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Chasing Pan_Tales from Neverland

Page 7

by S Cinders

  CHAPTER 15 – Ebony


  A shout from one of the sailors awakened me from my slumber.

  I was about to fall back to sleep when another voice cried out. “I come from hell and I will carry you there presently!”

  The first sailor seemed to take offense to this and retorted, “I’ll cut you in pound pieces!”

  “Not before I pull out your bleeding heart!” It sounded like it was followed by the brandishing of a sword.

  “You have better bloody well shut both of your mouths, before I cut off your tongues,” I yelled from the hammock I had dozed off in.

  Both sailors looked over to see that I was indeed awake and not amused.

  “Beg pardon, Captain Hook,” this came from Brownie who was one of my better midshipmen.

  “Sorry, Ma’am,” Billy Bowlegs made an awkward bow mixed with a salute.

  I felt someone’s presence near my side and turned to see Peter staring at me.

  “If there is something on my face I would prefer you tell me now,” I heated and tried to sit up gracefully.

  The hammock had other ideas and began to twist to the right as I slid to the left and the next thing I knew my ass was smacking the floor.

  “Go, a head and laugh,” I warned him with my dagger that I’d ripped out of my boot.

  Peter’s lips did not so much as twitch. However, his eyes danced.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it,” he extended a hand and I took it gratefully. “I don’t know why you insisted on sleeping up here when you have a perfectly good bunk below stairs.”

  I wrinkled my nose in distaste. The room below was dank and dark, nothing like the captain’s quarters that I was used to. To be perfectly honest, it made me uncomfortable.

  I suppose I should have been happy to not be bunking with the crew. But I cannot help but wonder if I wasn’t alone it wouldn’t be better. Alex and Lilly were tasked with the crew to fly the Jolly Roger, but Silver insisted that Peter and I remain aboard the Henrietta.

  “I like the fresh air,” I said loftily, releasing my arm from his strong grasp.

  He nodded, “Yes, it’s a good thing it doesn’t get chilly out here in space.”

  “You are being an ass-hat,” I scowled, when his broad chest began to shake with laughter.

  “You know as well as I do that it is freezing out here. Your fingers were so cold when I helped you up that I worried they might break off.”

  I sighed as I secretly shoved my frost-bitten hands into my armpits, “It is cold as fuck out here in space. I have on three layers already. It is hard to imagine that last week when we joined Silver we were complaining about the heat.”

  Peter pulled my hands out and held them in his large warm ones. I felt tingles all the way down to my toes. It could have been that they were finally getting blood circulating through them. But I liked to think that it had something to do with Peter.

  “Why won’t you sleep downstairs?” he asked again, quieter this time. “I know that you are not sleeping at night. You have dark circles around your eyes that look like bruises. You need your sleep, Ebony.”

  “This is a lot to take in,” I blurted out. “Everything I thought I knew about myself and those around me is a lie. I don’t know who to trust. Shit, I don’t even trust me.”

  Peter pulled me into his chest. His body heat bringing life back to my frozen limbs.

  “You are like an ice cube, Eb,” it was said under his breath and sadly coincided with a loud sneeze from yours truly. “We are going below stairs!”

  He scooped me up and carried me. I didn’t fight Peter, I knew that I was tired. But the moment we went into the dark cabin I felt that awful claustrophobia starting to creep back in.

  “I can’t stay here,” I grumbled.

  “Ebony, why the hell not?” he ran a hand through his hair after setting me on my feet.


  “Ebony, was that an answer or a sneeze?”

  I grabbed his arms for support, “I don’t feel comfortable here. It is too dark, the room smells, and I hear scratching that I am positive is rats.”

  “Most ships have rats, Eb. Even the Jolly Roger has been known to carry a few.”

  I knew that.

  I wasn’t stupid.

  “But never inside of my cabin,” I said in a low voice.

  Peter sighed, “What if someone stayed with you?”

  “You will?” I grabbed him around the waist and squeezed with all of my might, “Thank you, Peter, thank you!! You won’t regret it, I promise.”

