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A Heart For Christmas (Heartwarming Romance)

Page 7

by Callie Timmins

  “Thank you,” Caleb murmured as Kara stepped over to the window.

  “For what?” She whirled around, her breath catching at how close he stood to her. Heat emanated through his cotton shirt, and if she took another step, she would be pressed up against his chest.

  “Your tact on the plane. I’ve tried to have that conversation so many times, but it still hurts, you know? I try to be strong for them …”

  Kara stepped sideways out of temptation’s way, and tucked a hand into the pocket of her jeans. “You don’t have to explain anything to me. I can’t imagine what you’ve been through, but you’re doing an incredible job. You have two gorgeous kids who absolutely adore you.”

  Caleb turned towards the bedrooms where giggles floated out, filling the suite with the warmth of family. “I feel so bad for them. I should have …”

  “It wasn’t your fault. You can’t keep beating yourself up for what happened. Be here, now, for your kids.” Before her brain fully processed what was happening, her hand was smoothing over his shoulder. The soft cotton of his shirt doing little to cover the firm muscles beneath her fingertips. His gaze lifted to meet hers - surprised, before melting into something more intense. All the emotions she was feeling were reflected back at her. She saw his throat bob up and down and his nostrils flare. His molten chocolate eyes drew her in, deep, until she was adrift in the current of something thrilling and indescribable.

  “Can we go see the princesses?” Molly’s sweet voice broke through their silent connection, shattering the intense moment.

  Kara lowered her hand from Caleb’s shoulder and walked over to her suitcase, eager to create distance between them. What had just happened? Had she imagined whatever passed between them? Oh, why had she touched him?

  “Of course, sweetheart.” The low timbre of Caleb’s voice caused her to draw a shuddering breath. “Give me a few moments to get organized, and then we can go.”

  Kara disappeared into the room she was to share with Molly and freshened up in the bathroom, splashing her face with water and willing the flush in her cheeks to subside. How could she face Caleb again when she’d so blatantly overstepped a line?

  Chapter 18

  Walking through Disney World made Kara feel like a child all over again. She loved watching the joy exude from Molly and Lucas as they explored the park, ventured on rides and watched the parades. She couldn’t stop smiling at all the sights and sounds, and by the time they sat down for something to eat, her cheeks ached.

  “Having fun?” Caleb asked as he squeezed a sachet of ketchup over his hotdog.

  “I am, thank you,” Kara replied, looking around the Disney-themed cafe where other families were enjoying a break from the attractions. Molly and Lucas had their mouths full of bread, and their cheeks were flushed from being in the sun. “It’s like they pump something into the air to make everyone happy.”

  “I agree,” Caleb chuckled. “Everyone needs a little happiness in their lives.” His gaze bore into hers and she lowered her head, trying to hide the blush creeping over her cheeks. She couldn’t blame the sudden redness on the sun.

  Molly and Lucas kept the conversation alive with their animated recounts of the morning’s activities, and after finishing their meals, Caleb clapped his hands together.

  “Photo time!” he announced, as they exited the cafe. He led the small group to the front of the Cinderella Castle where a fountain provided the perfect backdrop for photographs.

  “Here, let me.” Kara held her camera up and gestured for the family to stand together in front of the fountain. Caleb had his arms around Molly and Lucas, and she couldn’t help but smile as she snapped a few shots. They were indeed a good-looking family.

  “Your turn.” Caleb stepped over and gestured for her to stand with Lucas and Molly.

  “Oh, I’m not part of the family.” Clasping the camera to her chest, she abruptly shook her head.

  “Yes, you are.” His voice was firm and his eyes were steel, and he couldn’t have been more forceful if he’d shaken her.

  “Okay,” she whispered, passing Caleb the camera before she stepped over to the children and draped her arms around their shoulders.

  “Beautiful,” Caleb announced as he took several photos and glanced down at the images on the screen.

  “Now I take one of Kara and Daddy.” Molly put her hand out for the camera. Tucking her hair behind her ear, Kara chuckled.

