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Adventure Back on the Bayou: An Erotic Adventures Book II

Page 24

by T. S. Hill

  I stumbled into the kitchen mumbling loudly, “It’s starting to sound like a fucking female conspiracy around here.” Then I saw them. Two read heads! For all the world they looked like sisters, except that one had fair, porcelain skin, and one dark, tanned; one had really superb boobs, and the other eye popping huge tits. Their hair didn’t look dyed or fake. They both looked like natural red heads, even their eyebrows had been tinted to match.

  “Wow! Love the drapes! What do the carpets look like?”

  “Can we show you after we eat Stan?”, Sasha asked earnestly. “I’ve been smelling this food for ten minutes, and if I don’t eat, I can’t promise what may or may not happen!” Lori cut her eyes at me, as though to see if I was on to what she was on to. When our eyes met, I think we both were having the same thought.

  “Sure Sash!”, I popped back in an upbeat tone. “Get it on the table, and let’s eat! It does smell yummy! You two women look absolutely stunning! The color is fabulous! You look like two gorgeous, natural red head, sisters!” They both cut their eyes at each other and giggled like school girls.

  The food was as delicious as it smelled, and still plenty hot, which was unusual for carryout. Lori said that it came from a new place called Carivou’s, only a few miles out toward the main highway. I promised to carry everyone out there to eat, as soon as we had our current assignment off the table.

  As I had noticed at our late lunch, Sasha again, ate voraciously. I wasn’t sure if she was simply hungry, or pregnant and eating for two. Toward the end of the meal, Lori kept glancing at Sasha’s plate and then at me. I simply smiled and weakly nodded my head.

  When the table was cleared, we were just sitting, letting our meal settle, and entertaining a light banter between us. The women related their experiences at the spa, and each of them had their own little antidote or two to share. It was then that I decided to start my first venture into picking information from Sasha.

  “Sash, today I’ve entrusted the good faith of the wife of my best, and lifelong, friend to you. When she comes in the morning, I know that you and Lori will treat her with the greatest kindness, and understanding.”

  “Of course, we will Stan! Right Lori?”

  “Sure Sugar!” Lori responded, placing her hand over Sasha’s that had been resting on the table. “My jury may still be out just a bit on Aug, but I know all too well, the hell that girl has been going through, in wondering about her own sanity, and whether or not it’s her that’s evil, or the world. I’ve got news for her. It’s the judgmental world that’s evil!”

  “You’re preaching to the choir here, sister.”, Sasha commented.

  “You both understand that Sally’s confidentiality is of the most utmost importance? Even Aug doesn’t get to know anything, until Sally is ready to reveal whatever she chooses to him.! Do we have a deal?”

  “Deal!”, they both said together. Sasha raised her hand for a high five and Lori, smiling, fulfilled it.

  “Do you both trust me? And, don’t answer this together. Do each of you individually, trust me to do right by you, and protect you, come what may?”

  “You know that my life is your life, Cowboy.”, Lori responded, placing her other hand on one of mine.

  “Stan, honestly before today, I really liked you.”, Sasha began. “I mean, I really, really, liked you. But after today, when you didn’t bullshit me, you actually put money in my bank account, like you said you would, paid for my bus ticket, and actually showed up to come to get me, and bring me here? And then, the way you lured those gangsters away from me and Lori, and took both of the motherfuckers out! You got to the burger joint before we did!”

  “You rode thirty fucking miles, in the fucking freezing rain, to protect us from the back of the truck! You’re making room for me here in your home, and you’re setting me up a place to work, and it sounds like you’re setting me up in some kind of research and evaluation, I don’t know, and it doesn’t fucking matter, business of my own? Right here? With you guys? Holy fuck! Yes! Yes! I trust you! What do you want me to trust you with Stan? It’s yours!”

  “I want you to trust me with your truth Sasha. Not all of it at once. A little now, and a little more later, when you’re ready, or I ask for it. Can you do that?” This was the first down moment that I had ever seen on Sasha’s face, as she looked down into her lap.

