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Stars On Fire

Page 4

by E. L. Todd

  Laura just glared at her.

  I held on to the door and tried not to laugh at the indirect way Charlotte had just made fun of Laura. She had a lot of balls—and I liked it. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Bye, Neil.”

  I shut the door and watched her drive away.

  When I turned back to Laura, she had her arms crossed over her chest and she looked livid. “Who was that?”

  I walked past her and headed to the house, skipping an affectionate kiss because I didn’t do that in public. I considered her question and tried to find a suitable answer to describe what Charlotte was to me. With her connection to Vic, it seemed like I would run into her often. “A friend of mine…”



  I SAT across from my date at the restaurant, but I wished I were somewhere else. We’d met on a dating app, and I only agreed to dinner because Stacy pressured me to put myself out there.

  But the guy was a bit douchey.

  “My father started his construction company like twenty years ago, but when he retired, he handed it to me. Now I make so much money I don’t even know what to do with it.” He was a handsome guy—but that seemed to be his only good quality.

  I hadn’t even asked him about his livelihood. I tried to stick to topics that were innately interesting, like sports, music, and hobbies. But all he wanted to do was talk about his success…like I cared about it.

  “What do you do?”

  “Oh, I work in a lab at the hospital. I run tests for doctors and upload that information to the chart.”

  He nodded slowly, but instead of being impressed, he seemed a little irritated. “You must make good money, then?”

  “Uh…” I shrugged then took a drink even though I wasn’t thirsty. The last thing I wanted to do was talk about money, especially with a guy I hardly knew. First dates were about having fun, getting to know each other, and chemistry.

  So far, none of the above had happened.

  Now that he assumed I had wealth, he turned quiet and brooding, like he was annoyed by my success and insecure about his own.

  Which meant he probably had a small wang.

  I got the waiter’s attention. “Check, please.”

  STACY HAD to work late because of a couple meetings, which made it the perfect time to come over and see Vic.

  He put two beers on the table along with a bag of tortilla chips and salsa. “Is this cool, or should I order a pizza?”

  “I mean, I wouldn’t say no to a pizza, but I can get by without it too.”

  Vic raised an eyebrow as he looked at me, a slight smile on his lips. “Is that a yes or a no?”

  “Yes, I can always eat. But let me be cool about it… I’m trying to be a lady.”

  He rolled his eyes. “You’re not a lady. You’re a garbage disposal.”

  I grabbed a chip and threw it at his nose.

  He let it bounce off his face and fall onto the table. “Alright.” He grabbed his phone and ordered a pizza. “Combination?”

  “No onions.”

  He placed the order and put his phone aside.

  I’d come over to plan Stacy’s surprise birthday party. She always acted like she didn’t want to do anything for her birthday, but once the day arrived, she was pumped to party. Vic and I decided to be proactive and do something fun.

  “What should we do?” Vic asked.

  “She’s your wife.”

  “And she’s your best friend.” He had a notepad with a pen on the table, but he chose to drink his beer instead. “I already know what I’m getting her as a present.”


  All he did was waggle his eyebrows.

  I made a disgusted face then drowned the bile in my throat by taking a drink of my beer. “TMI, man.”

  A knock sounded on the door.

  “Oh shit, is she home early?” I could pretend that Vic and I were hanging out and getting ready to watch the game. She trusted her husband as much as she trusted me, so she wouldn’t be suspicious at all.

  “No, it’s Neil.” Vic didn’t get up. “It’s open,” he called.

  Neil walked inside, in jeans and a t-shirt that hugged his arms. The fabric stretched over the thick muscles of his arms, the veins under the skin noticeable. He shut the door behind himself and looked at both of us at the table. He clearly hadn’t been expecting me to be there because his eyes stayed on me longer than they normally would have. “What are you guys doing?”

  “Planning Stacy’s surprise birthday party,” Vic answered. “We’ve got a pizza on the way because fatso over here is always hungry.”

