Book Read Free


Page 23

by Ahren Sanders

  “You’re so fucking beautiful right now.” He kisses me quickly, removes his hand and pulls me close.

  “Not that I’m complaining, but what about you?”

  “Oh, we’ll get to me when I don’t have a house full of horny guys in my living room. I want to hear you scream my name when I’m buried in you. Now we sleep.”

  “I love you, Declan.”

  “You too, birthday girl.”


  I hear voices in the kitchen. Even though I don’t want to get up, I also don’t want to be rude. I roll out of the bed and head to the bathroom. I put my hair in a messy bun, brush my teeth, and wash my face. I throw on one of Declan’s button down shirts from the laundry hamper.

  Ryan, his drummer Jake, and Declan are in the kitchen drinking coffee when I get there. I go straight to Declan and curl up to his side while he kisses my forehead. I say my ‘good mornings’ and reach around to get coffee, but Declan stops me and does it for me.

  “Now that you’re up, I can finish making breakfast.” He tells me.

  “I can help.” I reach for the eggs on the counter.

  “Any other day I would say yes, but not on your birthday. Go sit down and I’ll do it. The other guys aren’t up yet so this may get them out of bed.”

  I move to the bar stool and listen as he makes breakfast and the guys talk about their schedule. Knight’s Dream is doing really well and their album release brought them a national following. Mike is working on getting them on tour with a very popular band next year.

  The doorbell rings and I get up to answer it, but Declan stops me.

  “Babe, I’ll get the door, why don’t you go put some pants on? Sexy as hell you in my shirt, but I would prefer you in more clothes when our guests arrive.” He tells me which leaves me completely confused. Guests?

  I run to our room, grab some leggings and brush my hair. When I get back to the kitchen, I squeal. My parents, Robbie, and Finn are all here and my mom is unloading bags of bagels, fruit, and juices.

  “What in the world?”

  “Happy Birthday, Baby Girl.” My dad pulls me into a hug.

  “Declan invited us to breakfast as a surprise since we aren’t doing dinner.” My mom tells me.

  I go around the room and greet everyone and the other two guys in Knight’s Dream, Jonah and Bear join us. Declan finishes the eggs and takes the bacon out of the microwave. We all get plates and sit anywhere available. My dad can’t help himself but talk about business and drills Ryan and his band about the security on the road. I sit with my mom and Finn while Robbie and Declan argue about the afternoon football games. My heart swells with love as I look around the room.

  “I’m leaving tonight but I’ll be back for Christmas. I’ve decided to come home for good. I’ve already talked to an advisor and I’ll pick up classes again in January.” Finn tells me between bites of food.

  I can’t help the “woo hoo” that flies out of my mouth. The whole room stops and looks at me and I shrug my shoulders.

  “Finn just gave me my birthday present.”

  Declan winks at me and announces, “That’s only one of your birthday surprises.”

  Chapter 31

  She’s Still Crazy

  I have the worst wine hangover in the world. Declan’s singing in the shower and I will myself out of bed to get ready for school. After my parents and our friends left yesterday, Declan took me back to bed and made love to me for hours until he declared it was time for me to get up and get ‘fancy.’ Like last year, he went bought me a dress and heels for a night out. Once I was dressed, he handed me another mint blue box. When I opened the box, I was stunned at the most beautiful filigree ring. It is full of crystal blue stones surrounding the ring.

  “It’s aquamarine,” he told me as he slipped it on my right ring finger. “I want my diamonds on your left hand and my birthstone on your right. You will never be without me.”

  “I love it!” I wave my hand in front of us both letting the light catch the ring. “You do know you spoil me right?”

  “Always and forever.”

  We kiss for a few minutes before he breaks us up and stands with me still in his arms. “We have to go, we have reservations.”

  When we pulled into the Ruth’s Chris parking lot, I squeal. I love this place! The hostess took us to our table but hangs around a little longer than needed. She finally admitted to being a huge Sayge fan and asked for his autograph. I laughed and he actually blushed.

