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Essence of Path

Page 3

by Neviah Wohl

  “You can call me Jennifer, please.” As Jennifer spoke those words, Emma was shocked, it was written all over her face. She recognized the voice, and now she remembered clearly why her eyes seemed so familiar. This was her mystery woman, the one she had dreamt about right in front of her. She wondered if Jennifer had dreamt about her too or it was just her doing all the dreaming.

  “Emma is the firm’s best marketer and she will be in contact with you and take you round the property and perhaps show you others you might prefer.”

  “Emma, this is my business card, you can call me later, I have a meeting scheduled for 10:00 am, and I will be late if I don’t leave now,” Jennifer said. All Emma could do was collect the card and nod, nothing more, words failed her.

  Dan was surprised Emma said nothing to make the client feel more comfortable with their firm. He had to step in when Emma did not get the message he passed to her about responding, with his facial expressions. So, he had to respond to Jennifer.

  “Yea, Miss Davidson, she would contact you to know when it would be convenient for you to go have a look at the property, let me show you out.”

  “Thanks, I can find my way, do have a lovely day,” Jennifer said with a smile as she walked out of the conference room.

  Dan waited until Jennifer walked out of the room and turned to Emma.

  “Emma, I understand you have been through a lot, especially with your mom’s passing, if you need the break you turned down, the offer is still available, please take it and see someone. You have never been like this since you started to work here.” Emma was silent at first, then said,

  “Dan, I’ll be fine, I don’t need the break, I’ll be better, and I appreciate your concern. You are a good boss,” Dan stood and patted Emma on the shoulder.

  “Don’t forget to contact Miss Davidson; this might get you that promotion we talked about.” Emma nodded and smiled, but she still sat still in the conference room as Dan walked out. She needed an alone time to figure out what just happened. She remembered the mark and thought of making Jennifer see it when next the meet, but she thought it stupid to ask someone she had never met before today if she had dreamt about her.

  She shook off the thought and decided she needed to focus on making Jennifer buy the property. She would not want to jeopardize that.


  Emma, in a flowered gold chiffon shirt and a short dark purple skimpy skirt stood in front of the property’s gate as she waited for Jennifer. They had fixed today to look at the property three days earlier. She had looked forward to today and she wondered if Jennifer looked forward to seeing just the property or her as well. She could not tell clearly because the last time they saw, she did not seem to have taken any interest in her.

  She waited for about twenty minutes before she saw Jennifer’s car approach. She immediately remembered to pack her hair up in a ponytail to reveal the mark on her neck. Jennifer got out of the car to greet Emma.

  “Hello’ I’m sorry I missed the route.”

  “It’s nothing, I’m glad you are here now,” Emma smiled as she said those words, and immediately kept a straight face, it felt to her like she was flirting. She was being extremely self-conscious.

  “So, uhm, would you join me in my car or we both drive up to the building?” Emma asked. She was hoping Jennifer would not join her in car because she made her nervous.

  “I will drive my car,” Jennifer said.

  They both drove to the mansion; it was a sight to behold. The building was beautifully structured and well painted with carefully chosen colors of several shades. It was a great architectural piece. Just like an artwork.

  “Wow, looks better in reality than the online pictures.”

  “I thought so too, so would you like to ask any questions about the previous owners?”

  “No, I don’t concern myself with such.” Emma looked at Jennifer, she loved her attitude, and most clients would want to know every detail about the previous owners like it was an important part to owning a property. She hated those questions, but she would always answer any question a client had with a bright smile.

  Emma got a text from Daniel. He wanted to know if they were at the property. Emma quickly responded to his text, as she raised her head she noticed Jennifer’s eyes were fixated on the mark on her neck.

  “Let me show you all the rooms, they are magnificent,” Emma said with a bright smile on her face.

  “That would not be necessary, I like it already, and I’ll buy it.” Emma was shocked, she smiled and said.

  “For real? Are you sure you don’t want to look around?”

  “Of what use is looking around. When I see what I want, I know it, and I take it.”

  There was something about the way Jennifer said those words that made Emma feel perhaps she was flirting with her. Emma hated to assume so she shook the thought off.

  “Emma, would you be busy later tonight, I would like to take you out for dinner, so we can conclude on the paper works and payment.”

  “No, I would not be busy. That would be fine,” Emma wanted to seem like she was giving it a thought. Since it was work related and not a date, she decided to put a halt to the acting.

  “You have my number, please text me your address, I will pick you up at 7:00 pm. Is that okay by you?”

  “Yes, that works for me.”

  Jennifer brought out her dark shades and wore it as she stepped into her car. Emma stood and watched her leave. She hated that she had to leave, despite the fact that she was nervous around her, she would have loved to spend more time with her. While still standing her mind began to go through her dresses, she had no idea what to wear to the dinner with Jennifer. She would not want to look too serious or too simple.

  As Jennifer drove away, she smiled as she looked at Emma through the rearview mirror. She was determined to do everything humanly possible to make Emma fall in love with her. She had spotted Emma at the restaurant while she waited for her boss few months back. She knew on that day Emma was her soul-mate. She had done her findings about Emma, Daniel, and the firm.