  This time, I grabbed an entire handful of chips and threw them at his face. “I’ll shove this entire bowl of chips down your throat, and we’ll see who’s a fatso then.”

  Neil chuckled then grabbed a beer from the fridge. After he twisted off the cap, he took the seat beside his brother, facing me. When he was side by side with his brother, their shared qualities were noticeable, but they were also distinctly different. Neil had broader shoulders, thicker muscles, and a jawline so sharp, it could cut glass. He was definitely the more handsome of the two…at least from where I was sitting. His large hand wrapped around the bottle, and he brought it to his lips for a drink, his movements so purposeful and graceful. The aura that surrounded his presence was both hypnotizing and exciting. This man had been in space so much, had been in so many dangerous situations, but he was so calm and collected. He was clearly brilliant and also humble.

  I pulled my gaze away because I realized I was staring.

  “Got any ideas?” Neil asked.

  “Well, she likes sex and cake,” Vic said. “But I’m already giving her sex…”

  “Then I can get the cake,” Neil said. “Unless you want to switch?”

  Vic didn’t appreciate the joke and gave his brother a cold stare instead.

  “Chill,” Neil said with a smile. “She’s like a sister to me. Besides, you’re the one alone in an apartment with her best friend.”

  “She’s my friend too,” Vic said defensively.

  “Yeah, Stacy wouldn’t think twice about it,” I said. “We’ve hit the batting cages and gone go-cart racing because she’s just not into that stuff. She’s more of a spa kind of woman. I am too, but I have other interests as well.”

  Neil drank his beer as he looked at me, his smile gone. Now he just stared at me with that intense expression, like he wasn’t listening to anything I said, but rather, how I looked as I said it. When I’d dropped him off, he had a supermodel woman waiting for him, a territorial one who didn’t appreciate my being there. I couldn’t blame her. If I had a man like Neil Crimson, I’d probably be a little territorial too.

  Vic pulled the notepad toward him. “We officially have no ideas.”

  “We could rent out a bar and have a party,” I suggested. “Invite her friends.”

  “That would be expensive,” Vic said. “Maybe have the party here?”

  “Kinda cramped.” There was nothing wrong with their apartment, but fifty people in this tight space would be suicide. “Unless we keep it small.”

  “We could keep it intimate,” Vic said. “Just a few close friends. But I guess that means you won’t be invited…”

  I stuck my tongue out at him. “Fine. Then we won’t split the cost.”

  Neil grinned at my rebuttal.

  “Hmm, good point,” Vic said. “Alright, you’re on the invite list.”

  “Am I on the invite list?” Neil asked.

  “Definitely,” Vic said. “Bringing anyone?”

  Neil didn’t hesitate before he gave his answer. “No.”

  Maybe that girl in his driveway was just a fling. Too bad for her.

  “Oh yeah.” Vic raised his gaze to look at me. “How’d your date go last night?”

  Neil took a drink of his beer and watched me closely. His body was still as he waited for my answer to fly out of my mouth.

  I released a loud sigh in response. />
  “That bad?” Vic asked.

  “It was just…” I shrugged a couple times and then took a drink of my beer. “Not right.”

  Vic grimaced. “The guy a bad kisser?”

  “Ha,” I said sarcastically. “Like I’d let him get that far. He was just a douchebag.”

  Vic had always been protective of me, just like a real brother. When Cameron broke my heart, Vic waited outside for him to leave the apartment and walk to his car before he punched him so hard in the face, Cameron was knocked out cold. I knew Vic’s affection didn’t just come from his love of his wife. He liked me for me…had felt that way since the day we’d met. “Like, an annoying douchebag who won’t stop talking? Or a douchebag I need to hunt down?”

  “The first one. He was just a really insecure guy who couldn’t stop talking about money. He bragged a lot about inheriting his father’s construction company, and then when he asked what I did, he got all uncomfortable. It wasn’t fun at all… Online dating isn’t for me.” Dating in general wasn’t for me. I’d married the love of my life and everything was perfect…until I couldn’t give him what he wanted.

