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The Facilitator

Page 11

by Tracie Podger

  “Mackenzie Miller!”

  I felt him tense before a man interrupted our conversation. He walked over with a lovely elderly woman and her younger companion.

  “Daniel.” That time, he didn’t introduce me.

  “And who is this delightful creature?”

  I tried not to laugh at his corny words. I held out my hand.

  “Lauren Perry, and you are?”

  “He didn’t tell you who I am? Really, Mackenzie. Daniel Collinsworth, the birthday girl’s brother, and archenemy of your friend, Mack.”

  Mackenzie bristled beside me. “Archenemy, huh? How dull to only have that accolade to boast about. Do you do anything else, Mr. Collinsworth, anything of note?”

  “Your girl has a smart tongue, how refreshing,” he said, leeringly.

  “Fuck off, Daniel,” Mackenzie said, surprising me.

  Daniel laughed, having achieved his objective in annoying Mackenzie, and walked away.

  “Such a douche,” the elderly woman said to me. I laughed at her choice of words.

  “And my son, unfortunately. Mackenzie, you have my permission to punch him in the nose, but after the party, please,” she added.

  Mackenzie laughed and kissed her on both cheeks. “Ma’am, it would be my pleasure to knock your son on his ass, it’s long overdue. But I wouldn’t spoil a party over him.”

  She patted his cheek, perhaps it was a Southern thing as her daughter had done the same, then asked her escort to show her to her table.

  “I love her, so regal. Who is the man with her?” I said.

  “Latest boyfriend, I think. No, I shudder to think.”

  “So, want to tell me about the douche whose own mother gives you permission to punch him?”

  He turned to face me. “He stole my wife.”

  I stared at him, unable to utter a word. He stared back at me, not in challenge though, there was a pleading in his eyes to not ask for more information. For a moment we were silent.

  “Our table is being seated,” he said, finally.

  I followed him, still stunned at his confession. When I’d Googled him there had been no mention of a marriage, but then I hadn’t really looked beyond confirmation of a South Carolina upbringing and his college photos.

  A waitress showed me to my seat. I had Mackenzie to one side and the mother’s ‘boyfriend’ to the other. Mrs. Collinsworth sat regally in her chair next to him. I breathed a sigh of relief that Daniel wasn’t on our table. Gabriella placed her hand on my shoulder as she walked to her seat, beside her mother. She leaned down to whisper in my ear.

  “I just heard what happened, steer clear of Daniel, for Mackenzie’s sake, please?”

  “Trust me, I have no intention of getting within five feet of him.”

  “Mackenzie is very protective and volatile. I’d hate to have my party end in a fistfight.”

  “It won’t, certainly not because of me.” I smiled up at her.

  When she walked off, I turned to see Mackenzie staring at me.

  “What was that all about?” he asked.

  “Girl talk.”

  Wine was poured and I chatted to the ‘boyfriend,’ whose name I discovered was Paul. He was very charming, regaled the table with funny stories and kept us all entertained. I could see why Mrs. Collinsworth liked to have him around, although there had to be at least a thirty year age gap.

  Small plates of seared duck breast in a balsamic sauce were placed in front of us, artisan bread rolls were offered from a basket, and more wine was poured. I opted to alternate, one glass of wine and one glass of water.

  I was spoken to and treated as if I was one of the family. Mrs. Collinsworth grilled me on British etiquette and asked what royals I’d had the pleasure of meeting. She told me she was on a visit, specifically for her daughter’s birthday party and expected Mackenzie to take her on a tour around London. I got the impression no one said no to Mrs. Collinsworth. She reminded me of a character from Gone With The Wind.

  I told her she must do afternoon tea at The Ritz, and it pleased me when she’d asked me to arrange it and join her. She loved my accent and wanted to spend some ‘girl’ time. As the evening wore on, I had to catch the guilt that bubbled in my stomach. Those people thought I was Mackenzie’s partner, and I knew I wasn’t.

  The table was cleared and Mackenzie stood, holding his hand out to me. I reached for it and we walked to the bar. He asked for two whiskeys, both with ice. The bartender placed two coasters on the bar, then the glasses on top.

