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Adventure Back on the Bayou: An Erotic Adventures Book II

Page 25

by T. S. Hill

  “I think it will too Tagg. It just may be painful at times, before coming out on the other end, where ever that is!” I nodded my understanding to her.

  Lori appeared in the doorway, barefooted, and wearing the red flowered dress that she had worn in her grandparent’s barn. Memories of it flowing off of her shoulders in the lantern lit room with the English saddles, flooded my mind. I also remembered how she had pulled the same dress over her head like removing a T shirt, on the night that she danced naked over me beside the fire.

  Those memories, caused a stir in my cock beneath my robe. I had wanted to get up, but decided that I best stay seated, least my cock perform an encore appearance from my robe, and then Lori may wonder what was transpiring between me and Sal, which of course, was nothing.

  “Sweetheart, while you’re pouring your coffee, could you please freshen my cup?”, I asked holding my cup out to her. Then pulling it back to myself, I added, “But only after you kiss me good morning.”

  “Lori sauntered over to me with a very sensual swing of her hips, that made her obviously braless tits wobble against the red floral fabric of the dress. She slung her arms around my neck and tilting her head to one side, lowered her open mouth on to mine. She engaged me with a full on, tongue filled, passionate kiss, that ended with a slow sucking release of my lower lip. She held that pose momentarily and nuzzled her nose against mine before pulling my lower lip through her lips, one last time.

  “I’ll be glad to fill your cup, sweetheart!”, she informed me in a sultry, and sexy tone. Then she gently, tugged the cup from my fingers with one hand while she caressed my cheek with the other, all the while, giving my eyes a smoky stare with hers.

  Turning slowly, she poured the coffee into my cup, with her ample ass obviously presented in my direction. Turning back to me, she gently handed me the coffee, and lightly pulled her index finger down the length of my nose.

  “Can I do anything else for you Cowboy? Anything else at all?”, she asked in the same sultry, sexy voice, that sent goose bumps crawling over my skin, and made my cock nearly smack the bottom of the table.

  I had to take a deep breath, and then answered, “I’m good for just this minute, Sweetheart, but, I’m hanging on to the rain check!”

  “Just let me know, when you want to cash it in.”, she replied, again in the same super seductive voice. Then she poured a cup of coffee, and turned to Sally.

  “You must be Sally! I’m Lori”, she said in a suddenly normal tone with a cheery, bubbly voice. Has Cowboy offered you coffee?” Sally, looked startled and maybe a bit confused.

  “Yes! I mean, he did offer me, but I’ve already had my coffee. And, yes, too, um, I’m Sally. Just call me Sal if you want Lori. It’s really great to finally meet you! You’re everything that Tagg said you were.”

  “Do you have porn Sal?”, Lori asked her.


  “Don’t be bashful, Sal. We’re all adults here, and we ain’t prudes! Do you have porn?”

  “No. Should I?”

  “Do you have internet service?”

  “What? Sally was looking confused.

  “If you have internet you can get some porn, free even. Get some! Do you regularly treat Aug, like I just treated the Cowboy here?”

  “Wow! You don’t mess around, do you Lori? Right to business!”, Sally stated.

  “Aw, calm down!”, Lori told her, “Don’t get your panties in a wad.”

  “Actually, I’m not wearing any.”, I quipped. Lori playfully slapped my arm.

  “Well I’m not either, Cowboy!”, she countered.

  Then in an easy going and sympathetic voice, and looking at Sally, she said, “But I bet Sal is. How about it Sal. You wearing panties?”

  “Yeah.”, Sally answered sheepishly.

  “Granny, ass cheek covering panties, or thong, or what?”, Lori asked.

  “Granny panties.”, Sally meekly answered.

  “White too I bet! Or beige.”, Lori quipped.

  “White.”, Sally lamented.

  “Jeepers! I hope not dingy white!”, Lori complained.

  “No, I use bleach!”, Sally sounded a bit upbeat.

  Lori brought her coffee around the table and sat to my right with Sally on her right.

  “Sal, I don’t mean to attack you, or make you feel bad. What I came at you for, with all this, was to shock you a bit, and get you to see the contrast between what you want, and what you offer. If you want to get more, you gotta offer more, girl. I’m guessing that you haven’t been offering anything like what you saw me offering Cowboy here this morning.”