  Giving her a moment of relief, I continued, “I want to give you and Lori a little of my truth right now. Sasha, I want you to know that your optimistic, upbeat, attitude, is the most refreshing thing that has come into my life, and I expect maybe Lori’s too, in a long time. However, for various reasons, I was worried about bringing you here. But now, I actually feel relieved that you are here. Everything is better now, because you’re here, and I wouldn’t change that for the world. From here forward, I instinctively know, that with you here, everything is going to just get better and better. And that’s truth one for me.”

  Sasha raised her eyes and looked at me and then at Lori. Both of us were smiling at her. She smiled and then looked back down at her lap again.

  “Sasha, I also know that you need my protection.” I saw her whole body tense. “I know that you feel that I can protect you, and that you trust me, and Lori, to protect you. Am I right?” She nodded her head affirmatively without looking up. “Tonight, I’m not going to ask you to share the truth of from what we need to protect you. But, I will, and soon. When that time comes, I expect you to share that truth with me. Will you do that, when that time comes?” She nodded her head rapidly this time. “Look at me Sasha, and look at Lori.”

  She looked up at me, eyes kind on wide, and then only glanced at Lori, before fixing her eyes on mine. She still had a deathly serious look on her face.

  “I’m going to make sharing the truth that I’m asking for tonight easy, Sasha. Here’s how things are, and oh, by the way, you’ve heard some of this before, but still, listen up! You know that Lori is my number one, no matter how many people get involved in our relationship. She comes first, she counts first, she is my goddess, and my Sweetheart. I’m her Cowboy and nobody else’s. She prefers me first and I prefer her first, secondarily, she likes a woman and sharing the woman with me. That’s me and Lori.”

  “Well, Rosita, likes a man first, just like Lori, a couple will do, and a woman if that ain’t there. She’s had boyfriends and girlfriends, and experienced tragedy. Lori loves her, and I do too, but only second to each other. You can fit in here, in our hearts too, Sasha.”

  There are no third places in my heart, and I don’t think that there are any in Lori’s. Only first and seconds. You can fit in, right along with Rosita as a number two, if that’s what you want, and are willing to accept. You can be a number two to me, and to Lori, just like Rosita, if that’s what you really feel like you want.”

  “But, before you actually take your place, we need you to share your truth. Let’s revisit your sexual hierarchy Sasha. Things change. And as you can see with Rosita, Lori isn’t threatened by a woman who would actually prefer me as her number one, because she knows that I belong to her, as her number one. So, what’s your sexual hierarchy truth Sasha? Share it with us now.” A singe tear trickled down Sasha’s left cheek. Then she raised her head and glanced at both of us.

  “I’m sorry Stan. Lori. I lied before. I fucking fell for Stan when I first laid eyes on him. Fuck! Stan you’re so damn handsome! But I fucking love you too Lori. The truth is, if could have my way, I’d have Stan all to myself. But I love you too Lori, so even if I had him all to myself, I’d share him with you! And fuck! I’d have to share Lori with you too Stan!”

  “I don’t know my fucking truth! I love you both! Maybe fucking equal now! I’d share you both with each other! One thing about it Stan, I’m like you, in that I don’t have a number three. I love you both equal. Fucking hell! I guess that I don’t have a number two! You’re both my number ones!”

  “Rosita? Fuck if I know! She’s fucking gorgeous! Hot as hell! I’d lick her ass if she let m
e! That’s how hot she is! But, I’m not in love with her. I might get that way, but right now? I’m just in lust with her, I guess as a number two? Is that weird? No! I don’t do weird! I’m just Sasha! What you see is what you get!”

  “Well I like what I see!”, I stated firmly.

  “Me too!”, Lori added.

  “So, calm down Sasha!”, I added. “I kinda missed my prediction with your truth, just a bit. Not by much, but just by a bit! One other question, for truth time tonight Sasha, just to put the cards on the table.”

  “Not the protection question?”, she asked apprehensively.

  “No! Actually, it is a simple yes or no question.”

  “Okay.”, Sasha blurted, shifting her eyes between us.

  “Are you pregnant?”

  “Fucking hell! I got pills! And, no fucking dick head’s screwing me without a condom! You, Stan? I fucking love your ass! No condom necessary or wanted! But no! Hell no! I’m not fucking preggers! Why the hell would you think that?”

