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Missionary Position (Masters of the Prairie Winds Club Book 7)

Page 18

by Avery Gale

  Peter finally gave in and asked the question that had weighed on his mind from the beginning, “Which of them is really the leader here? I know the natural assumption is that it’s Lara’s dad, but for some reason I have the sense that’s wrong.”

  “I think the general consensus is that Rita is the push behind everything. Lawrence might be the brains, but it’s his wife who is driven and, her profile indicates she is far more aggressive than her husband who easily slid into his missionary persona. Rita, on the other hand, struggled with living the simple life, thus their lavish vacations several times a year.” Kyle’s explanation made sense and Peter assumed that was a large part of the reason they were never in one location for more than a few months.

  “Now, we need to switch directions before our lovely wife bounces herself right out of the ‘fuck me’ shoes she showed up in a few minutes ago.”

  “Doesn’t she know those four inch heels aren’t going to make any difference? She’s never going to be tall enough to be a threat.” Peter laughed out loud because he could hear Tobi gasp in the background.

  “Peter, I swear I don’t know why my friend thinks you hung the moon. Now, Fischer is a sweetie, but you are just mean. Does your mama know you’re mean to girls?” The little imp was wound for sound, damn he missed working at Prairie Winds.

  Fischer nudged him aside and flashed a smile at Tobi that had been getting him girls’ panties since he’d been a damned teenager, “Darlin’, both of my older brothers are beasts, and our mama tells me that she was determined to keep trying until she got it right. That’s why I’m the youngest.” Oh spare me. ‘Honestly, Fischer, you keep flirting with the Wests’ woman and they’ll take you apart at the seams.’

  ‘Ehhh, she and I are just playing with you so lighten up. Jesus, you are such a tight ass. And the plans she’s made for our proposal and collaring are fucking amazing. This is my way of thanking her. She’ll get punished tonight for playing with me, and she and her Doms will all be thanking me—watch and see.’ Peter wasn’t entirely convinced, but decided he wanted to crawl into bed and cuddle with Lara more than he wanted to argue with his brother so he let it go.

  Tobi had made all the arrangements they’d discussed and even added a couple of details they might have overlooked and Peter wished the woman wasn’t in Austin because he’d have loved to thank her in person. Kent and Kyle had flown back home as soon as they’d known Lara and her grandfather were alright, and Peter could tell the three of them were also getting antsy to end the call. Kyle assured them there were people watching the bank, but it was anybody’s guess how long the Emmons would wait to make a move—personally, Peter was betting months.

  The party was just a few days away, and so far they all believed Lara still hadn’t gotten wind of their plans. Their sweet sub knew they were treating her to a spa day with Tobi before taking her to Topper’s for dinner. She’d been looking forward to visiting the lavish restaurant owned by a member of the club because the small venue’s reputation among those in the kink community was well known. Peter and Fischer loved hearing her gush about what the subs in the club had told her, because what she’d heard was pretty tame considering what they’d seen during their visits over the years. They’d never taken a sub there, but they had been invited guests on several occasions and Peter could hardly wait to enjoy the experience with the soft, naked woman currently sleeping peacefully in their bed.

  Lara looked down at the dress and shoes the staff at the spa had spread over the small bench in the enormous dressing room and felt her pussy moisten just thinking about her Doms taking her to Topper’s. She and Tobi had spent the entire day at the spa. They’d been waxed, washed, buffed, polished, and styled to perfection. When she realized she was standing in the middle of the room with Tobi, and they were both stark naked, Lara couldn’t hold back her giggle.

  “Just realized you’re naked and comfortable, didn’t you? Hell, girlfriend, we’ve been naked most of the day. We hit the front door and the first thing Mistress Scarlet said to us was ‘Strip.’ Damn it to donuts, I thought we were at Dark Desires for a minute.”

  “I know. A few months ago I would have been completely freaked out about anyone seeing me naked.”

  “Yep, totally understand. And don’t forget I was laying on the table right beside you as the technicians ripped hot wax off every square inch of our pussies and asses, so I think it’s safe to say neither one of us have any secrets left. And no offense, but that’s as intimate as I think either of us ought to plan on getting.” And wasn’t that the understatement of the day? Because as open and nonjudgmental as she was, Lara had never been sexually attracted to women.

