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The Facilitator

Page 12

by Tracie Podger

  I reached out for his hand and he opened his eyes at my touch. I pulled it towards my mouth and licked the cum from his fingers. His hand shook slightly as he inserted two fingers inside my mouth. While she sucked my pussy, I sucked his fingers.

  She crawled up my body, inserted her tongue in my mouth, and we both licked his fingers. He groaned, and I moaned, as she lay on me. The feel of her soft skin on mine inflamed me further. The texture of her nipples against my breasts made me needy for them. I pulled Mackenzie’s fingers from my mouth, and I placed one hand on the back of her head, one on her hip, I rolled us over. While I lowered my head to taste her skin, to circle my tongue around her nipple, I felt Mackenzie climb on the bed beside us.

  He trailed a finger down my back, already slick with sweat. He parted my backside and there was no need for lubricant, my cum had seeped to the place he gently pressed his finger against. I raised myself to my knees; I wanted him to finger my arse, while I sucked on her nipple. I wanted to be pleasured by him, while I pleasured her.

  I didn’t know, nor cared, whether her moan was genuine, but her puckered nipples and hot skin were enough to have me believe it might be. I licked down her stomach, pausing at her navel. She shuffled up the bed, I moved slightly up while Mackenzie rearranged himself to kneel behind me. It was all so fluid; there was no awkwardness in repositioning ourselves. He fingered my arse and I licked her clitoris. Her scent, her taste, blew my mind. She was sweet yet with a slight metallic tang. The texture against my tongue as I inserted it inside her was like nothing I’d experienced before. Hot spongy flesh demanded my tongue delve deeper. She raised her hips, giving me a better angle.

  I felt Mackenzie’s mouth on my lower back; he’d sunk his teeth into my skin, licking his bite afterwards.

  I raised my head slightly, angling it towards him. “Fuck me,” I said.

  He didn’t question, nor waste time retrieving a condom. Within seconds he was inside me, and the fullness of him, the scrape of his ridged cock against my walls after the softness of her tongue, had me spiralling. I licked, I sucked and she moaned. I watched her raise her hands above her head and grip the headboard. Her head rolled back slightly, and her delicate mouth opened as she gasped.

  Something clicked inside me; I lost control and all sense of responsibility. I didn’t care what I did; I wanted it all. I wanted him, and I wanted her. I wanted to be fucked every way he could, and I wanted to fuck him.

  I raised my head and shifted my body forwards; he had no choice to pull out of me.

  “Lie down,” I said. For the first time in my life I was taking control, I was calling the shots, demanding and taking.

  He slid down the bed and I looked over to her. “I think we need to fuck him,” I said.

  I had no idea where the words had come from, and I didn’t recognise the husky voice that had produced them.

  The conspiratorial smile between us made me tingle. We were two women, who knew what they wanted, and were about to take it. I slid my legs across his waist, and I watched as she crawled down the bed and slid across his face.

  “Lauren…” he said.

  “Relax, just feel. I want to watch you fuck her with your tongue.”

  This wasn’t me; someone had taken over my body, my mind. Years of mindless, boring sex had me behaving like an animal, like a slut, and I loved every second of it.

  The sound he made as he licked her, the sounds she produced when he did caused my core to tighten further. I lowered myself gently onto his cock. I closed my eyes and listened. Flesh collided with flesh; the scent of sex filled the room, and the sounds of moans reverberated through me. I rode him hard. I felt her lips on mine, as he licked her. While I rode him, we shared a gentle and tender kiss. The contradiction of that wasn’t lost on me.

  When I’d come again, he tried to lift me off him by raising his hips, but I wanted his cum inside me. I wanted to raise my body from his and feel it run down my thighs. He cried out my name as his body shuddered and his stomach tensed. He pumped his cum inside me, his cock pulsing as he did. I felt every single minute movement.

  She raised herself from his face. He’d slumped back on the bed, trying to get his breathing under control. His chin glistened. She placed her hand on the side of my face and mouthed two words.

  “Thank you.”

