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Bay's Mercenary [Unearthly World Book 1]

Page 10

by C. L. Scholey

  Zane entered the cabin and stripped before climbing into bed with her. He sighed and rolled over. His hands tucked behind his head, he stared at the high ceiling.

  “What’s wrong?” Bay asked.

  “Finn is unsure how long you will carry. A Zargonnii female carries the equivalent of twelve of your Earth months. It’s going to be very hard for me to keep my hands off you for that long.”

  Bay reached her hand across his middle and stroked his thick cock, Zane groaned.


  “Earth females carry for nine of our Earth months, give or take a week or two, and some are not opposed to sex.”

  Zane rolled over and looked irritated. “We do not have sex, we make love. How can you not tell the difference when you are with child? Our making love made a babe.”

  “True,” Bay said on a sigh; she couldn’t argue with his logic.

  “Would it hurt the baby if we made more love? Is there enough room in your belly for more?”

  Bay blinked. “Hmm, Zane I think I should explain a bit about the birds and bees.”

  “I know what those are, silly; other planets have bees and we have birds.”

  Bay shuddered, remembering the vulture-type things. “I mean, now that I’m pregnant, I won’t get pregnant again until this baby is finished growing and can come out.”

  Zane looked interested and he was becoming aroused as Bay continued to stroke him. “So we can make love and the baby will be fine?”

  “As long as you can be gentle.”

  “We won’t keep making babies in there each time?”

  Bay clenched her teeth, trying to remember this was new to him. “Female humans don’t have litters. Sometimes there is a multiple birth, but you can’t make any new ones once the original conception has taken place.”

  “Females are so incredible.”

  Zane cupped the side of her face and pressed his lips to hers. Bay’s tongue invaded his mouth and stroked leisurely at his. Zane’s other hand found a breast and squeezed carefully. Bay groaned, feeling tender, but Zane had never been gentler. She could feel his long shaft pressing at her middle and Bay had an idea. His erection was so big and thick she knew even if not all was buried in her it would still be amazing.

  Bay rolled over and pressed her back to him, she drew her legs up so they were spooning. Zane fumbled for a moment, but she reached behind her and guided him in the general direction of her heat. Zane grunted as he shifted her bottom closer and inch by slow inch, he entered her. Bay drew his hand to her front and Zane made a careful examination of her clit with his large fingers. His other hand fondled a breast. Bay gripped the sheet beneath her, he was no less large this way, and with his arm wrapped around her in a bear hug he controlled his thrusts, moving her up and down in a slow rhythm.

  There was nothing for Bay to do except clutch his forearm and hold tight. His growls and grunts turned to the crooning sound she loved so much. The melody invaded her mind and took hold of her thoughts; she was safe and warm. Not for the first time, Bay wondered if the noise was hypnotic and meant to relax. It was the feeling of having no choice—wanting no choice—except to give her entire body into his safe keeping.

  Zane tensed and Bay felt his wetness explode into her, she climaxed almost the same time, and Zane continued to rock against her. He seemed content with this position and Bay determined to find many more possible ways to make love during the pregnancy. Zane was so big his body wrapped around her like a blanket of steel. His seed made her insides slippery and she made no protest when Zane pulled from her, turned her onto her back a small way, flung her leg around his waist and buried himself deeper.

  Almost all of Zane’s weight was supported on his hands and knees, but he was pressed close. He rocked carefully against her and Bay cried out her release. His massive body was a turn on, sometimes Bay felt wet just watching him move. His raw power was an aphrodisiac. He removed his cock and pushed a finger up inside of her experimenting. He watched her face and seemed pleased he could make her wiggle and squirm. Bay came again and Zane plunged his shaft back in after removing his finger.

  “Fascinating,” Bay heard in the semi-darkness of the room, and as she screamed in panic, the alarm in the ship went off adding to her fear.

