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Bay's Mercenary [Unearthly World Book 1]

Page 9

by C. L. Scholey

  “Yes, and your uncle.” Bay glanced about worriedly wondering how she was going to get Draven home safely. “We have to get back, quickly. It’s dangerous out here.”

  “I will take you both home and look for your father, Draven,” the Zargonnii said.

  “What’s your name?” Bay asked her.


  “Vala, Zane isn’t out here to mate,” Bay said uneasily.

  “Then you better hope I find him before another does.”

  To Bay, her words sounded ominous.

  * * * *

  Zane could hear the sounds of mating everywhere; he was trying to stay focused but it was so hard. His cycle was high, especially with the female Zargonnii arriving. Their presence sent shock waves through the male domain, but because of Bay, he was able to control his hormones. He had to find Draven; the air was charged with fear, lust, and eager anticipation. Zane tried to focus on the scent of fear; it wasn’t a normal scent during this Holiday. Those out and about wanted to be there. The scent of fear was unusual. Zane winced when he came across a dead cyron; it was shredded to pieces—some female wasn’t happy. The scent of fear was high where Zane stood, but it wasn’t from the dead cyron; the creature had no emotion.


  Farther into the jungle he went, calling to Draven. Zane could scent his son, he had been there. A low growl caught his attention. A female Zargonnii was circling him. Zane stayed his small size, hoping the female would find him unattractive. She was beautiful and close to eight feet, a young one, perhaps her first mating. She was looking at him as though he didn’t exist. Some young ones were cocky, thinking they could take a male on who was near to her size, and others were looking for an easy conquest. Zane was certain she found him uninteresting.

  The female was sizing him up, distractedly, as though he wasn’t real and Zane began to walk away. The female howled in rage, obviously thinking she was being dismissed, and Zane realized his mistake too soon. He hadn’t meant to insult her by refusing her—she must be thinking he thought her to be not worthy of him.

  Zane had no choice when she came at him. He grew large and the battle began. Males and females of their species had hard flesh that was almost impossible to penetrate. The female’s claws were longer, her teeth sharper and she was strong. The second the confrontation began, he could feel the female’s wariness. Zane was charged. He was looking for his son—Bay was being hunted by a Castian, and power to get to both of them flew through his system.

  The cocky female was soon breathing hard and fighting for her life. She had no idea if Zane would kill her, especially since he had tried to walk away. Now, she had made him angry. Zane remembered being rough with Bay; it was laughable compared to what was happening now. He sliced at the female, snapping her head to the side—the blow would have killed Bay. Just thinking of how vulnerable she was without him made Zane furious. He picked the female up and smashed her into a tree; she howled and Zane knew he smelled fear.

  Her blows, now frantic and wild, bounced off him. The fight was coming to a close and Zane stopped using brute strength; instead, he used muscle and power to subdue her. If he kept smashing her into the trees, he would kill her with his rage. She was here because of her cycle; he didn’t want to kill her or maim her. The female faltered and she fell to the ground. Zane was on top of her, pinning her. He roared his victory while the female made worried sounds from under him. Zane had proved dominant. The female waited, making louder anxious sounds, wondering what her first mating would be like—although, Zane had no doubt she probably hadn’t pictured this.

  He kept her pinned beneath him for a few moments while he caught his breath; she felt small, vulnerable, but it only reminded him and increased his need to find Draven and return to Bay. Zane had no intention of mating with the female beneath him, all he wanted was Bay. The Zargonnii female looked so confused when Zane stood up. The female had shrunk to her normal size, making Zane look bigger. Words from behind him were spoken and Zane spun to meet a new advisory. It was Draven’s mother.

  Vala spoke to the young female curled on the ground. The female looked surprised, then nodded. She scooted away and once gaining her feet—ran. Zane held up his hands, he was winded and he knew Vala would beat him if he took her on. Vala pointed at him, words were useless as neither understood the other. But she surprised him.

  “Draven, Bay.”

