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Fear the Beard (The Dixie Warden Rejects MC Book 2)

Page 13

by Lani Lynn Vale

  Her mother had somehow gotten her shifts changed so that she was on when Dr. Wild was there, and since there were only two doctors who worked the small ER at any given time, that meant that I never saw her, even if I had wanted to be there.

  I knew it was a possibility, but luckily there was nothing that the judge and his wife could do about the class I was teaching. If there had been, they’d have already done it. But I knew they did try.

  And clearly, since Tally was sitting in my class—well, now walking towards me while practically dragging her feet—it was apparent they hadn’t accomplished what they’d set out to accomplish, which was to keep her as far away from me as they could possibly make happen.

  “Where do you want me?” she asked.

  I gritted my teeth and refrained from saying ‘on your knees.’

  Her husky voice had my cock hardening behind the zipper of my jeans, and I moved to where the fake hospital bed was between me and the rest of the room.

  They didn’t need any more ‘Dr. Bones’ ammunition to use against me.

  “On the bed,” I cleared my suddenly dry throat. “With your arms out at your sides.”

  Or to the headboard. Whichever works for you.

  I bit the inside of my lip, trying really hard not to say what I really wanted to say.

  Which wouldn’t get me anywhere good.

  Tally followed instructions while the rest of the room snickered, and I glared at two of the most obnoxious offenders.

  “Would you like to volunteer, Hadley and Elba?” I asked the two with a growl.

  Hadley and Elba clammed up, of course, not wanting to bring their show on the road.

  “Sorry,” Elba apologized.

  Hadley, of course, didn’t.

  I didn’t see what Tally saw in that girl, and I wondered if she was aware of the jealousy that raged through Hadley any time Tally answered a question correctly.

  Tally cleared her throat, and I turned my gaze back to her.

  “This is something you’re going to do only when you have a doctor’s order,” I told the class. “You can’t put restraints on a patient without one, understand?”

  “What if they’re harming themselves?” someone broke in.

  I answered at the same time as I reached for the restraints.

  “There is always a doctor on staff,” I informed the kiss ass. “And if not, you call them. In the interim, you do what you need to, doing everything in your power to not hurt them or yourself in the process.”

  Tally tested the restraint I got on her left hand, and then started to struggle when I moved to her other one.

  “Hey!” she snapped, pulling at her hand.

  I stopped, raising my brow at her.

  “What?” I asked.

  “That hurt.”

  I blinked.

  Then she grinned, and I rolled my eyes just as a chuckle rose from my lips.

  “When the patient struggles like this, it’s best to have another nurse with you,” I informed the class.

  “What if she starts to kick?” someone from the back asked.

  I finished securing her other hand and then looked up at the class.

  “You secure their legs, too. But only if…”

  “You have a doctor’s order,” the class droned.

  I grinned. “Good. Don’t let that come back and bite you in the ass.”

  Someone—Hadley, of course—snorted and murmured something snippy under her breath, but I chose to ignore it instead of bringing the girl any more attention.

  She thrived on it, and I knew that before she even stepped a foot into my class.

  “Any questions?” I asked, leaning into the bed.

  Tally lifted her leg, drawing my attention to her for a fleeting second, before I returned it to Little Miss Kiss Ass who had just asked something stupid.

  I’d just started to explain the benefits of listening to your patient’s cues when Tally’s hand brushed my cock.

  I jolted, stiffening slightly, and continued speaking only with a short pause in my explanation, thinking that it’d been an accident.

  But when it happened again, I narrowed my eyes at the class.

  “All right,” I said abruptly. “Break time. Be back in fifteen minutes.”

  The class dispersed, the solid door closing behind them all so quickly that I nearly laughed.


  All because of the woman who thought it was okay to touch a man’s dick when he wanted nothing more than to toss her beautiful ass over one of the desks in front of him and have his filthy way with her.

  “What…” I murmured as I leaned into the bed. “Was that?”

  She looked at me all innocently.

  “What was what?” she batted her eyelashes at me.

  I growled and kicked the wheel lock on the bed, pushing it forward and locking it so quickly that she had no idea what I was doing before I did it.

  The moment the bed was in front of the door, I locked the wheels and slammed my mouth onto hers.

  She fought for all of three seconds before she gave in to the kiss, her mouth taking mine just as hungrily as mine took hers.

  I ripped my mouth away from hers with a snarl, causing her to gasp in surprise.

  “Jesus Christ,” I growled. “Do you know how hard I am right now?”

  She brushed her hand against my cock again, and I swallowed another curse before slamming my mouth back down onto hers.

  “Did your daddy turn you against me?” I growled against her lips.

  “He tried,” she said. “But he didn’t accomplish his goal.”

  “And what goal would that be?” I asked, pulling back just enough that I could see into her beautiful eyes.

  “To keep me away from you,” she confessed. “But, as you can see, you’re still here and so am I.”

  I blinked.

  “He tried to pull you out or have me fired?” I asked, knowing for a fact that it was one of the two.

