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Road to Victory (Dogs of Fire Book 5)

Page 6

by Piper Davenport

  She smiled. “Um, hello, biggest show of the year and you didn’t think I’d be here?”

  I giggled. “Let me rephrase... what are you doing here so freakin’ early?”

  “The guys got an early morning call out and believe me, I’d rather be here than thinking about whatever the hell Austin’s running into.”

  “Is it dangerous?” I asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

  “I don’t know, but my man’s covered.” Dani gave her a knowing smile. “As is yours.”

  “Knight’s not my man.”

  “I don’t recall saying Knight,” Dani mused. “How interesting.”

  “Bite me.” I grabbed a brush and stepped into the stall, handing Fozzie a peppermint. My black Arabian gelding had a papered name of Farzuk, but to me, he was way more Fozzie Bear than Farzuk, so the nickname had stuck. “Does Booker know you’re seven months pregnant and standing in the “devil’s” stall?”

  Booker was afraid of Fozzie, insomuch that he would admit he was afraid of anything, but when it came to his wife, he worried my horse may trample her or some other kind of nonsense.

  “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” Dani retorted.

  I laughed and we spent the next hour making Fozzie pretty while not talking about Knight.

  * * *

  “Kimberly Church riding Farzuk,” the announcer called.

  “Okay, boy, you ready?” I trotted out into the arena and nodded to the judges and then it was our time to perform.

  Fozzie threw his head up and then settled as I brought him back under me. I had to get a clean round and beat the time, so there was extra pressure, especially considering Marla had just jumped and was in first place. She’d jumped the only clean round, but she hadn’t beaten the clock, so I had to do both. She’d been my competition since we were ten, and she just wouldn’t die (figuratively... maybe).

  I was signaled to begin and we were off. All thoughts of anything other than clearing the jumps and keeping Fozzie from flying to the moon left my mind. We were a team and we had always moved like one. The jumps were only one-point-two meters, easy for us, but I refused to get complacent. Anything could go wrong and I knew all too well the easiest courses could be the most hairy for Fozzie. He didn’t like easy and I had a harder time keeping him calm and centered when he wasn’t challenged.

  My heart dropped when I heard the crack of his hoof hitting a rail, but focused and pulled him back under me for the next jump. “Okay, buddy,” I whispered. “It’s okay.” I had no idea if he’d dropped it, so I just had to keep going. I approached the last jump, cleared it, but heard the buzz of the timer, and tried not to show my disappointment. I heard Dani’s holler and rode Fozzie out of the arena.

  Dani rushed up to us a stupid grin on her face. “You tied with Marla.”

  “I did?” I asked, craning my neck to look back at the course. “I thought we dropped one.”

  “Nope. It shook a little, but it stayed up.”

  I let out a sigh of relief and patted Fozzie’s neck. “Oh, you brilliant boy.”

  Dani nodded her agreement.

  “Okay, I’m going to walk him around a bit.”

  “Knight’s here.”

  “What?” I squeaked, pulling Fozzie to a stop again. “When did he get here?”

  “About twenty minutes ago, I think.” She smiled up at me. “Mack and Darien are here as well. Austin’s coming later.”

  I dismounted and slid Fozzie’s reins over his head. “Why is Knight here?”

  Dani shrugged. “He didn’t say.”

  “Danielle Harris Carver, what aren’t you telling me?” I demanded.

  Before she could tell me, Knight’s sexy voice said, “Hey.”

  My head went up and Dani turned to face him.

  “Hey, Knight,” Dani said, and then smiled at me. “I’ll just go over—”

  “Don’t you dare move,” I snapped under my breath.

  Dani raised an eyebrow and sidestepped away from me. I gave her a look that I hoped accurately relayed how badly she was going to suffer when I killed her later. She bit back a giggle and gave me an annoying little wave.

  I was distracted from my murderous thoughts by Knight who appeared to be turning my horse against me. Fozzie was craning his neck to nuzzle him (the traitor) and Knight chuckled and handed him a peppermint.

