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A Heart For Christmas (Heartwarming Romance)

Page 6

by Callie Timmins

  He’d watched them for a few minutes, and the sight of his children wrapped in Kara’s embrace had unfurled something in his chest. Something uncomfortable and unfamiliar, and yet warm and pleasant at the same time.

  Leaning on the porcelain basin, he eyed himself in the mirror. He hadn’t been fair to his children since Camille died. He’d taken responsibility for her death, which was ridiculous, he knew. And he’d inadvertently punished his children through punishing himself by working so hard.

  What kind of person refuses to acknowledge Christmas just because his wife died? He hadn’t been at all fair to Lucas and Molly.

  Grace had tried to bring some joy into the house, by doing craft and having a small tree every year. But he’d been a Grinch, and she’d allowed him to wallow in his grief and self-pity. Grace kept the Christmas celebrations to a minimum because she didn’t want to upset him and remind him of what he’d lost.

  But seeing Kara with Lucas and Molly tonight, reminded him of what he still had. Camille was gone, but her memory lived on in his beautiful children. They were his present and future. He’d seen the joy on their faces as they gazed at the tree. And there was no way he was about to spoil that delight. He was determined to make this Christmas a memorable one.

  Chapter 13

  Kara didn’t see much of Caleb over the following week. She missed his presence at the dinner table, and the occasional glances they shared during conversation.

  He’d often help her with tidying the kitchen while the children prepared for bed, and occasionally his arm would brush hers as he dried the dishes or reached across to put a cup away. Her skin always ignited at the brief contact, and she knew she was being foolish to entertain any thoughts of him beyond an employer, but she couldn’t stop thinking about him.

  Every night, emptiness settled over her once the children were in bed. The house felt too big without him and she missed his company. She quite liked the Caleb that had emerged from the icy façade. But since the Christmas tree appeared, he’d distanced himself from her, and she didn’t know why.

  As Kara prepared breakfast early Thursday morning, Molly padded into the kitchen rubbing her eyes. Her hair was a wild mess, as though birds had nested in it overnight.

  “Good morning, sweetheart.”

  “Morning, Kara.” Molly yawned as she pulled herself onto a stool.

  “You’re up early. Are you all ready for a big day at kindergarten?” Kara slid a cup of orange juice across the counter.

  “I don’t want to go today,” Molly sulked.

  “Why not?” Kara glanced up in surprise. Molly tilted her head from side-to-side and clasped her hands together on the counter. Sometimes she seemed so much older and wiser than her five years.

  “I want to stay home with you. Can you live with us forever?”

  “Oh! I … That’s something you’ll have to talk to your Daddy about.” Kara regained her composure and spread a layer of peanut butter and jelly on a slice of toast, just the way Molly liked it.

  “He said maybe.”

  “What?” Kara gulped. Molly lifted the cup of juice to her lips and took a sip.

  “It’s only three weeks until Christmas. I like our tree.” Molly had already moved on in the conversation, while Kara was stuck back on the young child’s words about living with them forever.

  She busied herself in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for Lucas and lunches for both the children. She needed something to distract her wayward thoughts.

  Molly wanted her to stay, which was sweet. She didn’t want to burst the little girl’s bubble and tell her that it probably wouldn’t be forever. That one day, hopefully, she’d find someone to marry and have a family of her own.

  But where was she supposed to meet someone when she lived and worked for a handsome doctor? What if this was it? What if Caleb was that man? Stop it, Kara! Don’t allow the words of a five-year-old get your hopes up.

  After much cajoling, Kara walked Lucas and Molly to the bus stop and waved goodbye. Returning to the large empty house was not the best idea. Her thoughts drifted to Caleb, and given that she hadn’t seen him all week, she found herself being drawn into a state of melancholy. He had been leaving before she was awake, and coming home late. She didn’t think he was seeing someone - Marie had never mentioned he had a girlfriend, although that was totally his prerogative. But why wouldn’t he? He was handsome, successful and his laugh would make anyone melt. A little flicker of jealousy reared its head at the thought of Caleb with another woman.

