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The Wedding Date

Page 13

by Sean Ashcroft

  “I’ll think of you, then,” Caleb said, shifting his hips. His cock was hardening quickly in Ethan’s other hand, getting hotter and heavier as it did. That by itself was enough to get Ethan hard as well, the feeling of being able to turn Caleb on.

  “You get off on me?” Ethan raised an eyebrow.

  “One time you stretched in front of me and your jeans rode down low enough to see your treasure trail, and that image served as masturbation fodder for a week,” Caleb said, blushing at his confession. “So yeah. You kinda do it for me.”

  “What a coincidence,” Ethan murmured, echoing Caleb’s earlier words. “You kinda do it for me, too.”

  Caleb laughed, and Ethan took the opportunity to slide a single finger into him, turning the tail end of his outburst into a moan. He’d never get over being able to make Caleb do that.

  “Gonna take care of you.” Ethan kissed Caleb’s neck again, nipping and sucking his way up and down the length, just enough for Caleb to feel it, but not enough to bruise. There was a part of him that wanted to bruise, to mark Caleb out as his own, but he ignored it. Too many people had taken Caleb as theirs and decided that meant they could do whatever they wanted and he’d just accept that and stay with them.

  Ethan wasn’t going to be another one. Ethan was going to make Caleb’s life better by being with him, not worse. Caleb deserved at least that, considering how much he’d improved Ethan’s life by being in it.

  Once Caleb was as loose and slick as he was going to get with one finger, Ethan slid a second one in beside it, biting his lip as Caleb squeezed him tight. His own cock was fully hard now, straining against his jeans. He’d come untouched once before with Caleb, and he was confident he could do it again now. He wasn’t going to, though. This was a do-over for their first time, and he meant to make it good.

  Ethan thumbed the head of Caleb’s cock, wiping precome away from where it had been forming a bead at the tip and spreading it down to ease the friction of his hand against the delicate skin. While Caleb was distracted, Ethan slipped a third finger inside him and twisted all three around to find the sensitive spot.

  With a howl, Caleb arched his hips clear off the couch. Ethan chuckled, pleased with himself.

  “I did a little research,” he explained.

  “And by research, you mean porn-watching?” Caleb asked, his breath coming in short gasps now.

  “I needed a crash course in gay sex,” Ethan said. “It seemed like the fastest way.”

  “You’re such a nerd,” Caleb moaned as Ethan twisted his fingers again.

  “Nerds are sexy.” Ethan grinned, remembering when Caleb had said that to him at the start of all this. “Hands and knees,” he added, shifting to help Caleb up.

  Caleb obeyed without pause, positioning himself at one end of the couch, his jeans and underwear bunched around his knees. Ethan stopped for a moment to look at him, all spread out and eager, waiting for his cock. Waiting for him.

  He opened his own fly and shoved his clothes down, only as far as he needed to. Caleb made it hard to wait any longer than he had to, and over a week without him had made Ethan desperate.

  Ethan tore open the condom he’d grabbed earlier, rolling it onto his cock as quickly as he could. The memory of being inside Caleb hit him all of a sudden, a wave of lust washing over him. He wanted to sink into Caleb’s body, rock his hips against him, fuck and fuck and fuck until they were both spent, exhausted and satisfied.

  He blushed at his own train of thought, shocked at how he could feel warm and affectionate toward Caleb one moment and so intensely turned on by him the next.

  “You are so hot,” Ethan said as he shuffled forward, shoving two fingers inside Caleb again to test that he was ready. They slipped in like Caleb was made for him, and Caleb rocked back to meet them, whining softly.

  “More,” he whimpered. “Ethan, please.”

  There was no way Ethan could hold out against that kind of begging. He pulled his fingers out and lined up his cock, closing his eyes as he slid home, deep into Caleb’s hot, tight body, biting down on his lip to stop himself from shouting.

  “You feel amazing. Anyone ever tell you that?” Ethan rolled his hips, settling himself more comfortably.

  “You just did,” Caleb said, his voice strained. “I love your cock.”

