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Fear the Beard (The Dixie Warden Rejects MC Book 2)

Page 14

by Lani Lynn Vale

  I would’ve told her it wasn’t going to work, but she was being completely ridiculous about everything.

  She’d even offered to take Tallulah home with her and keep her overnight while I caught up on my sleep.

  I’d laughed right in her face.

  There was no way in hell that I was going to let my daughter go home with them after she’d just had an allergic reaction to a medication she was taking for another serious medical condition.

  She was crazy for thinking it, let alone asking it.

  “You heard,” I guessed.

  His eyes gleamed. “Yep.”

  I groaned.

  “She’s a fucking nut job,” I told him, looking around to see that we were alone.

  Were we the last ones in the building?

  How had that happened?

  I looked at my watch and winced.

  Tallulah was with my mom, and I had to go relieve her in an hour and a half.

  Not to mention I still had to run to the grocery store, and then to the shop to exchange the rental for my car.

  My car that was officially done.

  Fifteen hundred dollars and a few favors later.

  Not that I was worried that the man would ever cash those favors in.

  I realized within moments of meeting the man, who Tommy had recommended to me, that he was a member of the same club as Tommy.

  Tommy chuckled.

  “Dr. Wild told me that she offered to pay for Tallulah’s medical bills, and you told the woman to shove her money where the sun doesn’t shine.”

  His eyes were full of mirth, and I had to squelch the urge to laugh.


  I wasn’t necessarily an antagonistic person, but when it came to Tallulah and Sheena, I was protective and territorial, as any new mother in this situation would be.

  Her acting as if she were the one who had Tallulah’s best interests at heart was beginning to really chap my ass. I pushed that kid out of my vagina. I walked the floor with her for hours a night when she was fussy and not feeling well. I was the one who was there with her during her first asthma attack.

  So no, she didn’t have any rights when it came to Tallulah and decisions about her care or well-being, and if I had anything to say about it, she would never have that right.

  Not ever.

  I leaned back in my chair, letting my pencil drop onto the couch beside me, and stared at him.

  “What are you doing?”

  He worked his jaw, his hand coming up to allow his fingers to scratch his beard.

  He looked so freakin’ sexy, even doing innocuous things like touching his majestic beard.

  It really was majestic…and longer than I remembered.

  Was he growing it out? I wonder what it would feel like rubbing against the inside of my thighs?

  “That look won’t get you anywhere right now,” he murmured.

  I bit my lip.

  “I…” I didn’t have anything to say to that.

  I really shouldn’t be thinking about it.


  I shouldn’t be thinking about how his cock filled me up. I shouldn’t be thinking about the erection I could now see straining his pants. I shouldn’t be wishing I could take it out and swallow it…

  “Stop,” he snapped.

  I’d bitten my lip, but my eyes remained on his cock.

  And the next thing I knew, there was a two hundred and thirty-pound man on top of me, pinning me to the couch.

  I gasped, taken aback at the suddenness.

  He used my gasp against me, slamming his mouth to mine as he thrust his tongue into my mouth.

  I moaned.

  He tasted like chocolate.

  I’d seen him eating M&M’s in class when I’d passed his classroom door on the way to my own.

  I’d also been insanely jealous of that candy.

  I wanted to melt in his mouth. I wanted to be the thing that he enjoyed the taste of.

  He thrust his leg in between my thighs, and I parted them without hesitation before wrapping my arms around his shoulders and pulling him even closer to me.

  I forgot what I was doing. I forgot where I was. I forgot everything, focusing only on the feel of his body on mine. The taste of his mouth. The smell of his skin.

  The pencil jabbing into my thigh…yeah, even that wasn’t enough to stop me from lifting my hips and grinding myself into him.

  His erection pressed between the seam of my sex, and I had to bite my lip to keep myself from moaning.

  We were in the most secluded part of the entire school—hidden in the dark corner where I usually took my naps.

  Nobody ever came over this way. Not teachers. Not students. Not staff.

  There wasn’t much lighting, and the only thing that was good about this space was that it was dark and quiet.

  The only reason I came over here was because I had my own little battery powered, clip-on book light that I usually brought with me, enabling me to see as I studied.

  It was a cool little contraption to have, but it apparently couldn’t withstand being knocked off a table. Which is what happened when Tommy suddenly moved over me, jostling the table in the process and knocking my book, and the light, onto the floor. The lamp clicked off when it hit the floor under the book, plunging the alcove we were sitting in into darkness. With it being dark outside, paired with the building being practically empty, there really wasn’t much one could see.

  And Tommy took advantage of that.

  One second I was on my back with him grinding his hips into me, and the next I was twisted, turned, and placed straight onto his cock.

  Or I would’ve been had my pants and his pants been gone.

  But he didn’t waste time in fooling around with that, either.

  I felt him working at the ties of his pants, and I decided to take mercy on him and do the same with mine.

  The moment I felt him push his pants down and allow his erection to push free of its confines, I pushed mine down as well.

