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MA06 Little Myth Marker

Page 14

by Robert Asprin

  “See! SEE!!! What did I tell you?”

  “ ... as a LOAN so he could use it as a stake in future games ... ”

  “That’s when I knew he had ... a loan??”

  I grinned at my partner.

  “Uh-huh. As in ‘put your money to work for you instead of stacking it,’ a concept I believe you found very interesting when it was first broached. Of course, you had already gone off half-cocked and stomped away before we got to that part.”

  Any sarcasm I had managed to load into my voice was lost on Aahz, which is not surprising when you realize we were talking about money.

  “A loan, eh?” he said thoughtfully. “What were the terms?”

  “Tell him, Bunny.”


  “Hey! You weren’t there, remember? I decided to see what our accountant could do. Bunny?”

  “Well, I’ve never dealt with stake money before, no pun intended, so I had to kind of feel my way along. I think I got us a pretty good arrangement, though.”

  “Which was ... ”

  “Until the Kid pays us back ... and it’s got to be paid back in full, no partial payments, we get half his winnings.”

  “Hmmm,” my partner murmured. “Not bad.”

  “If you can think of anything else I should have asked for, I’m open to ... ”

  “If he could think of anything else,” I said, winking at her, “you can believe he would have roared it out by now. You did great, Bunny.”

  “Gee. Thanks, Skeeve.”

  “Now then, if someone would be so kind as to break out the wine, I feel like celebrating.”

  “Of course, Boss, you realize that now a lot of people know that you’ve got a lot of cash on hand,” Guido pointed out, edging close to me. “As soon as Nunzio gets back, I think we’d better take a look at beefin’ up security on the place, know what I mean?”

  “Where is Nunzio, anyway?” Massha said, peering around.

  “He’ll be along in a bit,” I smiled. “I had a little errand for him after the game.”

  “Well, here’s to you, Skeeve!” Chumley called, lifting his goblet aloft. “After all our worrying about whether your reputation could survive a match with the Kid, I dare say you came out of it well ahead of where you were before.”

  “That’s right,” his sister giggled. “I wonder what the Ax thinks about what happened.”

  That was the cue I had been waiting for. I took a deep breath and a deeper drink of wine, then assumed my most casual manner.

  “Why bother speculating, Tananda? Why not ask direct?”

  “What’s that, Skeeve?”

  “I said, why not ask the Ax directly? After all, she’s in the room right now.”

  The gaiety of the mood vanished in an eye blink as everybody stared at me.

  “Partner,” Aahz murmured, “I thought we settled this when we talked to Don Bruce.”

  I cut him off with the wave of a hand.

  “As a matter of fact, I’m a little curious about what the Ax is thinking myself. Why don’t you tell us ... Markie?”

  My young ward squirmed under the room’s combined gaze.

  “But, Daddy ... I don’t ... you ... oh, heck! You figured it out, huh?”

  “Uh-huh.” I nodded, not feeling at all triumphant.

  She heaved a great sigh. “Oh, well. I was about to throw in the towel anyway. I had just hoped I could beat a retreat before my cover was blown. If you don’t mind, I’d like to join you in some of that wine now.”

  “Help yourself.”


  Aahz had finally recovered enough to make noise. Of course, it comes reflexively to him. The others were still working on it.

  “Don’t let the little-girl looks fool you, Aahz,” she winked. “Folks are small and soft on my dimension. In the right clothes, it’s easy to pass yourself off as being younger than you really are. Lots younger.”

  “But ... but ... ”

  “Think about it for a minute, Aahz,” I said. “You had all the pieces the first day. Kids, particularly little girls, are embarrassing at best, trouble at worst. The trick is that you expect them to be trouble, so you don’t even consider the possibility that what they’re doing could be premeditated and planned.”

  I paused to take a sip of wine, and for once no one interrupted me with questions.