  Zane was on his feet in a heartbeat and the lights came on. Bay screamed and thought she would faint when she saw the creature standing in the room with them. The eight-foot-tall being was slim, sickly gray and completely bald. It was naked and appeared to have no genitals. The neck of the creature was overlong, giving it an extended height. Orange, bulging, rounded eyes stared at the both of them. Its long tapered fingers tapped the air. Large webbed feet sported eight toes on each. Bay grabbed up a blanket and wrapped it around her quivering body. Zane yanked his pants on.

  “What the hell are you, and how the hell did you get in here and on this ship?” Zane was snarling in his fury.

  “You are a Zargonnii, you can only fight physically, interesting and barbaric. You’ll be an interesting specimen.” The creature was speaking Zargonnii, but Bay also understood it in English as the words thundered into her mind. The creature had no mouth and only a vertical slit where a nose might be. Two black holes sat on his head, opening and closing; there were no ears. Its vacant eyes seemed to settle onto Bay. “I have never seen this type of species. I will take you back and study you. The rest of the Gorgano will be pleased with my discovery.”

  “No. Zane, don’t let it take me away.”

  Bay looked at Zane, horrified, wondering why he hadn’t responded at the creature’s words. It was only then he reacted. Zane rushed the being, but was thrown against a wall; the creature never moved. Bay raced over to Zane who seemed pinned. Zane was growling and snarling trying to break free of the invisible assailant. The being turned to Bay and lifted his arm.

  “Come to me, tiny creature,” it demanded.

  Again Bay heard the words in English in her mind. She felt her body compelled to join the being. Zane continued to claw at his throat. Bay went from terrified to furious. She had already been kidnapped once.

  How the hell many times do you get kidnapped before being exempt!

  “Leave me alone.”

  The being lifted his hand higher. “You will come with me.”

  The words swirled in her head and since the being had no ears Bay wondered if it heard noise within its mind as she was hearing its voice. Bay narrowed her eyes; she focused her thoughts and in her mind bellowed as loudly as she could, “NO.”

  The being stumbled back. Bay was stunned, she felt her mind connect with this being, she felt not only had it invaded her but she invaded it. Something very strange was occurring between alien and human. Bay felt the being trying to block her thoughts, trying to build a wall, but Bay tore it down. She felt empowered within her mind. Something ancient invaded her entire being—she became a being. Bay was the alien, the alien was Bay. Bay looked at Zane, enlightened.

  “Stop struggling and fight it in your thoughts.”

  “I can’t,” Zane bellowed.

  “Damn it,” Bay said with a snarl.

  Bay wasn’t certain how she did it, but when she lifted her arm and slammed it forwards, the creature stumbled without being touched. Zane was free from the wall. The creature fled from the room. In the corridors, all hell was breaking loose. Zargonnii warriors lined the walls, pinned. There were at least ten Gorgano simply standing and observing them.

  “Look at that little creature.” Bay heard in her thoughts, again it was spoken in English, Zargonnii and surprisingly Draven’s mother’s language. It seemed these creatures could search her mind for any language she knew.

  “We must take the little creature as well as a few of these Zargonnii to study.”

  Bay centered her thoughts onto the being that said this; it was standing near Titus who, at over eight feet, struggled helplessly, pinned to the wall.

  “Piss off,” Bay said with a growl.

  Centering her thoughts onto the
being, the creature was suddenly thrown against a wall and landed with a thud. Titus was free; he picked up the fallen being and threw it into another.

  “The little pink being is attacking,” a creature screamed.

  “How is that possible?” another shrieked.

  One by one, the Zargonnii warriors slipped from the walls as Bay determinedly mind-fought. Zargonnii warriors fought with sheer strength, Bay was too small for physical battle, so were the new gray beings. The gray beings were tall but too thin to fight the massive Zargonnii.

  “The little pink thing can channel our thoughts.” A Gorgano mind-screamed. “Kill it before we are all dead.”

