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Road to Victory (Dogs of Fire Book 5)

Page 5

by Piper Davenport

  “I won’t, Carter.”

  “In the meantime, stay the hell away from Mack. You know how he feels about Kim. You piss her off; you got bigger issues if Mack decides he doesn’t like it.”

  Knight knew Ace was right. Mack and Kim were tight. On top of that, and since Dani was her best friend, it meant Booker was Team Kim, so Kim was well guarded.

  Knight just had to remind her who she belonged to, and he had to do it without pissing off his brothers and their old ladies.

  “You goin’ home for Mom’s birthday?” Knight asked.

  Ace shook his head. “You?”

  “Nah, man, I’m on Cassidy’s side on this one.”

  “Cassidy wouldn’t want you to alienate yourself from Mom because of her.”

  “I’m not,” Knight said. “Mom’s a total bitch to Mel too, brother. I don’t know why Josh doesn’t handle it. Just didn’t really notice it until the shit went down with Cass, so I’m not draggin’ Kim into her demented world.”

  Josh was their eldest brother and had been married to Melanie for what seemed like forever. Matt, Jaxon, and Luke were still unattached, but Ace and Knight had joined the MC and found their women.

  Melanie was the first woman ushered into the Quinn family, but the cracks of the boys’ relationship with their mother didn’t really start to show until Ace reconnected with Cassidy again. Come to find out, their mother had hidden letters Cassidy had written to Ace back in high school, and hatched a plan to keep them apart. Because of that, Ace never went home anymore, and he wouldn’t until their mother pulled her head out of her ass (his words). Jaxon managed to straddle the peacekeeping line, while Matt and Luke “didn’t have a dog in that fight,” so they took their mother with the grain of salt necessary not to commit matricide.

  “You’re so sure about this thing with Kim?” Ace asked.

  “Were you sure about Cassidy?”

  “Point taken,” Ace said.

  “You think Mack’s calmed down?”

  Ace shrugged. “Crapshoot, but Booker was on it.”

  Knight followed his brother down the hall and out into the common room. Kim stood in the corner with Dani, a glass of wine in her hand and a smug look of triumph on her face. Mack and Booker were nowhere to be seen, so Knight headed straight back into the fire.

  “Hi Knight,” Dani said sweetly.

  “Hey babe.” He smiled. “Just gonna borrow your girl for a bit.”

  “Better make it quick,” Dani said. “Booker can only sidetrack Mack for so long.”

  “Dani!” Kim snapped.

  “It’s all good, though,” Dani continued, ignoring Kim. “Jenny’s up next for distraction. That one’ll take a while, so have at it.”

  Knight laughed as Kim hissed something rather un-Kim-like and scowled at Dani.

  “This is all good to know, babe. Thanks,” Knight said.

  “No problem. Just remember, if you hurt her, you won’t need to worry about Mack. I will rain down terror upon you unlike anything you’ve ever seen.”

  “You need to shut up Dani,” Kim ordered. “Right now.”

  “I hear you,” Knight promised, taking Kim’s hand and pulling her outside.

  “I am not doing this with you,” she said.

  “We’re gonna talk, Kim. Clear the air.”

  She waved her hand. “Fine, talk.”

  “You got an issue with me, you come talk to me. You don’t go and fuckin’ tattle to Mack, hear me?”

  “I didn’t tattle,” she countered, crossing her arms. “He saw that I was upset and asked me why.”

  “You tattled, Kim, and you know it.”

  Her nose went in the air and Knight knew he’d hit a nerve.

  “You also do not fuckin’ rub your body against my brother... club or biological. You’re mine and the sooner you get that through your head, the better things will be for you.”

  “I am nobody’s but my own,” she snapped.

  “You’re fuckin’ mine, Kim, and you also know that.” He raised an eyebrow. “I get that you’ve got trust issues, and I’m patient, sugar, but make no mistake. You are mine, so don’t insult my intelligence by pretending otherwise.”