  “If you look back on it, most of the problems we’ve been having have originated directly or indirectly from Markie. She mouthed off about Bunny being in my bed to get Tananda upset, and when that didn’t work she made a few digs about her living here free that got her thinking about leaving ... just like she deliberately made Massha look bad in the middle of her magic lesson for the same reason, to get her to leave.”

  “Almost worked, too,” my apprentice observed thoughtfully.

  “The business in the Bazaar was no accident, either,” I continued. “All she had to do was wait for the right opportunity to pretend to get mad so we wouldn’t suspect she was blasting things deliberately. If you recall, she even tried to convince me that I didn’t need to take dragon poker lessons.”

  “Of course,” Markie put in, “that’s not easy to do when people think you’re a kid.”

  “The biggest clue was Gleep. I thought he was trying to protect me from Bunny, but it was Markie he was really after. I keep telling you that he’s smarter than you think.”

  “Remind me to apologize to your dragon,” Aahz said, still staring at Markie.

  “It was a good plan,” she sighed. “Ninety-nine percent of the time it would have worked. The problem was that everyone underestimated you, Skeeve ... you and your friends. I didn’t think you’d have enough money to pay off the irate merchants after I did a number on their displays, and your friends ... ”

  She shook her head slowly.

  “Usually if word gets out that I’m on assignment, it makes my work easier. The target’s associates bail out to keep from getting hit in the crossfire, and trying to get them to stay or come back only makes things worse. Part of sinking someone’s career is cutting them off from their support network.”

  She raised her wine in a mock toast to me.

  “Your friends wouldn’t run ... or if they did, they wouldn’t stay gone once they heard you were in trouble. That’s when I started to have second thoughts about this assignment. I mean, there are some careers that shouldn’t be scuttled, and I think yours is one of them. You can take that as a compliment ... it’s meant as one. That’s why I was about to call it quits anyway. I realized my heart just wasn’t in my work this time around.”

  She set down her wine and stood up.

  “Well, I guess that’s that. I’ll go upstairs and pack now. Make you a deal. If you all promise not to tell anyone who the famous Ax is, I’ll spread the word that you’re so invincible that even the Ax couldn’t trip you up. Okay?”

  Watching her leave the room, I realized with some surprise that I would miss her. Despite what Aahz had said, it had been kind of nice having a kid around the place.

  “That’s it?” my partner frowned. “You’re just going to let her walk?”

  “I was the target. I figure it was my call. Besides, she didn’t do any real damage. As Chumley pointed out a second ago, we’re further ahead than we were when she arrived.”

  “Of course, there’s the matter of the damages we had to pay for her little magic display at the Bazaar.”

  For once, I was ahead of my partner when it came to money. “I haven’t forgotten that, Aahz. I just figure to recoup the loss from another source. You see, what finally tipped me off was ... wait. Here they are now.”

  Nunzio was just coming into the room, dragging the Geek with him.

  “Hello, Skeeve,” the Deveel said, squirming in my bodyguard’s grasp. “Your ... ah, associate here says you wanted
to see me?”

  “He tried to sneak out after I told him, Boss,” Nunzio squeaked. “That’s what took me so long.”

  “Hello, Geek,” I purred. “Have a seat. I want to have a little chat with you about a card game.”

  “C’mon, Skeeve. I already told you ... ”


  The Geek dropped into the indicated chair like gravity had suddenly trebled. I had borrowed the tone of voice from Nunzio’s dragon-training demonstration. It worked.

  “What the Geek was starting to say,” I explained, turning to Aahz, “is that before the game tonight he warned me that I was overmatched and asked me not to have any hard feelings ... that the game with the Kid wasn’t his idea.”

  “That’s right,” the Deveel interjected. “Word just got out and ... ”

  “What I’m curious about, however, is how he knew I was outclassed.”

  I smiled at the Geek, trying to show my teeth the way Aahz does. “You see, I don’t want to talk about tonight’s game. I was hoping you could give us a little more information about the other game ... you know, the one where I won Markie?”