  “I love you,” Ethan said, unable to stop himself from voicing the thought. He did love Caleb. Even right now, in the middle of sex, he couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. He wanted this, and only this, forever.

  “If you loved me you’d fuck me,” Caleb gritted out. Ethan was starting to get the idea that he’d always be demanding, and he kinda liked it. He gripped Caleb’s shoulder to hold him in place and rolled his hips again, this time starting to build a rhythm.

  Caleb moaned under him, his head dropping and his thighs tensing. Ethan closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the warmth and the soft, happy sounds Caleb was making. This felt so good, better than Ethan had realized sex could feel. Physically, he knew it was great, but this was more than physical. This was good down to his bones, in the pit of his stomach, in the center of his chest.

  Ethan could feel his balls getting tight, pressure building at the base of his spine. He reached under Caleb to stroke his cock, wanting him to come first. The low, heartfelt moan as he wrapped his fingers around it told Ethan that Caleb was close, too. Just a little more.

  “I got you,” Ethan forced out between harsh breaths. Caleb sobbed, his muscles tightening around Ethan’s cock even as he spread his knees further apart. A handful of strokes later he was coming, his hips stuttering and hot fluid spilling over Ethan’s fingers as he stroked him through it, reveling in every tiny moan and hitched breath.

  Gripping Caleb’s hips, Ethan pumped against him for another handful of heartbeats, each thrust harder than the last until his whole body tightened and then a wave of release rolled through him, forcing him to still as he braced for it. He groaned, low and heartfelt as he finished inside Caleb, spots dancing in front of his eyes after the force of his orgasm, making his head spin.

  Caleb grunted softly as Ethan slid out of him, then collapsed onto the couch with a thump. Ethan managed to sit back, saving himself from just falling right on top of Caleb and lying back to catch his breath, eyes closed and body still tingling.

  A moment later, he felt Caleb moving, then settling himself on Ethan’s chest. Ethan moved his chin out of the way as Caleb tucked his head under it, breathing a deep, satisfied sigh and then going boneless.

  Ethan smiled to himself, kissing the top of Caleb’s head softly and letting his eyes fall closed again. This was nice. He was more than happy to lie here for a few minutes and bask in it.

  “You’re getting better at that,” Caleb said after a minute or so of silence.

  “Yeah?” Ethan asked softly, right on the edge of dozing off.

  Caleb hummed. “Yeah. You still need a ton of practice, though. Don’t worry. I’ll teach you.”

  Ethan chuckled, moving his arm to wrap it around Caleb. The sex was great, but getting to hold Caleb afterward made Ethan’s heart hurt in the best possible way. Especially when Caleb snuggled into him like a cold cat.

  “That’s a class I won’t get tired of,” Ethan said, already looking forward to whatever Caleb wanted to show him next.

  “Good,” Caleb murmured. “Because it’s gonna take a lifetime.”

  Ethan swallowed, happiness welling up in his throat. “I can live with that.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “I’m going to steal this baby,” Caleb said, beaming down at his brand new niece as he rocked her in his arms.

  “You’ll be the only suspect,” Ethan pointed out. “So it won’t last long.”

  “And I’m right here,” Olivia pointed out. “Even if I can’t chase you, I know where you live. But you can borrow her from time to time.”

  “You have a full-time on-call babysitter in me. She’s so perfect.” Caleb couldn’t stop smiling, even thou
gh his face was starting to hurt. Ethan peered over his shoulder, wrapping his arms around Caleb’s waist.

  “She is pretty cute,” Ethan said, his breath tickling Caleb’s ear. For a moment, Caleb had a flash of this being their baby, a few years down the road. They’d only been together seven months or so now, but everything about their relationship felt so good.

  Before, Caleb had dated to save himself from wallowing in loneliness and the feeling that he was undesirable. Now, he was dating for pleasure, and companionship, and just knowing that there was someone else in the world who’d have his back all the time.

  “You did great,” Caleb looked up at Olivia again. “Mom and dad are on their way. I was just faster.”

