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Chasing Pan_Tales from Neverland

Page 6

by S Cinders

  “Don’t want you?” he bit off incredulously. “You are insane!”

  His lips ravaged mine, there was nothing gentle about this kiss. It was all tongues and gnashing of teeth as he plundered my depths. It wasn’t lost on me the immediate response of my body. My heart thundered in its cage and I felt the tight coil of need awaken in my belly.

  He bit my lip and I bit him back, it was tit for tat and I wasn’t about to lose this one.

  Hiking my leg around his hips, I thrust myself against his heat.

  He flipped us positions so that I was straddled on top of him. His hands snapped the offending bra in half and he tossed it away from the bed.

  Then he brought his lips up to my peak and sucked. I cried out his name pushing more of my breast into his mouth. He loosened his grip on my hips and I had my chance.

  Jerking my lips away, I flew off the berth.

  “Looks like I got away from you,” I taunted as my chest heaved up and down.

  I was struggling to draw air into my lungs. Or maybe I was just so aroused that I needed a moment to collect myself.

  Peter hadn’t the same needs because I found myself slammed against the wall of my cabin.

  My legs automatically wrapped about his waist and I clung to his naked shoulders.

  “What are you doing?” I squeaked.

  “You can’t get away from me, Ebony,” Peter nipped at my neck. “You can run all you want, but I will always be right behind you.”

  I was going to tell him something snappy, about that sounding stalkerish. But he claimed my lips again and my mind turned to mush.

  I clung to him, savoring the smell of his hard body next to mine. It should have been awful, we were all sweaty messes. But he smelled of the ocean and raw masculinity.

  I ground my hips against his dick, willing him to take the next move, but he seemed content to just kiss me.

  There was a pounding on the door, before Tiger Lilly barged in.

  “Ebony, we have trouble...”

  She broke off her sentence as a knowing smile crossed her face.

  “You don’t like him, huh?”

  I could have killed her in cold blood.

  “Not even a little bit,” I said as haughtily as I could. It was difficult to remain as cold as I wanted, smashed between Peter and the wall.

  “And you don’t care if I get that kiss?” she teased.

  “You fucking touch one inch of Peter and I will tell Alex what you say in your sleep.”

  Lilly’s face flooded with color, “That is low, Ebony.”

  Peter’s lips twitched, “You came in here for?”

  She straightened, “Pirate ship off the port bow.”

  “In space?” I blurted out.

  “Fuck,” and he dropped me on the floor.

  CHAPTER 13 – Ebony

  “EXPLAIN TO ME AGAIN why Tiger Lilly is pretending to be me, and why I am supposed to be her?”

  I sat gussied up in Tiger Lilly too tight clothes as she glided around the deck making a damnably good impression of me. The pirate ship was approaching at a steady clip. But they didn’t have their cannons out.

  This was the strangest day I had ever had.

  “I already told you,” Alex sighed. “Their boat is three times the size of ours Eb. If we put up a fight, we all die. And besides that, salient point, Long John Silver has a bone to pick with Hook. If we let him take you, we will never see you again.”

  “But you are willing to part with Tiger Lilly?” I fired back, my eyes not leaving the massive ship approaching. They had the skull and crossbones waving in the breeze.

  Alex clenched his jaw, and I knew he was trying to reign in his temper.

  “No, I am not happy with that. But my vote was overruled. I wanted to send Tinkerbell in your stead.”

  “I heard that!” Tink called out, from where she was flirting with Tom.

  “I meant you too,” Alex replied snarkily.

  Tom growled at Alex.

  “Stop,” I put my hand up, but Tiger Lilly was already on it.

  Getting right in Alex’s face she yelled, “You are not helping. Stop being a dumb-fuck and try being useful.”


  She did know me.

  Alex flushed, “Sorry, Captain.”

  He has never been that respectful to me in all the years that I have known him.

  Alex had it bad for Tiger Lilly. I just didn’t understand why he didn’t go for her. Didn't she seem to like him back?

  Not that I was an expert in romance. Clearly, a novice, but one plus one still equals two in my book.