  I watched him... Knight, that is... and forced my body to relax. He wore dark jeans, cowboy boots (God, still just as sexy as his motorcycle boots, damn it!), and, under his leather jacket, a long-sleeved, black ribbed T-shirt. His longish dark hair was swept away from his face and I found myself biting my lip.

  Knight smiled and my stomach did this weird flip-flop thing. “You looked really great out there.”

  “You saw me?” I asked, attempting nonchalance.

  “Yeah, babe. Been here about an hour.”

  “I thought it was twenty minutes,” I said, and realized I probably looked like I cared. “Or something,” I added in a grumble.

  “Saw Dani about twenty minutes ago,” he provided.

  “Whatever.” I shrugged. “You do you.”

  He grinned and ran his hand over Fozzie’s neck. “When you approach those two oxers, change your lead.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “The reason he tapped that rail is because he was approaching on his left lead,” Knight said. “He doesn’t like it.”

  “What would a cowboy like you know about that anyway?” I narrowed my eyes. “What are you even doing here?”

  “Babe, I’m not your enemy.”

  I took a deep breath and shook my head. “I know you’re not my enemy.”


  “Yes.” I squared my shoulders. I’d take the high road, even if it killed me. “I apologize if I’ve made you feel that way.”

  “So fuckin’ beautiful... and so fuckin’ oblivious.”

  “What am I oblivious to?” I challenged.

  Without answering, he gave me another sexy smile, patted Fozzie again, and then walked away. I dropped my head on Fozzie’s shoulder. “I’m such an idiot.”

  “So?” Dani returned looking a bit like the evil shit stirrer she was.

  “I was a bitch, I tried to fix it, he called me oblivious and then he left. End of story.”

  “Well, he nailed you,” she said.

  “Excuse me? What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “Kimmie, put your sword away,” Dani breathed out. “Knight’s not stupid. He knows how you feel about him. I don’t understand why you have this wall up with him. What’s the hang up?”

  Before I could say anything, strong arms lifted me off my feet from behind. “You looked fuckin’ amazing out there,” Mack growled.

  I laughed and turned to face him, hugging him, then Darien. “Hi, you two. I can’t believe you’re here.”

  “Mack got done earlier than expected, I’m not writing today, and Flick offered to babysit Harper, so I begged,” Darien said. She was a New York Times Bestselling author and the movie adaptation of her first book had been a sales hit, which meant the second one was currently in production.

  Darien was also newly pregnant with their second child and dealing with morning sickness, but she looked healthy and gorgeous now. She’d pulled her dark red hair back in a ponytail which suited her.

  “You didn’t have to beg,” Mack countered.

  Darien giggled. “But you like it when I do.”

  “Ohmigod, way too much information,” I complained.

  “Kimberly Church and Marla Williams please make your way to the arena for a jump off,” the announcer said over the loudspeaker.

  “Ooops, gotta go,” I said.

  “Go jump your ass off,” Dani said, and hugged me. “But we’re going to talk about this later... be ready.”

  “You don’t scare me,” I quipped as she gave me a leg up.

  “I’ll invite Knight to the conversation,” she retorted.

  “I hate you,” I sang, my back
to her as I guided Fozzie to the arena. I heard her giggle and couldn’t help but smile. Mack and Dani knew entirely too much about my feelings for Knight, which wasn’t good.


  “OKAY, BOY, IT’S now or never,” I crooned. “You got this.”

  I nodded to the judges, the buzzer sounded, and we took off. We jumped clean, but now it was time for the oxers. Fozzie was on his left lead, so I slid my right foot forward and left foot back and squeezed, doing a flying lead change and focusing dead-ahead on the double. Up and over he flew, then again, didn’t even touch the rails and I realized Knight had been right. We finished the round with two seconds to spare and I let out a giggle that surprised even me as I slapped Fozzie on the neck. “Good boy. You are amazing.”

  I bowed again to the judges and we headed out of the arena.

  “Well, that was about as perfect as any round could go,” Knight said from his place at the rail.

  Thank God I didn’t see him or I probably would have fallen off. “Thanks.”

  He closed the distance between us and held Fozzie while I dismounted. “How’d you feel about that lead change?”

  “You were right. He sailed over the oxers.”

