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Missionary Position (Masters of the Prairie Winds Club Book 7)

Page 19

by Avery Gale

  “I’m sorry, cupcake. That wasn’t at all the way we wanted this to go. We’ll check the clit ring once we’re settled in the car.” Looking over to where the limo sat idling nearby, Lara didn’t care they’d forgone their usual Towne Car—she was just grateful. She gasped as she slid over the soft leather seat, the friction on her exposed clit was almost enough to send her over the edge. The stainless steel balls deep in her channel vibrated as they bumped together when she stopped moving and she moaned as her pussy began pulsing in response. Chuckling, Fischer grinned over at her, “Now that reaction is much more of what we had in mind.”

  “I still think we need to check the clit clip, I’m sure the Mistress of Mayhem is torturing what isn’t hers to torture. Lean back against Fischer, mi amõre, and let me check.” Ordinarily, Lara would have been embarrassed to tears at the thought of displaying herself so wantonly in the back of a car, but desperate times called for desperate measures as her grandmother was fond of saying. His muttered curses caused puffs of air to move over the exposed bundle of nerves ratcheting up her desire until her hips jerked up in a silent plea for more. Her body was working on pure adrenaline and reflex, and the moment Peter’s warm fingers gently brushed the side of her clit, Lara exploded.

  Fischer had been ready, sealing his lips over hers catching her scream and there was a small part of her brain that registered Peter’s tongue lapping at her sex as he hummed his approval. “Fucking gorgeous. The appetizer of the Gods. And as usual, my big brother has been served first.” Lara opened her eyes slowly and was relieved to see the soft smile on Fischer’s face, grateful he wasn’t angry with her for coming without permission. Looking down, she realized her dress was back in place and the pinch around her clit wasn’t nearly as intense. She knew the ring was still holding back the little ruby’s protective hood, but it no longer felt like it was being held by a pair of pliers. Fischer obviously noticed her bewildered look and laughed, “Baby, you went off like a rocket. We had time to make the adjustments that needed to be made while you were still in orbit.”

  Peter let his hand rest on the top curve of Lara’s gorgeous ass, pressing his palm over the dimples he knew graced her lower back. He loved tracing those small indentions with his tongue and feeling her shiver in response. The glass-enclosed elevator that whisked them up to Topper’s was dimly lit with golden light that made her blond hair shimmer like the halo she deserved. How their sweet angel had endured those chains tugging on her pretty pink nipples was a mystery to him. They wouldn’t ever let another Dom or Domme touch their woman again—lesson learned.

  The clit ring had been far too tight and if Peter had his way, Mistress Scarlet would be taking their class for Dominants again in the very near future. Flexing his fingers, Peter was thrilled when Lara leaned into his touch. After piecing together bits of information and getting to know her over the past few months, it had been easy to understand why Lara had been incredibly self-conscious and shied away from physical contact with anyone she didn’t know well. Years of moving and living in places where her blond hair and blue eyes made her an obvious target had taken their toll. But she’d blossomed into a confident woman and they were pleased they rarely saw glimpses of those old fears when she was overly tired or stressed.

  Leaning down, he brushed his lips against her ear, “Do you like the way the balls caress the walls of your vagina, baby? They’re partially filled with oil so the movement of the liquid amplifies the vibration. I’ve seen Doms sit back and watch while their subs danced with those little jewels inside, and I assure you the dancing becomes seductive very quickly.”

  “And if it doesn’t, there are other ways to amp things up a bit.” Peter knew Lara hadn’t fully understood Fischer’s comment, but she would—soon. Walking through the restaurant, Peter smiled at the other patrons—most of whom were in place specifically at their request. The reservation list for the exclusive dinner club was months long and Peter didn’t want to know how many favors had been called in to make tonight possible.

  “There are a lot of club members here, is that because the owner is a member?”

  ‘Just an observant little sub, we should have known she would notice.’