  Ugh! Kara thumped the kitchen counter, frustrated she had allowed herself to fall for her boss. Not wanting to wallow in impossible dreams, she pulled on a jacket, grabbed her camera and headed outside. Weeks had passed since she’d last taken any photos, and she missed the freedom of creativity and exploring all the city had to offer.

  Perhaps a morning walking around her new neighborhood would distract her from the handsome face that kept appearing in her mind every time she closed her eyes.

  Chapter 14

  “Molly! Lucas!” Caleb’s voice boomed through the house as he shucked off his shoes at the front door. Loosening his tie, he made quick work of removing his jacket and tossing it over the coat rack before rolling up his sleeves. Footsteps stampeded down the staircase as his children ran to greet him.

  “Daddy! Daddy!” Molly ran into his arms, and he lifted her, twirling her around until she was a ball of giggles.

  “How’s my young man?” Caleb drew Lucas into a one-armed embrace and ran his knuckles through his hair. One day his son would no doubt pull away, but for now, he’d make the most of the time they had.

  Lucas chuckled. “Good, Dad.”

  “Great! Oh, it’s so good to see you both. I’ve missed you so very much.”

  “Daddy, come here.” Molly tugged on his hand, dragging him to the kitchen where she pointed to a pencil drawing stuck on the fridge.

  “Did you draw that, sweetheart?”

  She nodded, her tongue poking out from the corner of her mouth as she awaited his response. He blinked a few times running a hand through his hair.

  There were four people in the picture. He knew three of them were him, Lucas and Molly. The fourth had dark hair. Camille had blonde hair.

  “It’s our family.”

  “Sweetheart, Mommy is in heaven.”

  “I know.” Molly shrugged. “It’s Kara. She can be my new mommy.” Caleb exhaled and eyed his daughter, completely at a loss for words.

  “Out of the mouths of babes, eh?” Kara’s soft voice grabbed his attention. He gave a nervous chuckle as his gaze flicked to hers and held.

  For a moment, all he saw, all he felt, was her. He was drowning in the depths of kindness in her eyes. Her gentle smile filled him with warmth. His breath hitched at her natural beauty. Did she feel the current passing between them as well?

  “I’m hungry.” Molly tugged on his arm before opening the fridge. Thankful for the distraction, he shrugged and gestured towards Molly. What could he say? That yes, he would be more than happy with Kara as Molly’s new mommy. But where did that leave him as a boss? Would she think he was taking advantage of her?

  Surely he was only imagining things between them. Surely Kara didn’t find herself lost for words, or with a dry mouth whenever he was near. Was he that starved for love and affection that his mind was playing tricks on him? But no matter how much he tried to distract himself, or focus on his work, he couldn’t get her out of his mind.

  “By the way,” he flicked on the faucet and rinsed his hands. “I’ve got the weekend off. I’ve bought tickets to Disney World.”

  “Yay!” Molly squealed, jumping up and down.

  “That’s so cool!” Lucas grinned, pumping his hand into the air.

  Caleb met Kara’s gaze over the top of Lucas’s head. “You’ll come, won’t you? I mean, it also coincides with your day off, but I could substitute another day …”

  “You want me to come? I thought you’d want time alone with the
kids …”

  “I do want to spend time with them,” Caleb cut her off. “But I’d also like you to be there. Please.” He didn’t want to come across as desperate, but he wanted her to join his family on the mini-break. In fact, he couldn’t imagine doing anything without her. It was madness, he knew.

  “I …”

  “Please, Kara, Ple-e-a-s-e.” Molly tugged on her hand and looked at her with those wide brown orbs.

  “I’ll come,” she murmured. Caleb offered a silent thanks for Molly’s insistence. At least she could get away with begging at her age. He’d look the ultimate fool if he’d behaved in the same way.