  Knight nodded. “You’re a gifted rider, Kim. Even if you hadn’t listened to me, he would have performed for you.”

  I met his eyes and bit my lip. “What are you doing?”

  “Whattya mean?”

  “You’re being nice. Why are you being nice?”

  Knight dropped his head back and laughed. “Babe, I’m always nice.”

  “To me. You’re being nice to me.”

  “Fuck me, Kim. I’m always nice to you, too. You just won’t pull your head outta your ass long enough to figure that out.”

  I yanked Fozzie’s rein from Knight’s hand and scowled at him. “Well, perhaps you should stop trying.”

  “One day, sugar, you and I are going to have a conversation longer than a minute where you won’t be able to run away from me.”

  “I don’t run away from anyone.”

  “Your fear’s blinding you, Kim, and I’m fuckin’ done with it.”

  “Ohmigod, Knight, who the hell do you think you are?”

  He slid his hand to my neck and tugged me forward. “I’m the man who’s gonna help you pull your head outta your ass.”

  With that, he turned on his heel and sauntered away. I let out a frustrated growl. “I thought this show was for horses only. I didn’t realize jackasses were permitted,” I said with a sigh...not that my horse cared. He was watching Knight walk away. I shook my head and started to lead Fozzie toward the stalls.

  “Kim! Wait up,” Ellie Waters said as she rushed toward me. “How do you know Aidan Scott?”

  Aidan Scott was the trainer if you wanted any shot of making the U.S. Olympic Equestrian team. He cost a mint, but he took riders to the top, so he was worth it. I’d never met him, and I couldn’t imagine a time when I would considering I had no plans to go to the Olympics.

  “I don’t know Aidan Scott,” I said.

  “Um, hello, you were just talking to him.”

  Lights began to blink behind my eyes as realization dawned. “I’m sorry?”

  “Aidan Scott is the hottie you were just talking to.” Ellie frowned. “Are you okay?”

  “Yep, I’m fabulous.”

  “So, how do you know him?”

  “Um, he’s a friend—emy... frenemy. Why?”

  “He’s like the best trainer in the world, duh! Ohmigod, Daddy tried to get him to train me, but he’s booked out like years. If you’re friends, or whatever, can you put in a word?”

  “With Knight?”

  If Knight is in fact Aidan Scott, it’s quite possible I might kill him. But the truth was, Aidan might be a somewhat common name in the world, but in our circles... not so much. If I didn’t put two-and-two together that they were one in the same, that was on me. My stomach roiled.

  “Who’s Knight?” she asked.

  “The “hottie” I was just talking to,” I said, feeling a little like I was in the “Who’s on First” sketch.

  “You call him Knight?” Ellie let out a loud sigh. “Oh my god, that’s hot.”

  “Ellie”—I snapped my fingers—“Focus.”

  “Right.” Ellie giggled. “So, will you talk to him?”

  “Wait, you’re serious?”

  “Yes, I’m serious. He only trains a couple people at a time and right now he’s training Marcus Simons and Morgan Flay.”

  My breath left me. Marcus and Morgan had both been accepted to the American Olympic team. Morgan wasn’t even sixteen yet, but she would be once the events started. How I never put together that Knight was Aidan Scott, I’ll never understand.

  “Kim? You okay?”

  “Hmm? Yes, sorry. Look, Kni—ah, Aidan and I aren’t really that close, but I can talk to Dani for you and see if her husband can talk to him.”

  Ellie threw herself into my arms. “I love you! Thanks, Kim. Seriously.”

  She ran off and Dani rushed toward me. “You won! Get back in the arena, they’ve been calling you.”

  “What? Seriously?”

  “Yes, go!” she demanded, and gave me a leg up.

  I guided Fozzie back to the judges, received my blue ribbon (the money would come later), and then headed back to the stall. Dani followed and we began the process of packing up.

  “You were amazing,” Dani said.

  “Thanks.” I slid from Fozzie’s back and loosened the girth. He let out a big sigh of relief.

  “You okay?”

  “Did you know Knight was Aidan Scott?” I asked, sliding the saddle off as Dani held Fozzie.

  “Who’s Aidan Scott?”