  ‘Yeah, she doesn’t miss a trick. God, I’m thrilled we’re finally proposing to her. I want her to be ours in every way.’ Peter couldn’t have agreed with Fischer more. Pulling out her chair, he pulled up the back of her dress and pressed the chair against her knees so she was forced to sit. When she tried to look around making sure no one had seen her, he smiled. “Remember, Lara, this club is owned by a man who is very much into our lifestyle, and everyone around you is as well; and they all know you belong to us. Now, spread those lovely legs and hook your ankles around the outside of the chair legs.” When she complied, he leaned over and kissed her cheek, “Good girl. Now hold very still and be quiet while we pour your wine.”

  Their table had already been set and the wine waiting for them so it didn’t take long to hand her a small glass. He smiled at the way her fingers trembled, looking over at Fischer he nodded for his brother to continue. The table was clear glass, another nod to Topper’s kinky clientele—subs weren’t allowed to hide their bodies from their Masters’ view just because they were eating dinner. “Cupcake, pull your dress up so we can see that pretty bare pussy. We want to see what belongs to us and we want you to see the pretty jewels we added while you were drifting back to earth a few minutes ago.”

  The surprised look on her face almost made Peter laugh out loud. When she hesitated, Fischer simply raised his brow and her shaking fingers immediately inched her dress up until the faceted diamonds Peter had attached to the clit ring caught the golden flickers of candlelight sparkling against her pink flesh. “Good girl. Perfect in fact, being able to see those tiny jewels laying against the wet lips of your sex, knowing you are wet for us—well, mi amõre, that is about as perfect as life gets.” Peter hadn’t missed the way she tensed at his emphasis of ‘about’, but he wasn’t about to give away their secret too soon.

  As they enjoyed their dinner, Peter or Fischer made sure one of them was touching her at all times. Their bond was growing and both of them loved the fact they were finally able to read her most of the time if they were skin to skin. Once she forgot about the fact her sex was visible to anyone walking up to their table, she relaxed and seemed to enjoy her dinner. They limited her wine intake because they wanted her head clear when they got to the club—the decisions she’d be making this evening would affect all of them—forever.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Lara sat in the back of the limo staring at the enormous diamond and sapphire engagement ring on her left hand and thought how it had gotten there. She’d watched in stunned silence as the two of them had adjusted the hem of her dress and then slowly turned her chair until she could see they’d attracted the attention of every other person in the dining room. When they’d each knelt in front of her and Peter had opened the small black velvet box he’d pulled from his pocket, she’d started to cry. She couldn’t believe they actually wanted to make her their wife, and she’d barely squeaked out, “Yes” before the entire room erupted in applause. They’d been surrounded by well-wishers and the congratulations had continued until they’d finally made their way to the elevator.

  Now looking over at Peter, she was surprised to see him watching her closely while stroking his cock. When he knew he had her attention he quickly ordered her to kneel in front of him. “While you suck me, your other Master is going to prepare you for the second half of this evening’s festivities. Spread your legs nice and wide. Perfect, now arch your back and show him that pretty ass of yours.”

  “Oh, and what a lovely ass it is. I’m going to tell you what I’m doing, my lovely bride-to-be, because this is a very special day and I don’t want it ruined by fear.” Lara opened her mouth and skipped all the preliminaries, pushing her mouth over Peter’s cock until the tip was pressed against the back of her throat in one quick move.

ly fuck. I swear on everything holy, your mouth is fucking lethal.” She didn’t need to see him to know he’d leaned his head back and closed his eyes, she recognized the tone of his voice and knew exactly how he was reacting. Pleasure ran through her in a sharp spike, knowing she could make him moan her name filled her heart with pure joy. They gave her so much pleasure and so rarely took their own until she’d come multiple times, she was thrilled to have the chance to give first.

  She felt Fischer’s finger massaging lube into the ring of muscles around her rear hole and moaned around Peter’s cock—the vibration earning her another moan as his fingers threaded through her hair tugging gently. “Not yet. I want to savor this moment. Put your left hand up on my thigh, mi amõre. I want to admire our ring on your finger. Damn, I can hardly wait until we are married.”