  “Enjoying yourself?” he asked.

  “Very much so.”

  Other than the night out with Jenny and Sally, it was the most enjoyable evening I’d had in over a year. The band struck up and we turned to watch the sprightly Mrs. Collinsworth be waltzed around the dance floor.

  “He’s good for her, keeps her young,” I said.

  “Mmm, he also knows she is worth fucking millions.”

  “As long as she has her finances in place, what does that matter? Look at her, look at that smile. You know, it’s not always about the money. Sometimes it’s about the company and having fun.”

  He took a sip of his whiskey. “I’ll respectfully disagree with you there.”

  “You may have gotten burned, Mackenzie, but it doesn’t mean everyone else is out to do the same.”

  I regretted the words as they left my mouth. His face hardened, and for a moment, I’d lost him. I used the excuse of picking up my drink, so I didn’t have to face his stare.

  “Dance with me,” he said, throwing me completely.

  He took hold of my hand and led me to the dance floor. I didn’t do classical dancing; I had no idea about the dance other people were doing. I just followed his lead, laughing as I stumbled around. He dropped the hold and pulled me close, opting for the safer option of swaying gently. We dance for a couple more songs before heading back to the bar.

  Once again we were stopped en route. But when I saw Daniel approaching, a little unsteady on his feet, I pulled gently on Mackenzie’s arm to continue to the bar and out of the way.

  “I need the ladies,” I said. He nodded as he ordered another round of drinks.

  I made my way out of the ballroom and along the corridor. I’d locked myself in a cubicle just as I heard the door open and two women walk in.

  “Did you see who Mackenzie brought?” one said.

  “She’s staff, works for his new company,” the other said.

  “Really? Fucking her way to the top then, I guess.”

  I held my breath as bile rose to my throat at their words. I was about to stand and flush, alerting them to the fact they were not alone when I heard a cubicle door open.

  I recognised the voice immediately. “Ladies, keep your trash talk out of my party. It doesn’t matter who she is, or where she works, she is here as his guest. It’s not like either of you haven’t had the pleasure of Mackenzie now, is it?” I saw feet scuttle to the main door.

  I let out a sob as I opened the cubicle door.

  “Aw, sweetie, you heard that, huh?”

  I nodded as I leaned on the sink and looked at my reflection. A tear rolled down my cheek.

  “Here, you wipe that pretty face and take no notice. Jealous bitches, that’s all.”

  “Does he fuck all this staff?” I whispered.

  “No, those two were a mistake, a long time ago. Why they are still around is beyond me. In fact, I don’t think they will be for very long.”

  “You can’t ask him to fire them,” I said.

  “Lauren, I do the hiring and firing, and I just don’t like them. They are easily replaced. Do you like him?” she asked.

  “We’re just having fun right now,” I said, not knowing what the correct term for our arrangement was.

  “Then continue to do so. So what if you work for one of the many companies he owns? Does it affect how you do your job?”

  “No, not at all.”

  “Then there is no problem, for now,” she said gently.
/>   It wasn’t a veiled threat, more a caution, and I believed she meant it in the kindest way. Perhaps she was telling me to be careful.

  I was interrupted from answering by the door being pushed open and Mackenzie striding in.

  “You really shouldn’t be in here,” I said, as I wiped my eyes.

  “Usual?” he said to Gabriella. She nodded.

  “Deal with them as you wish,” he said.

  “How did you know?” I asked.

  “They are complaining about receiving a tongue lashing from Gabriella, I guessed.”

  “I’ll leave you two to it,” she said, and then left.

  “Come on,” he said, taking my hand.

  We walked back into the bar and straight to Mrs. Collinsworth.

  “We’re calling it a night. I wanted to let you know, I’ll be in touch in a couple of days in case we miss you in the morning,” Mackenzie said.

  “That would be wonderful. Good night to you, Lauren,” she said.

  Without a goodbye to anyone else, we left the room. Mackenzie didn’t speak while we crossed the foyer and headed to the lift. I saw him glance at his watch, I also watched as he nodded to a suited man, standing by reception.