  Caleb had expected Olivia to move closer to their parents, but he’d been flattered when she’d moved closer to him, instead. Despite their change of heart regarding their children, Caleb supposed he’d always been more reliable to her. It was still a surprise that she’d choose to rely on him, though.

  It was easily tied with the day she graduated college for proudest big brother moment. There was only eighteen months between them, but he’d always seen himself as her protector.

  “We should let you rest,” Ethan said. “I hear giving birth is hard.”

  Olivia laughed, but her exhaustion was written all over her face. “It’s not the easiest thing I’ve ever done.”

  “Then you should sleep. We’ll stick close, in case you need us,” Caleb said. He hadn’t discussed it with Ethan, but he got the impression he’d be inclined to stay, as well. Olivia had been thoughtful enough to give birth on a weekend, so they didn’t have anywhere else they needed to be. They could find a hotel room and crash for the night.

  “Can I have the baby back?” Olivia raised an eyebrow as Caleb stepped away.

  “I almost got away with her,” Caleb joked as he moved back to the side of the bed and handed the baby over carefully, missing the warmth in his arms immediately.

  Part of him was worried that his sudden cluckiness would put Ethan off, but he couldn’t have hidden it and he didn’t want to. If Ethan wasn’t into the idea of having kids someday, that was okay. They could talk about it and come to a decision together.

  Caleb remembered him saying he liked the idea, but they’d both had a few drinks that night and Ethan had just been playing with kids. In the cold light of day, he might not have been so excited at the prospect.

  He wasn’t about to lose the most perfect man he’d ever met over something that might never happen. He’d always have his niece to pour all his parenting instincts into.

  “Have you decided on a name yet?” Ethan asked

  Olivia shook her head. “Not yet. I thought I’d give it a day or two, see how her personality goes. You guys will be the first to know when I pick one.”

  Caleb was going to say something else, but he could see Olivia’s energy flagging and didn’t want to stress her out by making her feel like she had to keep up her side of the conversation. He nudged Ethan, who was still staring at the baby, and headed for the door.

  Ethan put an arm around his waist as they walked away from Olivia’s room, wandering the halls of the hospital to find the elevator they came up in.

  “I need coffee,” Caleb said as they finally found their way back to the elevators. “Before I fall asleep standing up.”

  “I kinda want to see that, but I guess you’d be mad at me if I let it happen.”

  “I’m in too good a mood to get mad at you. So now would be a good time to do any complaining you’ve been holding back on.”

  “No complaints,” Ethan said, holding the elevator door for Caleb when it opened. “So, you looked comfortable holding a baby.”

  The tips of Caleb’s ears burned. “Yeah. Well, she is my niece. I should be comfortable around her.”

  “Yeah, absolutely.” Ethan scratched the back of his neck. “I was just… y’know, wondering if that was something you wanted. We’ve never really talked about it.”

  Caleb’s stomach twisted. He should have known that Ethan would want to have this conversation now. Ethan never left things unsaid for long, the Hawaii incident notwithstanding.

  Although, that had mostly been Caleb. Ethan had just been reacting to his frightened, confused cues as well as he could.

  “It’s not a dealbreaker if you don’t, but… yeah, I do want that. Maybe. Someday. A little more now than I did yesterday.” Caleb licked his lips. “You held her. How did it feel?”

  “Good,” Ethan said. “Terrifying, but good.”

  The knot in Caleb’s stomach eased. Ethan wasn’t totally opposed to the idea, after all.

  “Yeah, that’s more or less exactly how it felt for me.” Caleb smiled wryly. “But I missed her the second I let go of her.”

  “Me too,” Ethan agreed. “I am definitely up for helping out with babysitting duties, by the way. I expect you to invite me over whenever she’s around.”

  “You don’t need an invite. You already have your own key. You’re always welcome in my apartment. I was actually going to ask you to move in once all of this was over and done with. I think it’s well past time.”

  “I’d like that,” Ethan said. “You’ve got way better water pressure than I do.”

  Caleb laughed. “So you only love me for my water pressure?”

  “Not only.” Ethan grinned at him as they stepped out of the elevator. “I think of it as an added bonus.”