  The meal was delicious. When we were done, Declan took me to a small wine bar where we danced and drank until I couldn’t stand anymore. Once we got home, he led me to bed and gave me a massage until I fell asleep. It was an amazing birthday.

  Now we were back to reality. We’re leaving on Friday afternoon for Atlanta, and our group increased by one because Gabe’s riding with us. I still don’t know all the details, because I’ve had no alone time with Harper, but through my text chain, I learned he was through ‘fucking around.’

  The only problem I see with our week is Declan’s set to meet with Christie on Wednesday afternoon. He has tried to talk me out of going, but I’ve stood my ground. No way is he going alone. I know I won’t be in their meeting, but I could wait in the car if necessary.

  I get to the bathroom just as he turns off the shower. He steps out and I stare at his perfect body. Neither of us has had a lot of time to work out lately, but his body is still rock solid.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, you’re not going to make it to school. I’ll drag your ass back to bed.” He tells me as he reaches around me for a towel. Lucky towel!

  “Sorry, I was thinking it’s unfair how amazing you look even though we haven’t stuck to a regular workout routine in months.”

  “Yeah, I was actually thinking about running tonight when you get home from school. Want to?”

  “I can’t, remember I have to meet with my group tonight. We have that project due in a few weeks.”

  “Where are y’all meeting?”

  “Not sure yet.”

  “Meet here. I’ll stay out of your way.”

  “No way, last time we met here, you invaded my space and wouldn’t stop touching me.”

  He comes up behind me and puts his arms around my waist. Even though he dried off, I can still feel the heated dampness on his skin. My body automatically reacts and I sink into him.

  “I promise to be good, I’ll even feed you guys. I like it much better when you’re safe at home and not driving on the wet roads after dark. And if you get done early, we can all watch Monday Night Football.”

  “I’ll mention it and see if everyone agrees. It’s probably a no-brainer if you’re cooking.”

  He kisses my head and goes to the bedroom to get dressed. I get ready for school quickly and meet him in the kitchen where he has my coffee and breakfast waiting for me.

  “I’ll drop you at school and you can text me when you want me to pick you up. I need to head down that way and drop some stuff off at MJ’s office.”

  “That’s great. Don’t forget the reporter from the Tennessean has a draft of her interview that’s going to be printed this Friday. She’s emailing it to all of us. Make a point to talk to the guys and see if there’s anything that needs to be tweaked.”

  “Got it.”

  “And call the caterer and confirm a tasting for next week.”

  “Got it.”

  “You sure? Shouldn’t you write this down?”

  “Babe, you programmed it into the calendar on my phone and you’ve reminded me a hundred times. I. Got. It.”

  “Fine, let’s go before I’m late.”

  After my last class, I text my group and we meet at the library. I mention Declan cooking and MNF, Brent, Kyle, and Mari all agree to come over later.

  When Declan picks me up, he’s wearing a black beanie on his head, and it’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. Sometimes I can’t believe he’s mine.

  “Like what you see?” He breaks me
out of my stupor.

  I nod my head and crawl across the front seat to kiss him. I only pull away when the windows start fogging. I don’t move, I stay in his lap and wiggle against the bulge in his jeans.

  “What was that for?”

  “I can’t even explain it. When I saw you in that beanie, I needed to kiss you.”

  “I’ll sew this thing on my head if that’s the reaction I get.”

  I giggle and move back to my seat. His phone rings in the console and it’s my dad. He answers on speaker.

  “Hey James, you’re on speaker with Raven and me.”

  “Y’all driving?”

  “We’re on our way home, what’s up?” I ask.

  “I have some bad news. Our lawyer called and they want to move up your meeting with Christie to tomorrow. I didn’t get a reason.”

  My stomach drops. There’s no way I can get out of school. I look over at him and his face is blank.