  Zane sucked in a fast breath, how did she know? Vala pointed again and said their names once more. An idea came to Zane. Bay had come looking for Draven who had come looking for his mother. There was no doubt if Vala was here she would sense Draven and would be drawn to him. The image of the dead cyron came to mind—never mess with a female Zargonnii child, female or male, especially if its mother is around.

  Vala pointed once more and moved off. She had no intention of mating with Zane, and Zane was relieved. It was obvious Vala was more concerned with her son’s safety, and if Bay was outside too…


  Zane took off for home. If the Castian was there, Vala wouldn’t attack if it only wanted Bay. The warrior would have no interest in a male Zargonnii child—unless his little Draven attacked it. The idea was terrifying. Zane was a proud warrior; he wouldn’t hurt a child—but this species was new to them, the Castians may not know Draven was only a child. And what if the Tonan had gotten word to other renegades of Bay’s existence? She could be in double jeopardy.

  The fear Zane felt built to rage and he practically flew through the jungle. He encountered another female, but Zane snapped at her, positive he could eat a cyron alive. Strength radiated from him, and she backed off. The females were calling to one another and Zane wondered if Vala had declared him hands-off. The next female he encountered, looking to dominate, might not get off as lucky as the last one. Zane’s emotions boiled. Killing a female Zargonnii was extremely rare but not unheard of. Primal, ancient power engulfed Zane; it was like nothing he had ever experienced, but his need to protect his child and mate became a driving force. That thought astounded him.

  Filled with power, Zane jumped his back fence and raced through the looking glass. With relief, both Bay and Draven were scooped up into Zane’s arms. His large size remained and the two were picked well up off the ground. Blu entered a few short moments later.

  “Damn, it’s nuts out there,” Blu complained.

  “I told you to stay with Bay,” Zane said on a low growl. He lowered his son and Bay to the ground.

  “I had thought she was a pet. Even though I know she isn’t now, my nephew is more important to me,” Blu yelled back.

  “Father, Bay tried to take on a cyron,” Draven said excitedly.

  Zane shuddered. “Until the cycle is over, no one leaves this house.”

  “But the Castian…” Blu said.

  “The damned Castian can wait or come here, Blu. I won’t let Bay or Draven out of my sight.”

  “Fine, but I’m staying here until the cycle is over. I ran into a female who had to be nine feet tall, thank heaven she wasn’t interested in me. She sniffed me all over and pointed towards your home,” Blu said annoyed.

  “Vala,” Bay muttered. “She walked us home and helped us over the fence. She was nice and very interesting to talk to.”

  “You spoke to her?” Zane and Blu said simultaneously.

  “Yes, Draven taught me their language while he taught me yours. She seems very bright, she said this would be her last mating—she’s hoping for a daughter. Poor thing, she’s had only sons and has had to give them all up. She grieved over each one, but told me the other females wouldn’t allow a male child to go near their offspring. If a male is around a female, his cycle stays with him and the Zargonnii females get nothing accomplished.”

  Zane frowned feeling annoyed. “What else did Vala say?”

  “Oh, some things,” Bay said evasively.

  “We are going to have a long talk tonight,” Zane said and gripped Bay’s chin.

  Chapter 9

sp; The Holiday was over. Things had returned to a relative normal—if you could call Zane’s world that. Zane had kept Bay close, but had little time to talk openly with her; Blu and Draven were always underfoot. Bay hadn’t minded; she’d grown to like Blu even more, and she loved Draven with all her heart. Now, the time had come to face her fears. Bay studied the Castian warrior who stood about three feet in front of her; Zane wouldn’t let him closer. The warrior did resemble a human man. His dark-haired, dark-eyed looks were handsome. He was as tall as Zane, but his chest wasn’t as broad; he was virtually hairless and had no nipples on his chest. Bay knew under his skin he possessed an impenetrable armor. The warrior, when in battle, would be covered over in an ebony shield and be virtually indestructible. Like the Tonans, his feet would become clawed, his fingers long talons and he would grow fangs. The difference between the Castians and Tonans were armor color and the tails Tonans grew because of the lies they told.

  “I want to be here,” Bay said firmly.

