Book Read Free


Page 22

by Ahren Sanders

  “Are you seriously talking to me about this shit with my sister right here?”

  “Yep. Trying to help you out. Think about it.”


  “Honey, we have to go. We’re going to be late.” I try to stop Declan’s roaming hands.

  “Just a quickie. I need you right now.”

  “No, it took me an hour to get ready. If I let you have your way, it’ll take me another hour to clean up.”

  “Are you seriously cock-blocking me right now?” He kisses a trail down my neckline and squeezes my ass.

  “We can continue this when we get home.”

  He groans against my skin and steps back.

  When we get to The Steamroom, we go in through the backdoor. TJ agreed that our group could use the backdoor access at all times. I know Declan has closed off the room again tonight for our friends, but this year I’m not on lock down so I can go back and forth.

  I’m surprised to see the line around the corner when we drive up. Sayge isn’t scheduled to start for a while so I can’t imagine why the crowd is so large. Declan lifts me out of his truck and links our hands together.

  “I have a small surprise for you.” he says in my ear.

  “What kind of surprise?”

  “The kind of surprise that’s going to allow me to spend time with you during your birthday celebration.”

  The door opens, and I scream. Ryan Knight and his whole band are waiting for us. The rest of the room is filled with our group of friends. I greet the guys with hugs and smile around the room.

  “Dec, did you know they’d be here?”

  “I asked them to come. They’re doing us a huge favor. We’re only playing one set tonight. They’re doing the rest. I wanted to have time with you.”

  “They’ll do that for me?”

  “Yes, and it gives them an excuse to be in town. Unfortunately, I invited them to stay with us.”

  “That’s great! Why do you say unfortunately?”

  “Because I thought I was getting laid before we got here.” he grumbles.

  I slap his arm and lead us to the bar. Once we have our drinks, we mingle around. I see Kendall at the door talking to Mark with a very good looking man holding her hand. He’s at least six feet tall with black hair. His skin is tanned, and his eyes are crystal blue. She leads the way over to us and leans in for a hug.

  “Hey guys. This is Brian Mason. Brian this my best friend, Raven and her fiancé, Declan Collins.” she motions between us.

  We all shake hands and a crowd forms around us. Kendall introduces Brian to everyone, and he tells us he’s a CPA with a firm in Nashville. He and Jimi actually know a few of the same people.

  “Harper! We need to talk now.” Gabe yells at her from the doorway.

  She rolls her eyes at him as he stalks to her. Kendall, Abbi, Ella, and I watch as he grabs her hand and leads her behind the stage. I give Declan a questioning look, and he shrugs.

  “I guess he found out about that date next week.”

  “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “Nothing really to tell. Let’s see how this plays out.” I want to question him further but my phone dings.

  Unknown number: Raven, it’s Ember from the Clyde’s. Um, I took you up on your offer and came to hear your fiancé’s band. Let me know when you get here. I’m at the main bar by the pool tables.

  Squee! She came. I shoot her a quick reply.

  Me: Don’t move. I’m on my way. We are in the back so I’ll come get you.

  I drag Abbi with me and tell Declan I’ll be back. When I get to the area she described, I don’t see her anywhere. I briefly filled Abbi in about her on the way here. I get my phone to text her back when I spot her. Wow! I have to do a double take to make sure it’s the same girl.

  Her auburn hair is piled on top of her head in some sort of twist with tiny braids on the side. She’s wearing a kick ass black dress with amazing spiked boots. This is not the same conservative girl I met this morning. She catches me looking and waves hesitantly.

  “That’s the mumbling, shy woman you met this morning? She looks like a sex kitten.” Abbi says quietly.

  I shake my head as we walk up to her.

  “Ember! I didn’t think you’d come.”

  “It was really nice of you to invite me and when you left I realized I didn’t ask any questions. So I googled your fiancé and learned about Sayge. Then I decided to come out since I don’t work tomorrow.” She says it so fast, I almost don’t catch all of it.

  “I’m glad you’re here. This is Abbi Collins. She’s a good friend of mine and also Declan’s sister.”

