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Chaos Magic: Life Sorcerer: Book Three - Return of Magic: Book Four

Page 18

by D. R. Rosier

  Her eyes widened slightly, “I hadn’t put that together. Goddess, why didn’t I see that?”

  He shrugged, “Fear, most likely, it can be a blinding emotion. So… anything else, or is this something we don’t have to worry about?”

  She smirked, “No. I’ll be your mate, and the permanent ambassador of the council here. We just need to get bonded, if you want children.”

  He nodded, “I think we should practice some more, then we’ll see about that bonded idea. But yes, I want kids with all our mates. Can I life-bond you?”

  It looked like he’d get it too, including Sy’lia five out of six of his mates were either pregnant already or trying to become so. He suspected that Lori wouldn’t be far behind, he’d be truly surprised if things didn’t work out between them.

  She giggled, nodded in the affirmative, and then spread her legs open with an invitation he couldn’t possibly refuse…

  Chapter Fifteen

  The next morning, he woke up in pleasure to both Lori and Sy’lia working him devotedly with their mouths between his legs. He also didn’t fail to notice Lin and Cassie in a sixty-nine on his right, and Kim and Mara in another sixty-nine on his left. His sex life was kind of insane at times, but if he ever complained about it, he’d be an idiot.

  They were both heartbreakingly beautiful, and even more so looking up at him with wicked devotion and a needy lust for his sperm in their hauntingly beautiful dark blue and dark brown eyes. Needless to say, it wasn’t long before he was filling Sy’lia’s sweet mouth, which his elf generously shared with Lori via a hot cum-swapping kiss that kept him from going down at all, before they both started taking turns riding his mouth and cock.

  Lori if anything was even wilder in bed with their other mates in attendance. He suspected that added an extra level of comfort for her, and it really let her lose herself in the pleasure and in him, and each other. He had no doubts that she did trust him fully, and that she felt safe with him. It was her own haunting memories and mind that she didn’t fully trust to stay in the past. She was breathtaking. Of course, Sy’lia was a wild thing, he’d never met another freer soul, more accepting of her own nature and her sexual desires.

  Although, his Cassie was damned close, if not a tie, with the twins and Mara in a close tie for second. None of his mates were less than giving and wanton in bed, and that included himself, but those two took it to a level that was less than sane. By the end of the crazy morning he’d had all six of them flood his face and cock at least once. It was almost overwhelming, but it seemed like the more mates he had the more his libido grew as his use of life magic grew to keep up.

  Not something to complain about, but something he had to control to an extent as it related to other beautiful women in his life.

  It was about an hour and a half later when they made it down to breakfast. They usually had one sex marathon a day, at night before bed, along with a quickie or two during the day with two or more of his mates, switching to two or more others the next day. Mornings were usually just a quickie, so they could get started with their day, but having two relatively new mates in the bed had inflamed all their libidos, not just his.

  It was another overcast and cool day outside, and he suspected it wouldn’t be long before they took over completely.

  “Stuart’s close, with Caleb and friends. Ten minutes tops,” he mentioned as he ravenously started in on breakfast.

  Cassie tilted her head, “No magic on any of them.”

  Lori said, “I’m coming with you.”

  He smirked, “Look who’s the protective one now?”

  Lori blushed, “I gave in to your unreasonable demands, under torture I might add, so the least you could do is be gracious.”

  He smirked. The torture she referred to was him edging her, while at the same time making her promise not to go anywhere alone without protection, before he’d let her cum on his tongue, no matter how sexily she’d begged. Worked like a charm.

  “Okay, I can be gracious in victory. Not that I’d ever mind your company, Lori.”

  She snorted.

  He gave her an innocent look, he’d meant it after all. He loved the shadow priestess and would never turn away her presence.

  Cassie giggled, “We’d have all stopped him, or helped push you over, if we hadn’t agreed.”

  Lori blushed, “Love you too, Cass.”