  “Daddy, I can’t go tomorrow.”

  “I think it’s better you don’t go anyway. You know how I feel about being in the vicinity of that girl. Declan, can you be there at two-thirty?”

  “Yes, sir, tell them I’ll be there.”

  “Good, call me when you’re done.”

  “Wait–” I try to intervene but my dad has already hung up.

  “Why would you say yes? You know I want to be with you.” My voice breaks.

  His face softens and he doesn’t answer me. When we pull up in our garage, he unbuckles my seatbelt and pulls me to him.

  “Don’t cry. Don’t ever cry over her again. I said yes because I need to get this over with. I’m sorry you can’t come, but I’ll be in and out. I don’t want to spend any more time with her than I have to.”

  “I jjjuuust want to be thhhere for yyyoouu.” I say between sobs shaking against his chest.

  He rubs his hands down my back. “I know you do and I appreciate it, but it’s better you don’t come. Look at how she affects you. If I have it my way, you’ll never lay eyes on her again.”

  It takes a few minutes for me to calm down but eventually my breathing evens out and I can talk. “I guess there’s really nothing I can do about it. But I swear to God Dec, if she seems the least bit unstable, you get out of there.”

  “I will sweet girl. Now how much time do we have until your friends get here?”

  “They’ll be here at five-thirty.”

  “Great, let’s get inside and you can help me make the lasagna. You also need to read over the article. We made a few changes, I want you and Amber to approve them.”

  “Are you making my lasagna?”

  “Technically it will be mine, but you have to tell me how to make it.” He grins slyly.

  I laugh at him and hop out of the truck. He follows me in with the groceries and we make dinner together. Even though I’m still worried about tomorrow, I won’t let Christie ruin anything else.



  I hate this. It is a bitch to get through security and they treat me like I’m here to visit someone I care about. I get a ten minute lecture on the importance of being sensitive to the patient’s needs and understanding the progress they’ve made since Christie came here. I’m not here on a fucking social visit. I’m doing this to see what the bitch has to say.

  The door to the small room opens and a man leads Christie in. As soon as I see her, bile rises in my throat. Some may say she’s pretty, but to me, she’s the ugliest person in the world. Thinking about what she did and the pain she caused makes me want to cancel this meeting.

  “Hello, Declan, how are you?” she asks softly.

  “Christie.” I nod my head in greeting.

  She sits down and tries to scoot her chair closer to me, but I get up and lean against the wall.

  “Come on now, you won’t even sit by me?”

  “Christie, why am I here? You have something you need to say to me?”

  “I’ve been following your success. I know about the album, the tour, the single, all of it.”

  “All public knowledge.”

  “Come on Declan, after everything that’s happened, you don’t have to be so mean. I asked you here to apologize.”

  “For which part? Going crazy, kidnapping my fiancée, beating her up?

  “We don’t really use the word crazy in here, sir.” The guard at the door tells me.

  “Declan, I’m sorry if my actions hurt you. I wasn’t stable at the time, but now I see things differently.”

  “What do you mean? What exactly do you ‘see’?”

  “I’ve heard the song, Dec. I know.”

  “Are we talking in code here? What the fuck Christie? Why am I here?”

  “I’m doing really well. I think I will be able to get out soon. We can take things slow because I know it’ll be a delicate situation for a while, but I can be patient.”

  Seriously? What the hell is happening? ‘We can take things slow’?

  “Dec, I’ve heard the song. I know how you feel.” She purrs her words.

  My heartbeat races, surely she’s joking. “You think “Surviving” is about you? Are you insane?”

  “Sir, we don’t use –”

  “Got it.” I glare at him and then look back at the obviously delusional girl now standing in front of me. “Nothing I do has to do with you. You are nothing to me. It took months to get over what you did to Raven. She’s the only reason I’m here listening to your pathetic excuse for an apology.”

  Anger flashes in her eyes, “What do you mean she’s the reason you’re here? Why are we even talking about her?”