  They greet each other, and I talk her into coming to the back with us. She is really shy but once she meets my girlfriends, she opens up a little.

  I find Declan behind the stage working with his guitar. When he sees me, he sets it down and pulls me into him. He plays with the Tiffany bracelet on my wrist he gave me last year. Besides my engagement ring, it is my favorite piece of jewelry.

  “Babe, I know you want to be in the crowd tonight but I would prefer you stay back here. I’m not sure Mark can keep a good watch on you with all these people.”

  “Dec, I’ll be okay. If I get groped or anyone tries to hit on me, I’ll come back here. But it’s much more fun to dance out there.”

  “I’ll ask Finn to stay close.”

  “No, thanks! I’m not sure I want Finn around if this morning’s trash is any indication of who he’s started hanging around.”

  His body tightens underneath me, and his hands stop rubbing my arms.

  “Did that bother you Rave? Knowing he fucked that chick last night?”

  “Not for the reasons you think. I’m not jealous of her. I see what’s going on around us with our friends pairing up and finding good relationships. I want that for him. I’m not stupid, I know the guys that are single in our group still have sex. I hoped Finn had better taste.”

  “I know you don’t want to hear it, but sometimes our dicks think for us. She wasn’t exactly the worst I’ve ever seen.”

  “I don’t even want to hear about the worst you’ve seen.”

  He lowers his lips to mine in a soft kiss. I press into him trying to deepen the connection when there’s a loud noise behind us. We break apart to see a very unhappy Robbie glaring at me.

  “Raven, did you know that girl is here?”

  “If you mean Ember, then yes, I do. Remember I invited her?”

  “Please don’t do this, RJ. I’m not looking for a relationship.”

  “Then don’t. Be polite and cordial. I’m not trying to marry you off. I noticed how nice she was and told her about the show tonight. She came and to be honest, the little time I spent with her, she was fun. You’re not the only single man in this place, Robbie. Maybe she’ll meet someone or maybe she won’t. I don’t know her well enough to answer that.”

  He rolls his eyes and turns to leave when Declan says, “Telling you, ‘innocent and sweet’ is the best I’ve ever had. Better than I could ever dream about.”

  Robbie gives him a death glare and goes to the other room.

  Declan and I make out a little more before he has to perform. When he drops me back off with my friends he pulls Finn to the side and I see them both nod their heads. Finn looks at me with sadness on his face.

  During the show, all the girls do leave the room to dance by the stage. Kendall’s boyfriend, Brian, seems to hit it off with the guys in our group. Ember comes out of her shell and is actually a lot of fun. When Sayge finishes their one set for the night and introduces Knight’s Dream, we go back to the room.

  I’m about to open a beer when Finn wraps his arms around me from behind. I know it’s him from his scent.

  “Baby Girl, you mad with me?” he says quietly into my ear.

  “Not really, Finn. I don’t know how to explain it. That girl was so trashy and you’re so awesome. I love you and wouldn’t ever put you with someone like her.”

  “I’m n

ot a saint, RJ, though it may not seem like it, I like sex too. I’m sorry she was there when you came to pick me up.”

  I turn so I can wrap my arms around his shoulders. “I know and it’s none of my business.”

  “You’re my business and I’m yours too. And if it makes you feel better, I didn’t have sex with her. My beer goggles started wearing off early. I let her suck my–”

  “Gross! Stop talking! I don’t want to know.” I stop him from finishing his statement.

  He picks me up and spins me around until I get dizzy. “We okay now?

  I shake my head and hold on to him tight. He kisses my forehead and puts me down. Most of the room is staring at us. Declan walks through the door, assess the situation and raises his eyebrows in question.

  “We’re good man. Talked her down from her snit.” Finn tells him.

  He does a head nod and then goes to help Ryan set up. Gabe has Harper backed into the corner. He has barely left her side all night so we haven’t been able to get the scoop. She looks confused. I’m thinking of a way to get her to the bathroom so she can spill when I watch in surprise as Gabe picks her up and kisses her.