  Two Gorgano stared hard at Bay. Bay fisted her hands, her head began to throb. Tiny knives inside her mind began attacking, slicing at her, she could see them. It was agony. Inside the Gorgano mind, Bay felt her thoughts move with lightning speed. It was as though her mind was a computer and she processed information. She was bombarded with war tactical maneuvers and Bay was astounded, it wasn’t the Gorgano—it was Zane she channeled. A seasoned warrior was in her thoughts, or was she in his? Her mind flooded, expanded. Bay concentrated on only one creature before her, shutting out Zane. She had what she needed, and with her thoughts centered, Bay envisioned a nuclear bomb, then she blew it up in the creature’s mind, obliterating cells.

  The gray being dropped to the ground, dead. The other being beside it howled in misery and fled.

  “What are you?” Bay heard as the rest of the beings fled to a black portal on the ship.

  “Human,” Bay yelled the words in her mind throwing the thought in all directions. “Stay away from the Zargonnii or die.”

  As the beings fled, Bay caught a frightening thought as the portal closed.

  “Kill any human we connect with in the future.”

  And they were gone. The warriors stood dazed and confused.

  “What the hell just happened?” Titus exclaimed.

  “I think Bay just saved our asses,” Zane said incredulously.

  “Oh Zane, I’ve made a horrible mistake,” Bay said, panicked. She turned to him and threw herself into his arms. “Those creatures are going to kill humans. My kind can battle these things because of our thought processes. I can hear them in my mind when they communicate with one another, could you?”

  “I heard a noise, but it was jumbled and I only caught a few words,” he replied.

  “I heard everything,” Bay said. “In every language I know. In my mind I saw it hold you in the air by thoughts; it taught me how to fight back and didn’t even realize it was teaching me. Humans only use a certain amount of their brain, but I feel more inside now. It’s like a floodgate’s been opened.”

  Titus went and stood by her. “Can you do what those creatures did now that they’re gone?”

  Bay looked at Zane and concentrated. Zane didn’t budge. Bay narrowed her gaze and, with all her might, thought to push him against a wall. Zane went flying back, he couldn’t move. Within seconds, Bay collapsed to the floor and Zane was released. He gathered her into his arms.

  “I’m too tired. I can pin Zane for only a second but it takes too much out of me.”

  “I’m putting you to bed,” Zane sounded stern.

  “Wait,” Bay said as Zane turned. Bay looked at Titus. “I could hear those creatures in my head. They tricked you into coming here. They are collecting specimens of different beings to learn about them, learn how to conquer the universe one galaxy at a time. But I warned them: they will leave the Zargonnii alone, but in the process I sacrificed my own kind. Titus you must warn any allies you have. If they get a human and are attacked by these beings, a human can stop them. These creatures use all of their mind, but a human mind is larger, they woke something up inside me that has been dormant; I feel it, I don’t even know how I know.

  “These Gorgano are now aware of human existence; they won’t take any more chances, and they’ll kill first before any more humans learn what I just did. There are so few of us left. Please, you need to help us.”

  “I promise you, Bay,” Titus said. “We will find as many humans as possible and warn them.”

  * * * *

  Bay was sitting up in bed at home. Zane had been working at his console and finally found a far-off distant galaxy close to Earth who could trade information. Zane was only looking for information on survivors and medical procedures. He refrained from mentioning the Gorgano incident. The beings on the planet were familiar with earthlings and had even roamed the planet a number of times. When the storms hit they had taken their people home. The humanoid types were advanced and declared the Earth species war mongers, open for suggestion, reasonably intelligent with an aptitude to learn, and highly destructive. Looking at Bay’s tiny form, Zane had found that last bit hard to believe. Though she now had the ability to press him against the wall, it took a great deal out of her.

  Finn had tested Bay’s ability aboard the ship, but it was limited. Without the Gorgano to help channel her thoughts, Bay would collapse after a few brief moments of intense concentration. Zane finally put his foot down. Bay would wear herself out; the testing was over until the babe was born. It then led to speculation if the babe was affected, or if its Zargonnii half would stymie the ability. The Zargonnii were intelligent; they just couldn’t wrap their heads around the idea of fighting without physical power.