  “Yay!” Molly bounced up and down again. That little girl was an endless bundle of energy. “We can see the princesses, and then we can …”

  Molly’s elation was drowned out by the ringing in his ears at the sight of Kara’s face. Glowing beneath the pendant light, her eyes were full of life, excitement and perhaps a little apprehension. He sucked in a breath at how beautiful she was. Even in her casual apparel of jeans and a gray sweatshirt, with her hair in a ponytail, she was stunning. He wanted to reach across the counter and tuck the flyaway strands of hair behind her ears. But he wouldn’t. Not today. And not in front of the children. Although by all accounts, Molly had no qualms about asking Kara to be her new mommy.

  “Someone’s super excited!” He grinned, needing to say something, anything to prevent him making a fool of himself. As Kara’s employer, there was still a line he didn’t want to cross until he was certain she was feeling the same way.

  “Why don’t you go and find some things to pack and I’ll come and read you a story before bed?”

  He slid one last glance at Kara before pouring a glass of red wine and allowing the smooth liquid quell his fraying nerves.

  Chapter 15

  Kara leaned against the headboard of the bed with her knees pulled to her chest. Lucas and Molly were both asleep in their beds and she couldn’t face going downstairs in case Caleb was there. Her fingers fumbled over the screen of her phone as she punched in Marie’s number.

  “Sorry for calling you at this time,” Kara whispered when Marie answered.

  “That’s okay, I was just reading. Why are you whispering? Is everything all right?”

  Kara glanced at the closed door. Caleb wouldn’t hear her unless he was standing on the other side of the door with a glass cupped to his ear. Which she very much doubted he would do. He didn’t seem to be the eavesdropping type. She exhaled a pent up breath.

  “We’re going to Disney World,” she gushed.

  “What? When?”

  “Tomorrow. Caleb came home tonight and announced he’d booked tickets. Marie, I can’t go. I can’t be that close to him for three days and not embarrass myself. What if I do or say something incredibly stupid? I’ll lose my job and have to move back in with you, which isn’t a bad thing. But I …”

  “Stop!” Marie’s voice cut through her drivel. “Take a deep breath and tell me why it’s such a bad idea to go to Disney World with Dr. Handsome.”

  Kara kneaded her brow while her gaze landed on the chipped nail polish on her toes. Great. She wouldn’t even have time for a pedicure before they left. He’d take one look at her toenails and think she lacked the ability to look after herself, which just proved he was way out of her league.

  It was all too much. She should never have allowed her thoughts take her to unattainable heights, because now she was freefalling into a sea of disappointment.

  “Because I’m afraid I’ll make a fool out of myself. I’m already finding it hard to behave normally around him without my face turning red. My body naturally combusts whenever he’s near.”

  “Nothing wrong with that,” Marie replied. Kara could hear the low murmurs of television in the background.

  “There is, if he’s the boss,” Kara hissed.

  “I say go for it. Go to Disney World and see what happens. Whatever happens in Disney World …”

  “That’s Vegas, silly.” Kara couldn’t contain her giggle. Trust Marie to lighten the mood.

  “What’s the worst that could happen?”

  Kara’s fingers smoothed over the comforter on the bed as she considered Marie’s question.

  For a start, she could make an absolute fool of herself. She could be fired. She’d never see Caleb again. Her heart plummeted. And she’d never see the children again.

  The best? The possibilities were endless. She could quite easily fall into forever with Dr. Hunter. She would never tire of looking at him. Or laughing with him. She’d be able to watch the children grow and …

  “I think you’ll be going to Disney World,” Marie murmured, interrupting her thoughts. “Have fun and we’ll catch up when you return.”

  “Thanks, Marie.” Kara ended the call and tossed the phone onto the nightstand. Excitement and nerves waged war as all thoughts turned to the weekend. Would it be the worst thing? Or would it be the best thing ever?

  Chapter 16

  Caleb shoved the carry-on luggage into the overhead compartment before sliding into the seat beside Lucas and fastening the seatbelt over his lap. Molly sat beside Lucas and Kara settled into the seat beside Molly. Rubbing his hands together, Caleb grinned.

  “Who’s excited?”

  “Me!” cried Molly, swinging her legs back and forth, narrowly missing the seat in front.

