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Human Frailty, a Detective Mike Bridger novel

Page 21

by Mark Bredenbeck

  Chapter Twenty


  There was complete silence in the office, they were waiting for something more, but It did not come. The dialogue had stopped and Marion continued to hang. They had watched as she had danced then listened as he spoke in a muffled tinny voice. They stared at the screen for a couple of minutes in case something else happened.

  "What the hell was that about?” John said.

  "It was pretty bloody macabre", Jo said.

  Macabre was a good description, thought Bridger, he remembered from somewhere that the word had evolved from, among other things, the dance of the dead. What he had just witnessed and the unnatural mechanical way Marion had moved certainly fitted that description.

  "Is there any way we can see that again Sam?” Bridger said, "Maybe record it so we can get some idea what he is talking about".

  "No problems", Sam said, while holding the phone to his ear. Pushing a couple of buttons, the scenario began to play on the other monitor while remaining live on the other. "Push that to record and that to play it back", he said, motioning to a couple of buttons on the keyboard before the phone distracted him.

  "Hi Barry…, its Sam. Listen do you still keep in touch with Jack and Simon, yeah pseudo Bill and Steve... You do, great, can you let me know how to get in touch with them..., No I don't want revenge on anyone..., Yeah it's a police matter, I can't really say too much..., No they are not in trouble, we just need to talk to them..., Cool thanks".

  "He's going to text me a cell phone number," Sam said, ending the call.

  Within seconds, there were two electronic beeps from Sam's phone signaling the arrival of the information.

  "Grant can you get on to that, get those two in here, get them to give us the location of that stream, then get them to pull it. We don't need the rest of the world watching". Bridger looked at the clock on the wall. "He said it was going to begin at quarter to one, it’s just before ten now so that does not give us much time".

  Bridger ticked off the task in his head.

  "John, you keep an eye on the main screen in case something starts before the time. Jo could you look at the recording, pick out anything relevant, see if you can see anything. That might give away a location".

  Bridger had a thought eating away at the back of his mind. It was the way that the voice spoke, the words he used. It was very familiar.

  The realization hit him like a sledgehammer. It sounded just like Jonas Clifton. However, Jonas Clifton was at the playhouse and then with Beth last night, both he and Jo had seen and spoken with him. He desperately tried to fit him to the scenario. He ran over the timeline in his head.

  Jonas was at the playhouse last night at six..., but where was he before that. The live stream had started late afternoon but the voice was a recording so he did not need to be there after that. The police had arrested Beth about quarter to seven and no one had seen Jonas since that time. Putting all that with what he had read about his behavior towards women, Jonas was looking more and more like a good suspect.

  Bridger thought about going to Matthews with what he thought, maybe get a warrant for Jonas's address, but he knew that his hunch alone would not cut it. He needed something more. He wanted to show Matthews that he was capable.

  "Jo, forget that, get on to the university and find out the whereabouts of Jonas Clifton. We may need him. I'm going downstairs to see how Becky is getting on", Bridger shouted as he made his way out the door. He could feel his excitement building. This had to be it; it was too much of a coincidence. He just hoped Becky got Beth to talks; she might be able to fill in some missing pieces.

  As he approached the watch house, he saw Becky coming the other way. "What did you get?” he queried.

  "Not a lot, she started talking a little, she's one angry little girl though. Under that quiet demeanor, she has a vicious streak. I am not sure what you see is what you get with her. Almost like a split personality. She did say that she had bought the weed from Jonas. However, she was going to use it for her and her boyfriend. She was seething that Jonas had just driven off and left her. The only other thing was she said he got the cannabis from an old warehouse building down by the wharf area; there was a big padlock on the door locking it from the outside. He had gone inside and she stayed in the car. She did not know the exact place though".

  "That's great Becky." Bridger almost kissed her. Becky pulled away when he breathed in her direction.

  "I think you may need to brush your teeth", she said, screwing her face up in distaste.

  The comment went unnoticed. "I think we may have found who has Marion", he said. "We need to go up and see Matthews. I'll explain on the way".

  They made a stop on the second floor to let the rest of the team know what was going on. The scene on the main monitor had not changed. The pathetic broken figure of Marion hanging limply, suspended on those ropes, made Bridger angry. How could anybody be so cruel? This was beyond a joke, beyond revenge. He did not know what this madman had in mind for Marion, but whatever it was; he knew it would not end well. He just hoped they could get to Jonas before it went any further. Looking at the clock slowly ticking, he knew that time was disappearing, faster than he would have liked.