  I knew that he intended to put someone else in here, but the truth was that if it wasn’t going to be Alex or Tiger Lilly, it had to be him. And if I am truthful I only wanted him. I wanted to feel his naked skin brush against my own.

  I wanted him to kiss me until I forgot all about fathers and kidnapping and most of all treasures. I wanted someone in this universe to want me for me, and not what I could do for them.

  I gathered, from what everyone has said, that Hook only took me in so that he could use me as leverage later, against my real father. Silver only wanted me so that he could force Hook to reveal where he buried the treasure, that Hook stole from him when I was kidnapped as a young child.

  I was even questioning my relationship with Alex. He did care for me, I knew that. But how much of our friendship was based on him trying to gain the attention and affection of his natural father? All these thoughts plagued me at night in the dark.

  “Please do not make me stay here alone,” the whispered plea was low, and I hated how young I sounded.

  Peter’s strong arms wrapped around me, “If you want me, I will stay with you.”

  I looked up to see his green eyes looking at me intently. He scooped me up and placed me onto the berth of the small room.

  “I will be right back,” Peter kissed my forehead, “Do not move.”

  I nodded and watched as his broad back walked out of the space. I had started shivering again and prayed that I wasn’t getting sick. The cold seeped into your bones and wrapped itself so tight that you felt you would never be rid of it.

  The door opened, and Peter entered along with Tinkerbell.

  Her nose wrinkled, “This is terrible!”

  I had seen the other cabins and knew it was as good or better than most, but I couldn’t comment with my teeth clattering together.

  Peter gave Tink a pointed look, and she sighed before conjuring up some fairy dust. She sprinkled it everywhere. Along the walls over the floors and even the bed.

  My jaw unclenched when I felt warmth begin to settle around me. In a flash, I realized that I had never been this cold on my ship.

  “What did you do?” I asked.

  Tink shrugged, “I just sealed the cabin of leaks. Your blankets are fuller and your pillows softer. I can’t fix everything, but I can make it bearable.”

  “Did you do this for everyone?” I had to ask.

  Tink blushed, “Fairies don’t really feel the cold. Our hearts burn like fires, I know it sounds strange, but they keep us very warm. Most don’t enjoy our touch because of how hot we are.”

  She placed a hand on my arm to show me and I almost threw myself into her arms.

  “You are so warm, Tink!” I soaked in every ounce of heat she was willing to give.

  She wriggled out of my grasp, “Hook had me do this on his ship eons ago. I suppose I should have remembered when we came upon the Henrietta.”

  “Tink, you enjoy being human size, do you not?” I asked carefully. I needed her on my side.

  She nodded cautiously.

  “How do you think that Silver is able to make his boat fly?”

  CHAPTER 16 – Peter

  I DIDN’T LIKE THE PALLOR of her skin, nor the bruising under her eyes. I almost missed her question to Tinkerbell as my gaze lingered over her.

  But I did hear it.

  “How do you think Silver is able to make his boat fly?”

  The Henrietta was a formidable pirate ship. She had sailed valiantly through the Caribbean. I knew because I had been there as a young boy. Before all the shit went down with Hook, and we ended up in Neverland.

  I had thought at one point when I left Neverland that I would return to aging, like I had on earth. But it seemed that mythical island had claimed me for its own. Wendy, John, and Michael’s bodies aged in their natural progression.

  But around the age of twenty-five I stopped aging.

  When Silver and his crew showed up I half expected them to be corpses. But Long John Silver looked the same way he had all those years ago in England.

  There were so many questions and not enough answers.

  Tinkerbell’s eyes narrowed, “You think he has a fairy aboard?”

  Ebony shrugged, “I have wondered. What else would produce enough pixie dust to carry this ship into the sky? Does anyone know where they have been all these years?”

  I spoke, “I’ve tried to get it out of Black Dog, I figured he would break down. But they aren’t talking unless it is to insult each other.”

  “I have firsthand knowledge of that,” Ebony smirked and my gut clenched.