  We rode the lift in silence, and as it ascended floor-by-floor, so he changed, again. The wicked smirk had returned, as had the glint in his eyes. His body tensed and his stare became intense.

  “I have a surprise for you,” he whispered, as he opened the suite door.

  I walked in expecting to find the surprise. There was nothing obvious.

  “Bedroom,” he said.

  Again, I expected to see something, flowers maybe, but it was as we’d left it, other than the bed had been turned down. I stood in the middle of the room and watched him walk towards me. He passed and opened the closet, reaching into his overnight bag. Whatever he had retrieved, he held it in a closed fist. He turned me so I was facing the full-length mirror.

  “So I can see your face,” he whispered over my shoulder.

  I felt my heartbeat increase. He raised his hand and I noticed black material. He slipped an eye mask over my head, covering my eyes. He unclipped the neck of my dress and it slid from my body. I stepped out of it and heard him push it away, with his foot I guessed.

  “I’m asking you to trust me,” he whispered. I nodded my head. That was my biggest mistake.

  Chapter Nine

  I knew Mackenzie was standing behind me, he held my wrists to my hips. The sound of the suite door opening and then softly closing had me on alert, but it was a minute later when I felt a fingertip, or more importantly, a nail trail down my chest. I opened my mouth to speak and found soft lips on mine. I tried to raise my arms, I wanted to pull the blindfold from my eyes, but he held me still.

  I tried to speak, but when I did, a smooth tongue swiped across mine. I twisted my body, wanting to break free.

  “Shush, relax,” he whispered in my ear.

  My heart hammered in my chest; it sped further when I felt those fingers gently strum over one breast. As much as I wanted to kick out, to fight, I was paralysed into submission. My body immediately fucking betrayed me. My skin goosebumped at her touch, and I knew that it was a woman by the feel of her lips, by her touch. My nipples pebbled, painfully hard. My body started to shake.

  “Just feel,” he whispered.

  As much as I didn’t want to, my tongue responded. Her kiss was so very different to a man’s, it was delicate, tantalising, teasing. She rolled my nipple around in her fingers, increasing the pressure. She stepped into me, and I could feel a naked body. I could feel pert breasts and erect nipples. Mackenzie stepped closer as well. I could feel his erection against my back. I was sandwiched between them. I guess he’d done that to stop me from stepping back or turning around. I was trapped.

  He still had my hands held tight to my hips and his restraint, her kiss, had my stomach knotting.

  He kissed the side of my neck; he trailed his tongue from my shoulder to my ear as she slid her hands up to my shoulders, then gently down my sides, ghosting the sides of my breasts. My body shuddered at her soft touch.

  “Remember, you can always say no,” he whispered. I didn’t reply.

  I tried to stop the moan but it was released before I realised. It was as if my brain was one step behind my body’s reaction. My clitoris throbbed.

  “Good girl,” he whispered.

  She stopped kissing me and I found myself missing her mouth. Her lips travelled down my throat, and I leaned my head back on Mackenzie’s chest. I could hear his breaths; I could feel his heart beat rapidly against my back.

  She gently licked, nipped at my skin until she took a nipple in her mouth. The texture of her mouth was different, her technique was different; she knew how to pleasure me. She knew the exact pressure to apply when she gently bit down; she knew the pace to flick her tongue over the hardened bud.

  ‘Oh, God,” I whispered, struggling to catch my breath.

  I was totally in the zone. I wasn’t in a bedroom in a hotel, I wasn’t a woman who had been cheated on; I wasn’t someone who worked hard with no play. I was a wanton woman, whose flesh was been brought to burning point by another woman’s tongue. I was a woman, who had all train of reasonable thought stolen by another woman’s lips. I was a woman, who had lost all desire to fight against the touch of another woman. I gave in, completely allowing her to take over my body and my mind. I relaxed and felt the tension drain from my shoulders. I also felt the pressure of Mackenzie’s hands lessen on my wrists.

  He threaded his fingers in mine.

  I missed her mouth on my nipple when she pulled away to give the same attention to the other. While she did, she lowered her hands some more, stopping at the top of my panties.

