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Alien Explosions (Zerconian Warriors Book 12)

Page 18

by Sadie Carter

  He cupped her cheek. “But it affects you still. Fills your dreams. You sounded scared. I do not like that. You know things about my past I speak of to no one. Trust me with yours. Tell me.”

  Knowing he wasn’t likely to give up, she leaned against his chest, staring down at her lap. “All right.” She clenched her hands together. “I guess I should start with my childhood. Sophie and I didn’t have the easiest of childhoods. Our dad left us when we were young, Sophie doesn’t even remember him. My mother tried to find a job to support us, but she could just never make ends meet, and she…umm…crap, I hate telling people this.”

  He ran his hand up and down her back. “What did she do?”

  “She sold her body. To men. For sex.”

  He didn’t react, just kept rubbing her back and it gave her the courage to continue. “Sophie and I used to hide in the closet when she had clients over. There were times we weren’t quick enough, though. And the men, some of them weren’t terrible people. Some of them looked at us funny, Sophie especially. There was one man I was especially afraid of. We hid outside when he came. I hated it outside, sometimes it was cold or it rained and it was so dark. But it was better than being inside that trailer with a man who looked at us like he was hungry.”

  “You believe that he…that he really wanted…” He’d stiffened, his voice going low. “And your mother did not protect you?”

  “Mom tried her best. She wasn’t really there for us, but she kept a roof over our heads, she kept us fed. I mainly looked after Sophie. Made sure she was got dressed, went to school. I was scared someone might call social services if we didn’t go to school and even though our life wasn’t great, she was our mom. She just wasn’t strong enough to get out of that cycle of hell. She died when Sophie was still in high school. That’s when Ricky started hanging around. He was a big fish in a small pond.”

  “He was a fish?” he asked, stupefied.

  She actually found herself smiling. “No. Although sometimes he did look a bit like one. No, I meant he thought he was a big deal. He had this gang of guys, they ran a protection racket, where they would charge small businesses for protection from people bullying and robbing them. But the only bullies were Ricky’s men.”

  “That sounds like they were not protecting them at all.”

  “Exactly. And Ricky was expanding into prostitution. He started coming around our trailer, demanding that I pay him protection money. I didn’t own a business and I wasn’t about to start giving him my hard-earned money. That didn’t go over well. He demanded I become one of his whores, that I service his men and then he wouldn’t come after Sophie. I refused. He,” she swallowed, “he told me I had no choice, he started dragging me upstairs to his bedroom. I couldn’t stop him. I still can’t believe that I stupidly went to confront him on my own. I fought back, and he pushed me down the stairs.”

  There was silence, but she could feel his tension.

  “When I came to a stop, I knew I was badly hurt. I couldn’t move. I just lay there, winded and in agony and he stood over me and laughed. Then he spat on me and told me he expected me to start that weekend. One of his neighbors eventually heard my cries and called an ambulance. When I woke up, I told Sophie to pack our stuff, that she was staying in the hospital with me until I could leave. The hospital staff didn’t like that much, but I had to protect her. I knew with me out of the picture, he’d go after her. As soon as I could leave the hospital, we left town and relocated.”

  He squeezed her tight, rocking slightly.

  “If I should ever encounter that male, I will kill him slowly and with great pleasure.”

  It would never happen, but she appreciated the sentiment.

  “You’re not disgusted?”

  “By what?”

  “That my mother was a…well, that she slept with men for money.”

  He tilted her chin up. “I believe that she should have protected the two of you better. I am angry that you barely had a chance to be a child as you were taking care of your sister, which was her job. But I would never be disgusted or blame you for the actions of your mother.”

  She gave him a small smile. “I think you were right, it does feel better to tell you everything.”

  He kissed her gently. “You will tell me everything. There will be no secrets between us. No one will ever hurt you again, Saffron. I will make sure of that.”