  “You’ll find the right guy eventually,” Vic said, turning soft. “I know you will.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure,” I said. “But I don’t expect that to happen anytime soon, and I’m not in a hurry. I was just hoping for a good time and maybe some good sex. But I got neither.” I chuckled then brought the beer to my lips for another drink.

  Neil kept staring at me.

  Vic didn’t bat an eye over what I’d said. Our sibling relationship only ran so deep, and he didn’t grow uncomfortable when I talked about getting laid. “Where did you meet this guy?”

  “Online,” I said. “Stacy forced me to go.” I rolled my eyes. “Won’t make that mistake again…”

  “You can have any guy you want, Char.” Vic was always my biggest fan, inflating my ego anytime I felt insecure. He was my champion, the coach standing in my corner of the fighting ring. “Don’t forget that.”

  I looked down at my beer, and I could still feel Neil staring at me. I was touched by what Vic had said, but I was also hot from Neil’s stare. The man was easy to talk to but intense at the same time. I really didn’t know him, but I sorta felt like I did…even though I didn’t. When I lifted my gaze, he was staring at me like I expected.

  And he didn’t look away.

  ONCE VIC and I finished our planning, we said goodbye at the door.

  “Want me to walk you to your car?” He grabbed his keys and wallet in the entryway like he intended to escort me regardless of my answer.

  “I got it.” Neil joined me at the front door. “I should head out anyway.”

  “Or do you just need a ride?” I teased.

  Neil came to my side, his cologne delicious. He had to tilt his chin down to look at me because of our stark height difference. At over six feet, he was a behemoth compared to me. It wasn’t just his size but the obvious strength of his body that made him so intimidating. He was in great shape, even better shape than Vic. His eyes locked on to mine, and seconds later, a smile slowly spread across his lips. “No. I’m driving again.”

  My body deflated in disappointment, although I couldn’t explain why. That saved me thirty minutes round trip.

  He embraced his brother with a one-arm hug then stepped over the threshold to wait for me in the hallway.

  “I’ll see you later.” I gave Vic a quick hug then joined Neil on the other side of the door.

  Together, we headed to the elevator.

  “How’s Torpedo?” He slid his hands into his pockets and stood on his side of the elevator, his shoulders naturally relaxing but looking strong at the same time.

  “He’s probably on the couch as we speak—so he’s great.”

  The doors opened then we walked outside. Dusk had arrived, and there were only forty-five minutes until night fell across the world. Neil walked beside me as we headed down the sidewalk.

  “I have an idea.” He stopped in his tracks.

  I did the same. “I’m sure it’s a good one.”

  He slid his hands into his pockets once more as he looked down at me, his brown eyes such a pretty color. They weren’t dark like an abyss, but they weren’t bright like caramel either. They were somewhere in between, like the rich earth. “How about we get a Slurpee? You know, as a thank you for giving me a ride home.”

  “Well, I’ve driven you home twice. So how about two Slurpees?”

  “That’s fair.”

  “Your teeth are gonna be blue,” I warned.

  “I like red—so I’ll be safe.”

  I tapped my fingers against my temple. “You really are smart.”

  He chuckled then walked again. “Want me to drive?”

  “Good idea. It’s hard to drink and drive with a stick.”

  He walked up to a white Range Rover, and the vehicle automatically unlocked when he approached.

  My beat-up truck was nearly twenty years old, but it still worked, so I kept it. The AC went out from time to time, but after a little fiddling, it could be fixed. I could afford to buy something new, but I was so attached to it that I couldn’t give it up. Besides, Torpedo loved riding in the bed.

  I’d noticed Neil had a nice house, and now I could see he had a nice car. I had no idea what astronauts got paid, but it seemed like he did well for himself. But the fact that he never talked about it or even mentioned it…was pretty sexy.

  We settled into the leather seats and drove away.

  The music came on—classic rock.

  I liked him more and more.