  “There is no danger on my planet; I can protect you better,” the Castian said.

  Zane growled low in his throat, and Bay knew he took the statement as a barb to his ability to keep her safe.

  “I was kidnapped on Ulsy. I was sold as a pet. Zane has let nothing hurt me since I have come into his care. I want to stay with him.”

  The Castian sniffed the air and, for a fleeting moment, Bay wondered if he was scenting any misgiving in her, or dishonesty, coercion or fear. The Tonan always knew when she was afraid, even when she pretended not to be. The Tonan liked it best when she cried. Finally, the Castian nodded.

  “The female may stay,” the Castian said, although he looked disappointed.

  “The human females of the universe don’t belong to you,” Titus said; his words were harsh.

  Bay had been surprised Titus had insisted on being at the meeting, but she had warily watched as another Castian held back in the room and Bay remembered seeing Castians always appeared in twos. Tonans traveled alone, at least that was her experience of the beings. Perhaps Titus felt it important to supervise the actions occurring on his vessel.

  “Human females are safer with us,” the Castian replied.

  “I will not have a Castian dictate to me,” Titus said on a snarl. “I will not have you show up every time my warriors find a female. Otherwise, we will show up on your planet every time you find one. I’m certain we can both make nuisances of ourselves, or come to a collective agreement.”

  “Which is?” the Castian asked.

  “Find your own Earth females and we will find ours. Then leave us alone with the females we find. Otherwise we will wage war.”

  Titus grew to his great height of over eight feet and the Castian’s shield snapped into place, his two long fangs grew, his talons for hands and claws for feet sparkled razor sharp. Bay thought she might throw up. Both species were nothing less than awesome to gaze upon. It would be a nasty battle for certain. The two powerful beings regarded one another, the air hung thick with aggression.

  “Agreed.” The Castian nodded.

  “Do you really not hurt women and children?” Bay was compelled to ask the Castian.

  The Castian took a deep breath and his armor absorbed into his skin. “A real warrior would never harm a female or child.”

  “The Tonan called himself a warrior. He beat me, starved me, he would have killed me if Zane’s brother hadn’t traded for me. He was the cruelest being I have ever encountered. The Zargonnii warriors don’t hurt females, and their children are well taken care of. Hate is such a cruel word, but when I think of that Tonan. it’s the only word that comes to mind. He hates and is hated.”

  “The Tonan rogues are being sought as highly as the females—for destruction. There are those who have been tempered with the mating of human females, others are vicious killers made crueler by what they believe is their species’ betrayal. When my leader, Cobra, finds out what the Tonan did to you, he will be disposed of. We would not imprison him forever.

  “Have I mentioned we have healing waters? My people can give you immortality.”

  Bay half smiled and wrapped her arm around Zane who drew her closer. “Living forever without Zane isn’t living at all.”

  “He is a lucky warrior,” the Castian said.

  The meeting was over. Zane led Bay from the room; they were on Titus’s vessel. Both watched from a portal as the black Castian bird of prey left the area. Bay watched it power up and it disappeared almost immediately. The sight was breathtaking and awe inspiring.

  “It’s over,” Bay said with a sigh of relief.

  “Yes,” Zane answered.

  “Good.” Bay wobbled as she stood before him. “Zane?”


  “Catch me.” The darkness Bay had been fighting took hold of her.

  Bay woke feeling lightheaded. Zane was striding through the corridors of the vessel holding her in his arms, pressed to his chest. Every male Zargonnii they passed grew to a great height, scaring Bay further. What the hell just happened? She remembered feeling faint. She remembered Zane catching her in his arms. Hot on Zane’s heels was Titus.

  “Put her on here.” It was Finn’s voice.

  Zane settled Bay onto a hard high table. She tried to sit up but Finn pushed her back gently. “What’s wrong?” Bay asked.

  “You are ill,” Finn said.

  “No, I feel fine now; I was just a bit dizzy.”

  “Females don’t just faint,” Finn insisted.

  “How would you know?” Bay asked. It was a valid question, she wasn’t being rude and she could see Finn didn’t take offence.