  The spa their Doms had chosen was owned and personally overseen by the strictest Domme at the club. Lara had seen Mistress Scarlet reduce male and female subs to tears with just a look—she was a total stickler for protocol, and Lara still panicked just thinking about being on her radar. She had been more accommodating today, but she’d also made it clear there would be no room for negotiating.

  “I still can’t believe they gave her permission to paddle us if we gave her any grief. And frickin’ fracke, I can’t say that I particularly enjoyed that cleanse either.” Tobi’s pout made Lara giggle even though she really had tried to hold it back since she wasn’t sure her friend had completely forgiven her for escaping that particular part of the day’s activities.

  Knowing Scarlet was following very specific instructions from their Doms had made her commands easier to follow. And the fact the statuesque redhead had shown them the text from Kyle giving her permission to deal with any ‘issues’ in any manner she chose, had gone a long way in guaranteeing their cooperation. Lara had been careful to avoid any confrontations all day and thought she was home free until the lovely Mistress stepped into the room, gave them a smile that definitely didn’t meet her eyes, and simply said, “Come with me.”

  When Lara looked around for a robe, the Domme shook her head and gestured for them to follow. “You won’t need a robe, we aren’t going far and I’ve made sure no one else has access to this area.” She glanced at them over her shoulder and chuckled, “Your Doms were very specific about who could and who could not see their property. They are a possessive group, I’ll say that for them.” When they stepped into a room that looked too much like a doctor’s office for Lara’s comfort, she came to such an abrupt stop Tobi plowed into her from behind.

  “Damn, girlfriend, your brake lights don’t work for shit. Oh, sorry, Mistress.” Tobi was continually in trouble for cursing and Lara almost laughed out loud when the Domme grinned.

  “And you were so close, too.” She laughed, “Although I’m not sure either of your men would have believed me if I’d told them you’d gone the entire day without cursing. They seemed convinced you’d rack up some points for them to play with this evening.” She pulled on a pair of latex gloves and gestured toward what looked like a narrow metal table with a black leather padded top. “You first, Tobi. Lean over and spread your legs nice and wide. Your Doms left a couple of things for you. And by the way, that cleanse you disliked so much? You’re going to be grateful for that later—I promise you.”

  Lara watched as Tobi stepped to the bench and positioned herself just as she’d been directed. “Good girl. You really are lovely, it’s a pity your Masters don’t share with anyone besides each other.” Lara watched as Mistress Scarlet covered the tip of the plunger she’d picked up from the small tray on top of a chest of drawers with a large dollop of lube and then the scent of oranges filled the air. “Okay, reach back and spread those sweet cheeks for me, let’s get you all softened up so you’re ready for their gift.” Lara watched as the Domme gently inserted the tip of the plunger and slowly pushed the lube into Tobi’s ass. Her touch hadn’t been anything but clinical, but it was obvious Tobi’s body was responding to being dominated because her pussy was glistening with her arousal.

  Mistress Scarlet had obviously noticed Tobi’s embarrassment, because she’d lai
d her hand on Tobi’s lower back in a comforting gesture as she reached for a fairly small butt plug. “This isn’t a large plug, but it has some rather unique features. I’ll leave the explanation to your Masters, but I’d advise you to be careful—you do not want to lose this little jewel. It probably set your men back at least a grand.” Holy shit, a thousand dollars for something to stick up somebody’s ass? That’s just wrong.

  The words had no sooner gone through Lara’s mind than Tobi muttered almost the exact same thing. Mistress Scarlet didn’t miss a beat, she gave Tobi two quick swats to each ass cheek. Tobi’s complexion was as fair as Lara’s and her ass cheeks blushed a deep pink almost immediately. “Damn, your skin is amazing. It’s no wonder the Wests are totally taken with you. Now, stand up slowly. Move over by the other table—you can hold Lara’s hand while I take care of her.”