  The Deveel glanced nervously around the group of assembled scowls.

  “I ... I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Let me make it easy for you. At this point I figure the game had to be rigged. That’s the only way you would know in advance what a weak dragon poker player I am. Somehow you were throwing hands my way to be sure I won big, big enough to include Markie. I’m just curious how you did it without triggering the magic or telepathy monitors.”

  The Geek seemed to shrink a little in his chair. When he spoke, his voice was so low we could barely hear him.

  “Marked cards,” he said.

  The room exploded.


  “But how ... ”

  “Wouldn’t that ... ”

  I waved them back to silence.

  “It makes sense. Think about it,” I instructed. “Specifically, think back to our trip to Limbo. Remember how hard it was to disguise ourselves without using magic? Everybody at the Bazaar gets so used to things being done magically, they forget there are non-magical ways to do the same things ... like false beards, or marked cards.”

  The Geek was on his feet now.

  “You can’t hold that against me! So someone else paid me to throw the game your way. Heck, I should think you’d be happy. You came out ahead, didn’t you? What’s to be mad about?”

  “I’ll bet if I try real hard I could think of something.”

  “Look, if it’s revenge you want, you already got it. I lost a bundle tonight betting against you. You want blood, I’m bleeding!”

  The Deveel was sweating visibly now. Then again, he’s always been a little nervous around me for some reason.

  “Relax, Geek. I’m not going to hurt you. If anything, I’m going to help you ... just like you helped me.”

  “Yeah?” he said suspiciously.

  “You say you’re short of cash; we’ll fix it.”

  “What!!??” Aahz roared, but Tananda poked him in the ribs and he subsided into sullen silence.


  “Yeah, Skeeve?”

  “First thing tomorrow I want you to run over to the Even-Odds. Go over the books, take inventory, and come up with a fair price for the place.”

  The Geek blinked.

  “My club? But I ... ”

  “ ... Then draw up an agreement for us to take it off the Geek’s hands ... at half the price you arrive at.”

  “WHAT!!??” the Deveel screeched, forgetting his fear. “Why should I sell my club for ... ”

  “ ... More than it will be worth if the word gets out that you’re running rigged games?” I finished for him. “Because you’re a shrewd businessman, Geek. Besides, you need the money. Right?”

  The Geek swallowed hard, then licked his lips before he spoke. “Right.”

  “How was that, Geek?” Aahz frowned. “I didn’t quite hear you.”

  “I did,” I said firmly. “Well, we won’t keep you any longer, Geek. I know you’ll want to get back to your club and clean up a bit. Otherwise we’ll have to reduce the amount of our appraisal.”

  The Deveel started to snarl something, then thought better of it and slunk out into the night.

  “Do you think that will make up for what we had to pay in damages, partner?” I said innocently.

  “Skeeve, sometimes you amaze me,” Aahz said, lifting his wine in a salute. “Now if there are no more surprises, I’m ready to party.”

  It was tempting, but I was on a roll and didn’t want to let the moment slip away.

  “There is one more thing,” I announced. “Now that we’ve taken care of the Ax and the Kid, I think we should address the major problem that’s come up ... while everyone is here.”

  “Major problem?” my partner scowled. “What’s that?”

  Taking a deep breath, I went for it.

  THE WHOLE CREW was staring at me as I rolled my goblet of wine back and forth in my hand, trying to decide where to start.

  “If I’ve seemed a little distracted during this latest crisis,” I said at last, “it’s because I’ve been wrestling with another problem that’s come to my attention... a big one. So big that, in my mind, the other stuff took a lower priority.”

  “Whatever you’re talking about, partner,” Aahz frowned, “I’ve missed it.”

  “You just said it, Aahz. The magic word is ‘partner.’ Things have been going real well for you and me, but we aren’t the only ones in this household. When we were talking to Chumley and he said that his life wasn’t all beer and skittles, it took me a while to puzzle out what he was talking about, but it finally came clear.”