  “Oh, just a question.” I said off the cuff. “I told you that it would be easy! Lighten up!” Lori laughed and Sasha cut her eyes between us.

  “Lori, you got pills too right?”, Sasha asked.

  “Yep! Lori responded. I lost my car, lost my money, and my fucking three-o-eight pistol, but I got my pills, still!”

  “C’mon Sasha!”, I said rising. I’ll help you make up the sofa bed, then I think it’s past time that we all get some rest! This day’s been a bitch!”

  “Can I show you my wax job first?”, Sasha asked.

  “Let’s make up your sofa bed first, and then when you’re ready for bed, come back by our bedroom and show us what you got. That way we can dream about it.”, I teased her.

  I helped Sasha fit the sheets and a blanket over the sofa and retrieved one of the four king sized pillows from my bed for her to use, then retired to my bedroom with Lori. After brushing our teeth, and making a toilet visit, we both were ready to flip the light off on this day, but still Sasha hadn’t arrived to show us her wax job.

  I went back to the den to check on her, and she was fast asleep on the sofa, in nothing but her panties, with the sheet and blanket still at her feet. I covered her, turned out the lamp, gave her a gentle kiss on her lips, and retreated back to bed with Lori. Back in my bed, snugged with Lori, I drifted off to sleep, listening to the rumblings of distant thunder.

  Somewhere, I’m guessing around three in the morning, I awoke to Lori shaking me, and the sound of loud booms of thunder, with wind howling. The tree house, as it was designed, was moving in a left and right swaying motion, that carried it possibly three feet one way and then back again.

  “Cowboy! What’s that noise?”, she whispered loudly in my ear.

  “A storm.”, I grunted.

  “No! It sounds like some kind of animal crying!”, she rasped into my ear. I sat up, rubbing my eyes, and listened.

  “I’ll be right back.”, I stated, flipping the bedside lamp switch. But, there was no power, and so I reached to the under shelf of the bedside table and pulled out the flashlight.

  “Must be a helluva storm, I grumbled aloud to her, as I crawled out of the bed and flipped on the focused light of the flashlight. Aiming the light ahead of me, I followed the moaning sound to the den/new office. I pulled the covers off of Sasha’s buried head.

  “C’mon, come get in the bed with me and Lori.”, I told her. Sasha raised up, with tears streaming down her face, and walked beside me, with my arm around her shoulders, back to the bedroom. After I climbed back in, she climbed in beside me. Neither woman said a thing, but they both hugged against me closely, clinging to me like they were afraid to let go. Flat on my back, I listened to the raging storm outside, and held them both tightly, as though to assure them that I wasn’t ever letting go.

  Chapter Twelve

  A New Day, A New Way

  Talk it out! Work it out!

  For the second morning running, I awoke between two beautiful, totally gorgeous, women. As before, there was one on either side of me. With their red-haired heads laying on each of my shoulders, and a sumptuously shaped leg from each, thrown carelessly over mine, it just didn’t get any better than this. Only this time, instead of holding hands on my chest, each of them had a delicate, but firm, grip on my morning wood. As nice as this was, I hoped that it wasn’t symbolic of a brewing struggle between them over me.

  When they both showed back up from the salon yesterday with red hair. I had assumed that it was mutually agreed upon. Now I wondered if it was some kind of competition. If it was, I intended to squash it right away. But, I also thought that it would be nice, if the whole thing, matching hair, and both holding on to my cock in their sleep, was a mutual admiration and shared fondness.

  I decided to just hug them both close, and enjoy the moment. I could always play referee later, if some kind of hostilities or competitiveness emerged. For right now, it just felt really nice, and really right, being shared between these two.

  I had laid like this, cruising in a blissful twilight state for only a few minutes, when there was a knocking on the outer door. I figured that it would be Sally, and gently extricated myself from the women. Gingerly, I spider walked over Sasha and finally stepped to the floor.

  Tying my robe around me, I glanced back at the two women. Exactly as Lori and Rosita had done yesterday morning, the two women were now locked tightly in each other’s arms, cheek to cheek, with faint smiles on both of their faces. I immediately put aside any worries of them competing with each other, and rushed on to answer the door.