  “Because she’s my fiancée and she convinced me to come here today.”

  She steps back like I physically pushed her. “No. She can’t be.”

  “Yes, Christie, she is. I love her and because of what you did I was scared out of my mind for four days.”

  “No, no, no... This can’t be,” she paces in front of me. “You love me. You say so when you sing.”

  “No, Christie, I love her.” As soon as the words leave my mouth she screams and comes at me with her fists flying. I’m glad I took out my lip ring when I feel the sting of her slaps. I taste blood and put up my hands to shield my face.

  The guard drags her off of me, kicking and screaming and pushes her out of the room. I don’t wait around and leave as quickly as I can. Progressing nicely, my ass!

  I call James as soon as I get in my truck and give him the whole rundown. He schedules a conference call with the family lawyer tomorrow so I can retell my story. Even with the recent events, I smile as he includes me as family.

  “Son, I’m sorry all that went down but at least now we know.”

  “Yep, she’s still crazy.” I agree.

  Chapter 32


  Raven’s bobbing her head to the music with her earplugs in. With five guys in the car talking nonstop she couldn’t really study. Nate is sitting beside her and he offered to help when she is ready. I’ll give them to the state border and then I’m climbing in the back. Someone punches my arm causing me to swerve.

  “What the hell?” I say to Cooper who is looking at me expectantly.

  “We asked you a question.”

  “Sorry what was the question?”

  “Man, she’s less than five feet away, nothing’s going to happen to her.”

  “That’s five feet too many,” I mumble. “What was the question?”

  “We all want to know what happened with your meeting.” Raven’s head pops up and she looks worried but smiles and nods for me to tell them.

  When I finish the story, the whole car is quiet.

  “Never really wanted to hit a bitch as bad as I do her. Makes me glad I’m out of the dating scene. No telling the shit I said to get laid, I’m lucky no one took an interest in me like they did you.” Gabe says.

  “Yeah, I’ve paid the price. I almost paid the ultimate price.” I mumble again.

  “Declan stop it! We agreed, no more.
” Raven yells.

  When I got home Tuesday night, Raven was a wreck. She saw the marks on my face and small tear on my lip and went ballistic. I finally had to hold her down to calm her and then let her baby me like a child. We agreed that night no more regrets when it came to ‘psycho Christie.’ She missed half of her class on Wednesday so she could sit with me on the conference call and tell the family lawyer all that happened. He basically took my statement and was going to relay it to the District Attorney. The new plan was to move forward with the charges and get her behind bars. She would be given access to a prison psychiatrist. It was clear she wasn’t right in the head, but she also knew what she was doing.

  “Turn it up!!” Nate calls from the back and I hear a familiar riff coming through the speakers.

  Raven squeals and jumps around in her seat. We’re in Chattanooga and a local station is playing “Surviving.”

  None of us talks but everyone has a wide smile on their faces. I pull over at a convenience store so everyone can use the bathroom and grab a drink. Cooper offers to drive and I get in the back with Raven.

  When we get back on the road, Raven tells us she’s ready to quiz and Blake groans.

  “I still have that shit in my head from last year. Isn’t there another way for Raven to learn this without me having to hear it?” he jokes.

  Halfway through, my head is spinning. This Organizational Development shit is hard. By the time we hit Marietta, Raven has nailed every single concept. She puts her stuff away and slides over to me as we ride into Atlanta.

  We follow the directions to Harper’s restaurant and all get out. When we walk in, the hostess looks at us and her mouth hangs open. Raven sidles up to me and wraps her arms around my waist. I smile at her possessiveness.

  Without warning, there’s a streak of black and I hear a grunt beside us. Harper is in Gabe’s arms hugging him tight.

  “I can’t believe y’all are here!”

  “Surprise!” Raven says softly.

  “Surprise is right! Nadia, these are my friends from Nashville. We’ll need a big table set up in the back.”


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