  Sally shook her head no. Her eyes were just a bit wide. I don’t think that she knew quiet what to think of this redheaded firebrand.

  “I’m not trying to shame you. I just want you to wake up. Kinda like slapping someone in the face that’s passed out. They’re wondering what happened and where they are, and why someone is slapping them. Meanwhile, the whole problem is, they need to wake the fuck up! Am I making any since hon?”

  “Sally started smiling, then she spoke, “Lori, the past two minutes has been the best lesson that I’ve had since, since, since ever! What else you got?”

  “Porn!”, Lori shouted, throwing her right fist into the air. “If you’re gonna have a useful imagination, you gotta feed that imagination! Why do you think the damn East Indians have the Kama Sutra? It’s an imagination fuck book!” Read some porn. Yeah, they call them erotic romance novels, but it’s just porn. What the hell!

  Go to some lingerie and sex shops, get a piercing or two. I’m not into it, but if your man is, get a tat maybe. You know, something sexy, on the side of your tit or someplace like that. Something with red in it. Red turns men on. Get your pussy-cunt waxed. If you don’t want to go all clean, like me, get a pattern like Sasha, or a landing strip like Rosita. Rosita has this amazing salon! Just ask her about it!”

  “What I’m saying is, if you’re interested in more sex, and a variety of sex, then get more interested in the varieties of sex, and just engage your own sexuality more. What goes around, comes around girl. Does that happen to make any sense too? Or am I getting too far out there to be understood? I can get pretty carried away when I start talking sex. Just ask Cowboy.

  “You make sense I think, Lori. But I don’t think I can get proficient in all of this in one crash session. Maybe you could go shopping with me, and help guide some of my purchases, and show me some of the porn products that would best benefit me. Come have a girl’s day out with me?”

  “Sure. If that’s what you want. And if Cowboy’s okay with it. I think he has his work cut out for himself and Sasha, going through all the data they need to. Cowboy?”

  “Help Sasha unpack later this morning.”, I told her. “If her clothes are all in order, okay. If she needs anything, we’ll see what we need to do. You, though Lori, need some decent clothes, and shoes. So, sure.”

  “Can I pick up some sex toys too, while we’re shopping for Sal and Aug?”

  “No, Sal and Aug can get their own sex toys.”

  “Aw fuck, Cowboy. I meant for us? Me and you, Sasha, and Rosita!”

  “I know. I was just jerking your chain. Sure, just don’t go nuts with it right out of the gate. You need clothes right now worse than we need sex toys.”

  “Well give me a budget then?”

  “Good idea. When do you guys want to go shopping?”

  “Today?”, Sally asked.

  “Cowboy?”, Lori spoke up, looking at me.

  “Sure. Not right away though, maybe this afternoon? Give Sally some time to talk with Sasha, and if you want, also Rosita. Or if you want, talk with Rosita later, but Sasha definitely this morning. Because you’re right, this afternoon, she has work to do. And Rosita, will be busy this afternoon, preparing our big dinner for tonight.”

  “Oh goody!”, Lori squealed, clapping her hands and jumping up and down on her tiptoes.

  “Oh Lori, find out where Rosita bought that red Brazilian design
dress. Get some stuff from there. Some hot, sexy, Brazilian design stuff. And get Sal one of those dresses, as a preggers gift from you, Sasha, and Rosita. Maybe it wouldn’t be so appropriate from me. But would it be okay coming from the women Sal?”

  “Definitely, Tagg!”, she answered grinning. “You know if you weren’t Tagg, and I wasn’t Sal, I’d kiss you!”

  “And if you weren’t Sal and I wasn’t Tagg, and Aug wouldn’t kick my ass, I’d kiss you back! Now where the fuck is Sasha? Is she still asleep? Rosita should have already been here by now.”

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you,”, Lori said hurriedly. “Rosita was going to do your grocery shopping this morning, before coming in. She said that she made up her list already, and it would save driving right back past her house again.”

  “Our shopping now Lori, but it’s all good. Check on Sasha.”