  Sure enough, it was Sally. I opened the door, yawning and she came in. I turned and went to the kitchen, and she followed.

  “What time is it, Sal?”

  “A little after seven.”, she answered.

  “I’m sorry that I haven’t started the coffee yet.”, I mumbled. “I’ll get it on in a sec. It’s a good thing that you came this morning instead of yesterday morning. I came padding in here naked, with my clothes in my hand, and completely missed Aug sitting there”, I said, pointing to the empty chair where Aug had sat.

  “Tagg, um, not that I’m upset or anything, but you might as well be naked again this morning.”

  “What? Why?”, I asked, looking down at my robe. Being half asleep, I had forgotten about my morning erection, and had rushed to answer the door before hitting the toilet. Old reliable had parted the sides of the robe, and was proudly, head high, on display.

  “Oops! Fuck! Sal! Why didn’t you say something?”, I whispered out loudly, as I panicked in my rush to try to re-cover my erect cock.

  “I just did!”, she whispered back, snickering and giggling.

  “Put on the coffee! I’ll be right back.”, I said in a low voice, heading off to the bathroom.

  As I passed back from the bathroom through the bedroom, I paused to kiss the two sleeping beauties. Except for the difference in skin tone, bust size, and nipple sizes, they would totally pass as sisters. They may have been separated by multiple generations of Adamsons, on both sides of their family tree, but their resemblances were uncanny. The Adamson women definitely have some powerfully strong beauty genes.

  Leaving the bedroom, I noticed the powerful aroma of dark, Columbian coffee permeating the air. When I re-entered the kitchen, Sally’s eyes went, first directly to my groin, then up to my eyes, just before she started grinning and snickering.

  “All good now I see.”, she commented.

  “I’m sorry, Sal!”, there’s no excuse, I should have been more careful before coming to the door.”

  “No need to be sorry, Tagg. As you well know, I’ve already seen more. No harm, no foul. Besides, there’s nothing wrong with a little morning eye candy.”

  “Well, you certainly seem to be in a better mood than you were when I dropped by yesterday. Anything special change?’

  “No. Probably my attitude, a little.”, she said wistfully. I nodded my head in agreement. Just then the coffee ready alert beeped
long and loud.

  “I can’t seem to wake the girls, but the coffee alert seems to.”, I quipped. “They’ll probably be getting up, any minute now.”, I commented, rising to pour the coffee. “Still take yours black?”

  “Yes, but I’ve had my coffee this morning already, with Aug.”

  “How’s he doing Sal?”

  “Aug’s Aug. He’s good, Tagg. Enjoying his work, looking forward to the baby. Hoping it’s a boy. Aug’s Aug.”

  “Can I get you anything else?”, I offered.

  “No, I’m good, Tagg. If I’m not bothering you, I’ll just sit here and wait to meet your women.”

  “That’s what I invited you over for. They’re expecting you, and looking forward to meeting you. I think, you’ll all like each other.”

  “I’m sure that we will!”, she said smiling. Sal sat quietly, tracing the tapestry on the place mat before her, with her finger. I sat, quietly sipping my coffee, and studying Sal’s features. Aug was a lucky man. Sal was quiet a beauty in her own right. Although her light brown hair was a bit mousey, and could use a style update, she was still just as beautiful, and youthful, as the day that she and Aug married, almost ten years ago. She, Aug, and I were all the same age, but she was the only one that hadn’t aged a bit. And, she was the shortest of the three of us. Aug stands six feet and one inch. I measure six feet even, and Sal is five feet and eleven inches. Tall for a woman, but what legs!

  She had a runway model figure, with beautiful lithe legs, and a nicely shaped ass, and bust line. She had the kind of facial beauty too, like Lori had, the kind that didn’t require any make up at all. But, she still didn’t look bad at all with makeup. In fact, if she didn’t wear much of it, you couldn’t really tell when she had makeup on, or not. This morning, I wasn’t sure at all.

  “Sal,”, I broke the silence, and she raised her pretty green tinted eyes to mine. “I know everything is going to work out okay between you and Aug. It just has to, because, well, you’re Sal, and he’s Aug! It has to work out.”


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