  “No, it’s okay, Molly. We don’t need a photo together. I took some nice ones of you and your Daddy.” And she’d enjoy looking at them later when she was back in the resort room.

  “I want to take a photo!” With hands on her hips and a little foot stomp, Molly was a force to be reckoned with. Caleb arched an eyebrow at Kara as the unspoken question lingered between them. She shrugged in return.

  Caleb showed Molly which button to press before he walked over to Kara standing in front of the fountain. Smoothing over the front of her jeans, she willed her heart to slow. Gosh, he looked good. Wearing cargos and a navy collared shirt, he looked relaxed and every part the family man, not the uptight doctor she’d met a few weeks ago.

  “Put your arm around Kara, Daddy,” Molly demanded.

  Kara giggled nervously and twisted the hem of her jacket around her finger. “She’s a little bossy one, isn’t she?”

  A deep rumble reverberated through Caleb’s chest. “Are you happy for me to do this?”

  She glanced up. If she moved her head a little further, she’d be able to press her lips to his jaw where a light dusting of stubble covered the firm edges. “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Big smiles!” Molly shouted, much to their amusement. Kara threw her head back in laughter. Caleb squeezed her shoulder and the warmth from his body seeped through her layers of clothing, sending a tingle shooting to the tips of her toes. Oh, it felt good to be standing with him so close. She wondered what it would be like to have both of his arms wrapped around her. Her lips pressed to his. His hand running through her hair.

  His breath feathered against her ear, and she swore his lips brushed against her hair as they smiled for Molly. She leaned into his side and pressed her hand against his chest, steadying her legs that had suddenly turned to jell-o.

  “Yay!” Molly carefully handed Lucas the camera and clapped her hands.

  “That was nice,” Caleb murmured as they pulled apart and joined the children. Kara could only nod as she immediately felt the loss of his contact. Yes. Yes it was.

  At the end of the day, Caleb piggy-backed Lucas through the park, while Kara carried a thumb-sucking Molly on her hip. They trudged back to their suite and after washing up and changing the children into their pajamas, they tucked Molly and Lucas into bed.

  “Big day for them.” With her arms folded across her chest, Kara stood by the window, eyeing Caleb’s approaching reflection in the window.

  “Me too,” he grinned. “I’m not used to walking for miles and smiling so much.”

  “It’s good to see you smiling.” Kara inhaled sharply at her boldness. Marie’s words came flooding back. What’s the worst that could happen? Was she willing to risk looking like a fool? Was she willing to risk her job? Was she willing to risk her heart?

  Suddenly, the sky lit up with bright shards of color – white, blue and red – as fireworks popped and fizzled in the night.

  “We’ll have to take the kids to see them tomorrow night,” Caleb said, moving beside her. “I think they were too exhausted today.”

  “They’re so beautiful,” Kara sighed.

  “As are you.”

  Kara’s gaze shot to his. He was even more handsome this close. The tiny lines feathering out from the corners of his eyes. The faint fleck of salt and pepper through his hair. The deep longing in his eyes. She opened her mouth to say something. Anything. Thank you didn’t seem sufficient.

  Without another word, Caleb lowered his mouth to hers. The warmth of his lips sent hot ripples cascading over her. Her breath hitched and her
feet felt like they’d left the ground. Kissing Steve had never come as close to this.

  Her fingers curled into his shirt as she leaned further into him. The fireworks outside had nothing on the sparks flying between them as their lips danced in unison. Tender. Sweet. Kara reluctantly pulled away to catch her breath.

  “Wow,” she murmured, dizzy from the sensations coursing through her veins as she savored the taste of Caleb still on her lips.

  “I’m sorry,” Caleb clasped her shoulders. “I shouldn’t have …”

  And immediately she came thudding back to earth. Kara raised a finger and pressed it against his lips, trying to maintain strong, while inside her heart was crumbling. “Please, don’t apologize. I enjoyed that, and I would say that you did too.”