  “Another one bites the dust.” Finn says behind me.

  “Oh my God. How long has he liked her?”

  “Not sure, but last night at the fight and then the after party he wouldn’t stop talking about her. I guess Abbi sent a secret picture to Jimi of Harper in some black outfit and he went crazy. He was almost as anxious as your man to get to you.”

  “This is so awesome! She’s been into him forever. I’m so excited for her. Now we need to get you, Robbie, and Tripp a nice girl.”

  “Whoa–stop your scheming. I don’t know about the other two, but leave me out of it. I already tried the whole love thing. Didn’t work out so well.” he looks at me seriously.

  “Finn...” Tears fill my eyes.

  “Don’t you dare get upset. I only meant I don’t want you to set me up. I’m happy right now. And I’m happy for you. So leave it.” he hugs me tightly against his body.

  “I sure hope this is a Happy Birthday hug and you’re not trying to steal my girl again.” Declan says quietly behind me.

  I turn and see him smiling at Finn who is also grinning.

  “Nah, man, just trying to keep her from matchmaking my ass.”

  I step back and raise my eyebrows at Declan. “It seems you forgot to mention last night that Gabe’s interested in Harper.”

  “Against the code babe, it’s for them to work out.”

  “Humpt! I hardly think–”

  “Not our business. Now I came to get you so we can watch Knight’s Dream. Your choice, backstage or in the bar?”

  “Let’s go to the bar.”

  He links our hands and guides me to the bar. When we get to the dance floor, Ryan has already started singing. We sway to the music with his head resting on my shoulder. I get goose bumps on my arms when he starts kissing my neck. I rub against his waist and feel him get hard.

  “Watch it, babe, don’t start something you can’t finish. And just to let you know even though we have overnight guests, I will be finishing this at home.”

  I smile and kiss him briefly.

  Finn, Robbie, and Tripp join us and I see Ember and Charlie coming our way. We make small talk and I notice Ember has gone back to acting shy. I tell Declan I’m going to the ladies’ room and pull her with me.

  I check under the stalls to make sure we’re alone before saying anything. We’re alone but not for long in a bar this crowded.

  “Ember, I know we don’t know each other very well, but you don’t need to be nervous around our group. These guys are all really good looking, but their also the kindest and nicest too.”

  “I’ve never been good with guys. I can’t even say I’ve ever dated. Guys overlook me for the more experienced and prettier girls.”

  “I’m not sure about experience, but I can honestly say they are stupid. You are gorgeous.”

  I’m about to say more when the bathroom door opens and my stomach plummets when I see who comes through. I haven’t seen her in exactly one year tonight. Sami. I really hoped she moved away but no such luck. And right behind her is the trash-ass Mandy from this morning. They come in laughing, but both stop when they see me. Ember must feel the tension in the room because she backs up.

  Sami sneers at me, “You’re still around? Are you spreadin’ for the whole band now?”

  I don’t give her the satisfaction of an answer. Ember slips out the door and I go to follow her. Sami and Mandy step in front of me blocking from the door.

  “You’re the bitch from this morning.” Mandy spews at me.

  “Figures you two would know each other. Is there like a ‘whores are us’ group here tonight?” I catch Sami’s hand before she can slap my face. I squeeze her wrist tight hoping to get my point across. I really don’t want to sink to her level, but I’m about two seconds away from laying her ass out.

  “You think you’re so fucking special. You’re not. I heard about you. I know you spent the summer in Paris with another guy. Do you think Declan kept his dick in his pants while you were frolicking around Europe? I can tell you for certain and from experience he didn’t.”

  Before I can respond, the door slams open and I see one of the hinges break. In the doorway is a very angry Declan and Finn. Declan’s eyes scan over me and he relaxes a bit when he sees I’m okay.

  “Please do not fucking tell me you tried to hit my fiancée? I’ve never raised my hand to a woman but if she has one mark on her from you, I will have you physically removed from this bar.” He tells her seething.