  "Where are we at with finding Jonas, Jo?”

  Jo had just got off the phone. "The university is expecting him in at eleven for a tutorial; it usually lasts for an hour. He has not arrived yet; my contact will let me know when he gets in. The listed address for him is one of the university accommodation blocks. Executive apartments, room number eleven. It's used for visiting staff and other VIP's but apparently Jonas is in between addresses at the moment so they made an exception".

  "Well that fits with the timetable our mystery man wants to keep with Marion. Jonas could have been with Marion this morning, and after the tutorial will make it back to start whatever he has planned", Bridger said.

  "What's Jonas got to do with this?” Grant asked.

  Bridger explained his theory, quickly outlining his thought process that led him to believe Jonas would be the person behind the sick puppet show.

  "That makes sense", Jo added, "He seemed to have a thing for showiness, and I agree that the speech we all heard does sound like the way Jonas was going on last night".

  "Well we can safely assume that he has not hidden Marion in his room at the apartments, that warehouse Beth told Becky about seems like the best bet", Bridger said.

  "But we don't have a clue where it is, apart from in the wharf area". Becky said, "Beth could not be more specific than that".

  "Well let's get down to the university and grab Jonas. At least that will stop anything happening to Marion", John said.

  "I think we had better hold off on that", Bridger said, "We have no idea where the warehouse is, if we grab Jonas to early he might not give us Marion's location, Jonas strikes me as a person who thinks he is a bit smarter than everyone else. It sounded to me like he wanted to solve all the world’s problems last night. Now it seems he has a personal problem with Marion he needs solving. So we need to be a bit smarter ourselves about this".

  "What about the things he is saying", Jo said, "He sounds like he is talking to his mother. And it sounds like he has a past issue that needs resolving, but why is he taking that out on Marion?”

  "I don't know what the issue is at the moment Jo", Bridger said, "But whatever it is we won't give him time to sort through it. I will go up and see Matthews; we will need the surveillance squad on this. They can pick up Jonas from outside the university; I am hoping he will lead us right to Marion. Then we can go in and grab them both. Has anybody got any other ideas?” he added, hoping for a bit of positive confirmation from his colleagues about the decisions he was making.

  Nobody said anything.

  "Ok, Grant, can you give Stan Walton a bell and give him a heads up, as soon as Matthews gives us the go ahead I want his squad on the doors of that university. This is probably our only opportunity; I don't want to mess it up".

/>   "Right you are Sergeant", Grant said, clicking his heels together and flicking him a mock salute. "Ohh and I forgot to say, the two web site owners are playing hard to get, and they say they can't leave the office until the close of day.....”

  Bridger looked back at Grant his question going unsaid.

  "We were just on our way out to see them before you came in Mike. Can't have them telling us what we can and can't do", Grant added smiling.

  Bridger looked at the clock, calculating the time they had up their sleeves. "I'll come with you; we have time to pay them a little visit after I see Matthews. I think we need to make sure that whatever happens, it will not be broadcast into cyberspace", he said, as he was heading for the door.

  Standing in the lift on his own, he realised that he was dog-tired. There was a slight burning sensation behind his eyes. The breath mints had obviously worn off by the odour that was now surrounding him in the confined space of the lift.

  I must start drinking Vodka; he thought to himself, it would smell less leaching out of my pores.

  Reaching into his pockets, he fumbled unsuccessfully for some more mints. Maybe I should just lay off the drink a little instead, the thought tumbling inside his head.

  He remembered why he was in the state he was, and wondered what Laura was doing this morning. Whether she was thinking about him or getting on with her day. The way Bridger's day was going he had not had time to think about her at all until that moment. His jaded mind would not respond to the feelings he should be feeling. The door opened and he walked down the corridor towards Matthew's office.

  The door in the office just down from Matthews was open and Bridger glanced in as he went by. Mrs. Watson was sitting there dressed in her customary cardigan and floral print dress. She looked a little bit happier than the last time he had seen her, but still had fidgety nervous posture. Bridger was about to go in and say something when he heard another voice inside. Then he saw Glenn Gallagher move into view and hand her a cup of tea. Her smile towards him looked friendly, as if she knew him. They were about the same age, Bridger thought. He supposed they could know each other, but something did not sit right with what he just saw. It made sense that Mrs. Watson would be here, they had obviously found her daughter on a website but had no idea where she was. Mrs. Watson had a right to know what was going on.

