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Alien Explosions (Zerconian Warriors Book 12)

Page 19

by Sadie Carter

  She was the only one whose mate didn’t trust her.

  Saffron wasn’t used to relying on someone else for everything. For food, shelter, money. It chafed. And it just added to her restlessness and unhappiness.

  The only place where they still had something that resembled a healthy relationship was in the bedroom.

  Damn it. Enough was enough. She was going to confront him about this. It was no way to live. Either he wanted a real relationship or he didn’t.

  But she refused to have him punish her for Fancia’s faults any longer.


  “Moroco, are you busy?”

  Moroco looked up at the female voice, surprised to see Sophie standing in the doorway. He was pleased to note she wasn’t as pale or stressed looking as she had been when he first met her.

  “What is wrong? Is it the baby? Do you feel unwell? Sit down.”

  She winced and he became aware that he was snapping at her. Perhaps Saffron was right, his bedside manner, while suitable for dealing with warriors, was not ideal when speaking to females.

  “I’m fine. Although I will sit down if that’s all right. It’s hot out there today.” She wiped her hand over her forehead as she sat on the lounging chair in his office. He immediately poured her a glass of water, placing it on the small table next to her chair.

  She smiled and took a sip. “Thanks.”

  “Drink all of it.”

  “You and Saff have a lot in common.”

  “We do?”

  She nodded. “You’re always trying to take care of the people around you, to the extent that you sometimes forget to look after yourselves.”

  “I am a healer. It is my job to take care of you.” He pulled over a footstool, placing it by her feet. “Place your feet here. They are swelling.”

  “Thank you. And I think it’s more than just doing your job, but if you want to hide behind that, that’s fine.”

  “I hide behind nothing,” he replied, insulted.

  She waved her hand. “I didn’t mean it like that. Sorry.”

  “What else do you think Saffron and I have in common?” he asked curiously, pulling up a chair. He should be contacting Toriq to tell him that his mate was here. But he guessed they were now related and she had sought him out for a reason. Plus, if he could gain any insight into the way that Saffron’s mind worked it might help him greatly.

  She licked her lips. “You won’t want to hear this.”

  He stiffened. “Hear what?”

  She shifted uncomfortably. “You both try to act like you don’t care, but I think you care deeply.”

  “I do not know what you talk of.” This was foolish talk. He should have contacted Toriq. He stood to do just that.

  “Wait. Please. I came to talk to you about Saff. I’m worried about her.”

  He turned back. “Worried? Why? Has something happened? Why did no one contact me? Where is she?”

  “Calm down. She’s fine. Physically.”

  “Physically?” Was she implying something was wrong with her emotionally?

  He sat down again, staring at Sophie. “Normally, I wouldn’t try to interfere. Toriq wouldn’t be happy if he knew I was here.”

  He frowned. “You should not keep things from your mate. I hope you at least had someone escort you here.”

  She sighed. “I’m pregnant, not an invalid. I’m not taking foolish risks with this baby. I just wanted to talk to you alone for a minute. Gosh, you are so like her. I love her. So much. I was worried she might decide to return to Earth after Toriq and I mated. When she went missing I was terrified. Racar threatened to put me on bed rest if I didn’t calm down.”

  “Yes, I read the notes. He should have done it.”

  She bit her lip. “When I heard you had mated her, I was shocked at first. I didn’t think the two of you even liked each other. But then I remembered how angry you were after she was shot and I figured maybe you were so angry because you were scared of losing her.”

  “A warrior does not feel fear.”

  A small smile played around her lips. “Of course not. I was also happy because I knew it meant she wouldn’t leave. She’d stay here with me. We don’t have any family back on Earth. Saff would have been on her own. And I’d have missed her. I know that’s selfish of me, but I need my sister. Especially now.” She rubbed her stomach then glanced at him and away, looking uncomfortable. “Only the Saff I have now is different than the one who left. She’s…subdued, I guess. She doesn’t have that spark anymore. She’s such a passionate person. Now, she seems deflated.”

  “And you think that is my fault?” Wasn’t it? Because he couldn’t give her the trust he demanded she give him.

  “Saff doesn’t trust easily. She’s used to looking after everyone else and I don’t think she’s ever let someone take care of her before. But from everything she’s said about your time together, she let you look after her. She trusts you. She’s a very loyal person. She doesn’t care for many people, but when she does it’s with all of her. So when they hurt her, that hurt goes deep.”

  “You think I cannot make this up to her? Alarm filled her.”

  She shook her head, looking thoughtful. “I don’t know what you did, but she’s still here. That counts for something.”

  “She cannot leave.” Alarm filled him. “I will not allow it.”

  “You may not have much choice.” She stood up. “Just whatever happened, fix it. I don’t want to see either of you in pain.”

  She surprised him then by patting his arm before walking out. He quickly commed Aston, telling him to escort her home. Perhaps her mate was fine with her walking around unescorted but he wasn’t.

  He sat back on the lounging chair. Sophie was right. Saffron was loyal. She’d never betray anyone she cared about. Anyone could see that in the way she’d taken care of Sophie, guarding her with a ferocity any warrior would be proud of.