  “Ahoy there!” There was a loud cry from the other ship, and we braced ourselves, guns at the ready just in case. “We mean you no harm, friends.”

  Pirates don’t have friends.

  There was a sizeable creaking sound and then a jolt where we almost lost our footing as the ships came alongside each other. This captain defied description. He had a wooden leg and carried a crutch that he brandished about when he spoke.

  A large parrot perched on his shoulder. He was a giant of a man, limber and quick with sparkling eyes.

  “Well now, aren’t you a hearty crew! Is this my old friend, Hook’s vessel? I dare say, I never thought the Jolly Roger would be manned by anyone but the old crook.”

  I felt myself bristle and went to retort when Alex elbowed me in the stomach.

  “My father,” Tiger Lilly replied with as much pride and circumstance as a queen.

  They were never going to believe this.

  “Ebony?” his voice cracked and strangely enough, I felt it clear through my bones.

  “Yes,” she replied, folding her arms across her chest.

  “Tis me, Sweetness, your pa. I am Long John Silver, and you are my sweet Ebony.”

  What the actual fuck was going on?

  “My father is Captain Hook,” Tiger Lilly didn’t miss a beat. But my eyes were glued to Captain Silver.

  “Sweet Ebony! Squawk!”

  “Ai, Captain Flint, it is our little girl, returned to us at last.”

  “Are you addressing the bird?” I asked without thinking. Alex sent me a thunderous glare.

  Long John Silver grinned, “This here is Captain Flint, he sails the seas with me and has for many a year.”

  “What happened to the original Captain Flint?” Peter came out from the shadows and Silver’s eyes narrowed.

  “Strapping young lad, now aren’t you? That’s a fine question and one that I have an excellent answer to!”

  “You tell ‘em, Barbeque!” One of his sailors called out.

  “Barbeque?” I repeated dumbly.

  “Tis on account that I used to be the Quartermaster, but it’s been nigh on a hundred years since those days,” Silver smiled again at Tiger Lilly.

  “We just came to get you darlin.’ If you come along with us, we won’t harm your friends.”

  “You can’t take her!”

  I shoved my way past Alex and out into the light.

  Silver’s breath caught in his throat. It was as if he had seen a ghost.

  “You are the spitting image of her,” his genial tone falling away as honesty prevailed. “It’s been so long since I laid eyes on the both of you.”

  I felt a strange churning in my stomach, “What are you speaking of, Pirate? State your case and then be gone. We need to return to my father. He is ill.”

  “I know what be ailing, Hook,” Silver’s eyes glinted. “But he’s not your father, Sweetness. Why did you send another girl before? What trickery is this? Did you not think I wouldn’t know my own? I have her likeness. I carry it with me everywhere. Would you like to see your mother, child?”

  I took a step forward only to have a large hand yank me backward.

  “You are going to be the death of me,” Peter hissed. He walked over and grabbed a rope. Pushing off with his legs, he swung over the side onto the other ship.

  “I will bring it to her,” Peter growled.

tipped his head to the side, “Do you I know you, lad? There is something about your eyes that is rather familiar.”

  Peter cocked a brow, “Do you find yourself involved with the club scene in Manhattan?”

  “Liar, Squawk,” chimed in Captain Flint.

  Peter snarled at the bird.

  “Don’t mind him,” Silver cajoled. “Can’t say I have ever been much of a dancer.”

  He motioned to his peg leg, and I snorted a laugh.

  It was rude, but I couldn’t help it. An answering smile crossed Silver’s face as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver locket.

  “Did I miss anything?” Tink and Tom rejoined us on the deck. “Oh, Silver! How lovely to see you again!”

  The captain’s eyes flew from Tink to Peter and back again.

  “Well, well, if it isn’t Peter Pan all grown up,” all the friendliness has evaporated, and Silver sounded like the bloodthirsty pirate he undoubtedly was.

  “Oops!” Tink covered her broad smile with a hand.

  Peter went to swing away but was stopped by five of Silver’s crew.