  Oh hell, no. That sounded downright terrifying and Lara took an involuntary step back and even she realized she’d gasped—the sound bounced around the small room amplifying her fear. When she looked over at the other tray, Lara felt as if ice had suddenly replaced her blood. The joy she’d been feeling just a few minutes earlier had evaporated into pure terror. The strange metal circle with a smaller circle inside seemed to be connected to a chain but with the small black dots filling her vision, Lara was entirely sure she was seeing clearly.

  She could hear female voices, but they sounded far away and oddly distorted as if the sound was traveling through water. Lara finally realized Tobi was standing right in front of her shouting, “Breathe,” and she managed to suck in a large gulping breath. Tobi looked over at Mistress Scarlet who actually looked concerned and asked, “Can you please tell her that you aren’t going to hurt her. I know what that is, but she doesn’t and it’s scaring the bezeesus out of her.”

  Surprisingly, the usually unflappable Domme nodded and moved to the tray. She briefly explained how the device would be fit over Lara’s clit, keeping the hood back and allowing the sensitive nub to feel even the smallest movement of air or the lightest brush of fabric. Lara realized her gaze was riveted to the tray and the only thing she could utter was “chains.”

  The Domme seemed to snap out of her worry and grinned, “There are other pieces and they are all chained to one another, so a small movement in one area will quickly cause a domino effect of stimulation. I can assure you they have spared no expense either, this little set up is remarkable. Now, get up on the table and lay back. Tobi will be allowed to hold your hand and hopefully we’ll be able to avoid any more problems.”

  Table? The one with the straps and stirrups and the fucking spotlight that’ll probably give my ‘personals’ a sunburn? That table? Lara was frozen in fear, her feet felt like they’d been fitted with concrete boots, and it didn’t matter that her brain was screaming at her to move—her legs just wouldn’t cooperate. She didn’t realize she’d spoken out loud until Tobi and Mistress Scarlet both burst out laughing. Lara gapped at the woman—damn, she didn’t think she had ever even seen the intimidating woman smile, let alone laugh.

  “Oh for heaven’s sake. Stop looking at me like I just sprouted another head. I laugh sometimes. There really is a woman under the Mistress Scarlet persona, you know.” Lara just stared, her mouth gapping open in stunned disbelief. “Maybe it would make you feel better to know that I am also a Registered Nurse. I only work part time now that the spa is doing so well, but I’m fairly confident I can fit you with these pieces without causing you any permanent harm.”

  Lara actually felt the blood drain from her face before the Mistress turned to Tobi and shrugged, “Damn, she really can’t take a joke at all, can she?” When she turned back to Lara, the change in Scarlet’s expression completely disarmed her. “Listen, there isn’t anything on this tray that is going to hurt you. Each piece is designed to bring you nothing but pleasure, even though I have to admit you may get so wound up before they let you come you’ll swear it’s painful.” Patting the black leather pad on top of the table, Scarlet’s tone shifted subtly, “Come on now, let’s get this done. My phone just vibrated in my pocket and that means your men are coming up from the parking garage. You don’t want to ruin your evening by starting out being punished.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Lara had to focus on putting one foot in front of the other just to walk down the hallway. On a good day she was challenged to walk in heels, but with her clit exposed to every brush of the silky fabric of her dress and her nipples were so sensitized, keeping her shoulders back was becoming almost impossible. She’d never seen clamps like the ones the evil spa owner has put on her. The inner and outer rings were placed over her nipples and the rings were spread apart pinching the nipple from all sides at the same time. The dress she’d thought was so silky soft a half hour ago now felt like sandpaper as it flowed over and around her breasts.

  The nipple rings had chains that went over both her shoulders and down her abdomen. Those that graced her shoulders would look like glittering straps for her dress to the casual observer but they fell down her back and were fastened to the fine chain encircling her waist. The pretty golden chains highlighted the golden threads in the fabric and she’d quickly discovered their dainty design was deceptive. They kept her from slouching forward to relieve the tension on the chains in the front that connected the nipple rings to the ring holding back the hood of her clit.