  He was about half done inhaling his breakfast. He’d worked up a hell of an appetite that morning, when the soldiers got within fifty yards of the house. He sent out his magic, and he tasted all their life forces. None of them felt icky or wrong to him, but he read Caleb’s anyway. Soldiers in a war fighting for ideals and under orders weren’t evil, but from his point of view they might as well have been. He wasn’t taking any chances.

  Turned out the arrogant lieutenant hadn’t been lying. His superiors and the new leaders of Arizona would’ve been unhappy with him and unsure about things if he’d come back without talking to Sean first.

  Sean said, “It seems legit. The council they elected doesn’t seem so bad either, at least from Caleb’s point of view. Of course, I don’t think he understands he was sent as the fatted calf and test of my temper. However, I wouldn’t mind having treaties with all the west coast’s neighboring states or territories, maybe this will be a good start.”

  He got up, and they all got up with him, even Emily who had joined them for breakfast. She’d be staying until tomorrow, after dealing with the chaos priest she’d stay on the east coast and go back to Savannah. Assuming they won, but if they didn’t it didn’t matter at all.

  He smirked, “I’m thinking none of you gets to call me overprotective, ever.”

  Lin giggled.

  Cassie shook her head in mock pity, “How little you understand women.”

  Lori cracked up, and even Emily broke down in giggles.

  He sighed in mock defeat, and then headed for the front door. He timed it to walk out as the soldiers were dismounting from their horses. Between Lin, Kim, the mansions guards, Stuart and Neil the escorts, four priestesses, and a sorceress, he felt pretty damned secure.

  “Lieutenant Johnson, welcome to my home. I’m Sean Anders, ruler of the west coast territory. As Stuart told you, I’m pleased with the idea of having peaceful neighbors under treaty. I’ll get one of the nearby houses ready for your government’s ambassadors, including servants if your people wish, to cook and clean. Somewhere private for them while we discuss a treaty, if it won’t be a simple thing.”

  Caleb looked a little shocked that he knew his name, but eventually drew himself up in a rather pompous fashion.

  “I’m here to extend the greetings of the government of Arizona. Also, I’ve been instructed to apologize for the regrettable actions of our great state’s last ruler. The general was a military minded man, in an age that needs diplomats.”

  He replied, “Please pass on my greetings in return, when you arrive back home. Also assure them the matter surrounding the general is dropped. He already paid for his crimes, and your new government had nothing to do with his actions regardless. Would you gentleman want to refresh yourselves before the long trip back home?”

  Caleb looked like he was tempted, but said, “No thank you, I must return with the news as soon as possible. It’s still early and we can get almost halfway back today.”

  He nodded, “Stuart and Neil will see you safely to the border, where you crossed.”

  Caleb nodded, “Thank you…”

  He went to answer, to say he didn’t stand on pomp, but Cassie had her own ideas and interjected, “My lord is the proper response, though sir will do.”

  Caleb bowed his head in respect, “Thank you, my lord,” and then he mounted his horse.

  Stuart smirked at his self-consciousness, and then started a slow jog to the southeast.

  He couldn’t help feeling that way, my lord was ridiculously pretentious, but he wasn’t about to correct Cassie.

  They all stood there and watched as
the men rode way. A hell of a short meeting for another four days of riding, two there and two back, but it was what it was.

  Lori touched his arm, and she smiled almost shyly when his arm went around her as he turned and led them all back inside.

  Nothing else major really happened that day. He kept an eye on Savannah, and although the men were assholes, they weren’t going around killing people. The populace avoided them where they could, and while he was sure the men would take action eventually, he was sure the raiders would move on before that set in.

  The next day was quite a bit warmer, at least on the east coast, and the sun was bright in the sky. It was a dry day, but there were a few clouds out over the ocean. Bria had set up a hell of a road block with thick stones up to their chest. Her control over the element of earth had just ripped them out of the ground and dragged the large pieces of stone onto the highway. The ten of them were relaxing behind it and chatting, while his twenty zombies were lying in cover on both sides of the road about fifty yards back.

