, letting my fingers trail behind. Hanging my head forward, I step up to the pole to dance for Aurei, to dance for my man.

  Grabbing the bar with both hands, I lift my body off the floor and circle the pole, then gently land. Letting my hair drape my face, with my back to him, I sway seductively as if it is my lover. Angling my face to accept a kiss, I push my pussy against it and slide down to a squat, then turning my face away, I slowly fuck the pole, gently, delicately, subdued as I rise. At the top, I sway to the music.

  Grabbing the pole with both hands again, I lift myself and circle it to face him, then stand with my back resting on it. I stretch my hands up, while hanging my head down and sliding very slowly down to sit on my ankles. I lower my hands slowly down; over my head, my neck, my face, then I lean my head back as I caress my tits and tummy, finally reaching my pussy then inside my thighs, pushing my knees wide apart, inviting him in. I pause there, letting him feel the zone I opened for him. I retrace my path back up as I again caress my body working my way back up to the pole. Then I lift, tuck my legs and twist to face it. Again, I slowly fuck the pole as I stand, then sway to the music.

  Next, I grab the bar with one hand, raise my leg into a split and lift myself up enough to spin around the pole once. Then I let my stiletto touch and I sink to my ankle. Letting my leg slide off the pole, I again, slow fucking as I stand.

  I want more of Aurelius Moore.

  I raise my hands over my head, grip the bar, sharply arch my back and roll my ass into it again and again until I hear the horns play their solo. Then, I flex my abs, heave my legs up and over the top, doing a virtual back flip. Hanging upside down, I open my legs into a split and lightly touch down on the other side, sinking to a squat with a bowed head. Again, I slowly fuck the pole; gently, delicately, and subdued as I stand, changing only the head angles and using my hair for emphasis. I hold my body off the pole and use a swimming motion to bodily fuck it until the music ends

  Touching down, I wait for the next song. It’s another Whitney Houston, "Run to You." As soon as the music starts, I grasp the pole and leaning out, cocking my ass, as if I'm simply pulling on it getting a feel for it. Dropping one hand, I dramatically dip and roll my shoulder, rotating and coming up under my attached hand. When her voice croons, I slide my shoulders up the pole with my profile looking down. When she sings the first words, I pick my face up, tilting it slightly upward, giving him a strong profile as I extend my hand gracefully.

  There is so much more in me than you see, than I show the world. I curl my hand back to my chest to my heart. I protect my secrets.

  But if you will look inside, you will find.... I roll my head to the front. Face down, dropping my arm to my side, I hunch my shoulders in weakness. ...the real me. A girl who isn't always strong. I push off the pole and take two steps dragging my toes. I've been hurt and I feel so lonely.

  As she sings with her beautiful soulful voice the first chorus, I let him know. I want to run … to you, Aurei. Only you. I spin two and a half twirls back to the pole with my hair fanning out. Then suddenly, draping the bar as if it’s a lover, I show him what I want, what I need. Hold me. Keep me safe in your strong arms.

  Gripping the pole, I straddle it. Keeping my feet on the floor, I push them forward, extending my legs, letting them slide in front of me as I ease my body down. Then using them as an anchor, I squeeze the pole between my thighs in a scissor lock and let go of the pole. Leaning away, stretching myself to Aurei, I drop my face back until my hair hangs off the top of my head.

  When I see him, I know he hears me. My beautiful Golden God has moved to the edge of the dance floor, watching, captivated, just inside the shadow. I hold myself there, not moving, making him feel the power of my request. Then I very gracefully reach out a hand to him, beaconing him.

  He steps to the edge of the light. His aqua shirt and his golden halo glowing softly in the low light. He watches mesmerized and I know he gets it.

  The lyrics are about being in control every day, but at night when the day is done, the key unlocks the door to a lonely empty home.

  I slowly arch my back, pushing my tits to the ceiling, showing off my extreme flexibility. I dangle for a moment, then put my hands over my head, flat on the floor, then release the pole. I lift my hips, dragging my feet as I bend, dropping my face until my weight rests on my forearms, showing off my extreme flexility. When I lift my straight legs up until they are vertical and parallel to the pole, there is no doubt the extent of my core strength. Then I roll down, and simply but gracefully collapse on the floor. Covering my head with my arms, I shake my whole body in a pretend sob.


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