  She climbed from the bed, pulled a robe from the floor, and wrapped herself in it. She left us alone.

  The silence was interrupted by his growl, a sound that had the hairs on my neck stand on end. He sat up, he reached for me, grabbing my shoulder and pushing me sideways until I fell. He positioned himself above me, and he fucked me again. I couldn’t even begin to think where he’d gotten the energy from, how he was able to produce another hard-on after so many orgasms, but he had. My legs trembled and all strength left me. He raised one of my legs and wrapped it around his waist; he repeated his action with the other. I couldn’t do it myself. While he pumped his cock inside me, the cum from his previous orgasm slid down to my arse.

  Our bodies were slick with sweat. My hair had stuck to my forehead. He fucked me hard as if punishing me. He held my hands above my head, not caring that he hurt my wrists. There was not a shred of emotion, of tenderness, on his face. He was devoid of all feeling as he gave me what he needed. He’d lost control earlier; he was taking it back.

  I think I passed out from the orgasm that tore me apart. I know I screamed; I heard him scream out, too. I know I cried, sobbed even. I felt tears run down my face and when he kissed me, I felt the wetness of his own tears on his cheeks.

  We’d gone beyond the game; we’d crossed so far over the boundary there was no way back.


  I had no concept of time, other than I heard birds chirping outside the window, and dawn was breaking when I woke. Mackenzie was asleep beside me and the bedclothes were a tangled mess beneath us. I looked at him and let more tears roll down my cheeks. I felt guilt that I had enjoyed every second of being fucked by another woman, shame that I had fucked her back. I felt embarrassed that I’d wanted him so desperately I’d done whatever he had instigated.

  I gently rolled from the bed and padded to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me. I didn’t want the sound of a shower running to disturb him; instead I filled the sink and washed her, him, and me from my body. I dressed as quietly as I could, threw my dress and shoes in my overnight bag. I left the suit carrier, deeming it too bulky to carry myself.

  Then I ran.

  I left the hotel, not caring that my hair wasn’t brushed and in knots. It was too early for other guests to be up and about. I wanted to kiss the doorman for having a taxi arrive so quickly, and I was taken to the nearest train station, where I waited. I think I was in shock, my body moved on autopilot as I climbed aboard the carriage. I curled into a corner seat for the one and a half hour journey to London Victoria.

  I tried to stop the shaking. I closed my eyes against the memories and the tears that threatened to fall. I was so cold and without a coat. A half-hour into the journey, I heard my phone ring. I ignored it and it went to voice mail. It immediately rang again, then again. I heard the beep of text messages. I pulled it from my bag and switched it to silent. Mackenzie had rung me three times; he continued to ring as I held the phone in my hand. I read his texts.

  Lauren, where are you?

  Call me, please. I’m fucking worried.

  Where the fuck are you? I can’t leave until I know you’re safe.

  Tell me where you are. I’ll come get you.

  Answer your fucking phone, damn it!

  My fingers shook as I finally replied.

  I’m on my way home. I’m safe. I can’t explain, please leave me alone, just for now.

  He replied.

  I’m sorry, Lauren, I can’t do that. If you don’t text me to say you arrived home safely, I’ll kick your fucking door down.

  I covered my mouth to hold in the sob.

  I’ll text.

  I didn’t receive another m
essage from him.

  I closed my eyes, hoping for some sleep, anything to stop the images flooding my mind. I could still smell her, and me, on my skin.

  I felt sick to my stomach. I needed a drink; I needed to eat to quell the nausea. The first thing I did when the train arrived in Victoria Station was to buy a disgusting bagel from a fast-food burger outlet. I drank down a full fat Coke, something I never drank normally, without taking a breath. My hands shook as I guzzled down the food. I must have looked like a drug addict coming down from a high. It hit me like a kick to the stomach and I doubled over. That was exactly what was happening.

  I was coming down from such an intense high; it may well have been cocaine rushing through my veins instead of the unbridled passion I’d experienced.

  Mackenzie Miller should have been a class A drug. He was as addictive, as powerful, and as damaging.