  The Zerconians arrived the next morning. She was lying against Moroco’s wide chest, when some excited yelling came from outside. Moroco quickly rose, reaching for his clothing. She sat up, still half-asleep.

  “What is it?”

  “They’re here.”

  “Oh.” Disappointment filled her. She almost didn’t want to leave. But she got up and started getting dressed. Moroco grasped hold of her shoulders, turning her to him. He surprised her by tugging at her top, pulling it up over her breasts.

  “Hopefully, some clothes have been sent for you.”

  “Moroco.” She grabbed his hand as he turned away.

  He looked back at her. The look on his face was cool, distant, and she shivered slightly.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  “Of course.”

  “It’s just, you don’t seem very happy that we’re returning to Zerconia.” Did he want to stay?

  “I want to return home. It is just…” He looked away then turned back and he pulled her in against him.

  She hugged him tight. “I’m looking forward to seeing Sophie. But I will miss having you all to myself.”

  “Yes. Yes, I shall miss that too.”

  It was silly, but she almost felt like things would change once they got on that shuttle. These last few days, she’d felt so close to him, as though they were connecting with each other. On many levels, not just sexual. She hadn’t felt the mating bond kick in yet; she didn’t really feel any differently. But she felt something towards Moroco.

  Not love. She felt slightly panicked at the thought. She couldn’t love him. Not when she knew he would never love her back. No. No way could this be love. She rubbed her stomach feeling ill. He stiffened, moving towards her. The concerned look on his face made her insides melt. She forced herself to smile and wave. Then she pointed at their hut as though she needed to grab a few things.

  Oh fuck, she loved the gruff bastard.

  Heaven help her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Something was going on with Saffron, but he could not figure out what. She had been quiet ever since they had left Equin, which was very unlike her. Now, she sat at the dining table on the ship, pushing her food around with her fork.

  He didn’t like it. Not one bit.

  He glanced around at his fellow warriors, wondering if they were the reason for her uncharacteristic quietness. He felt a small hand squeeze his thigh and in surprise, he leaned down towards her.

  “You’re scowling at everyone.”

  He raised one eyebrow then looked at her plate. “You are not eating. What is wrong?”

  She looked down then away. “Guess I’m not hungry.”

  “You must eat. You have lost weight.”

  She stared down at herself in surprise. “Not like I can’t afford it.”

  He moved even closer so he could whisper in her ear. “You know that speaking badly of my body is not allowed.”

  She shivered slightly and he felt relieved that she was not unaffected by him. Even though there was something wrong, she still wanted him. He watched as her nipples pressed against her top. Her sister had sent some clothes for Saffron. Apparently, she had wanted to come but thankfully, her mate had not allowed that.

  “Moroco,” she said quietly, sending him a quelling look before glancing around her.

  He stiffened as he saw that everyone was staring at them. “What?”

  She squeezed his thigh once more and he scowled. He didn’t like how quiet she was being. Was she embarrassed to be mated to him?

  “What do you all stare at?�

  “Just wondering how you are so lucky,” Zerac, one of the warriors, said with a wink at Saffron. Did she just blush? Was there something between them? Jealousy reared its ugly head.

  “Do not look at my mate like that,” he snapped.

  Everyone froze and he was aware of the way Saffron stared up at him in shock. He knew he sounded dangerous. Dark. But he could not help it. No one would take her from him. No one. He stood abruptly and reached down to clasp hold of her arm.


  She shook off his hold, glaring at him. Around him, the others tensed. Although he and Saffron were mated, he knew they would not hesitate to intervene if they thought he was threatening her.

  Saffron glanced around, looking surprised. Especially as Zerac and Liagan stood, eyeing him.

  “We are going to our quarters,” he stated.

  She looked up at him and smiled sweetly. But the temper in her eyes told the true story and the knot in his stomach loosened slightly. This was his Saffron. She was smart, brave, and bold.

  “You go ahead. I’ll join you when I’m ready.”