  “So the way you show that is by pulling me into a room without my consent and kissing me, again without my consent? What makes you different than the asshole who attacked me at the club?”

  Knight hissed. “You’re comparing me to him, Kim? Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me?”

  Her demeanor crumbled slightly, but she squared her shoulders and stepped back a little. “Maybe the intent was a little different—”

  “Yeah, he drugged you in order to rape you.”

  “Yeah, I kind of figured that out.”

  “He shot you up with just enough GHB to keep you loopy but awake. He wanted you to know what he was doing to you.”

  She crossed her arms. “Well, thank you for stopping that.”

  “My fuckin’ pleasure, sugar,” he ground out. “You gonna take back what you said?”

  “Sort of,” she grumbled. “It still made me feel unsafe.”

  “You feel unsafe, Kim?” Knight closed the distance between then and stared down at her. “With me?”

  She dropped her head.

  “Eyes, Kim. You look me in the face and tell me that and I’ll leave you alone.”

  She met his eyes and despite the fact hers were filling with tears, she said, “You make me feel unsafe.”

  Knight stepped back, gave her a nod, and then walked back inside, through the common room, and out to where his bike was parked. He might love her and she might love him, but if she was willing to lie to both of them and play the victim, he would leave her the fuck alone.

  * * *


  What the hell is my problem? God, I’m such a bitch!

  I forced back tears as I watched him stalk away. The sick truth was, he was the only man I felt safe with. Even more so than Mack. Admittedly, Knight set my emotional world on its axis, but he sheltered me from a lot (case in point: saving me from a man who drugged me and planned to rape me), and I knew he did. I lowered myself onto a picnic table bench and stared at my feet for what seemed like forever. I was grateful Dani didn’t come looking for me. I never wanted to admit the depths I went to in order to hurt Knight. On the flipside, though, he did walk away, so maybe I shouldn’t feel as badly as I did.

  The din inside the compound grew louder and I glanced up to see Carter “Ace” Quinn walking toward me. He was alone, which didn’t bode well for me.

  “Hey, babe.”

  “Hey Ace.”

  “You okay?” he asked, and sat beside me on the picnic bench, handing me a solo cup of wine.

  I took it and forced a smile. “Peachy.”

  “You got it bad, huh?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  He chuckled. “Okay, sweetheart, you keep your walls up. Just know that Cass and I have your back, yeah?”

  God, the Quinn brothers were so nice.

  I nodded.

  “He loves you, Kim. I’m not gonna tell you how to handle that side of your life, but know that he’s got your back too. You need anything, you let me know.” He rose to his feet. “Anything, sweetheart, okay?”

  “Okay, Ace. Thanks.”

  He kissed my cheek and then left me to my thoughts. In the end, I stood, squared my shoulders, and headed back into the club. Dani gave me a questioning look, but I smiled big and she left me to my secrets. I was a pro at “faking it,” and I stayed for as long as I had to before sneaking out and heading home.

  Once in my apartment, I flopped onto my bed and cried for a few minutes before justifying my behavior and giving myself a pep talk. If Knight was going to walk away from me after an argument, then he wasn’t the man for me.

  * * *


  The strong arm of my husband slid around my waist and he anchored me to him. “What’s goin’ on, baby?”

  “I can’t sleep.” The cl
ock said 3:00 a.m. We were in our bed at the compound, the party still going on below us, but I was worried, and Austin decided to distract me from my worry. It worked. For about an hour.

  “No shit?”

  I sighed and rolled to face him. “She’s spiraling. This hasn’t happened in a long time, honey, and I’m worried. She’s not safe when she’s spiraling.”

  “She’s seein’ a shrink, right?”

  “Yes, but sometimes her demons overtake her progress.”

  “I get it, baby, but she’s asked you to back off.”

  “So?” I snapped.

  “So, she’s a grown woman and she can take care of herself.”

  “Are you really picking a fight with me in the middle of the night after we just had the most incredible time doing all sorts of things I thought weren’t even physically possible?” Austin’s booming laugh echoed off the walls and I shoved at his chest to let me go, but he just held me tighter. “Let me go. You’re being a butt.”