  “As long as I’m the main attraction,” Caleb said.

  “You are.” Ethan cleared his throat. “I was actually thinking… and I know this is sudden and if I’m going too fast, just tell me, but… if you want kids… I was thinking we should, y’know. Get married, maybe?”

  Caleb stopped dead in his tracks. After a moment, he turned on the spot to face Ethan, staring at him. Tears welled up in his eyes. They hadn’t talked about that, either, but if Ethan was asking, he’d be an idiot to say no.

  He’d almost lost Ethan once already. He wasn’t going to risk it a second time.

  “Yes,” Caleb said. “A thousand times, yes.”

  Ethan’s face lit up with a broad smile. “I wasn’t planning on asking yet, but I figure, why wait? It’s where this is going, right?”

  “It is.” Caleb bit his lip to stop it from trembling. He took a step forward and wrapped his arms around Ethan, clinging tightly to him. His head was spinning and his chest hurt, he was tired and sore and emotionally exhausted, but the moment was still perfect.

  Ethan hugged back like he always did. He was the one person who’d ever really succeeded in being comforting for Caleb, and he did it effortlessly. Of course Caleb wanted to marry him.

  “That was easier than I thought it’d be,” Ethan said.

  Caleb sniffed as tears started running down his cheeks, all the feelings over the baby and now this overwhelming him. “You caught me in a good mood,” he murmured, breaking away from Ethan as he became aware they were being stared at.

  Ethan smiled a soft, warm smile at him, and Caleb knew he’d made a good decision.

  “Just not in Hawaii, okay? I’d like a nice, quiet wedding,” Ethan said.

  “Definitely not in Hawaii,” Caleb agreed. He’d marry Ethan in the street if he had to. This was everything he’d wanted, all coming true at once.

  “Okay, so. Coffee?” Ethan asked, blushing high on his cheeks. Caleb grinned at him and grabbed his hand, tugging him toward the front doors of the hospital.

  “This is why I’m agreeing to marry you,” he said. They’d taken a while to get here, but it had all been worth it.

  Just as they were heading down the street to find a coffee shop, Caleb’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out to check and saw a text from Olivia pop up.

  I’m calling her Adriana.

  Caleb grinned. Great name. I’m getting married.

  Holy shit, Olivia texted back. To Ethan?? she added in a second message.

  No, to the cute midwife you had in earlier, Caleb r
esponded. Of course to Ethan.

  Olivia sent back an emoji with its tongue sticking out and nothing else. Caleb took that as the end of the conversation, and didn’t want to keep Olivia up after everything she’d been through today.

  “What’re you smiling at?” Ethan asked.

  “Olivia’s calling her Adriana,” Caleb responded.

  “Good name.” Ethan nodded thoughtfully.

  Caleb glanced down at his phone again, flicking to the photo he’d taken of his niece earlier. He looked back up at Ethan as they walked, wondering how he’d gotten so lucky today.

  Whatever it was, he wasn’t about to question it. He was happier now than he ever remembered being before, and this was just the start of the rest of his life. Things were pretty great.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Part of Ethan hadn’t really expected his proposal to stick—he hadn’t planned it out or anything, and he’d wondered if maybe Caleb would take it as something said in the heat of the moment. The possibility that it would be forgotten about with the excitement of the baby and moving in together had seemed high, and though he’d been serious, he didn’t want to push.

  He’d been surprised when, three months later, Caleb had asked him about starting wedding plans. They’d talked about how they wanted a fall wedding, when the weather wasn’t so hot and they wouldn’t hate standing around in suits all day.

  They’d talked about dates, and vows, and guest lists, and started booking things as soon as they realized that they were both definitely still into the idea of being married to each other.

  A year later, it was actually happening.

  Ethan had wanted to go as quiet as possible—get married in the courthouse on a weekday, that kind of thing—but Ethan’s parents had insisted on at least having an intimate family wedding, and considering how cool they’d been toward both Caleb and Olivia since Olivia’s non-wedding, he’d agreed without a fight.


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