  “When one didn’t work, he tried the other,” she admitted. “When that didn’t work, he tried to make me feel bad.” She hesitated. “And I’m still trying to figure out what the hell you did to deserve that kind of reaction out of my normally laid-back dad.”

  I shook my head, knowing she wanted me to explain why her father hated me so much. But that wasn’t something I wanted to tell her. Not until she was completely mine, and never leaving me, that was.

  “No comment,” I murmured.

  She lifted her lip in a silent snarl.

  “I’ll figure it out one way or the other,” she threatened.

  I didn’t take the bait.

  I knew what she was trying to do, and I wasn’t going to fall for that pretty face.

  Nor was I going to give in. Not on this.

  My record was sealed for a reason.

  So I’d been a stupid kid.

  So I’d been an even stupider young adult.

  That wasn’t going to come out until the last possible second, if ever.

  And she couldn’t get it out of me, no matter what she said, tried or did.

  At least not yet, anyway.

  “You could try…” I murmured as I used two fingers to stroke her pussy over her scrubs. “You want to know why you won’t be doing that?” I asked her carefully.

  She glared. “Why not?”

  I grinned and covered her mouth with my hand.

  “Because you like me,” I informed her. “You want my cock in your pussy. You want my ass in your bed. You want to be wrapped up in my arms when you’ve had a hard day.” I moved closer until we were only millimeters apart. “You fucking want me, as much as I want you, and that’s why you’re not going to play silly high school games.”

  She hissed at me, and I had to admit that was pretty cute, but now I was pissed.

  She lifted her hips, urging me with her body since I had my hand over her mouth and wouldn’t let her get her words

  “What do you want?” I teased her.

  She glared.

  Knowing what she wanted, I slipped my hand under the hem of her top until I came to the stretchy waistband of her scrubs.

  “You want my cock,” I muttered. “Well, you can’t have it. But you can have my fingers.”

  She arched into my hand as I slipped it not just past the waistband of her pants, but into her panties as well, and honed in on my target.

  She growled into my hand and dug her heels into the bed, effectively urging me on.

  I sank one finger deep inside of her, moaning as I felt the first sign of her need for me.

  “You’re fucking soaked,” I told her. “And that’s all for me. The man that your father fucking hates.”

  I knew I didn’t need to keep bringing it up. It would only keep and hold her attention, but I couldn’t help it.

  The last two weeks had been utter shit all because her father had deemed me a menace to society over ten years ago.

  She bit down on my lip, and I jerked back just in time to see her eyes roll back into her head.

  She came—with only two fingers—in a matter of seconds.

  Either I was magic—which I wasn’t—or she was thinking about it long before I’d actually gone there.

  And only one solution was logical.

  I didn’t even get much chance to examine the feelings when the doors started to open.

  Lucky for me the bed was in the way—wheels still locked—or they would’ve seen me pulling my fingers out of Tally’s pants.

  Red flushed up those pretty cheeks, and she started to yank at her restraints.

  Grinning, I sucked my fingers clean, and she glared.

  “Not cool,” she grumbled as she yanked at her restraints once again.

  I used one hand to get her loose while I finished licking my fingers clean.

  “Get to your seat,” I ordered.

  She hissed at me. “Jerk.”

  Grinning like an asshole, I pulled the bed from the door, put it back into place, and took a seat at my desk.

  “How is taking your tests in the library going?” I asked, referring to the new testing environment I’d arranged for her for not just my class, but all of her classes.

  Relief crossed over her face.

  “Amazing,” she admitted. “And having an extra forty minutes wasn’t too shabby either.”

  I chuckled and picked up my water that was on the edge of my desk.

  “I’ll bet.”

  “Though, it pissed Hadley off,” she murmured. “She’s mad that I get extra time.”

  I resisted the urge to say ‘fuck Hadley’ and good thing, too.

  Because low and behold it was the woman under discussion who was the first one through the door scant seconds later.

  “Tally!” Hadley called.

  Tally looked up at Hadley, and then grinned at something I couldn’t hear.

  I looked up and watched the two women converse, wondering again what Tally saw in that girl.

  Even I could tell from all the way across the room that Hadley was looking down on her.

  Deciding that I needed to speak to Tally about her, I got up and continued with class.

  All the while my fingers smelled of Tally.

  Chapter 16

  You need to turn down your psycho before I turn mine up. Trust me, no one will like it if I turn mine up.

  -Tally’s secret thoughts


  “You want to go out tonight?” Hadley asked.

  I shook my head as I bit my lip, my pen working furiously over the page of my NCLEX study guide.

  “Can’t,” I said. “I have to run a few errands, and I have Tallulah tonight.”

  Hadley grumbled something under her breath that sounded suspiciously like ‘bullshit.’

  “What?” I asked, looking up at her.

  I was surprised to find a look of derision on her face.

  “What?” I asked again.

  “It’s fucking ridiculous that all you do is study and stay at home,” she said stubbornly.

  I blinked.