  Damn, the woman was effortlessly beautiful. She was the smartest woman I have ever known.

  I wanted to be better, someone that Ebony deserved. That was why I had kept away. I wanted more than a stolen night here or there.

  “If I find out,” Tinkerbell bargained, “Your wish won’t be rescinded?”

  Ebony nodded, “Yes, I will keep my wish that you remain life size if that is what you want.”

  Tinkerbell nodded and turned to leave, but before she had taken two steps she turned around and came back.

  “I am sorry, if I haven’t been as I ought to you, Captain.”

  Ebony’s jaw dropped, “Tinkerbell?”

  “I am not used to being treated fairly. I don’t know if that is because of my pixie size or because people couldn’t hear me talking. But you are one of the first humans that has ever treated me well. I will do my best.”

  She turned on her heels and walked out, with determination in every step.

  Ebony’s eyes were wide, “You did hear that, right? I’m not dreaming?”

  I smiled, “I am as surprised as you are.”

  Her brow furrowed, “I hadn’t thought about my treatment of her. But I know that I brought her on this voyage, she didn’t choose to come, and I didn’t ask her. What kind of person does that?”

  I couldn’t hold in the chuckle, “A pirate, that’s who.”

  Her cheeks pinked, “I’m not really a pirate.”

  I climbed into the berth with Ebony and cradled her in my arms, “Why do you say that?”

  “Everything on Neverland, I had thought it was real. But it’s not is it? Your world was raw and frightening. But I felt alive for the first time. What does it all mean?”

  I pressed a finger against her brow, “You are thinking too hard.”

  Her eyes narrowed, “I’m serious!”

  I leaned over and kissed her nose, “I am too. Listen, Ebony, I feel much the same way. I am nervous to return to a land I had half convinced myself didn’t even exist. I don’t know what the future will hold. But I do know that you need some sleep.”

  “I’m not tired,” she said, pouting until I took her lower lip by my teeth.

  Ebony sank into the kiss. Her hands tangling in my hair and tugging. I felt a jolt go straight to my cock.

  I was already half hard just being near her. The taste of her mouth causing my insides to shudder with need.

  My hands found their way underneath her layers. I loved how she melted with every touch of my fingertips. Growling low in my throat, I pulled her underneath me.

  We yanked at our clothes. Me, shoving my pants down and kicking them off as she tossed her thick sweaters onto the floor below.

  Her skin no longer felt cold. I could touch her all day. She felt like the finest silk under my fingertips.

  Her mouth dropped open and a low moan filled the air as I took one of her nipples and flicked it with my tongue.

  Ebony writhed beneath me, teasing every inch of my body.

  I flipped our positions so that she could lay atop my chest. She looked at my flat brown nipples and looked at me questioningly. I gasped as her warm mouth covered it. Using her teeth, she gently tugged, and I couldn’t hold back the growl that escaped my lips.

  Ebony looked up at me, her expression surprised and more than a little pleased.

  “You like that?” her husky voice reminded me of whiskey.

  “Hell, yeah,” I rasped and then steeled myself when she went back to playing. Sucking and flicking until I was gripping her hips and grinding her heat against my swollen dick.

  “No more teasing!” I demanded hotly.

  Her face was triumphant, and so endearing. I felt my heart crack, and I hadn’t realized that I still had one after all these years.

  “I like teasing,” she grinned, her cheeks flushed with color and her eyes dark with lust.

  “I like fucking,” I replied and tried to get her to sink down on me.

  “Not yet,” Ebony raised a brow, “I have more exploring to do.”

  She slid further down my legs and took my cock into her hands.

  “Shit!” I hissed as she stoked the length, “Ebony, that feels so good.”

  Her eyes brightened, and she increased her speed. I wrapped my hand around hers to show her what I liked. Where to squeeze and hold for maximum pleasure.

  Then to my complete shock she leaned down and licked the silvery pre-cum that had appeared at the tip.

  My patience level was gone.


  She must have heard the raw plea in my voice, because she climbed back up and positioned my dick at her entrance.