  When my body returned to some form of normality, I headed out to one of the waiting taxis. Other than to give my address; I didn’t speak. I didn’t answer any of the questions thrown at me. As we pulled up at my apartment block, and I fumbled inside my purse for money, the driver looked in his rearview mirror again.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  I looked at him and caught sight of myself in his mirror. My eyes were red with the tears I’d shed. I placed the money on the tray in the glass panel that divided us.

  “No,” I said, and then climbed out.

  The first thing I did was to run a bath. I hadn’t used the bath in a long time. When it was filled with warm water, I lowered myself in. A burn raged between my thighs and my back stung from his bite. I didn’t want to entertain the idea I could have caught something.

  She had to be an escort. I wouldn’t hold that against her, but the thought that he even knew where and how to find one disturbed me. She hadn’t spoken at all, and he hadn’t used her name. Did that mean he didn’t know her? If so, how did he know she was clean? I shuddered at the thought.

  I had no idea what to do; I’d make a point of calling my doctor in the morning. But could I sit there and explain I’d had sex with him, and her, at the same time, and ask what the health implications of that were?

  Then another thought hit me. We hadn’t used protection and I wasn’t on the pill. Yet another round of tears rolled down my sore cheeks.

  The idea that I could have gotten pregnant horrified me. It wasn’t the getting pregnant part that upset me, but carrying a child outside a relationship, trying to go it alone, terrified me. My life was a mess, my divorce was going to be traumatic, and I did not need the stress of becoming a single mother added to that.

  I knew I was overthinking everything, but my brain wouldn’t let up. I was scared, but I couldn’t get past the fact that I had loved the experience.

  Mackenzie Miller had fulfilled my fantasies; that was the game, it’s what he did. But in doing so he’d left me feeling empty and lonelier that I ever had. I’d been a fucking fool thinking I could play along.

  I lowered my head to my hands and sobbed. I cried harder than I had when Scott had betrayed me. In one way, it felt worse. I’d opened myself up to the pain and disgust I felt inside.

  I climbed from the bath and wrapped a towel around me. I picked up my phone and my heart froze when I saw the last text he’d sent.

  I’m on my way. You didn’t text.

  ‘Oh, God,” I said as I replied.

  I’m home. I took a bath. Please, I need to think, I need to be alone. If I have to beg, Mackenzie, I will. Let me be, please.

  Jesus, Lauren. I just… I don’t know what to say. He replied.

  Don’t say anything. Just let me be. I’m saying no, just for today.

  He didn’t reply again. I made tea, as if that would cure me, and carried it to the bedroom. I climbed under the duvet and drank. Despite my bath, it took a while before my body stopped shivering. I sank down into the pillows and slept.

  Chapter Ten

  I slept through the day and most of the way through the night. When I woke, my body ached. I climbed from the bed and took a shower, scrubbing my skin until it was red and sore.

  I didn’t want to go into work, but we had a meeting scheduled at eleven. Jerry was making an announcement, and I believed it to be his decision to sell out. I’d resign immediately, regardless of whether Jerry sold his remaining shares or not.

  I decided to see if I could find a sexual health clinic locally. I needed the morning after pill, although it was technically the morning after the morning. I wasn’t sure what I’d do if they told me it was too late. I waited until eight o’clock and made a couple of phone calls. I then texted Jerry to tell him I had a doctor’s appointment but would be there for the meeting.

  Are you ill? He’d asked.

  Girl stuff. From experience those two words tended to end any further questioning.

  I also texted Jenny to let her know I’d be late.


  I took a taxi to the clinic, not being familiar with the address. I was thankful that there wasn’t a neon sign flashing ‘sluts welcome.’ I mentally slapped myself for that thought. I had to take a ticket and wait for my number to be called. I sat beside a gum-chewing girl, wearing grubby clothes and with filthy nails.

  “What you here for?” she asked, blowing a bubble once she’d spoken.

  “Same as you, probably,” I replied.

  She laughed, hacking up her lungs at the same time.

  She looked me up and down, and I wasn’t sure she was admiring my suit. “I doubt that, love.”