  Taking a small step forward, Caleb gazed out the window. His jaw twitched and he ran a hand through his hair. Kara felt more than the physical distance between them expand.

  Why was he doing this? Why would he kiss her so tenderly, so amazingly, and then apologize? Had she misread his signals? Had she hoped for something that wasn’t even a possibility?

  She knew this would happen. What’s the worst that could happen? This. Embarrassment. Rejection. Disappointment. She was an utter fool.

  “I haven’t kissed anyone since Camille died.”

  The honesty in his words surprised her. She assumed he would’ve had every opportunity with the number of women chasing after him at the hospital.

  “There has to be a first time, right?” She didn’t want to sound too hopeful. She forced a smile, while inside her heart was shattering. She silently berated herself. Why wasn’t she good enough? Steve had rejected her. And now Caleb.

  “I should go to bed. Goodnight, Kara. Thanks for a lovely day.” He gave her hand a light squeeze before walking towards the bedroom where Lucas was fast asleep in the king-sized bed.

  Kara kept her gaze fixed on the lights of the Cinderella Castle in the distance. The last of the fireworks fizzled out, just like any chance of love she’d hoped for.

  Chapter 19

  Awkward didn’t begin to describe the interaction between Kara and Caleb the following day. Thankfully, the children were oblivious to the tension between the pair and continued their chatter and eagerness to explore more of the park.

  Caleb paired up with Lucas for the rides, while Molly kept Kara company. It suited her just fine. If he was going to lead her on and then trample over her heart, she didn’t want a part of it.

  She couldn’t wait to return to New York City and settle into the routine of life. With Caleb working at the hospital, she could keep out of his way managing his home and looking after the children. And if that wasn’t possible, she would hand in her resignation, return to Marie’s and search for another job.

  Molly grabbed Kara’s hand and dragged her ahead of Caleb and Lucas. The Christmas parade had begun, and they joined the throng of other tourists, lining up along the Main Street to catch a glimpse of their favorite Disney characters.

  “I can’t see. Can you lift me up? Please?” Molly held her arms up.

  “Of course.” Kara laughed and hoisted Molly onto her hip. The little girl’s arms wrapped around her neck and Kara squeezed her tight, savoring the child’s embrace, lest it be one of the last.

  Kara delighted in Molly’s gasps of wonder as she spied her favorite princesses. Lucas sat on top of Caleb’s shoulders and shouted his excitement when his favorite characters appeared. Kara turned her shoulders away from Caleb, putting as much distance between them as was possible in the packed crowd. While she was still fully aware of his presence behind her, she didn’t want to risk the slightest brush of contact against him. She wouldn’t be able to handle the betraying sensations his touch elicited.

  The parade drew to a close and the sudden bang of fireworks and explosion of color in the night sky signaled the end of another day at the park. Filled with a conflicting torrent of joy and sadness, Kara tilted her face toward the bright display, blinking away tears that threatened to spill.

  “I love you, Kara.” Molly’s words floated above the gasps of the crowd as her arms tightened around Kara and her small face nuzzled against her neck.

  “I love you too, princess.” She ran a hand over the back of her curls. And I love your Daddy.

  Chapter 20

  Caleb granted Kara the following weekend off, and she returned to Marie’s apartment to nurse her wounded heart. Since returning from the mini vacation, Caleb had remained at the hospital until late each night. They’d managed a few polite words to each other in the mornings before he left for work, but nothing at all like the conversations they’d engaged in before going to Disney World.

  Kara tried to carry on as normal for Molly and Lucas’s sake, however the stilted conversations and the awkwardness tore Kara apart. It was all her fault. She should never have gone away with the family. She should never have crossed the line she was adamant not to cross.

  On her days off, Kara enjoyed ice skating and a trip to the movie theater with Marie’s family, and taking more photographs of the winter landscape. It felt good to be distracted, but her thoughts always returned to Caleb and that kiss. He’d stolen her breath – and her heart. And she was at a loss as to what to do about it. She wanted things to return to how they’d been. She’d taken a risk, and the payoff hadn’t been what she expected.