  He drove through the quiet streets until he pulled up to a 7-Eleven. We both hopped out and walked inside.

  “Here we go.” I rubbed my hands together and stared at the different flavors. “Ugh, I can’t decide…”

  “Mix them.” He grabbed a cup and filled it with red, making his decision quickly.

  “Yuck, I don’t like to mix. I like to savor a single flavor.” I rested my fingertips over my mouth and tapped gently as I considered my decision like it was life or death.

  He already had his lid and straw, so he sipped it while he watched me have an internal debate. “Big decision.”

  “It is a big decision.”

  “You could do one color now and a different one next time.”

  “True…you do owe me two.” I made my choice and filled the cup with the blue flavor.

  Neil paid in cash then we got back inside his Range Rover. Instead of starting the engine and pulling away, he sat beside me and sipped his drink, the sky now dark because the sun had set. When he sealed his lips over his straw, the sharp angles of his face became more prominent. His handsome features were striking. Only a very sexy man could make drinking a Slurpee look so attractive.

  “What do you think?”

  “Amazing. I haven’t had one of these in a long time.”

  “Probably better than all that moon food you’re used to eating.” The mention of his career slipped out of my mouth because I didn’t restrain myself as much as I used to. Our interactions made me more comfortable around him, so I didn’t restrict my choice of words.

  “Much better. What about yours?”

  “My teeth are gonna look terrible but totally worth it.”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t make fun of you.” He grabbed the straw and stirred it around to get the juice flowing from the ice. After he turned it into slush, he started to drink it again.

  I was in cutoff jean shorts and a t-shirt, trying to beat the heat by wearing as little clothing as possible. It was still warm, so the leather seats stuck to the back of my thighs. If I made the slightest movement, it sounded like a fart, so I was careful to stay still.

  “My brother likes you a lot. That’s interesting because he doesn’t like anyone.”

  “He likes Stacy.”

  “He loves Stacy. But he likes you.”

  “I’m a pizza-eating, Slurpee-addicted tomboy. What’s there not to l

  “I haven’t seen anything yet.” He kept looking out the window facing the entrance to the gas station.

  I couldn’t believe I was drinking a Slurpee with a world-famous astronaut. He was known for his bravery and intelligence, but he was so humble and real that he seemed like an average person. I hadn’t Googled him because I thought that would be cheap, but now my curiosity was getting the best of me. “Vic is like the brother I’ve never had. When he and Stacy met, the three of us got along so well. We just clicked.”

  “You mean, they just clicked.”

  “You marry who your best friend marries, so we went on a couple of group dates.”

  He rested his cup on his thigh and turned his head in my direction. “So did Stacy go on this bad date of yours?”

  “Oh no,” I said with a laugh. “You gotta figure out if you like the guys first before you take it that far. You gotta go on a couple of dates, make sure the sex is good, and then if it feels right, you bring in the best friend.”

  “Sounds like a lot of pressure for the guy.”

  I shrugged. “If he’s good enough, he’ll go the distance.” Cameron had been the whole package, and we were happily married. He was my best friend and got along so well with Stacy. But when we hit hard times, he abandoned ship and left me. It’d only been six months since we went our separate ways, so it still hurt sometimes…like when I was working in the lab or trying to fall asleep at night.

  “Good attitude.” He drank from his Slurpee again. “How many days a week do you work?”


  “That’s nice.”

  “Yeah, three twelve-hour shifts. They’re long days, but I work for three days and I’m off for four…not bad.”

  “That sounds perfect. Where did you go to school?”

  “Here in Texas. Is that where you went to school?”

  “High school, yes.” He drank from his Slurpee, which was now halfway empty.

  “And college?”

  He paused before he answered, like he was afraid to say the words out loud. “MIT.”

  I knew it was a prestigious college on the East Coast, but I really didn’t know much about it. I went to a college with a reasonable price tag so I could graduate without student loans. I always knew what I wanted to do, and I did it as cheaply as possible. “You were in the air force first?”


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