  Both girls’ eyes grow wide when he calls me his fiancée. I drop Sami’s hand and walk over to him. Finn grabs me around the waist and pulls me behind him.

  “Baby Girl, why don’t you tell me what’s going on in here?” Finn asks me softly.

  “Not much, you know the usual gilded tramp stuff. Mandy here thinks I’m a bitch and Sami was telling me how Declan couldn’t keep his dick in his pants while I was frolicking with you in Paris.”

  The temperature in the small bathroom turns to ice. I hear laughing behind me and see Harper, with Gabe at her back, and Charlie watching the exchange. There is a small crowd forming. I’m not sure if it’s because we are making a scene with two very large men blocking the women’s bathroom or if people genuinely need the restroom.

  “Sami told you I couldn’t keep my dick in my pants?” Declan repeats my words with a disgusted tone.

  “Yep, she was even kind enough to let me know she knew from experience.”

  “And just too clarify–Mandy called you a bitch?” Finn breaks in.

  “Yep, but I’m not really concerned about it. Look at the source.”

  Mandy and Sami look sick as they listen to us carry on our conversation.

  “You know guys, I can take care of myself. You don’t have to go all Rambo.”

  They ignore me and start talking to each other like no one else is in the room.

  “Declan, why is it when you let someone suck your dick they get crazy and shit?”

  “Not sure, but we did try to tell you this morning you broke the rule by bringing her to your place.”

  “Yeah, I was pretty fucked up last night, but at least I sobered up not to slip into that shit.”

  “Gross! Stop it! The two of you are making me sick with this. Let’s go. These two tramps are not worth ruining our night.” I pull on both their arms. I have them almost out the door when Sami opens her big mouth.

  “You’re going to marry this bitch?” She directs her question at Declan.

  Wrong thing to say. He stiffens under my hold.

  “I thought we cleared this up last time we spoke, but you have a bad memory. Don’t fucking mess with Raven–ever. As you can tell, we’re all a protective bunch when it comes to our friends. Mandy here got the message because she’s kept her mouth shut, but you need to hear it again. Stay the fuck away from us.”

nbsp; She looks like she got punched. I laugh out loud. The girls behind me laugh, too.

  I drop Declan and Finn’s arms and walk out by myself. I’ve seen enough. They follow me to the back room. I get a beer and feel Declan’s arms around my waist. He hugs me tight.

  “Sparkle, please tell me you know she’s lying.”

  “Oh my God. Of course I know. Let’s not even mention it again. She’s deluded.”

  He chuckles in my ear and moves us to the sofa. I enjoy telling everyone about my encounter in the bathroom and Kendall almost falls out of Brian’s lap she’s laughing so hard. Ella wants to go find them to tear them down again, but I explain that Declan and Finn did a great job on their own.

  We hang out backstage until Ryan announces their last song. When they finish, Declan surprises me by having bottles of champagne brought back to toast my birthday at midnight.

  We continue our party until the bar has to close down. Ember walks out with us and I hug her goodbye. She gets shy when she tells Declan goodnight, but he hugs her and thanks her for celebrating with us. When he pulls back, I can see her blushing even in the dark.

  Ryan and his band follow us home. I run through the house making sure the guest rooms are set up and the bathrooms have what they need. At this moment, I am so thankful for Janie’s cleaning. She keeps me sane. She’s probably one of the best ideas Declan ever had.

  The guys start up an Xbox tournament and I get ready for bed. I’m almost asleep when I feel the bed dent and Declan’s arms around me.

  “You didn’t think I’d forget about finishing what you started earlier did you?”

  “There’s a house full of guys here. Absolutely not.” I try to push him off of me. He doesn’t budge, but instead holds tighter and moves his hand under my panties and slips his finger into me. My body betrays my mind and I buck into his hand.

  I groan and he covers my mouth in a searing kiss. He moves his thumb over my clit and my core squeezes his finger. His slow movements are driving me crazy but the familiar buzz starts. I tear my lips away from his and start to pant as he increases his speed. I moan his name as softly as I can as the orgasm rips through me.


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