  With her stomach in knots, Kara returned to the Hunter household on Monday afternoon ready to resume her role as nanny and prepare for the coming week. She was determined to focus on the children and not allow herself to be distracted by errant thoughts of Caleb or the memories of the few intimate moments they shared. Or at least, that had been her intention.

  Wiping over the counter, Kara’s hand flew to her chest and the dishcloth fell to the floor when footsteps sounded on the tiled floor and Caleb wandered into the kitchen.

  “Oh!” she gasped. “You gave me a fright! I wasn’t expecting you here.”

  “I live here.” The corner of his mouth twitched as he leaned against the counter and crossed his arms; the position emphasising the bulge of his muscles beneath the cotton jersey of his long sleeve shirt. Kara swallowed, remembering how firm those muscles felt beneath her fingers.

  “Of course you do, I’m sorry.” Kara waved a hand and tried to find something to distract her from his presence. Cookies. Perhaps she could make a batch of chocolate chip cookies for when the children came home from school.

  Grabbing an apron from a hook in the pantry, she made fast work of tying it around her waist before flicking on the oven and pulling a baking tray from the cupboard.

  “Kara.” His authoritative tone halted her movements. With a hand on the open refrigerator door, she dared a glance his way.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “For?” She released the door, allowing it to close quietly. What else could she say? That it was okay to kiss her and then ignore her? That it was okay to kiss her and shove the rejection into her face? No. That was not okay at all. She’d been burned before, and it was not going to happen again.

  Caleb’s chest rose and fell with a sigh. His fingers curled over the countertop behind him and tightened their grip.

  “For hurting you. I made things extremely awkward between us. I hurt you, and I apologize.”

  “I …” Kara clamped her mouth shut as he held up a hand.

  “I never expected this to happen. I thought I’d be in a bubble of grief forever. But, I realize I’ve been living in the past and holding onto something I can’t change. I didn’t think I’d ever feel again, but …”

  He ran a hand through his hair. Kara twisted the hem of her shirt in her fingers, itching to smooth down the errant hairs standing on end, her eyes not once leaving his face. Her heart hammered a staccato against her ribs, and she was sure he could hear it from where he stood.

  “Now I can. And I was honestly scared of just how much I felt. How much you have helped me feel. Firstly, for the kids and wanting to be there for t
hem all the time. But, also for you. You’ve done something to me here.” He pressed a fist over the left side of his chest. “And no matter how hard I fight it or try to deny it, what I feel is incredibly real. It’s beautiful. It hurts. It scares me. But I can’t fight it any more. I love you, Kara.”

  The tiles were cool against the soles of her feet as she stood there, unmoving. The rest of her body ignited from Caleb’s words. He loved her?

  Tentatively, she stepped towards him, fully aware of her rapid breathing and the surge of desire coursing through her veins as she held his gaze. Resting her hands on his shoulders, she stood on her tiptoes and lifted her chin.

  “I love you too, Caleb,” she murmured. And with those simple words, she closed her eyes and pressed her mouth to his. Sweet. Gentle. Tender. Caleb’s arms wrapped around her and she threaded her arms around his neck, running her fingers through his thick hair as she savored the feel of his lips against hers and the pounding of his heart against her chest.

  Soon, the kiss deepened. They poured out their hearts, soaring to dizzying heights where nothing else mattered but their love for one another and the unspoken promises of a wonderful future as their mouths entwined and danced with the rhythm of their love.

  What was the best thing that could happen? This. The desire, the warmth and the indescribable, incredible love for the man who’d captured her heart.


  Christmas Day dawned with a cloudless blue sky and golden rays of sunshine streaming through the windows of the apartment. Snow blanketed the city in crisp white perfection. Street sweepers had cleared the neighborhood and piles of snow banked against the sidewalk. The roads on the interstate were icy, and news reports heralded details of a few car crashes heading north. Kara was thankful she was safe and warm in Marie’s apartment spending time with her family and not traveling.


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