  “You get on birth control?” he rasped.

  I nodded, biting my lip. The shot was my best and worst enemy at this point. Yes, I was now ninety nine percent protected against pregnancy…but I’d gained six pounds since being on it.

  His beard rasped against the soft skin of my neck, bringing me out of the contemplation of my birth control, and I nearly orgasmed on the spot.

  “What about your tests?”

  I nodded again.

  I’d done everything, just like he’d asked.

  “Good,” he growled, lining his cock up to my entrance. “Because I did, too.”

  Then he pushed up, at the same time he pulled me down by my hips.

  I was filled to capacity instantly.

  One single glide of his cock was all he took.

  I was so wet for him that it didn’t take anything more.

  My pussy was stretched to capacity, and I could feel the sweet burn of my sensitive skin straining to accommodate him.

  Did I ask him to stop, though? Hell no. I urged him on by clenching my muscles onto his rigid length at the same time ordering him to hurry up.

  “Hurry!” I ordered. “Fucking hurry.”

  His mouth came down on my neck, and his teeth bit into the sensitive skin, and I lost my ability to think clearly.

  One second I was urging him on, and the next I was coming.

  His hands moved to my ass to better angle me for his use, and that only served to…

  “Why is it always so dark on this side of the building?” I heard someone ask, breaking into my sex haze. “Someone should ask management to put in some more lighting.”

  “I thought Dr. Tommy had already asked someone to do that,” a man replied. “Normally, they do anything that man wants.”

  My teachers. Two of them. Motherfucker.

  Did the fact that there were two teachers on the other side of the couch, probably only
ten feet away, stop the man inside of me from continuing his thrusts?


  Of course it didn’t.

  In fact, I thought the fact that we might get caught was making him harder.

  I got my confirmation on that thought a few moments later when he breathed in my ear.

  “Does it turn you on knowing that I’m fucking you with someone standing five feet away?” he breathed into my ear.

  Five feet?

  “No,” I said as quietly as I dared.

  But my nipples didn’t get with the game, and neither did my betraying vagina.

  It’d sold me out for a ride on the Tommy Train.

  I was slicker than ever, and knowing that someone was right there, that we could be caught at any moment, was enough to make me come again.

  This time I turned my head buried my teeth into the skin of his arm, my pussy locking down on his cock so hard that I thought I might break his poor penis.

  But he didn’t seem to notice the potential penis pulverizing. He was too busy coming, filling me up so full that I feared we might very well leak all over the couch.

  What the hell was I supposed to do now?

  And Jesus, why was he still moving? If he didn’t stop, I’d come again!

  My toes started to curl, and I gasped, finally releasing my hold on his skin, I was coming again.

  He stopped in the middle, and I bucked without conscious thought, urging him to keep going.

  He growled almost sub-sonically.

  I could feel it against my back, but I couldn’t hear it.

  Though, that was likely due to the fact that my senses were focused solely on my vagina instead of self-preservation.

  By the time we came to a stop, both of our hearts pounding a mile a minute, it was to see the two teachers exiting the front door of the college, the door shutting behind them with a loud boom.

  I became aware of the awkward position moments after the door shut, and I sat up, ready to stand up, when he stopped me with his hands on my hips.

  “Won’t want to move just yet,” he suggested, reaching for something.

  My jacket.

  “No!” I cursed, snatching the jacket away. “You can’t use that! It’s my only jacket!”

  He started to chuckle, making my body jump.

  “It’s not going to permanently ruin the jacket, woman,” he grumbled. “It’s going to temporarily make it dirty. You’ll wash it when you get home, and it’ll be as good as new.”

  “I can’t wash a jizz jacket with my daughter’s clothes!” I hissed.

  He snatched the jacket out of my hand, and placed it between my thighs, and then pushed me up, covering my entrance before he could leak out of me.

  It all happened so fast that I never had the chance to refuse.

  I stood there, staring at the wall in front of me, and wondered if it’d be crossing a line if I tossed the jizz jacket at his face.

  “I’ll wash it,” he mumbled, taking in the look that was written all over my face. “And I’ll bring it back to you in the morning.”

  “I’m working in the morning,” I mumbled, wiping myself up as best as I could with the small part of my jacket that didn’t have any zippers connected to it. “And I’ll need my jacket.”

  “I know,” he informed me. “I’m working, too.”

  “I thought Dr. Wild was working tomorrow…,” I hesitated.

  “He was, but now he’s not. I offered to switch a few shifts with him to allow him to take his wife out. He’s on the verge of retirement, and he and his wife want some more time together, so he’s not all that hip on working as much as he used to.”

  I bit my lip.

  If I told him that I’d purposefully switched my shifts to Dr. Wild, he’d be pissed.

  But it was the only way that I knew how to stay away from him! If I didn’t stay away, things like sex in public places happened!

  He read the next look on my face, and his eyes narrowed.

  “What,” he said, “Is that look for? What did you do?”