  She kissed down my stomach as she lowered them. I lifted one foot, then the other, and they were removed. I could feel her face close to my pussy, I could feel her breath, and even before she’d touched me, I moaned out loud.

  She ran her hands along the inside of my legs, but stopped halfway up my thighs. She applied the gentlest of pressure and I parted my legs.

  “You have no idea how fucking beautiful this looks,” Mackenzie whispered.

  He begun to gently grind his cock into my lower back, at the same time she kissed the inside of my thigh, trailing her tongue slowly upwards. My legs began to shake and I tightened my grip on Mackenzie’s hands. If she went where I was imagining, wanting her to go, I wasn’t sure my legs would hold me up.

  “Don’t let me fall,” I whispered.

  “You’ll fall, baby, just not in the way you think. But I’ll catch you,” he replied.

  His hot breath on my neck had the same effect as her tongue on my thigh. She trailed further up and over my hip, across my lower stomach and then down the other side. When she pulled away, I felt coldness on my wet skin. By the way her hands slid back up my sides, I knew she had stood up. When her soft lips found mine, I made no attempt to stop her that time. I opened my mouth, I let in her tongue and I kissed her back, fiercely. When she moaned, I nearly fell apart. Her moan was absorbed by my mouth and travelled to the pit of my stomach. That sound alone took me to the brink of an orgasm.

  “Step back,” I heard Mackenzie say.

  “No!” I said, surprising myself.

  He chuckled as he let go of my hands and placed one arm under my knees. He lifted me, laying me gently on the bed. For a moment I lay on my own. I made no attempt to take off the blindfold, I had no doubt at some point I would though.

  I heard the scrape of a chair as it was brought close and the rustle of discarded clothes. I licked my dry lips, as I understood.

  I felt the gentle dip of the bed and she lay beside me. Her fingers trailed down my body and I parted my legs. She twirled them around my pubic hair before leaning over and kissing me again. That time I wrapped one hand in her hair. It was silky and straight. As she inserted two fingers inside me, I fell apart. My body jerked off the bed. I parted my legs as far as I could and slid
one hand down my stomach, pushing my fingers inside me to join hers.

  “Fuck,” I heard Mackenzie hiss.

  I cried out. I writhed as my orgasm rolled over me. Her mouth was on my nipple again and her body partially covered mine. I tightened my hand in her hair as our fingers fucked me through an intense orgasm. My legs shook, my stomach knotted, my skin felt on fire as wave after wave of heat travelled over me.

  “Lick her cunt,” I heard him say, there was desperation in his voice.

  When her head moved down my stomach, I pulled off the eye mask. She looked up at me with a smile. She was exquisite. Red hair framed a pale face with a smattering of freckles across her nose. I couldn’t take my eyes from her as she lowered her head, slid her body down the bed and knelt between my legs, all the while her fingers still worked inside me. I pulled mine free as her tongue lapped at my cum. I raised my hand to mouth, turned my head to Mackenzie and sucked the juices from my fingers.

  He was naked; one hand was wrapped around his cock, pumping furiously. The other gripped the arm of the chair he’d sat in and that he had pulled close to the bed. I could see every tendon, every muscle tensed.

  I wanted to close my eyes, I wanted to absorb the sensation of her soft tongue on my clitoris, but I wanted to see him watching us.

  His eyes were dark, his pupils dilated with lust. He bit down on his lower lip and as I cried out, he moaned. His chest heaved as he breathed heavily and sweat had beaded on his forehead.

  The sight of him enhanced what she was doing to me. She held my hips but I tilted my pelvis, giving her better access to me. She darted her tongue inside, although not able to reach those areas he could, she curled her tongue, the tip dragging down inside me. I gripped the bedding, pulling the sheet towards me as I screamed out in pure pleasure.

  My head spun as I came again. I could feel the wetness drip from me. I could smell my arousal. At the same time, I heard Mackenzie cry out, as if through gritted teeth. I watched as milky fluid spurted from his cock and coated his hand. He’d thrown his head back; the knuckles on the hand that gripped the arm of the chair, were white. He bucked off it slightly as he pumped his cum over himself. It was a beautiful sight.


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