  Lara felt Tobi’s hand on her elbow when she wobbled and turned to her friend, “I can do this…I can. As long as I stand perfectly straight and don’t breathe, I’ll be fine.” When she started to laugh at her own absurd words, the sharp tugs on her nipples and clit made her gasp. “Oh sweet baby Jesus. Note to self—no laughing.”

  “Oh brother, your Masters are really pushing you. I’m sorry about asking about those balls too by the way. I wasn’t trying to remind her about them, sometimes my mouth gets ahead of my brain.”

  “Don’t worry about it, I’m fairly sure she hadn’t really forgotten them. She was just distracting me by tossing you under the bus. Every time I move those damn things bump against each other and it’s like have a tuning fork stuck up your cha-cha while the maestro tunes up the orchestra.” When Tobi burst out laughing, Lara wrapped her arms around herself desperately trying to keep from laughing. “No…stop, please. Your laugh is contagious and you’re torturing me.” Of course the harder they tried to stop the harder they laughed until they were both leaning against the wall gasping for breath.

  “Damn and double damn, I haven’t laughed that hard in ages. I’m glad you aren’t angry with me for being a blabbermouth, because the truth of it is—I’m probably not going to get better anytime soon.” And then, pulling Lara gently back to the center of the hall, Tobi started to lead her toward the door to the reception room.

  Lara was surprised to see Mistress Scarlet standing in the open doorway smiling at them. “Are you two okay?” Lara was relieved to see the other woman’s coy smile. “I wasn’t sure exactly how to help, and honestly I was enjoying the show too much to interfere.”

  “Yes, I think we’re going to make it, but it was touch and go for a while. Thanks for everything—I think.” Tobi’s grin was pure mischief and Lara had to bite the inside of her cheek to hold back her laughter.

  The minute she stepped through the door Fischer wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his chest. Lara pressed her face against the side of his neck and moaned, and hoped her soaking pussy didn’t begin leaking down her legs. “Baby, you smell absolutely delicious. And that was before the scent of your sweet honey made its way to me.”

  Peter pressed himself against her back and leaned down to pull her earlobe between his teeth biting down lightly. “Do you like our gifts, mi amõre?” The pressure of his chest pressing against the chains snaking down her back pulled the nipple rings upward and Lara didn’t even try to hold back her moan. Her entire body was lighting up with arousal and she felt a new rush of moisture to her sex.

  Both men stepped away from her at the sa
me time and Lara shuddered at the loss of their warmth. Lara blinked up at Fischer, warmed by his indulgent smile. Looking around, she was surprised to see Tobi and her men had already left. “Come on, cupcake, we need to get going or we won’t make our reservation.” Taking his hand she let him lead her out the door, every step upped her arousal until she felt her knees begin to tremble.

  Peter noticed her distress and stopped her on the sidewalk, studying her intently. ‘Damn, Scarlet has those chains so tight she is going to come before we even get to the fucking car. And how the hell is she going to sit down?’

  ‘I warned you the woman is a straight up sadist at times. The fact she’s a nurse still scares the hell out of me.’

  “Lara, it’s obvious to us that Mistress Scarlet has misjudged the tension required for our gifts to you to be beneficial—rather than devastating.” Peter’s last words were said under his breath and Lara didn’t think he’d actually intended to say them out loud. She didn’t even try to respond because by this point her breathing was little more than quick pants as she tried desperately to not move a single muscle. “You have two choices.” Lara tried to focus on his words, but the roar of blood rushing through her ears blocked out most of the words. Her body was on fire and there wasn’t a chance in hell she could make any decision beyond whether or not to take another breath.

  Fischer couldn’t hear Lara’s thoughts, but as long as he kept his hands on her smooth skin he could feel the turmoil boiling close to the surface. He cursed himself for allowing Scarlet to put the clamps on Lara. But the chances of them ever getting to Topper’s if they’d done it themselves was somewhere between slim and none. “Brother, I don’t think she can make a choice right now. There’s a security camera to our left. Let’s turn her and you block our driver’s view and I’ll see what I can do to help her out. Once they’d gotten her into position, Fischer pulled the front of her dress down one side at a time lengthening the chains and he also released some of the tension around her tortured nipples. Cursing under his breath, he leaned forward and pressed a kiss against her forehead.


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