  Lara moved her left hand to his thigh and her heart swelled as his fingers traced the boundaries of her ring. She didn’t want a huge church wedding and she knew Peter and Fischer were going to push for sooner rather than later. But she doubted their mother or her grandmother were going to let the two men deny them the pleasure of planning a wedding. All thoughts of white lace and roses were pushed right out of her mind when Fischer removed his finger from her ass, causing her to wiggle her ass seeking his attention, he laughed, “Greedy little sub. Patience is a virtue, baby. I’m just getting the next piece of your gift. This very interesting looking piece of plastic is designed to stimulate all those sensitive nerves at the opening of your anus. Most of the pleasure associated with anal sex—at least from your point of view, is centered right there. This little gadget is going to make you feel all that pleasure anytime we want you too because it’s remote controlled.”

  The only warning she had before she felt the first vibrations was a soft click as he turned the device on. At first it felt more like tingling pulses encircling her most private opening, but holy mother of God her entire body responded in a fraction of a second. Her reaction was so intense Lara felt as if every muscle in her body had clenched at the exact same moment. Her sex flooded with moisture and she felt droplets racing down the insides of her thighs. Fischer pressed kisses to her lower back murmuring words she couldn’t make out because her mind was far too fragmented to comprehend anything other than pure pleasure. Nothing existed in that moment but the electrical storm raging in her body.

  Watching Lara’s hips flex and her back arch when he switched on the stimulating ring sent so much blood to Fischer’s already throbbing cock he was almost lightheaded. He knew his brother was just seconds from coming and he wanted Lara to go over at the same time so he pulled the mall remote from his pocket and hit two buttons at the same time. There was no way she could hold out against the increased stimulation around her ass and the vibrating balls deep in her channel. They hadn’t turned the balls on before now because the natural movement of her body provided had been enough to keep her on edge, but he wanted to send her into orbit now, so he turned them on as well.

  Lara stiffened and screamed around Peter’s cock and Fischer watched as his brother’s eyes rolled back in his head as he shouted his own release. As an empath, Fischer fought to buffer the sensations his brother was feeling or he’d have come in his pants like a hormone-crazed teenager. Watching Lara’s throat move as she swallowed Peter’s release was one of the most erotic things he’d ever witnessed. And the flush of her skin as her body convulsed in orgasm was beyond beautiful. Fischer turned off both devices as Peter pulled their sweet woman against his chest. “You undo me. You are everything my brother and I ever dreamed of finding, and you’ve agreed to marry us. I’m not sure I’ve ever been this happy.”

  Fischer and Peter helped Lara move back on to the seat after he’d washed and gently patted dry her sensitive pussy. He was glad she hadn’t been able to see his stupid grin as he’d moved the soft warm cloth down the insides of her thighs. He’d been ridiculously thrilled they’d aroused her to the point it was evidenced in a sweet trail to her knees. Handing her a mirror and her small purse, he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead and smiled down at her. “You look thoroughly sated, baby. Your hair is mused to perfection, your lips swollen from sucking my brother until his eyes crossed. And the flush covering your body will be a beacon to every Dom who sees you walk into the club. They’ll all be jealous as hell.” He chuckled when he saw her wince at her reflection. They were still several minutes from the club, so she had a few minutes to get herself together before they entered Dark Desires and he and Peter could start messing her up again.

  They were surrounded the minute they walked through the door, but Tobi and Gracie’s happy shrieks were overshadowed by the stern looks of their Masters’ faces. Kent’s quick nod toward the hallway leading to the office didn’t herald good news. They sent their subs to the ladies locker room with colorful warnings about what would happen if they ventured out before one of them returned for them, and then made their way to the office.

  “I don’t want to be a wet blanket, but I wanted you both to know this as soon as I knew. Anyway...Eric Roberts just sent me a video of Lara’s parents getting off a plane in Jakarta. Officials there didn’t detain them, even though they knew who they were. Rita Emmons straight up conned them, I swear if I didn’t want to strangle her, I’d hire her.” Kyle ran his hand through his hair in frustration before rolling his eyes, “Bottom line is, they are in the wind and we’re all pulling back.”