  The humanoids said they had given the humans means of transportation to aid in their escape once realizing Earth was lost, but so many fought over who would leave the planet first, many lives were lost. There were those humans who placed themselves above others. The humanoids agreed to exchange information on the condition they were left alone. Their experiment with another being hadn’t been as stellar as they had hoped. Although they did inquire about trading for Bay—if she was carrying a Zargonnii babe, the outcome could prove scientifically remarkable. Zane had scowled with the idea and told them to, what was the term Bay had used once when angry? Piss off—he believed it to be. The humanoids had understood.

  Zane settled in front of Bay and took her hand into his. “Finn has the information he needs. When the time comes, you should be fine. It appears the doctor has most of the medications already, but you need much smaller dosages.”

  “I’m not worried.”

  Zane could see she was. Bay was worried about the Gorgano encounter, she was worried about the baby, she was worried for her fellow humans. Zane wished he could take her mind off her troubles. “What did you and Vala talk about?”

  “You, Draven and Zargonnii males.”

  “What did she say?”

  “Vala is fond of Draven; she would die to protect him and all of her sons,” Bay said. Zane could see she chose her words with care. “A long time ago, females separated from the males because the males stayed in their cycle with the females around. The males grew frustrated because the females didn’t come into heat as often as the males wanted to mate, and there was a great deal of fighting. The females could see potential in both species if they just stayed apart. Your females aren’t as barbaric as you thought. In time, they will possess flight capacity, but for now they stay to protect the weaker sex.”


  “Yes, they feel the creatures on this planet are more deadly than anything in space. You were right; they love you and hate you. A male’s need to dominate and a female’s need to dominate keep you at war. Neither of you are ready to cohabitate respectfully. Because you know I could never overpower you, it keeps you calm. The need to always fight to be on top—in every way—is no longer a factor. I have no wish to dominate anyone, and as long as you are respectful and caring, what we do in the bedroom satisfies us both.

  “It hurts your females to give up their sons, Zane. Draven was loved by Vala. I’m guessing your mother loved you.”

  “Who knows how many more Earth females are out there,” Zane mused. “And many of our males enjoy the mate fighting; even if they lose, they win.”

  “Unless your
females have a female child, they feel they lose. It’s what makes them angry; they may dominate, but if they have a son, they have nothing to show for it. They have to give up a love of their life. I could see Vala’s pain as she touched Draven one last time. It was heartbreaking. If there had been any way, she would have kept him. Maybe that’s what female Zargonnii give their sons that first month—everything they have.”

  Bay looked so sad. “You won’t have to give up your son,” he was compelled to say.

  “Zane, this child could be a female. What then?”

  The idea almost floored Zane. He never even thought it could be a female she carried. His was a race of male warrior mercenaries. What would they do with a huge female in their midst forever? Maybe even a female with the ability to mind-war. Until she was full grown, she would need a parent’s protection. Bay couldn’t protect a babe; Zane would have to. The thought was startling. Zane couldn’t take the child and leave her for the Zargonnii females to find—her mother was here with him. Zane would be responsible for three lives.

  “Are you sorry I stayed?” Bay asked in a small voice.


  “It’s alright, Zane. Even on Earth, a tiny baby could send people into a panic. Parents always wonder if they’re ready, always second guessing. This is just a bit more complex.”

  Zane sat beside her and held her in his arms. He thought of Draven and how proud he was of him the first time he grew into battle mode. Would a half-human male child be able to battle? Would a human female grow big enough to defend herself? Bay was so small, what if their daughter was as small? Until the child was born, there would be no end to the worries.

  Chapter 10

  Bay had been feeling caged, she stared out the window in the main room of their home as her thoughts reflected back. Her pregnancy progressed normally—for a human. There were times when Zane took her aboard the ship when he needed to be away, and he didn’t trust anyone to watch her. The space ship was a bittersweet experience. When Bay began to show, her tummy was suddenly public property and every male Zargonnii wanted to feel her rounded bump. Zane would fly into a fit, until everyone gave her a wide berth. On board, Titus had shown up at her door during Zane’s shift.


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