  I sighed. “He’s the go-to trainer for anyone wanting to be on the Olympic equestrian team.”

  “Shut up!” she breathed out.

  “Right?” I set the saddle on my tack box and faced her again. “He never said a word.”

  “But why would he?”


  “What? I love you, you’re my other sister, you know you are, but you’ve shut him out.” She grabbed my arm when I tried to walk away. “Ever since that night you went to the club without me, you’ve gone out of your way to be cruel to him. Are you ever going to tell me what happened between you two?”

  I blinked back tears as I pulled away from her and walked Fozzie into the stall. After removing his bridle, I faced Dani and took a deep breath. “He turned me down.”

  “What do you mean?” I gave her a pointed look and her eyes widened. “Oh. Really? When?”

  “Dani, I don’t want to tell you.”

  “Wow,” she whispered. “There’s something you won’t tell me? It must be pretty bad.”

  It was the only thing I’d ever kept from her.

  “It is,” I admitted.

  “Kimmie, I love you. I don’t understand why you forget that sometimes.”

  With just those few important words, I spilled everything that happened with Knight the night I was attacked, particularly the sweetness he’d shown.

  “Knight refused to leave, so I went to bed, but I had another nightmare and went to get some water.” I busied myself with unwrapping Fozzie’s legs and then began to brush him down. “Knight was asleep on my sofa and ohmigod, Dani, he was so beautiful. I couldn’t help myself and I kind of went in, you know?”

  Dani frowned. “Sure, I think.”

  “He woke up, told me I was beautiful, and shut me down.”

  “Kim,” she whispered.

  “Proof positive he wants nothing to do with me.”

  “But he kissed you at the club, honey. How is that wanting nothing to do with you?”

  “That was him staking his claim. He doesn’t want me... he just doesn’t want anyone else to have me. But I took care of it.”

  Dani narrowed her eyes. “How exactly did you ‘take care of it’?”

  I shrugged. “I told him he made me feel unsafe.”

  She gasped. “You didn’t.”

  “I did.”

  “Does he?”


  Dani frowned, but then quickly pulled me in for a hug. “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know he was abusive.”

  “What? He’s not!”

  I tried to pull away but she held me tighter. “But he makes you feel unsafe. I can understand that, considering everything you’ve been through. Those triggers are hard to ignore, and he apparently sets them off,” she continued, patting my back.

  “He doesn’t do anything to trigger me,” I rushed to defend. “Besides you, he’s the only one I feel one-hundred percent safe with.” Dani pulled back so I could see her face (which was totally smug and covered with a snarky smile) and I hissed out a quiet, “Damn it, Dani!” I shook my head. She’d been playing me the whole time with the sympathy. “I take it back. I no longer feel one-hundred percent safe with you,” I lied.

  Dani crossed her arms. “I can’t believe you’d say something so reprehensible to him. You know he loves you, he’d cut off his arm rather than hurt you.”

  “I know. I just needed space.”

  “I get it, honey, but what you did was mean. And, Kimmie, you are a lot of things, but mean isn’t one of them.”

  “I have never been turned down.” I dropped the brush in the bucket. “Ever.”

  “Now you’re justifying being mean because your pride was hurt? You’ve loved that man forever, Kim, I don’t understand why you’d want to hurt him.”

  It was true. I was an awful human being.

  “Because I’m a bitch,” I whispered. “Obviously.”

  “No you’re not,” she said. “You weren’t very nice, but you’re not a bitch. You had a moment of insanity.”

  “You’re being very kind, Dani,” I pointed out. “You usually are, but that doesn’t negate the fact that he’s not interested in me in the very general sense of the word.”

  “Kim, stop it.”

  “What? It’s fine. He’s way too young for me anyway.” I turned back to Fozzie and his care.

  “Sometimes I feel like I’m hitting my head against a brick wall when I’m talking to you,” Dani complained.

  “Well, feel free to stop anytime, I’d hate for you to get brain damage.”

  “I will say one thing and then I’ll leave you to your delusions. I know Knight, probably better than most of the other guys, well, outside of Mack of course, because he’s been working closely with Austin on this super secret whatever it is I’m not allowed to know about.”


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