  “Hadley,” I murmured. “I have a child, and I’m five weeks away from graduating,” I informed her. “What would you like me to do? Fuck it all up because you want me to go to some party?”

  “It’s coffee, Tally. Fucking coffee. It’s not a party,” she snapped.

  I looked at my friend, wondering where the sweet, kind and considerate Hadley had gone.

  The person here now in my friend’s place was someone completely different.

  Over the last six weeks, it’d turned into pure torture to be around her.

  She was acting very different, and every time I told her I couldn’t go with her somewhere, she got all offended and hurt.

  It wasn’t my fault I was a single mother…though, I guess it technically was.

  I did have the sex that resulted in the pregnancy.

  And it’s not like it was even good sex at that.

  “Ladies,” that deep, smooth, sexy voice broke into my thoughts.

  Speaking of sex.

  “Dr. Tommy,” I said, hoping I sounded professional instead of all breathy and excited that he was talking to me.

  I hadn’t had much chance to talk to him over the last few weeks.

  The man had, however, starred in my dreams—day and nighttime alike.

  He was all I could think about, and everything I still couldn’t have.

  It’d been pure hell, and I hated the fact that I couldn’t talk to him like I wanted to if we had not been student and teacher.

  We’d already crossed over that line, but it didn’t mean that we could continue to do so. The temptation was definitely there, though.

  Even if I hadn’t seen him, I still thought about him. Constantly.

  I’d kept myself super busy, picking my regular shifts back up at the convenience store—this time in one of Mama Moring’s other stores. This one was in a seedier part of town and was located just off the interstate.

  The other store had been a total loss, and everything inside had been ruined due to the sudden intrusion of flood water into the store.

  I wasn’t a hundred percent positive that Mama Moring hadn’t just found a job for me to do out of the kindness of her heart.

  It didn’t matter, though. I was grateful. I had bills to pay, and I needed this job to pay them.

  “How’s the house repair coming?” Dr. Tommy butted in.

  I blinked, wondering how he knew about my house repair.

  “Uhh,” I said. “It’s coming along okay, but it’s going to be difficult to fix.”

  That is if it was even fixable at all.

  My father and a few of his buddies had been out surveying the flooding when they’d come across my tiny house. It’d been in the center of a field right in the heart of the flood zone. While they did find it, it was another week before the water receded enough and they could get to it.

  The first step into my home had been heartbreaking.

  Everything that I’d worked so hard for was ruined. The blankets that I’d sewn for Tallulah were mildewed. All of her baby items that I’d wanted to save as keepsakes were broken and waterlogged.

  That wasn’t it, though.

  No, my father said that even though the house had been up out of the water due to the trailer it’d been built on, the entire floor needed to be replaced including the subfloor and the framing that the floor was built on.

  My insurance company would only cover partial repairs due to the fact that I didn’t have flood insurance—and apparently, I was extremely lucky to get even that much.

  None of this boded well for me.

  I’d be living with my parents for the next year to be able to afford to pay for the repairs.

  Needless to say, it was a touchy subject that I wasn’t in the mood to talk about.

  If anyone besides Tommy had
asked me about it, I would’ve immediately shut them down.

  But I was so in love with Tommy that I would talk to him about practically anything, even my dreaded house situation and the shit that swirled around it.

  “I met a contractor who does quality work and is willing to let me pay him in installments,” he looked at me carefully, his eyes taking in the bags under my eyes and the hollow look of my cheeks. “Are you okay?”

  Hadley growled in frustration. “I’ll catch up to you in a few,” Hadley grunted as she walked away.

  Tommy didn’t even lift his eyes from mine as Hadley flounced away, and I found myself grateful.

  It was hard for any man not to watch Hadley walk away. She was beautiful and had a perfect body. One that anyone, man or woman, could appreciate.

  Tommy, loyal man that he was, only had eyes for me.

  “I’m okay,” I told him.

  And I was. Mostly.

  I was pining for a man I shouldn’t want, my daughter was sick again, but I was handling okay.

  “Dr. Wild told me you had to take Tallulah to the ER yesterday,” Tommy continued. “Is she all right?”

  Did he know everything?

  “She had some sort of reaction to her medication,” I murmured. “We went to the doctor on Monday because she started wheezing, and they gave her a med that she’s never had before. We gave it to her later that day and hives immediately started to appear all over her body.”

  Tommy winced.

  “You’ll have to be very careful with anything in that class of medications from now on,” he murmured. “I heard that her father showed.”

  I sighed.

  He had shown up.

  Why, I didn’t know, but he did. He’d left work and everything, surprising the ever-loving shit out of me. Though, I had a feeling that it had a lot to do with the woman he’d brought with him.

  The woman who wanted my kid for herself.

  I could see the gleam in her eye as she acted all concerned over Tallulah and her well-being.

  The reality was that she didn’t want me in the picture at all. The only reason she wanted Tallulah was because she wanted Russell’s full attention, and didn’t like it when he had to divert it away from her when we were dealing with something related to our daughter.


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