  “Babe, just settle down.”

  “Suck it, Austin.”

  “If you insist.” He rolled me so I was on my back and drew a nipple into his mouth.

  I couldn’t help myself from arching into his touch, but I will say I didn’t like it... at all... nope, not one bit.

  Austin kissed my belly and smiled down at me. “Mack’s on it, baby.”


  “Really. She might spiral, Dani, but we’re all here to catch her.”

  I bit my lip and stared up at him. “I feel like the sky is falling.”

  “I get it, Chicken Little, but it’s not.” He shifted so he could move further down my body.

  “You make everything sound so... I don’t know... insignificant.”

  “Well, it’s not. It’s how you feel, honey, but I’m just sayin’ we’re gonna take care of her, yeah? She’s got a soft place to land if she doesn’t figure things out.”

  I glanced down my body as he made his way between my legs. “Austin?”


  “What are you doing?”

  “What do you think I’m doin’?”

  “Distracting me from the real issue with my best friend.”

  “What?” he said in mock surprise. “Me? I’d never do anything like that.”

  Liar, I thought as his mouth covered my clit and I was no longer concerned about Kim and her spiral... I was on a pretty nifty one myself.

  * * *


  A few weeks after my run-in at Blush, Pauley asked me to help her and her sister, Darien, get into the club. I’d readily agreed because I needed a distraction. I’d had a weird phone call from my tenant, Linda Sadler, informing me that two different men (equally as creepy) had visited the week before enquiring about buying my grandmother’s house. She’d referred the men to my lawyer, but according to her, no one had called.

  This had happened a couple of times last year as well, and regardless of the fact my tenants would inform these people the house wasn’t for sale, they continued to get approached. I’d never even spoken to a realtor about listing it, so the inquiries were getting a little annoying.

  Knowing I’d need Mack’s support to make entrance into Blush happen, I gave him a call and he reluctantly agreed to let me in “with a couple of my friends.”

  Train was working the door and, after a tense second of wondering whether or not Mack would shut us down, we were granted entry and quickly ushered up to the VIP section.

  Dani arrived a few minutes later, pulling me in for a tight hug. “I can’t believe you got Darien past security,” she said.

  “Me?” Darien asked. “What did I do?”

  Dani grinned. “There’s one rule here at Blush and that’s that no one “innocent” is allowed in.”

  “I’m not innocent!”

  Pauley let out a rather rude snort.

  “I’m not,” Darien continued. “Plus, how would they know who’s innocent and who isn’t? That’s the lamest thing I’ve ever heard.”

  “It’s an argument I’ve had with Mack more times than you can count,” I said.

  “Austin says they just know,” Dani provided.

  “Oh, so they’re all psychics,” Darien ground out. “What a load of crap.”

  “Don’t feel bad,” I said. “Dani got rejected as well. Well, until she married Booker. Now she’s allowed in, but only when he’s here.”

  Dani squeezed Darien’s hand. “You’ll meet Austin at some point tonight, but don’t let the suit fool you; he rides a Harley and thinks because he’s an officer in a motorcycle club he can boss me around. It’s kind of cute, really.”

  “Is he going to kick me out?” she asked, her face concerned.

  “No way, but we’re probably being watched.” Dani nodded to a couple of discreet cameras. “Don’t worry, Kimmie and I’ll deal with Mack.”

  “Who’s Mack?”

  “I’m Mack.”

  Mack walked into the VIP section and I watched Darien’s face flame as he studied her.

  “Hey, honey.” I grinned, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him in for a hug.

  “Introduce me to your friends, Kimmie, and then you and I need to have a little chat,” Mack said, and set me on my feet.

  I rolled my eyes and went through the introductions, ending with Darien. “And this is Darien.”

  Mack lifted her hand to his lips and said, “Nice to meet you, Darien.”