  He should have already spoken to her; he thought guiltily, it was something he had overlooked. What bugged him more though was what she was doing speaking with Gallagher and not Matthews? He was still pondering the question as he knocked on Matthews’s door.

  "Bridger, come in, close the door".

  "I'd rather not", Bridger replied, thinking of the way he smelt.

  "Close the door".

  Here we go, thought Bridger, as he closed the door behind him.

  "You look like shit Bridger and you smell like a cheap brewery. It seems that is becoming a bit of a cliché with you. Mrs. Watson has said pretty much the same thing about your state in the weekend. Is that was what was affecting your judgment. You are not on some stupid TV cop show Bridger; I do not need fucken alcoholics on my team. It's not acceptable; I have a good mind to stand you down for the day until you sober up".

  Mrs. Watson's perception was not as slow as he thought it was, Bridger thought.

  "I didn't say anything when I was down stairs about your appearance, only because the team does not need any distractions while this is going on. They might have faith on your abilities Bridger, pissed or not, but I do not. Mrs. Watson is in the next room, she is beside herself. If this turns to shit Bridger, then you have provided me with the perfect scapegoat".

  Bridger knew that he was right, even if it pained him to admit it. "I'm going through some personal problems at the moment sir", he said lamely, not exactly the answer he wanted to give.

  "I don't give a shit Bridger, personal problems stay at home, and you don't bring them to work. I've said my piece; now what progress have you made".

  Bridger, feeling slightly admonished, outlined what they knew. He tried emphasizing his thought process, trying to show Matthews he was capable, whatever he thought of him. He realised he sounded just like a petulant schoolboy and silently kicked himself. Not the image he wanted anyone to see.

  Matthews listened intently to what he had to say, nodding every so often. When he had finished, Matthews surprised him by just saying, "It sounds reasonable Sergeant, get on with it".

  "Is there anything I should be telling Mrs. Watson?” Bridger asked, before he left the room.

  "It's under control Sergeant", was the only answer he got.

  Leaving the office Bridger could not help but feel a little embarrassed. He knew he was a drinker, but no one had ever pulled him up on it before, and for Mrs. Watson to notice, that made it even worse. He was supposed to be a professional; he did not feel very professional now. It was something he knew he would have to face but right now, he forced himself to push the thought to the back of his mind. He had to get on with the job; he owed it to Marion, and all the other Marions that he may come across in the future. Nevertheless, it would have been a hell of a lot easier without a hangover.

  He went back to the office and phoned Stan Walton to arrange for the surveillance team to begin trying to locate Jonas. He gave them a description of Jonas and the building at the university where he was to be tutoring. Stan had assured him that his boys would have it under control. Bridger knew Stan from his days in uniform and knew that he was a capable officer. Once the surveillance team had Jonas in their sights, he was not likely to give them the slip. This made Bridger feel better about the situation.

  He looked over at the monitor to check on Marion. There appeared to be no change in the circumstances, the only change was Marion who looked like she had almost given up. Her head was hanging down in defeat.

  Not long now Marion, just hold on a few more hours, he thought to himself.

  Bridger saw that she was still moving, although it was very slight, but at least that was a good sign. He just hoped they would reach her before what came next, whatever that was.

  He asked John to start on the paperwork for the search warrant. It would speed up the process once they knew the address that Jonas was keeping Marion. Bridger liked to think he was never one to cut corners but he knew from experience that the need to follow the correct process could hinder good police work sometimes. Although this was one of those times, he did not want some smartass lawyer appealing the charges due to an illegal entry. He knew in the back of his mind that he would be going into the building to get Marion, warrant or no warrant.

  The rules were there for a very good reason and in Bridger's mind; they were what helped keep the public's confidence in the way police operated. However, he did not want any delays once they knew her location. Forcing the fuzzy feeling in his head aside, he tried to think further ahead, he did not want to miss anything. He looked at the computer screen again, trying to see behind the light. What sort of set up did he have in there, hiding in the dark, were there any potential weapons? He realised that they may need some support to execute the warrant, so he also phoned the team leader of the police armed offenders squad to let him know he needed his men to enable a safe entry into the warehouse.

  Bridger was satisfied with what he had put in place, Marion and Mrs. Watson deserved the best service he could provide, not some jaded, fuzzyheaded excuse for a police officer. He looked at the clock on the wall again, just over three hours to go.

  Leaving a sullen John in the office with Sam to complete the necessary paperwork and look after the computer, he took the rest of the team to pay a visit to the headquarters of


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