  He raised one eyebrow then whispered in her ear. “You are ready now.”

  “No, I don’t believe I am.” The challenge was clear and he never backed down from a challenge.

  “You can stand up like a good girl and walk with me to our quarters or…” He deliberately let his voice trail off.

  “Or what?”

  “Or I throw you over my shoulder and carry you out of here.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Oh. I would.” He gave her a firm look when she drew back to gape at him.

  She placed her cutlery down, although he saw her stare at her knife for a moment, a small look of longing on her face. That was strange. Did she like that knife for some reason?

  Then she smiled at everyone. He wondered if they could see the strain on her face. As they moved towards the doorway, Zerac stepped in front of them. He gazed down at Saffron with concern. Moroco glared at him.

  “Is there something you wished?” Moroco snarled.

  “Are you well, Saffron?” Zerac asked.

  He glanced down at his mate to find her staring up at Zerac, a light blush on her cheeks. How well did they know each other?

  “Of course, she is well. If she was not, I am a healer. I can help her.”

  “I did not mean physically,” Zerac said, sending him a warning glance.

  What the stars? Did he think Moroco would harm his mate?

  Saffron gave him Zerac a surprised look. “I’m fine. What are you really trying to ask?” She looked from him to Zerac then her eyes widened. “Wait. Do you think Moroco might hurt me?” She laughed. “Moroco won’t hurt me. All he ever does is try to take care of me, even though I fight him.” She continued to laugh. “Moroco hurt me. Good one.” She reached out to pat Zerac’s chest and Moroco growled.

  She snatched her hand back. “I’m fine, Zerac. Thanks for the concern. It’s just been a long few days, you know? Come on, Moroco.”

  She tugged at his hand. He gave Zerac a firm look. The other warrior just stared back at him calmly. “I have to ensure her health.”

  “No,” Moroco growled. “That is my concern now. She is my mate.” Then he allowed Saffron to tug him away. But not before he turned to give Zerac another warning look. No one would take his mate from him. Never again.

  Once they entered their room, she turned to him, her hands on her hips. “What the hell was that about?”

  He grasped her by the hips, lifting her so they were face to face. “You are mine.”

  “Well, duh. We’re mated. That’s no reason for you to act like a mad man.”

  “He desires you.”

  “Who?” Her forehead puckered up into a frown. She looked genuinely confused. But he had been fooled before.

  By a different woman. Not Saffron. She did not have it in her to deceive him.


  She burst into laughter. “Oh, don’t be ridiculous. I’ve never even talked to the man before today.”

  “You seemed to know him.”

  “Oh, well, I recognized him, yes.”

  He frowned slightly. “Why do you seem embarrassed?”

  She blew out a breath. “Because what I’m telling you makes me sound like perv, okay?”


  “It doesn’t matter. It’s just…you know when you found me standing on that chair the other day? You know, when you yelled at me?”

  “I did not yell. And yes, you said you were cleaning the ceiling.”

  “No one cleans ceilings. If they do, they’re crazy. It’s just one of the Ashley’s told me if you stood on a chair and looked out the window you could see down to the training arena.”

  “To where the warriors train? Why would you wish to do that?”

  She gave him a look and just waited. Then she sighed. “Because they’re hunks who train in very little clothing and I hadn’t had an orgasm in so long. They provided a bit of entertainment. One of those men was Zerac.”

  “You wished to get release from one of them?” he half-roared.

  “What? No.” She frowned at him. “And I don’t know why you’re getting so angry at me.”

  “You are my mate.”

  “This was before we were mated. You have no right to get angry at me over things I did before we mated. Besides, I can look at a half-naked guy without wanting to fall into bed with him. Let me go.”

  “You will not speak to him again.”

  “Pardon me?”

  The way her voice had grown quiet should have warned him, but he was too caught up in his jealousy and old memories to pay enough attention.

  “I said you will not speak to him again or go near him.”