  “She was already up when I got up. Maybe she’s in the den, office?”, Lori answered.

  “I’ll check.”, I replied, getting up to head to the den. My erection had subsided and now I could stand without worry that my cock would part the drapes of my robe, so to speak. “You would think that she’d be in here for coffee.”, I groused. Oh, Sal, I need to give your skillet back. The one that Aug brought breakfast over in the other morning. By the way, that was a really great Cajun breakfast!”

  “Aug cooked that!”, she called after me. “He’s the rage’n Cajun, not me!”

  In the den, I found Sasha on her laptop.

  “Sash, whatcha doing?”

  “Checking to see if this cocksucker’s still alive.”

  “Okay. Great way to start the day, reading the obits. Is there a particular reason that this one, said cocksucker, should be dead?”, I asked.

  “Besides me wanting him dead?”, she replied with a question. “A few, but none of them seem to be on duty today, nor for the last six months.”

  “You wanna tell me about this cocksucker, Sash, and why you want him dead?”

  “No!”, she simply said, slamming her laptop shut.

  “Then how about a cup of coffee?”

  “I don’t do coffee.”, she responded in a flat tone.

  “Hot tea?”

  “Really? You got hot tea?”, she said becoming civilized again.

  “I’m not all that sure, but I think Rosita keeps some in the kitchen.”

  “Great”, she said, jumping up from the sofa and facing me.

  “You might want to put some clothes on too.”, I commented, noticing that she still was wearing nothing but her panties. “Sally’s here to see you and Lori, and I believe, she’s about finished her first session, with Lori.

  “Oh, yeah, I forget that some people are offended by titties.”, she groused. “And, it seems that the bigger they are the more they’re offended.”

  “I doubt that Sally would somehow be in the least offended by your sumptuous tits, Sash. However, she probably would find them distracting while she’s trying to discuss whatever it is about her sex life that you guys need to discuss.”

  “Yeah, I guess that could be true too.”, she conceded.

  “Let me grab something, and I’ll be right in Stan!”, she said, suddenly sounding, once again, like her usual chipper self.

  “I’ll try to dig out the tea and start some water heating.”, I let her know, as I was heading back toward the door. I couldn’t resist though, looking back at her bending over her suitcase, with her magnum sized tits, swinging gently below her chest. “And, I still want to see what style of waxing you decided to go with.”, I told her over my shoulder.

  “Oh, it’s very cool, Stan! You gotta love it!”

  “I’m sure I will!”, I quipped as I left the room.

  I actually found Rosita’s tea, a pot, and figured out how to get the water set up on the stove heating. By the time that Sasha appeared, the water was starting to boil, and Lori was ready to head to the shower. It was like shift change time at the Hill House Sex Counseling Center.

  As soon as Sasha had been introduced to Sally, she immediately started in, very similar to how Lori had immediately plowed in. I only stayed in the room long enough to pour another cup of coffee, and notice Sasha’s clothes. She wore a pair of skin tight, super short, black satin, shorts that showed the outer edges of her porcelain ass cheeks. And, a short sleeved, blue, button-down collar, oxford shirt, that instead of buttoning up, she had merely tied the tails in a knot just beneath her bulging tits, that filled the upper fabric of the shirt. The odd thing, was on her feet she wore the same Black Mary Janes that she had worn in the public library, the day we met her.

  Right there and then, I interrupted her and Sally.

  “Do you like a particular brand of athletic shoes Sash?”

  “No! I hate the fucking things.”, she replied bluntly.

  “Flats?”, I asked.

  “Black.”, she responded.

  “Got any?”




  “Same as Lori. Hmmm.”

  “Lori’s gonna pick you up some. Need anything else? Clothing wise?”

  “Nope. I’m good!”

  “Sorry to interrupt ladies. Please continue!”, I told them, as I headed to the bedroom.

  When I left the room, Sasha was explaining the sex fairy thing, while dunking her teabag in her cup of hot water.

  If anybody could advise Sally of how to get her and Aug’s sex life jumpstarted and tuned to scream, it would be those two ladies. Rosita probably had a little to offer also, especially on how to dress provocatively sexy.

