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The Politics of Climate Change

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by Anthony Giddens

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  acid rain 198–9


  capacity for 164

  developing nations 178–84

  insurance and 175–8

  issues of 163–6

  precautionary principle and 164–5

  proactive 164

  UK floods 170–3

  weather events and 165–6

  Adaptation Fund (UN) 163, 180–1

  Afghanistan 213


  resource conflicts 207

  subsistence farming 181

  see also individual countries

  Agendas, Alternatives and Public Policies (Kingdon) 113–15

  agriculture and food

  bioengineering and GMOs 67–70

  biofuels and 70–1, 135, 196

  developing countries 181–182

  Europe 167

  fertilizer use 70

  floating gardens 183

  Kyoto projects 189

  new protein sources 101

  subsistence farming 181

  Allianz insurance 177

  Aloca 126

  American Petroleum Institute 122

  Amsterdam, Treaty of 60

  Anderson, Kevin on international negotiations 194

  Angola 208

  animal and plant species

  biodiversity 169

  protection of 54

  rights and responsibilities 120


  adaptation and 167

  ASEAN 210

  see also individual countries

  Austin Energy 110


  bans old light bulbs 112

  Copenhagen conference 190

  Kyoto negotiations 186, 187

  planning for water supply 101–2

  Avery , Dennis 18

  backcasting 100–2

  Bahrain 217–18

  Bali conference 123, 189

  Baltic Sea pollution 79


  catastrophe insurance 177

  Climate Risk Index 179, 180

  corruption in 215–16

  Barroso, José Manuel 196–7

  Beddington, John 196

  Berlusconi, Silvio 197

  biodiversity see animal and plant species

  bioengineering and GMOs

  precautionary principle 67–70

  biofuels 70–1

  Brazil’s ethanol 225–6

  Carstedt and 127–128

  EU 195, 196

  jobs 148

  present technology 131, 134, 135

  status of 138

  Sweden 78

  biomass energy

  Kyoto projects 189

  Bolivia 182

  Booker, Christopher 20

  Bosnia 211, 212

  BP 223

  carbon trading 199

  Deepwater spill 39–40

  imperial past 34

  Brand, Stewart 132

  Brazil 207, 231

  accepting responsibility 9

  climate change policies 225–6


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