  “Let me go. Now.” She pushed at his hands and he placed her on her feet. “I thought we were going to trust each other. Isn’t that what you said? That we needed trust between us for our relationship to work.”

  “Yes, that is what I said,” he said stiffly. But he’d meant more that she should trust him.

  “Right. You meant that I should trust you, but it doesn’t go both ways, is that right?”

  “Just stay away from him and all will be fine.”

  “Oh, I’m sure it will be. For you. Excuse me.”

  She moved around him.

  “Where do you go?” He reached for her arm but she avoided him, pulling back. And it hurt. It was the only time since they had mated that she had pulled away from him. And while they hadn’t been mated long, he felt the connection between them. So strong and pure.

  “I need some time. Seems I’ve badly miscalculated and I need to rethink everything.”

  He watched her go, hating the sadness he saw on her face. Hating even more that he had been the one to cause it.

  “To rethink what?”

  “Us, you asshole. Us. I can’t believe I actually thought you meant what you said. I let myself trust you. I let myself…I’m an idiot. You never had any intention of trusting me.”

  “You will stay here and talk to me about this.”

  “No. I won’t.”

  She left and he stared after her, completely shocked.

  He should go after her and remind her that he was in charge. But he needed some time to himself. And when she came to her senses, he would allow her to apologize and things would go back to the way they were.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Insufferable. Idiot. Jerk.

  She seethed as she paced back and forth. She wasn’t even sure where she was. Some storage room. Asshole. Whanker. Dick face.

  He’d fooled her.

  Except, he hadn’t done it on purpose. She’d seen that from the look of surprise on his face. She’d gone over their previous conversations about trust again and again and to her chagrin she couldn’t remember him actually saying he would work on trusting her.

  She couldn’t believe that she had opened herself up to hurt.

  Idiot. Fool. Now she
had taken to cursing herself. What was she going to do? She was mated to him. More than that, she loved him. She understood why he had problems trusting her. But she thought he got that she was different. She wasn’t Fancia. That she wouldn’t hurt him.

  So, what were her choices now?

  Do what he ordered. Yeah, really not happening. She wouldn’t go around flirting with other guys. That wasn’t who she was, anyway. And she wouldn’t continue to perv at them while they were training. She’d only done that a few times anyway. But she wasn’t going to stop talking to other men.

  Second choice. Tell him to take a running jump of a cliff without a parachute. Satisfaction filled her at the thought. Then she sighed. While that choice held a lot of appeal, it would never work. She’d just die with him. Or worse, miss him like crazy for the rest of her life.

  Which left option three. Gain his trust. But how? Crap, she had no idea. Time, she guessed. Surely, he would eventually come to trust her.

  He had to.

  Or option number two would be all she had left.

  Somehow, she had the feeling she was going to be in for a whole world of pain in the next few weeks.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Damn it.

  They should have stayed on Equin. She knew things would change when they returned to Zerconia, but she hadn’t expected Moroco to turn into this other person. Gone was the slightly playful, darkly intense male she’d known. Now, he was still intense, but not in a hot, sexy way. In a suspicious, annoying way.

  She knew they’d butt heads. But this wasn’t fighting, it was him giving out dictates and then completely ignoring her protests.

  He’d actually arranged for someone to act as her guard when she left the house. Now she had this warrior following her everywhere she went. It was ridiculous and she wasn’t putting up with it. He was still affected by Fancia’s betrayal and determined that wouldn’t happen again.

  But she couldn’t live this way. Couldn’t live without his trust.

  Hurt stabbed at her as she sat, staring around his house. And this was his house. She didn’t feel at home here. Her clothes sat in the wardrobe, she had scattered a few pictures of her and Sophie throughout the room, but it wasn’t hers. He’d told her to redecorate if she liked, but that involved spending his money. And having that warrior trail her around while she shopped was embarrassing. None of the other human mates had a guard except for the Empress and that was understandable.


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