  I looked at the troll.

  “Business is off for you, isn’t it, Chumley?”

  “Well, I don’t like to complain...”

  “I know, but maybe you should once in a while. I had never stopped to think about it before, but you’ve been getting fewer and fewer assignments since you moved in with us, haven’t you?”

  “Is that true, Chumley?” Aahz said. “I never noticed...”

  “No one’s noticed because the attention has always been on us, Aahz. The Aahz and Skeeve team has been taking priority over everything and everyone else. We’ve been so busy living up to our big-name image that we’ve missed what it’s doing to our colleagues, the ones who have to a large extent been responsible for our success.”

  “Oh, come now, Skeeve old boy,” Chumley laughed uneasily. “I think you’re exaggerating a bit there.”

  “Am I? Your business is off, and so is Tananda’s. I hate to say it, but she was right when she left, we are stifling her with our current setup. Guido and Nunzio knock themselves out trying to be super-bodyguards because they’re afraid we’ll decide we don’t really need them and send them packing. Even Massha thinks of herself as a non-contributing team member. Bunny’s our newest arrival, and she tried to tell me that the only way she could help us is as an ornament!”

  “I feel better about that after tonight, Skeeve,” Bunny corrected. “Between negotiating with the Kid and getting the assignment to price out the Even-Odds, I think I can do something for you besides breathe heavy.”

  “Exactly!” I nodded. “That’s what’s giving me the courage to propose the plan I’ve cooked up.”

  “Plan? What plan?”

  “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about, Aahz. Actually, what I wanted to talk to all of you about. What we’re dealing with in this household isn’t really a partnership... it’s a company. Everybody in this room contributes to the success of our group as a whole, and I think it’s about time we restructured our setup to reflect that. What we really need is a system where all of us have a say as to what’s going on. Then clients will
be able to approach us as a group, and we quote prices, hand out assignments or subcontract, and share the profits as a group. That’s my proposal, for what it’s worth. What do the rest of you think?”

  The silence stretched on until I started to wonder if they were trying to think of a tactful way to tell me I belonged in a rubber room.

  “I don’t know, Skeeve,” Aahz said at last.

  “What aren’t you sure of?” I urged.

  “I don’t know if we should call ourselves Magic, Inc., or Chaos, Ltd.”

  “Magic, Inc. has already been used,” Tananda argued. “Besides, I think the name should be a little more dignified and formal.”

  “You do that, then the clients are goin’ to be surprised when they actually see us, know what I mean?” Guido put in. “We ain’t exactly dignified and formal ourselves.”

  I leaned back in my chair and took a deep breath. If that was their only concern, my idea was at least deemed worthy of consideration.

  Massha caught my eye and winked.

  I toasted her back, feeling justifiably smug.

  “Does this company accept new applicants?”

  We all turned to find Markie in the door, suitcase in her hand.

  “I don’t think I have to tell you all about my qualifications,” she continued, “but I admire this group and would be proud to be a part of it.”

  The crew exchanged glances.

  “Well, Markie...”

  “It’s still nebulous...”

  “You’ve got the Elemental stuff down cold...”

  “What do you think, Skeeve?” Aahz said. “You’re the one who’s usually big on recruiting old enemies.”

  “No,” I said firmly.

  They were all looking at me again.

  “Sorry to sound so overbearing right after claiming I wanted everybody to have a say in things,” I continued, “but if Markie’s in, I’m out.”

  “What’s the problem, Skeeve?” Markie frowned. “I thought we were still on pretty good terms.”

  “We are,” I nodded. “I’m not mad at you. I won’t work against your career or hit you or hold a grudge. You were just doing your job.” I raised my head and our eyes met. “I just can’t go along with how you work, is all. You say you admire our group—well, the glue that holds us together is trust. The way you operate is to get people to trust you, then betray it. Even if you stayed loyal to our group, I don’t think I want to be associated in business with someone who thinks that’s the way to turn a profit.”


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