  “Me, too.” Lucas beamed up at him. Caleb’s gaze lifted and met Kara’s over the top of the children’s heads. She smiled and nodded, but the smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. He frowned. The spark he’d become so familiar with wasn’t there.

  “Are you okay?”

  She nodded quickly and averted her gaze. “I’m fine. I’m just … I’m just a bit nervous, that’s all.”

  “About flying?” Surely she’d flown before. Perhaps he should have given the trip more thought before he impulsively booked the mini-vacation and practically begged her to come.

  “No, I’m fine. Really.” She offered another smile before pulling out the safety instruction card from the seat pocket in front of her.

  Puzzled by her lack of enthusiasm, Caleb stretched his legs as far as he could and ensured Lucas and Molly were buckled in their seats as the airplane began its taxi down the runway.

  From the corner of his eye, he saw Molly reach for Kara’s hand, and something squeezed in his chest at the simple gesture. He’d probably do the same thing if he were seated beside her. He wondered what she would do. Would she entwine her fingers with his? Stroke her thumb over the back of his hand? Lean into his shoulder? Closing his eyes, Caleb tried to put all thoughts of the beautiful nanny at the end of the row from his mind. The weekend was going to be a challenge if he was already daydreaming about her.

  As the plane lifted into the air, soft sobbing caused Caleb’s eyes to flick open. Lucas’s shoulders were trembling and he was sniffing. Kara’s hand rested gently on his arm.

  “Lucas, what’s wrong?”

  He sniffed a few times and pointed to the screen on the back of the seat in front of him. “They had Santa for Christmas, and their mommy …”

  Pain twisted in Caleb’s gut as images of the familiar movie flashed across the screen. Annoyed at himself, he ran a hand over his face and pressed his lips together. He’d really screwed things up with his kids. Probably messed them up for life. He didn’t think his lack of enthusiasm at Christmas over the past few years had affected them. But of course it had. Kids talked. And at that age, they were so impressionable. They probably wondered why they weren’t good enough for Santa to visit. What a fool he’d been.

  He drew in a breath, hoping it wasn’t too late to make amends and start anew.

  “Even though mommy isn’t here anymore,” Caleb said softly, grasping Lucas’s hand, “she’s still watching over you.”

  “What was mommy like?”

  Caleb pinched the bridge of his nose. Why couldn’t Lucas keep watching whatever Christmas movie was on? This wasn’t the time or pl
ace to be discussing Camille. But, if not now, when?

  How was it he could discuss the intricacies of a patient’s heart with ease, and yet the thought of talking about Camille with his kids churned him up?

  “Well,” he started, mulling over his words. “She was kind and caring. She knew what your favorite food was and where your ticklish spots were.”

  “Like Kara,” Molly spouted, her eyes not leaving the screen in front of her.

  “Well …” Caleb glanced at Kara who was shaking her head and fighting a smile.

  “No, I’m just your nanny, Molly. Your mommy was someone very special and she can never be replaced.”

  Caleb pressed his lips together. What could he say to that? Kara was someone special.

  “I love you, Kara.” The walls around his heart crumbled as Molly hooked her arm through Kara’s and leaned against her.

  “I love you too, Molly.” Kara’s whispered words floated to his ears, warming him from head to toe. She was indeed someone special.

  Chapter 17

  Kara busied herself ensuring the children had their luggage, and walked beside Molly after the cab had dropped them at their resort.

  Something had shifted between her and Caleb, and she couldn’t quite put her finger on when or what. Had it started back in New York, or was it the excitement of the vacation that was filling her with fanciful romantic notions? It didn’t help with Molly constantly playing matchmaker, albeit unintentionally. She was already mad at herself for daydreaming about a future with the handsome doctor; she didn’t need help from a little blonde-haired cupid.

  After checking into the resort, located only a short walk to the gates of Disney World, Caleb swiped the keycard and opened the door to their two-bedroom suite.

  “Wow!” Kara gasped. “This is very impressive.” She twirled around, eyeing the oak furnishings, the glorious view of a man-made lake and Disney World in the distance. Molly and Lucas ditched their bags at her feet and ran into one of the rooms.


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