  And it was there in the way she watched him, in how she trusted him. Saffron didn’t trust easily, but she trusted him to take care of her. When no one had ever truly looked after her before. Why hadn’t he seen that before?


  He heard the laughter as he left his office. He paused, surprised.


  Klauz, the warrior he had been examining after a heavy knock to his head, turned to him. “It seems your mate is in good spirits.”

  Yes, she seemed to be very happy. He watched, his stomach tightening with desire as she chuckled. When Saffron laughed, she did it with her whole body and no one around her could remain unaffected. She didn’t laugh much, though, and he realized he couldn’t remember her laughing like this since they had returned from Equin.

  At least not around him. And he wasn’t the one to bring her such joy now. He glared at the men surrounding her, listening to her every word. Jealousy bit at him and he found himself quickly by her side, his scowl sending the men scattering.

  She turned to him and the smile faded from her face and a look of sadness filled her eyes. Regret stabbed at him and he wished he could make her laugh like that, bring that carefree look to her face.

  He had opened accounts for her everywhere, encouraged her to spend what she liked. Any other female would have been thrilled by his generosity, but not his mate. She had looked confused and then a little insulted. That insult had turned to anger as he had explained she would be escorted everywhere. Again, a female of his race would realize he merely wished to protect her. And, if he was honest, he did not wish her to be alone. It was not that he thought Saffron would be interested in another male. But that did not mean he wanted other males near her.

  Her temper had exploded and the argument that ensued had left them both fuming and upset for days.

  “What do you do here, mate?” He grimaced as he heard how harsh he sounded. That had come out more abrupt than he’d intended.

  “I came to see you. But I can see you are busy,” she said stiffly. She took a step away, but not before he saw a flash of h
urt on her face.

  He was handling this very badly. He quickly grabbed hold of her arm and led her to his office. The door slid shut behind them and he wasted no time pulling her close and kissing her. Soon, the stiffness left her body and she slumped against him.

  At least in this he still knew what to do. She still reacted to his touch as she always had. With heat. With fire.

  “I am glad you are here.”

  “Are you?” She gave him a look he could not decipher.

  “Of course.” He cupped her face. “You have not visited me at work before.”

  “Well, not since we were mated,” she said. “Last time I was here, things went a little crazy.”

  “That is one way of putting it.” He frowned at the memory. “You are not here because you feel ill?”

  “No. I’m fine.” She cleared her throat, looking nervous.

  “You did not come here alone, did you?” he asked in a low, warning voice.

  Her breath caught at his tone and his cock hardened.

  “No, I brought the watch dog.”

  Hmm, that was almost a shame. Although he should be pleased she was obeying him.

  “I told him to sit outside and wait and I’d bring him a treat if he was a good boy.”


  She waved her hand in the air, her face filled with temper. “Doesn’t matter. I don’t need someone watching over me, Moroco. I know you don’t trust me. You seem to think I’m going to jump into bed with whatever guy I come across, but give me some credit. I’m not my mother. I’m not Fancia.”

  What? She believed he thought she would sleep with men for money? Or betray him with another? Uneasiness filled him. He did have problems with jealousy. And with trust. But not because he worried over Saffron.

  No, it was everyone else who he did not trust.


  “I want to be free to walk wherever I want to walk without someone reporting back to you about my every movement.”

  “He does not report to me about your movements.”

  She looked surprised. “He doesn’t?”

  “No. If something happened he would tell me. He is there for your protection, not as a spy.”

  “Oh.” She sighed. “I don’t need protection, Moroco. What I need is for you to trust me. Remember, you were the one who told me we needed trust between us. Well, it goes both ways.”

  It did. And he had not been holding up his end.

  “I have not been acting as though I trust you, have I?”

  “And what’s more…wait, what did you say?” Her temper seemed to deflate.

  “I was agreeing with you.” A smile twitched at his lips at her confused look.

  “Well, then. Good.”

  “But just to clear this up. I trust you. I have never doubted you. It is everyone else I do not trust.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not sure that’s not worse. You know that’s not a healthy way to live.”

  “I will work on it. But when you have a mate like mine, you must protect her at all costs.”

  She smiled as he lifted her in the air. She wrapped her legs around him.

  “I will try to do better, my mate.”

  “You’ll call off the watchdog?”

  “You mean your minder?”

  She sighed. “Yes. Him. I don’t need him. I can take care of myself.”

  “I do not like it, but all right. You have my permission to leave the house without a minder.”

  Her gaze narrowed. “Oh, I have your permission? How grateful I am for that.”

  He nipped her lower nip warningly.

  He cupped her face. “I know I have let the past affect my actions and while I cannot promise that I will not do so again, it is not because I believe that you would betray me.”

  Then he kissed her. Hard and deep. Satisfaction filled him.


  He didn’t know if that was his thought he had caught her thought through the mating bond. It didn’t matter. They belonged to each other. Always.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “So you are the female sleeping with the doctor of death. How does it feel, knowing that he might take your life at any time like he did my sister?”