  I couldn’t wait any longer. Shoving my hips forward I impaled myself into her heat. Ebony cried out as I rammed my cock hard and fast into her lithe body. I had her breasts in my hands molding them and teasing their peaks.

  “I am going to fuck these one day,” I growled, and her eyes grew wide.

  “How does that work?” she panted grinding her wet pussy down hard.

  “Another day,” I rasped. “Turn around.”

  She stopped, tilting her head to the side, “What?”

  “Turn around, Ebony, bend over and grab my thighs for support.”

  She did as I asked her and her slender back and perfect ass became my view. There wasn’t an inch of her that I didn’t adore.

  Sinking back onto my dick she moaned low in her throat, “You are so deep.”

  I grabbed her ass cheeks and pressed down as I lifted my hips, “Ride me, Ebony. Make yourself cum.”

  She began to rock, my cock slipping deeper and deeper inside of her. The mewls of desire escaping her lips until I felt her begin to tense.

  I increased my speed, meeting her thrust for thrust. She was so fucking sexy, I was having a hard time holding on to my release. Suddenly, it was ripped from me as she shattered, coating my dick and balls with her juice.

  I had just come inside of her; no condom, no pulling out.

  I wasn’t worried that there might be a baby. I have always wanted to be a father. But I didn’t want to take that choice from her.

  She turned around sheepishly, “I can’t believe I just did that. All you could see was my ass! How humiliating!”

  I pulled her tight against me, “Your ass is incredible. I could look at it all day.”

  She shook her head against my neck, “You are the crazy one!”

  She was right, I was crazy, about her.

  CHAPTER 17 – Ebony

  “EBONY! I NEED TO TALK to you!” Tinkerbell came flying up on the deck at breakneck speed.

  I had been speaking with Captain Silver. I refused to call him my father, because he was very much still a stranger to me. I was not opposed to getting to know him better, though.

  What had I found? Well, Captain Long John Si
lver was rather easy to talk to. He liked almost everyone and often had a smile on his face. His crew didn’t fear him, but there was a deep-seated respect.

  He was a very different Captain than Hook had been. Much more like myself, and I didn’t want to delve further into that thought.

  “Ebony,” Tink was now tugging on my arm. “This is urgent!”

  Captain Silver grinned, “It would appear that your fairy needs your assistance.”

  I turned to Tinkerbell, “What is it?”

  Her mouth tightened, “In private!”

  “Oh!” I turned to Captain Silver who was looking on in amusement. “Please excuse me, I am needed elsewhere.”

  He merrily waved a hand as if to say that all was well with the world. I didn’t have much time to think about it, as Tink was dragging me to the other end of the ship.

  “For goodness sake, Tink! Whatever is the matter with you?” I wrenched my arm away from her and rubbed the spot that now tingled from her tight grasp.

  “I found out how they made the ship fly!”

  I clapped a hand over her mouth and hissed in her ear, “Are you serious?”

  Her bright blue eyes twinkled, and she nodded.

  “We can’t discuss this here,” I breathed quietly. “Meet me in my cabin in ten minutes. I will round up Peter.”

  Tinkerbell nodded and scurried off. I looked up the rigging to where Peter was helping to repair a sail.

  His already fit body was starting to show signs from the constant physical demand of sailing. Peter’s shoulders seemed a mite broader and his legs more muscular. I felt a fission of heat between my thighs.

  True to his word, he had stayed with me every night since he found me in the hammock. It was intoxicating just lying near him, but the things he did to my body had me coming undone at the seams.

  “Ebony!” he shouted, “Is everything alright?”

  Damn, he had to have seen me staring like a love-sick fool. Flushing wildly, I motioned for him to climb down.

  Peter swung on the ropes like a professional acrobat. Never once shying back, he treated the rigging as if it were a playland and not the death trap that it could be. Not only were there a myriad of ropes but long cross beams had often been the cause of a sailor to trip and fall. It was frightening in the ocean, in space there would be no way to rescue someone who fell.


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