  “I treated a female Zargonnii for a month before she died, there were times she felt faint. It was devastating, her death. The loss of the babe was overwhelming. I won’t lose you too,” Finn sounded so agitated Bay placed her hand on his.

  “I’m not dying. I wasn’t in a battle with a cyron; I’m not wounded, just emotionally exhausted. It happens to Earth females, really I’m fine, just embarrassed,” Bay said trying to put all three males in the room at ease.

  “You can’t let her die,” Titus insisted. “Many of our warriors want to go in search of Earth females, but if Bay dies the Castians will think we can’t take care of them and there will be war.”

  “I’m not dying,” Bay insisted.

  “You can’t let her die,” Zane said just as frantically. “We mate together; we have made our love.”

  “For heaven’s sake,” Bay said in exasperation. “I just need some water. This last month and a half could try the nerves of a saint. Not to mention the time I spent hiding on Ulsy. I’m surprised I’m not in a straightjacket.”

  Finn was feeling her body all over to the point Bay blushed a deep red.

  “She’s turning color,” Titus bellowed. “Do something; she must be burning on the inside.”

  “I’m not burning, I’m blushing. Will you cut that out? Darn you, Finn. Ouch, Finn, for heaven’s sake, get your hands off my boobs,” Bay yelled. “They hurt.” Bay shrugged his wandering hands off and wrapped a protective arm around her tits.

  Finn stilled. “The female Zargonnii breasts had grown as her time approached and they hurt to be touched.”

  “What are you saying?” Bay asked.

  “When was your last blood time?”

  Bay sat stumped. When was her last period? Oh my God.

  “You mean Zane and I are really that compatible?” Bay was incredulous. She never thought for a second she could have a child with Zane, they were so different.

  “What is it?” Zane and Titus asked.

  “I think Bay is pregnant,” Finn said.

  “But she can’t stay in the woman’s domain,” Zane looked thunderstruck. “How would we get her there? She’s too small. What do we do?”

  “Well, why can’t I stay with you?” Bay asked.

  “Because…because…” Zane looked at Titus, who shrugged.

  There was no reason she had to leave. Bay could se
e from the looks on their faces they were at a loss. Bay was feeling her own concern.

  “Finn, if you are going to treat human females, you better learn now. I can’t go to the woman’s domain and I can’t give birth alone.”

  “Bay is right. If we are going to find more Earth females they will be our responsibility. Otherwise we will need to turn every one of them over to the Castians when we find them, starting with Bay,” Titus said.

  Zane took a deep breath. “I’ll deliver this babe myself if I need to. Bay chose me over the Castian; I won’t give her up.”

  “Then take her to your quarters and see she gets a lot of rest,” Finn suggested. He turned to Titus. “I think it’s time your mercenaries did some trading. We need to trade for information on female humans. And we need to do it now.”

  Titus agreed.

  * * * *

  Bay lay looking out the ship portal window in Zane’s cabin. The blackness was hypnotizing in an odd way. Bay remembered staring out the shuttle window for hours on her way to Ulsy, wondering what her new life would be like. This wasn’t exactly what she pictured. If someone had told her then she would be madly in love with a massive alien creature, she would have laughed. Her hand lay across her tummy for a moment. She worried over what the baby would be like. Would it grow huge inside her? When she had asked Zane, he mentioned to her Zargonnii offspring get their ability to enlarge from their mothers.

  Bay would have lots of time to ponder her dilemma. Blu was watching Draven at home and since the Castian had wanted to see Bay, Titus decided he could use Zane on this new mission. They were exploring a trade opportunity with a new species, only the species was having trouble with a race known as the Gorgano. The Gorgano were said to be creatures of medium height, little threat, but destructive to plant life.

  Zane had researched the area over the Holiday, but was unable to call up any information on the new species. The Zargonnii leader had weighed the pros and cons of having a female aboard their ship, but with the Zargonnii female’s cycle past, the risk was minimal. Now that the warriors knew she was pregnant, they were more curious than anything. No male Zargonnii had ever seen nor been close to an expectant mother; it was a rare novelty.


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