  “Don’t run away on me now,” Silver stroked his whiskered chin. “I have much I wish to discuss with you.”

  Peter’s jaw clenched, “As you wish, Captain.”

  Silver looked over to where I was standing on the deck of the Jolly Roger. And again, his expression softened for the briefest of moments.

  "Take the lot!" He commanded harshly. In the next second, there were dozens upon dozens of sailors swinging onto the Jolly Roger.

  We fought with skill and determination. Swords were clashing as they met again and again. I swung my saber with my right hand while using my dagger to stab with the left.

  I saw Charlie go down, but there wasn't much blood, so I had hopes that he would be alright.

  Tom was leading his tormentor on a merry chase up the rigging while Alex wielded his weapon bravely.

  There were just so many of them. I wanted to be proud of the fight my crew was putting up. And I was, for the most part. Tink had disappeared once again, and there was no sign of Nate. I was going to wish her small, at my earliest convenience.

  They trounced us in about eight minutes.

  It was dismal, to say the least.

  "Bring my daughter over here!" Silver called out as if asking for another spot of tea, not a person.

  I was grabbed by a burly character. I kicked my feet and bit him, at least seven times. But it was to no avail. And with a gruff hold, we were airborne and sailed towards the larger boat.

  Can I help that my heart was grateful Peter was already on board? Perhaps Alex wasn't the only one who had it bad.

  CHAPTER 14 – Peter

  I EYED SILVER’S CREW with a hint of trepidation wondering who would recognize the little boy in the man I had become.

  Black Dog, Billy Bowlegs, Iron hand, Ned Shill and all the rest looking as mangy as ever. It had been far too long, and I could have gone a lifetime more.

  The Henrietta was a fine ship, far more extensive than The Jolly Roger. Which incidentally Hook stole the name of the pirate flag for his ship. His lack of originality wreaked of amateurism. Hook was never meant to be a pirate Captain.

  Dodd Perch was his real name, faked a big death scene, and Captain James Bartholomew Hook was born.

  But I supposed we all wore masks of a kind, so who was I to point fingers?

  My arms were tied behind my back, and they had secured my feet with rope. But I could still speak.

  “Captain Silver, surely we can come to some type of arrangement?”

  Silver turned to where I was standing. Black Dog had Ebony as she fought tooth and nail to be free of him. These weren’t the type of pirates that Ebony knew of. Her fairy tale existence was about to come to a crashing halt.

  “You always did have a silvery tongue, Jim.”


  Ebony ceased all movement, “Who is Jim?”

  I had hoped she wasn’t paying attention to our conversation.

  “That there is Jim,” Silver smiled, and I wanted to knock his teeth out. “Jim Hawkins and I have a history, don’t we son?”

  “I am not your son,” I bit off.

  His grin widened, “You see, Sweet Ebony, Jim here took on the name of Peter Pan when he and Dodd Perch stole Captain Flint’s treasure.”

  “Who is Dodd Perch?” Ebony blinked in confusion.

  “Your father,” Alex blurted out, “Or rather, Hook.”

  We all swung round to face Alex.

  “Smeed told me the whole thing one night over a bottle of rum,” Alex went on bitterly. “Told me that I wasn’t his, as much as he loved me, but a cast-off of Dodd’s. I didn’t understand until later who he was referring to. But at another date, I heard Smeed slip up and call Hook by his real name.”

  “Why has everyone changed their names?” Ebony demanded, “This doesn’t make any sense.”

  Silver’s laugh rumbled out of his chest, “She is as bright as a penny! You see darlin’ when a pirate steals from another pirate they become the walking dead. Dead men don’t bite, is what they used to say. So, by assuming new names they think they have outrun their past. But they haven’t, have they, Jim?”

  I tensed, “My name is Peter. It was never Jim Hawkins. I made that up when I came on your boat. My given name is Peter Gallagher, and that is the name I go by to this day. I am positive your mother didn’t christen you Long John Silver.”

  In a flash, a long saber was thrust in the direction of my throat. I dogged, half expecting a hothead like Silver to try something similar.