  The last he’d seen from his bird the raiders were loading trucks with foodstuffs and other valuables. The goddess was still with them, and she was close by the priest’s side. The redhead they’d arrived with had been left behind as far as he could tell, but there was a curvy and petite golden blonde and a willowy light brunette cowed and with the men. The fuckers were obviously taking them along for fun on the road, and a third hostage might complicate things, but not by much more than two would’ve.

  “Shouldn’t be long now.”

  Kim had a large steel ball in her hand, the size of a basketball. She’d toss it up into the sky as high as she could, when Cassie asked her too. Then Cassie’s magic would take care of the rest. His twins also had about ten throwing daggers each strapped to various parts of their body, leather pants and vest.

  The rest of them would be using spells, or for Katie she’d be tossing one of the large blocks of stone at the bastard.

  He checked in time to see them putting the women in the second deuce and a half, while the leader, his brother, and the goddess got in the front seat of the front truck.

  “The potential hostages are in truck two, I’m going to instruct my zombies to extract them if the opportunity presents itself, once the men with guns are dead, I mean.”

  Katie nodded, “Good. We need to destroy all their stuff. The enchantments on the weapons, and on the trucks. You all know that, right?”

  Cassie agreed, “Yes, and hopefully without anyone realizing the truth. Any asshole that managed to get their hands on a sorcerer’s loved one could force them to build more, if they knew about it.”

  Katie grinned, “Yes, and other sorcerers who were assholes could build a whole army supplied with weapons. The knowledge is dangerous, and the world’s better off without guns in it. This could’ve been a lot worse actually, if Carson had more ambition than simply living a life of drunken debauchery without work or responsibility.”

  He said, “I don’t have a problem with it, you two can destroy anything you want, once we kill the bastards and get those two ladies to safety. Three including the goddess.”

  Kim asked, “I don’t get one thing, can’t the goddess just teleport away? They can all do that right, like Nim?”

  Cassie said, “She’s trying to help, how she can. Whores are kind of her followers in a way, and the original group where she was taken from that’s even more true. They were like acolytes. She’s been influencing them to be kinder, except for the priest who seems partially immune to her… charms.”

  Lin said, “Did you think she was beautiful, master?”

  He grunted, “I think my mates should keep her as far away from me as possible.”

  Lori giggled, and Cassie did so a little naughtily.

  He shrugged, “She’s a goddess, of lust and sex, what can I say?”

  Sy’lia smirked, “You don’t want a ride with a sex goddess?”

  Katie snickered, “I’d think that would be worth a hall pass.”

  He snorted a laugh, then shook his head, “She can’t be our mate, I’m assuming, so no. I’m also not sure I’d be able to resist, hence the guarding comment.”

  Kim bit her lip, “I don’t think it will be a problem, master. She seduces and gives to those that seek. I’d imagine. If she seduced claimed men, she’d leave chaos in her wake, and that seems unlikely. I think you’re safe enough enjoying the view, and even saying hi.”

  He grunted, and decided Kim was probably right and he was worried for nothing. Sure, best eye candy ever, but no more than that. At least, not for him, with six mates he’d never cheat on.

  “They’re moving out and… they’re coming our way.”

  They’d been pretty sure the asshole wouldn’t backtrack, but they hadn’t been positive either. It wouldn’t take long for the trucks to reach the barricade in the road. He was a little nervous, but they were much better prepared this time, and knew what they were facing. If they did run into trouble, it’d be the chaos magic, not the guns, assuming things went at least partially to plan.

  Lori’s beautiful face was cold, her dark brown eyes intensely intimidating, as were the shadows sheathing and running around her body. Her presence powerful and overwhelming, and so terrifyingly sexy he got half wood staring at her. He loved her softened exuberant nature for him, but her high priestess kick ass persona was breathtaking.