  She could sense the natural chemistry between them, but she wanted to take things slow, she had to build their relationship-to-be on the right foundation because there’s just one soul-mate for her, and it was Emma.

  She knew Emma’s house, but it would be awkward if Emma found out she knew. She needed to play it cool. She had wished she could have been there for her when she lost her mom, but they were total strangers then, at least to Emma. She had hired a private investigator to keep an eye on her when she went out of town, not just to watch but to make sure she was safe.

  She called her favorite restaurant to book a table. She was nervous about their first date. Even though it seemed official, but she knew in her heart it was a date.

  It was 7:00 pm; Emma was dressed and was waiting for Jennifer to ring the doorbell. She sat on her bed and fantasized about coming home to make out with Jennifer after the dinner. Then, for the first time it crossed her mind, she thought out loud and said,

  “What if she’s not into women?” Fear filled her heart; she had fallen for this beautiful blue-eyed, freckled faced, blonde lady.

  “Oh no, I hope she is.”

  She decided right there to hit on Jennifer at least to know if she was a lesbian or not. That way, she would get over her quickly and at least she would know she tried.

  All the thoughts about the possible outcome of the dinner with Jennifer filled her mind, but the thoughts went away with the sound of the doorbell. She jumped up and took a second look at herself in the mirror, grabbed her purse and checked the time. It was 6:30 pm.

  “Oh! She’s an early bird,” she said with a smile on her face as she headed toward the door. She opened the door and was ready to say out the lines she had rehearsed while taking a shower before getting dressed for the dinner, but could not; it was not Jennifer at the door.

  “Anna, what are you doing here?”

  “Is that a way to welcome a gu

  “You are not a guest, unless I am aware you were coming.”

  “Wow! I sent you a text when I was about boarding the plane to New York, but if you don’t want me here, I can leave.”

  “No it’s not like that, come in please. I just feel you should have called or perhaps heard a response from me. What if I had travelled on some business trip or had relocated.”

  “Emma, I am sorry. I’ll remember to do just that next time. You are usually not like this, why are you so tensed up? Am I interrupting something?”

  Emma remembered she heard her phone beep, but she forgot to check. Anna was a fling she had few years back, they met at a bar, and got quite close, but Anna never wanted anything serious, she was a wild spirit. She believed she was too young to be tied up in a relationship with one person when she could be with several. Anna relocated to Las Vegas a year after they first met and would pass the night with Emma in New York any time she was around for any musical concert.

  “Why are you all dressed up?”

  “I have dinner with a client,” Emma said. As she was about to check the watch on her wrist, the doorbell rang. Anna went to the door with Emma; she wanted to catch a glimpse of the client.

  “Hello, so you are the client?” Anna said in an odd way like she didn't believe Emma.

  “Jennifer this is Anna, she's a friend from out of town.”

  Jennifer stretched out her hand to shake Anna, but Anna ignored the gesture. She was a bit jealous, she had this feeling Jennifer was more than a client. So, she hugged and kissed Emma lightly on the cheek while staring at Jennifer in a way to make her jealous and said,

  “Don't stay out too late darling; I’ll be here waiting when you get back.”

  Emma was furious, but all she did was smile. She held her purse tightly so as to let out her anger as she walked with Jennifer to her car.

  Jennifer controlled her rage. Seeing someone with her mate made her angry, but letting out the anger would only make her turn. She would hate to ruin their first date and did not want to scare Emma away.

  They arrived at the restaurant at about 8:10 pm; they placed their order, and talked about the property while they waited. They ate their meal in silence.

  “I should probably do the signing at the office with my lawyer as he suggested.”

  “I thought so too, when would you want to come to the office?”

  “Tomorrow wouldn’t be a bad idea.”

  “That’s okay.”

  Emma had a lot in her mind to say, but she was too nervous to bring up any topic that would insinuate she was into Jennifer.

  “What do you do at your leisure?” Emma blushed, she was happy Jennifer asked, at least one of them was bold enough to say something different from work.

  “I love to watch movies.”

  “Me too, we should go to do movies sometimes.”

  “Is that a date?” Emma asked without thinking.

  “Is this a date?” Jennifer said in response to Emma’s question

  “You, tell me.”

  “Emma, I know we just met, but I like you and I would love to get to know you better.”

  Emma was shocked at how straightforward Jennifer got. She knew Jennifer wanted a response, but words failed her, so she smiled and nodded to show she was okay with the idea.

  Jennifer drove Emma home after the dinner and walked her to door.

  “Thanks for going out with me tonight.”

  “You are welcome.”

  “I hope we can do this often,” Jennifer said. As she was about to leave for her car, she sensed someone was watching. It was Anna. She could smell she was close to the door; she took a quick glance and noticed she opened the curtain lightly to watch them.

  Jennifer moved closer to Emma and kissed her, Emma patted her lips in response to the kiss, and Jennifer held her tightly as they kissed intensely. She wanted to give Anna something to watch and to make her step away from her mate as well.

  In between the intense kiss, Emma was able to say

  “Please come in.”

  “No, not today,” Jennifer said as she moved away from Emma and walked to her car.