  Ebony screamed, “Do not touch him! Do you understand me?”

  Silver turned to her, a curious glint in his eye, “Now tell me why lass, you are so attached to Peter here and perhaps I will spare his life.”

  He was bluffing. Silver wouldn’t dispatch me so quickly. There was much more to reveal, and he needed what resided in my brain.

  “He’s,” She swallowed, her chest rising and falling with fear as Black Dog held her immovable. “He’s my husband. And if you truly are my father, you won’t harm the man I love.”

  Her declaration sent a shock wave through the crew.

  My heart was pounding a million miles a minute. I couldn’t refute her, and the Lord knew that I wanted it to be true. But I couldn’t help but feel an ominous warning that this could only end badly.

  Silver whipped his gaze back to me, and I tried to remain impassive.

  Tink looked incredulous, and that was nothing compared to Alex. Whose chin was dangling somewhere near his knees.

  “I don’t believe you,” Silver declared after a moment of speculation.

  I thought it might be a good idea to say something here, but I hadn’t the slightest idea what to add.

  It turns out. It was Tiger Lilly who saved us.

  “They are married, Captain Silver. I have witnessed them being alone together. They behave as all newly married couples do.”

  Ebony’s cheeks heated, and I scowled.

  “You married my little girl?” Silver got right into my face, and I could smell the rancid meat he had eaten earlier.

  “She is mine,” was my only response.

  Silver swung his beefy fist connecting with my jaw.

  “Stop!” Ebony cried out. But Silver had only just gotten started.

  Crack, the next punch split my lip and the next blackened by eye. I had known the chance I was taking getting involved with her. I could take the consequences, but Ebony was not of the same frame of mind.

  She bit Black Dog and shimmied under his arms as he jerked away from her. Grabbing another pirate’s sword, she brandished it like a pro.

  “You will stop this instant!” She screamed. “Or I will run you through.”

  Silver was huffing by the exertion, “He took my little girl away from me!”

  “I am not a little girl. I am a grown woman. And if you were my father, you would respect my wishes.”


  Silver yanked out the silver locket that he had stashed in his front pocket. Ebony took it from Silver’s dirty hands and opened the lock. Her lower lip trembled, and her eyes began to swim with tears.

  I wanted to go to her, comfort her. But as much as I strained against the ropes, I couldn’t budge.

  Slowly, Ebony turned it around so that I could see the likeness inside. The woman’s hair was done in an old-fashioned style. Her clothing reflected a time long since passed. But for those discrepancies, it could very well have been Ebony. She had the same wispy hair that looked like hazelnuts, the same sparkling eyes, and cupid’s bow mouth.

  “Damn it,” I muttered.

  She nodded jerkily, “I will listen to what you have to say.”

  Silver’s smile could be seen for leagues around. However, it dimmed when Ebony finished her statement.

  “But I will need my husband free from the restraints and my crew treated as guests, not prisoners.”

  Some of Silver’s crew spouted off what they thought Ebony could do with her requests. But Silver ignored their banter and focused his attention on Ebony.

  “You will listen to everything I have to say with an open heart?”

  Ebony nodded, “I give you my solemn vow.”

  Silver’s eyes gleamed, “Release the prisoners!”

  Ebony cleared her throat rather loudly.

  Silver looked sheepish, “Right! Release the guests and show them to their new chambers. We will have some crew go back to the Jolly Roger to man the wheel.”

  “Where are we headed?” Ebony asked Silver.

  He laughed, “To Neverland, it’s the second star to the right and straight on till morning.”

  I felt the ropes loosen around my feet and then again at my back. I barely had enough time to bring them around as Ebony launched herself into my arms.

  "I'm sorry," she whispered in my ear, and I felt a flood of emotion fill my heart.

  Her tender lips against my flesh had me shiver with need. I held her tighter to me. She had no reason to be sorry. We should have been more forthright with her. I should have been more forthright despite Alex's protests.

  I had a feeling that things were only starting to become complicated, and we were nowhere near the clear yet.


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