  I still knew really nothing of Sasha’s bedroom skills, but I knew that if it came to giving blowjobs, and any other bedroom skill, Rosita and Lori could write the definitive book! Or as Lori and Sasha would say, the fucking book.

  Back in the bedroom, Lori was drying off from her shower, and laying out clothes to wear as I came in from the den.

  “Thanks for taking time with Sal, Lori. I think what you’re doing is really going to help them. Sash is into her now at full throttle. You two could run a sex counseling service, you know?”

  “Nah, I can help normal people get over their blindness and hang-ups, Cowboy, but I can’t fix fucking perverts. And, besides, I don’t have any kind of degree for anything like that.”

  “It’s a shame that you might even need a degree for such good work.”, I commented.

  “What about you Cowboy, you wanna talk about anything?”

  “Such as?”

  “Such as, you admit that you find Sasha attractive and that you are sexually attracted to her, but you’re still standoffish toward her in any physical way. You’re not her daddy, you know. And she wants you, and I want to share her with you.”

  “And, me with her?”

  “Well, yeah that too. But what’s up with keeping her at arm’s length, Cowboy?”

  “I think I’ve figured that out, and since I have, I can probably move past it, just as soon as I find out one more thing.”

  “What have you figured out, and what else do you need to know?”, Lori asked me. “Does this have something to do with the talk we all were having after dinner last night?”

  “Bulls eye Sweetheart! You noticed her eating habits?”, I asked.

  “Yeah, I noticed last night, that you had too. What do you think’s up with that?”

  “I don’t know yet, and it may, probably does, have something to do with what I still need to find out. Anyway, I’ve had a sixth sense feeling that she felt threatened by something or someone, and saw me and you as potential protectors. As you heard last night, I was right.”

  “I think you were.”

  “I’ve felt like I had a parent’s responsibility to her more than a suitor’s. Once I realized why I was feeling that way, I started getting past the whole thing. What I need to know though, to just finish clearing it all up for me, is from who and what, does she need protecting.”

  “For some fucked up Freudian reason or the other, I
think I could then look at her as the intoxicatingly beautiful, fully sexually desirable, brilliant minded, woman that she is. Damned if you Adamson women don’t just fuck with my head! Don’t get me wrong! I love you Adamson women! But you fuck my head up!”

  “Your head’s not fucked up Cowboy! I’ve told you before. You’re one of the last true blue, white hat wearing, heroes. You see a damsel in distress, and you’re an immediate sucker. That’s not a bad thing! The world needs more knights in shining armor, and cowboys in white hats, riding to the rescue. I’m damned glad that you’re mine! And, Sasha’s, and Rosita’s too! Take whatever time you need with Sasha Cowboy.”

  “And another thing, once you resolve this, and assuming you guys are ready, go ahead and get it on! The girl has been wanting your cock so bad, ever since she laid eyes on you, I don’t know how she keeps from ripping your pants off.”

  “When we’re both ready for her Lori. You and I both.”

  “Cowboy, I’m not being nasty. Really, I’m not. I understand your delay, and hesitation, in coming around for Sasha. But, I’ve been ready for her! So, it’s up to you now to make the first move. Not me. Who moved on Rosita first?”

  “You did, and well we all agreed first, then we both moved, as she did.”

  “Cowboy, she asked you for proof of how you felt, after I was already showing her how I felt. Then you moved. You waited on me. Now, I’m waiting on you. I love you Cowboy, and I’m not moving until after you make the first moves with Sasha. I don’t want to start something until you’ve made sure that you’re okay with it.”

  “Alright then. I see where you’re coming from, Lori.”

  Lori continued, “If you find yourself in a situation with Sasha that’s working for both of you, then go ahead and make the move Cowboy. Once that’s in place, then you can share her with me, and Rosita, if that’s what they both want. I don’t think that my and Sasha’s lust for each other is a big secret to anyone anyway.”

  “This sounds all okay, Lori, but I’ve still got to wrap my head around it, and resolve that final issue with Sasha.”

  “Good, Cowboy. Move at your own pace. You will anyway, I just want you to know, that I’m okay with ever how you want to proceed, and ever how long or short time it may be. I love you and support you in ever how you choose to handle this.”


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