  Emma wanted her more, but this beautiful blonde was definitely in charge. She loved her lady to be in charge. She watched as Jennifer drove away.


  It was a beautiful weekend; Emma woke up filled with joy that knew no bounds. She needed to get her hair done and shop for a new dress as well. She wanted to look perfect for Jennifer’s family. It had been five months since she agreed to be Jennifer’s girlfriend and now she was to meet her family for dinner at the same restaurant they had their first date.

  She began to reminisce on the previous night, Jennifer had seemed weird and she had begun to wonder if it was about meeting her family or just work stress.

  She smiled as she remembered how Jennifer had kissed her after dinner. It had felt so intense that she wanted more, despite knowing Jennifer did not. She was about to remove Jennifer's top when Jennifer refused. She was tired. Even Emma knew she was tired.

  Emma had walked Jennifer to her car and had wished she had stayed just for the night. It would have helped her get over being nervous about meeting her family.

  She had remained outside her apartment as she watched Jennifer’s car disappear. Work had gotten so intense at the fashion studio. She had recruited some fashion models a week earlier that couldn’t show up for the shoot she had been planning for months. The models had gone out to eat the night earlier and got hospitalized due to food poisoning from a nearby restaurant.

  She had to recruit a new set of models impromptu, on the day of the photo shoot. She had been so tensed ever since.

  Emma began to wish she could just help Jennifer with her work to reduce her stress, but she had lots of clients to attend to too. She checked her watch and realized she was almost out of time; she shook off the thought and headed out to get her hair done.

  Although she had spoken to Jennifer’s mom on the phone severally, they had never met. She had never been so in love and she would not want anything to ruin it, not even the wrong dress or the wrong hairdo.

  Time went by quickly, and it was time to meet the family. Jennifer had some unfinished business at her fashion studio, so she was to join Emma at the restaurant thirty minutes before her family showed, although she would have preferred she picked Emma from her house.

  Emma got held up in traffic and arrived at the ten minutes late. Jennifer was already at the restaurant waiting when Emma walked in. She had never looked so beautiful. Jennifer stood to pull a sit for her right beside her.

  “Mi amor, the love of my life, you look lovely.”

  “Jen, you look lovely too,” Emma blushed as she looked into Jennifer’s eyes, but she felt there was something different about Jennifer, she would usually look her in the eyes when they talked, but tonight was different, she just had to ask.

  “Jen darling, are you okay?”

  “I am fine.”

  “The restaurant is usually not this empty, are they running out of customers?”

  “Who knows?” Jennifer’s parents and her siblings were running late, she got tensed and dialed her mom’s phone number; she barely went through with the call when her family entered the restaurant. She‘s the first of three children. She was happy to see her parents, brother, and sister and stood to hug them.

  “Mom, Dad this is Emma.” Emma stood and embraced Jenifer’s mom as she reached out for her. She shook her dad and sat.

  They ordered their meal and began to get to know Emma.

  “Emma, so Jennifer says you are a real estate sales person…” Jennifer’s dad barely completed his statement when Jennifer responded,

  “Dad she just got promoted of recent, she’s doing really well, and in fact, she’s the best sales person in her firm.”

  “Really, that’s lovely.”

  Jennifer’s mom had to find a way to stop her husband from further questioning Emma and said,

; “Emma, we are really happy you are in our daughter’s life, she’s never been this happy.”

  “Thanks Emily, she makes me the happiest lady on earth, my life is incomplete without her,” Emma said with a smile. At that moment, Jennifer stood up and went on one knee, held Emma’s hands and said,”

  “My love, it would kill me to spend a day without your love, so today in front of everyone I hold dear, I ask, will you be mine for the rest of your life?” Emma began to smile and weep at the same time. She began to nod and finally opened her mouth to say,

  “Yes, yes, yes I will, I will be yours in this life and all others to come.” Jennifer brought out a diamond encrusted ring and slipped it into her finger. At that moment a musical band showed up and began to play the first song they danced to. Jacob and Joan hugged their new sister-in-law to be. It was a magical moment for Emma.

  The dinner ended and they all parted ways. Emma headed to Jennifer’s house with her; she did not want to spend the night alone. As they drove down, all she could think about was her mother, she wished she was alive to witness her get engaged, she had almost wanted her mom to be her chief bride-maid on her wedding. A tear dropped from her eyes while she thought of her mom, but Jennifer at that moment caught the tear from her eyes.

  “I love you my darling, I am your family and I’m going nowhere, I will always be here for you, not even death will separate us.” It was like Jennifer read her thought. She would always say the right words for every sad thought.

  Emma placed her hand on Jennifer’s lap and said: “I know my love, and I will always be yours.” A tear fell off Emma’s face. It was a tear filled with joy.

  They barely got to the door, before she began to kiss her. With one hand, not wanting to let go of her beau, she opened the door. It took a while before she could open it. Slamming the door with one leg, she began to run her hand through Jennifer’s body removing every piece of clothing.

  They headed to the room and laid Jennifer on the bed as she removed her clothing, she began to kiss every part of her body. They made love like never before. Everything about the night was perfect.


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