  “Don’t forget the bank.” Fischer and Peter both turned their attention to where Jax stood shaking his head. “I agree with Kyle, they really need to hire that woman. She waltzed into the bank in a disguise that would have fooled God himself, sweet-talked one of the bank’s newest employees into letting her into what was supposed to be a secured area, and promptly cleaned out the small cache we’d left—sans the micro-tracker. She left the small device with a note attached that said, ‘Lame’.” Laughing, the man inclined his head in his friend’s direction, “Micah’s pissed. He lost a five hundred dollar bet with Roberts over this.”

  Micah’s muttered cursing came from the other side of the room, “I still can’t believe she found it. Hell, it’s not much bigger than a mustard seed. We need new toys when a damned government spook gets one up on us.” Micah’s words might have sounded as if he was pissed, but Fischer could hear admiration in his tone. Hell of it was, against his better judgement—he found himself admiring the woman as well.

  Kent stepped forward, the resignation in his expression was easy to read. “Cam is the only person who might have a chance of communicating with them. He called this morning to say he’d gotten a cryptic, anonymous email about taking care of former employees. Something about the way it was worded made him think it was about Lara. Evidently he had worked a couple of ops with the Emmons years ago so they would have known how to get in touch with him. But the bottom line is, other than trying to help and protect Lara, we have no reason to pursue her parents.”

  “And since I’m fairly certain Special Agent Roberts isn’t laying all his cards on the table, we’re backing out of it—at least for now.” Kyle looked between Fischer and Peter, “I’m sorry about interrupting your evening, now let’s get back out there. I’m sure our subs have managed to stir up enough trouble by now to keep the evening entertaining.”

  “Try to not beat on your sub’s ass until after the ceremony—wouldn’t want you to scare Lara off.” Fischer laughed as they moved down the hall. He’d struggled to hold back his interest in Lara until his brother had finally come to Houston, and the truth was he still worried she might slip through their fingers so he was more than a little anxious to lock their permanent collar around her pretty neck.

  The piece the jeweler created for them was an amazing combination of lifestyle elements concealed in what looked like a traditional chocker. The elaborate design hid floggers, whips, and keys were just a few of the secrets incorporated into the scrolled pattern. People in the vanilla world would never notice all the symbolism, they would simply see an elaborate piec
e of jewelry with enough gold, diamonds, and sapphires to fund a small country for several years.

  Peter pulled Lara into his arms and kissed her soundly as soon as she stepped out of the lounge. She’d obviously had time to relax with her friends and the glow of laughter radiated all around her. Seeing her eyes sparkle with happiness and her sweetly rounded cheeks slightly flushed made his heart sing. He wasn’t sure when he’d become such a sappy romantic, but everything felt right in his world when he held her.

  Traditionally, the Doms at Dark Desires either fucked their subs on stage before collaring them or marked them with a single tail, but he and Fischer agreed neither of those was right for their fiancée. There might come a day when she was ready for that level of public play, but neither of them cared much one way or the other. The short ceremony they’d planned centered on her submission to them. Knowing how difficult it was for her to strip and be completely naked in public, they’d decided that would be the only thing they’d ask of her.

  Turning her into his brother’s arms, Peter heard Fischer whisper, “Come here, baby. I want to hold you for a minute.” Peter heard Lara’s soft sigh and the sound sent a surge of blood to his cock forcing him to shift in an effort to relieve some of the pressure. Having a permanent zipper imprint the length of his favorite body part wasn’t something he was interested in. Fischer’s smile over Lara’s head let him know his younger brother was enjoying his discomfort.

  ‘Not feeling any pity for you at all, big brother. As I recall, you’ve already enjoyed our pretty fiancée once this evening.’ Anybody who thought younger brothers outgrew being a pain in the ass had never met his. Unfortunately, this time Fischer was right and he needed to rein in his lust because throwing her over his shoulder and making a mad dash for nearest unoccupied room wasn’t a part of tonight’s plan.


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