  At least for him. He imagined their enemies would disagree.

  He turned back to the road and saw the trucks in the distance, and they all ducked down behind the barricade. He watched them slow down warily through his bird’s eyes as they approached the roadblock, and the trucks came to a halt a good fifty yards away from where they expected it would happen, which already kind of blew their plans to shit.

  The men started piling out of the trucks, and he grimaced as he watched the priest pull the goddess of out of the cab by her hair. Two others grabbed the women out of the second deuce and a half and held guns to their heads.

  He sighed, “Didn’t anyone send them the plan? They stopped the trucks early. They’re holding all three ladies at gunpoint, and my zombies are way out of position. They could run fifty yards in a handful of seconds, but that’s way too long to save the hostages.”

  Cassie grimaced, “I can feel them there, can we teleport them to us?”

  Katie frowned, “We can try, they’re in our magical reach so it should be possible. Give me a minute to rearrange the spell.”

  Carson screamed, “Come on out! Or we’ll blow their heads off! I know you’re here. Do you think I’m an idiot?”

  He quipped, “Minute’s up.”

  Katie glared at him and he held both hands up in apologetic surrender.

  Carson yelled, “You have ten seconds, or the blonde whore dies!”

  The blonde started to struggle and blubber in terror, but the two men holding her arms were too strong.

  He growled, “Fuck this,” and stood up and walked around the huge roadblock. He just kept walking toward them, they weren’t far from his reach. He just needed to feel the rest of them. The women followed him obviously unsure what he was thinking.

  He yelled, “Let them go now, you have five seconds. Four, three, two, One.”

  His power stabbed out of him, slammed into the asshole holding the blonde and knocked his life force loose. He kept his promise, and didn’t try to absorb it, but he continued to pour power into him, making him a zombie. It happened so fast the guy standing next to him didn’t even notice he almost fell down.

  He did the same thing two more times, keeping his power well away from the priest and his chaos shield. All three of his new zombies were the ones holding guns to the women’s heads.

  Carson said, “Well, what now? It’s been five seconds.”

  He smiled, and gave his orders, the three men all pivoted, cradled the women in their arms, and ran off the side of the road at about thirty miles an hour. At the same time his twenty zombies jumped up from the side of the road, and
they ran for the group.

  Carson yelled at his three men, “Where the fuck are you going?” and shot one in the back, which had absolutely no effect. The zombie didn’t even flinch, and when the three of them reached the berm they dove into the gully taking cover and covering the women with their bodies.

  He dropped down, and the ladies followed suit. As he’d hoped, that made the men automatically aim for the greatest threat. Twenty men running at them with dual long daggers at about thirty miles an hour was enough to freak just about anyone out. Also, ignore people lying on the road until it was dealt with. They opened up on the charging group, who didn’t do much more than shake and flinch as they were riddled with bullets.

  The others were hardly idle, as several of the asshole’s men went up in flames.

  Cassie yelled, “Kim!” and cast her two-word spell as Kim tossed up the steel ball, “Molten, projectile.”

  The steel ball turned molten and then raced at Carson, who didn’t even have time to dodge. But, the molten metal hit his shield and stopped dead, like all the momentum was stolen from it, including gravity’s pull. It just hung there four or so feet off the ground, where it hit the shield. Any other magic he’d ever heard of wasn’t immune to physics, at least physical magic, but it seemed chaos magic could cheat, because Carson wasn’t even knocked back on his heels.

  Carson started to look panicked, as his men erupted in flames, and the zombies started to cut into the rest, riddled with bullet holes or not.

  Kim and Lin jumped up to their feet, and started to launch throwing daggers from blurring hands, as Lori released her shadows which raced across the distance and slammed into Carson’s brother, he wasn’t sure what the guy’s name was.

  Carson’s brother turned, and he unloaded the whole clip at Carson’s back while all the other raiders lost their lives to blades.


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