  Dani and I shared a secret smile. It would appear Mack’s eye had been caught, but I didn’t have a chance to dwell on that since I was dragged to the opposite end of the room. “Mack, wait, I’m going to trip on my heels.”

  He faced me, his back to our friends. “What the hell, Kim?”

  I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow. “I called you, like you wanted, and got permission, Mack. What’s your problem?” He made some grunt in the back of his throat and I glanced over at Darien who was watching us intently. I gave Mack a slow smile. “Ohhh, I get it.”

  “You get what?”

  “You like her.”

  Mack frowned. “I don’t know her.”

  I giggled. “Oh, I think that’s going to change.”

  “Kim, I’m not fuckin’ around.”

  “Not yet you’re not.”

  “I swear to Christ, if you do this to me again, I’m gonna chain you to Knight.”

  “Sounds kinky, honey, but you’re being a little melodramatic, don’t you think?”

  “Pain in the ass,” he snapped, and threw his arms in the air before heading back downstairs.

  Later that night, we were getting our sweat on, enjoying the company of some very fine looking gentlemen, when I noticed Knight watching me from the edge of the dance floor. He didn’t stay for long, but my heart ached all the same. He looked good. He wore a suit that appeared as though it had been made for him... it probably had been... and he’d pulled his hair back from his face. I let sadness wash over me for only a second before I forced a smile and focused back on my girls. I refused to let him ruin my night.

  * * *


  Knight shook his head as he walked away from Kim. Fuck, she looked amazing. She’d kept her makeup light, but she had dark red lips and all he could think about was her wrapping them around his cock.

  He knew he’d have to keep an eye on her. He didn’t care that she’d scraped him off; he’d protect her with his life. Even if she didn’t know he was doing it.


  Present Day...

  YOU LIKE THAT, don’t you, pretty girl?

  I shook my head.

  Don’t lie. You like it.

  He doesn’t own me, he doesn’t own my body. It is mine, I am me, he has no power.

  My eyes flew open and I sat up in my sweat-soaked sheets, guilt washing over me like a blanket... one used to smother rather than comfort. I blinked a few times, took in my surroundings, and then breathed in deep. I was in my apartment, the Pottery Barn furniture I loved so much still whe
re it was when I went to sleep. My horse show ribbons hanging on the floating shelves by the window, the chair with my favorite teddy bear (the one given to me by my grandmother when I was six) still next to my bed. Nothing was out of place.

  Damn it! I was so sick of these nightmares. I’d have to double my sessions with Dr. Grace if they continued. ’Course, if I was at all self-aware and willing to admit my stupidity, they’d gotten far worse since I’d kicked Knight out of my life, but since I had convinced myself it had nothing to do with him, I wasn’t even close to admitting anything. It had been over a year now since I’d told him he scared me and damn had I regretted it, but I just couldn’t seem to bring myself to open up to him. I don’t think I could bear watching him walk away again.

  I glanced at the clock. 2:00 a.m. Shoving the comforter away from me, I climbed off the bed, stripped the mattress, and grabbed fresh sheets. I had a show in the morning and the last thing I needed was to drag my horse down if I was tired.

  I took another shower in an effort to wash the dream away then climbed back into bed. Unfortunately, 6:00 a.m. came far too quickly and I dressed in a haze. It took everything I had just to get out of bed. Snatching up the bag I’d packed the day before with a change of clothes, I grabbed my keys and headed out to my car. My horse, Fozzie, was already at the show grounds, so at least I didn’t have to haul him there as well.

  I made it from my place to the Wilsonville show grounds in record time, arriving two full hours before the first event. Dumping my purse in the trunk of my car, I walked down the aisle-way of temporary stalls from our barn and smiled as Fozzie poked his head out and whinnied. I didn’t expect Dani to poke hers out as well. “Hey, honey.”

  She was pregnant with her first child, a boy, and due in a couple of months, and I was surprised Booker let her out of his sight, even for a few hours.

  “Hey, Dani,” I said, dropping my car keys into my trunk. “What are you doing here?”


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