  I wanted to shuffle up a couple of seats but was too scared to offend her if I did. I read the signs on the walls, terrifying myself further by learning of all the diseases I could have caught.

  When it was my turn, I rushed through the doors to an examination room.

  “Hi, take a seat,” the nurse said. “Right, let’s get some details from you.”

  She wanted the usual, name, address, date of birth, known illnesses and doctor’s details. She then asked me what I was attending for.

  I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat and knew tears had welled in my eyes. She placed her hand on my arm.

  “You can tell me, there isn’t anything I haven’t already heard,” she said.

  “I, err, I need the morning after pill, except the unprotected sex was Saturday night, or it could have been early hours on Sunday morning, I’m not sure.”

  “You’re not sure? Can you explain that?” I saw concern flash over her face.

  “Oh, it was consensual, don’t worry, it just…it just went on over a period of time.”

  “Okay, so we can offer you Levonelle, it’s effective up to seventy-two hours after unprotected sex. I need to warn you of some side effects. You may experience headaches, queasiness, dizziness, experience tender breasts, or abdominal pain. If you vomit, you have to return for another dose.”

  I nodded as she handed me a tablet and a small plastic cup of water. I was expecting a prescription. “Now, birth control?” she said.

  “I don’t need to worry about that, this was a one off, trust me. I won’t be…”

  She handed me a tissue as the tears fell. “I’d still like you to consider some form of birth control. Just take this leaflet and have a read through.”

  “There’s something else. I don’t know how to say this.” I took a deep breath. “There was another person involved, I think she may have been an escort. I’m worried about being clean.” I’d blurted the sentence out.

  “Are you experiencing any unusual symptoms, discharge, itchiness, bleeding?”


  “Do you know where the escort came from? Were they picked up from the street, for example?”

  “No, we were in a hotel and I think it was all pre-arranged. There was a man in a suit; I didn’t connect it until now. He might have been her pimp.”

  “A man in a suit probably isn’t a pimp, more her security.”

  “She was clean, as in washed and…you k
now what I mean?”

  “I do. Now, Lauren, we can do screening, but it’s a little early to tell. I would recommend the first thing you do is to speak to your partner. I can book an appointment for you, it’s a simple blood and urine test, and the results can be sent directly to you.”

  I nodded my head. “I’d like the screening.”

  “I’ll book an appointment for a week’s time. If you experience anything on this list, you call.” She handed me another leaflet and a small card with a new appointment.

  I left quickly, avoiding eye contact with anyone, and hailed a taxi.


  “Are you okay? Jerry said you had a doctor’s appointment,” Jenny asked as I walked through to my office.

  “He has a big mouth. Just girl stuff,” I said.

  “Okay, they called the meeting early, I did text you. They’re starting in a few minutes.”

  “Oh, I had my phone on silent, did they say why?”

  “No, but there is a stunning woman with Jerry right now.”

  I frowned. Gabriella? I thought.

  “Okay, I’ll dump my bags and head on up.”

  The boardroom was on the same floor as Jerry’s office. Not because he had the space but he was too lazy to walk anywhere else. I was the last to walk into the boardroom. The other heads of department were already seated and Gabriella was standing with Jerry. Both smiled over at me. I took a seat.

  “Guys, you know Mackenzie bought into the business. Well, he has made me an offer I can’t refuse,” he chuckled. “Get it? He looks Italian doesn’t he?” No one laughed with him.

  “Anyway, I’ve decided to accept this offer and sell out.”

  A murmur went round the office. Jerry was bombarded with questions. He held up his hands for silence.

  “I’d like to introduce Gabriella Collinsworth. She pretty much runs all Mackenzie’s operations in the U.K. She’ll explain how this is going to work.”

  I watched her take command of the room. She was confident; she stood tall and made eye contact with every person in that room. She lingered a little longer on me.

  “Thank you, Jerry. First I’d like to congratulate you guys. You’ve helped to build a thriving business. I know this may have come as a surprise, and I’d like to assure you this business will be left in good hands.”


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