  I bit my lip harder.


  He growled. “You asked for those shifts, didn’t you? You asked your mother to have you switched to Dr. Wild’s shifts. All this time I thought it was your parents’ doing, but it was yours.”

  I nodded, worried now about the look in his eyes.


  “Because you were on other shifts…” I said. “Why else would I want to switch?”

  I knew the instant that he said it that he’d taken it the wrong way.

  “You don’t want to be with me?” he guessed.

  I nodded.

  I didn’t…at least not yet.

  I wanted to graduate first.

  “Fuckin’ A, but I’m a dumbass,” he said, eyes hard. “Should’ve fuckin’ known.”

  With that, he left me where I stood, leaving me staring after him with my pants around my ankles.

  And I watched him leave, I thought surely I’d get him to turn around. Get him to understand the repercussions of our relationship if we were caught.

  But he didn’t turn around. He didn’t speak to me the next day, and not the day after that, either.

  Even when I tried to explain my side of things.

  I realized on day four of his refusal to talk to me exactly what pride meant to a man like Tommy.

  Chapter 17

  Thank you, McDonalds, for not making hot dogs. I don’t think I could eat a McWiener with a straight face.

  -Text from Truth to Tommy


  I pulled into the gas station to get gas around ten twenty at night, five nights after walking out on Tally, my mind as well as my morale in the gutter.

  I’d had a shit day.

  I’d lost not one, not two, but three fucking patients, and I was so far from okay that I could literally not see the light at the end of the tunnel.

  “You coming by the clubhouse?” Sean asked.

  I looked over at the man, my brother and fellow club brother, and nodded.

  “Yep,” I confirmed.

  I needed something to get my mind off of my shit day, and I could think of two things that would make this day better.

  Seeing Tally—which I knew wouldn’t happen since she was so dead set on there not being an us—or drinking my bad day away.

  So knowing Tally was working, and that she was avoiding me on top of that, I was settling for door number two.

  What I didn’t expect, however, was to see her working at the gas station.

  The last time I’d spoken to her in length she’d been working at the one that I avoided at all costs now.

  This one was my gas station. The one close to my house. The one that I bought coffee at every single morning, and gas at whenever I needed it.

  I stared at her while I filled up my gas tank, wondering if I should go in there and try to convince her.

  I’d just decided not to when she turned around and her eyes locked on mine.

  My body stilled as I stared into those eyes. She looked so freakin’ lost that it tore at my heartstrings.

  But I wasn’t the one who told us we couldn’t be together. She was.

  She was the one keeping us apart.

  True, we shouldn’t be together while she was in school. That didn’t mean that, during her time off, we couldn’t see each other. Couldn’t be fucking friends.

  But no, she’d viciously shut that pathway down before it could even start, and I’d decided to let her have her way.

  For now.

  In the meantime, it was too hard to have a life with her in it and not have her in it.

  Mounting my bike, I reached for my helmet when she decided to come out of the store.

  With nobody else in the parking lot, I assumed the store was empty, and waited for her to come.

  My heart raced and my hands started to sweat.

  I didn’t let on
that her closeness was affecting me in ways that I wasn’t quite willing to admit.

  Instead I stared with the most impassive look I could paste on my face.

  “Tommy,” she whispered. “Are you…what’s…how are you doing?”

  I looked at her.

  Then answered.

  “I’m okay.”

  She bit her lip, the move making my cock harden painfully behind the zipper of my pants.

  Taking a chance that she was in a good mood, I leaned forward, and placed both elbows on the gas tank.

  “You want to come to a club party with me?” I asked her.

  She shook her head.

  “No,” she denied me. “I told you that we couldn’t do this.”

  I gritted my teeth.

  Under any other circumstances, I would’ve handled it better.

  However, I’d lost three patients today, and my mind was no longer firing with all cylinders.

  So instead of saying what I should’ve said and tamping down my anger, I unleashed it on her.

  “It’ll only be a few people. Men I’d trust with my life,” I informed her, hoping that her refusal to come stemmed from her fear of people learning that we were together.

  She was shaking her head violently. “It only takes one person to blab to the wrong person, and that’s the end.”

  I clenched my fists, then leaned back and placed one foot on the peg of the bike.

  “Guess that’s it then,” I murmured. “Just don’t expect me to wait around forever for you. I was going to say that nobody but my club and a few other people will be there. People who wouldn’t say a goddamned word about either one of us. But I guess I was wrong about you. If you can’t handle that, then I guess I can’t handle you. Because I trust them with my life.”

  With that I left, knowing as soon as I accelerated out of the parking lot that I should’ve turned around and apologized.

  She didn’t deserve to have my anger hurled at her.

  She hadn’t done anything wrong. She was trying to protect her education and both of our careers.

  I didn’t turn around, though.

  I headed straight to the clubhouse, and the moment I got through the door, I got myself a beer.

  Then I got another.

  And suddenly nothing seemed as bad as it had only a moment before.




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