  Saffron turned from the stall she was glancing over to stare in surprise at the Zerconian woman behind her. She might have been attractive, beautiful even, if it wasn’t for the hard look on her face. Her lip was turned up into a sneer. About five feet behind her, a bored-looking warrior stood with his arms crossed over his chest. She hadn’t met this warrior before and she didn’t like the way his eyes roamed over her body. She sent him a hard look and he just raised one eyebrow.

  “Excuse me?” she asked, turning back to the woman.

  “You are the one mated to Moroco, are you not?”

  “I am.” She now had an idea who this woman was. “You’re Fancia’s sister? Fincy, is that it?” Weird names.

  “He killed my sister. You should be careful, he will take your life as well.” The other woman spoke loudly, clearly enjoying the crowd who was gathering, watching.

  Saffron snorted. She wasn’t about to put on a show for this witch. She turned back to the stall and picked out some nice tankka fruit. They were soft and squishy and pleasantly sweet. Moroco seemed to enjoy them. She paid the stall keeper who watched on with wide eyes.

  “Do not turn your back on me!” Fincy screamed.

  She sighed and turned to the next stall, looking everything over and choosing some more fruit and vegetables.

  “I am speaking to you. Hey!” Fincy grabbed her arm, turning her around forcefully. She was strong, but Saff knew she was tougher.

  Saffron turned, glaring up at Fincy who was half a head taller than her. “Do not touch me.”

  “Or what?”

  Saffron took a step towards her, dropping her voice and making certain her face grew cold, determined. Fincy swallowed heavily, and looked over at her escort who now looked more interested, although he didn’t step towards them. She wasn’t feeling so brave now that Saffron was biting back. Saff knew her kind. She’d back down with a bit of a push.

  “Listen here, bitch. You’re going to back off, go on with your shopping, and the next time you see me, you’ll head in the other direction. You won’t speak to me, look at me, or even think of trying to accuse my mate of things he didn’t do.”

  “I will not! I will not be silenced! You heard her. She threatened me! Her mate killed my sister!”

  Ah crap. She sighed. “Why am I surrounded by idiots? Really, couldn’t you have just shut the fuck up when I told you to? Moroco didn’t kill your sister. She was killed in a shuttle explosion. He saw what happened and he killed all of those responsible.”

  “That’s a lie! He took her from here against her will.”

  “Actually, she is the one who wanted to leave. He wanted to speak to your father or the Emperor first.” She didn’t want to tell everyone why Fancia wanted to leave, knowing if the truth came out it would hurt Moroco. “Your sister is dead, Fincy, but not because of Moroco. I know you must miss her, but that doesn’t give you the right to talk smack about my mate, so just back off and go about your shopping. All right?”

  She turned back to the stall. It was the stallholder’s face that warned her, his eyes widening. She turned just as Fincy attacked, her nails raised, her face screwed up in an ugly expression. She let out a loud cry as she sprang. Saff quickly stepped to the side, sticking out a foot and pressing her hand to the other woman’s back, pushing her to the ground. She stood back, bouncing on the balls of her feet and waited.

  Adrenaline flooded her system as she watched the other woman lying on the ground, wailing. Really? That was it? Was it over?

  Her guard rushed over and picked her up, carrying her away. He paused to give Saffron another admiring look. She resisted sticking her tongue out at him. Barely.

  “Well, that was disappointing,” a female voice commented from beside her. “I thought for sure things were
going to be more interesting.”

  She whirled to find Annabel standing there. A wide-eyed Alice stood beside her. Shit.

  “I don’t suppose there’s any chance you won’t tell anyone about this?” she asked, wincing as she thought of Moroco’s reaction. Not happy would be an understatement.

  “Well, we might be bribed, but I think you’ll find they won’t.” Annabel nodded over at the crowd that had doubled in size.


  “Moroco will kill me.”

  “She had it coming,” Annabel said.

  Alice remained silent. Alice was the closest person she had to a friend, she just hoped she hadn’t frightened her.


  “That was awesome. You didn’t even flinch. I probably would have screamed and run away.”

  “In my neighborhood growing up, you either stood and fought or you ran and hid forever.” She sighed. “How embellished do you think it will be by the time it gets to Moroco?”

  “Oh, pretty much completely exaggerated,” Annabel said cheerfully.

  Wonderful. Just wonderful.


  He rushed out of his office and through the building. Other healers and patients jumped out of his path. No doubt he had a face like a thundercloud as Saffron liked to say. Stars, was she all right? If Fincy had hurt her... He clenched his hands into fists.

  He could see now that he should have taken care of her before now. Only, he hadn’t cared before. Before Saffron.

  He set off towards their house, determined to check on her.

  “Moroco!” a female voice called out.

  He stilled with a growl. Who was that?

  “I am busy,” he yelled without looking back.

  “Too busy for us?”

  Now that was a voice he could not ignore. He turned, trying to hide his irritation as he spotted the Emperor and Empress striding towards him. The Empress had their daughter strapped to her front.


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