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Kevin (The Ace’s Mc Book 2)

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by Roxanne Greening


  The Ace’s MC

  Book 2

  Roxanne Greening

  Dedicated to my husband and kids for their love and support. To my dad and my mom for making me who I am today. And the rest of my family for all their support!

  Text Copyright 2018 © Roxanne Greening

  All Rights Reserved

  All rights reserved in all media. No part of this book may be used or reproduced without written permission. Except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  The moral rights of Kevin The Ace’s MC as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the copyright, designs, and patients act of 1988.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locales, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination and any resemblance to places or events is coincidental or fictionalized.

  Published in the United States of America 2018



  In my life, I’ve dreamed of becoming many things. A dancer, a fire fighter, and maybe even becoming a writer. But this was definitely something I didn’t foresee becoming when I was a child.

  Working at a biker bar as a waitress was not on my to-do list and definitely not on my bucket list. Looking around at the smoke-filled room, I couldn’t help but sigh as I wondered how in the hell I got here. I had plans and dreams and expectations for my life. Growing up poor, I would watch the other kids at school and admire their new clothes and packed lunches and happy lives. I used to promise myself that one day, I would have that kind of life too. Where I had a clean, safe, and happy home filled with people who loved and cared for me. I was going to go to college, that was my first step in getting out of my sad life. Instead, life threw me a curve ball. When my mom got sick, my dad took off and left me to pay all of the medical bills. Working covered our rent and bills but let nothing for me to save for college. When mom died, I was broke and left without a home. So, without anyone else to rely on, I packed the few things I possessed and hit the road in my old, beat up Honda. I stopped in the first town I arrived to and found a job waiting tables. Instead of sitting in college classes and working at a job I loved, I was here wasting away.

  Smokey held up an empty beer bottle as he looked my way and I sighed in frustration.

  Smokey was the leader of the towns misfit band of filthy bikers. In the romance novels, bikers were made out to be hot, muscular men who rode into town and saved the lonely girl and they would drive off into the sunset together. I’ve come to learn in the real world, they were fat, sweaty old men and not young, sexy muscular guys. I would die before ever letting any of these guys drive me anywhere.

  “Maya, what the fuck are you doing?” Tony, demanded, as he noticed me daydreaming again.

  Rolling my eyes, I wanted to shout to him that I was dreaming of all the pretty things those romance novels had to offer, instead of being a prisoner in this hell hole he called a bar.

  “I see him Tony!” Shouting back at my boss was an everyday normal routine. Most people would question my sanity over how dysfunctional our relationship was, but it is what it is.

  Walking to the bar, I grab another Budweiser long neck and leaning over the dark stained counter, I swiftly flick off metal cap off the glass bottle with a loud pop.

  Walking over to Smokey, I grab the empty bottle he was holding up with my left hand and set the fresh bottle down with my right. The filthy table had sticky old beer rings from years of abuse. Ones I’ve scrubbed, and they refused to be removed. Sometimes I swear they look more like eyes judging me for my life choices.

  Smokey’s, hand reached around giving my ass a good squeeze. Gritting my teeth, I give him a smile.

  “What have I told you about that?” I ask him sweetly, even though I want to rip off his hand and smack him back with it.

  Smokey just shrugged his shoulders and went in for another handful. Quickly sidestepping, I walk back to the bar and deposit the empty bottle into the half-full box of other discarded bottles.

  The world tilted and turned dark as the bar doors slammed open and another gang came strolling in. All of them had guns in their hands as they scanned the room.

  “Fuck!” Smokey shouted across the room.

  I knew this was bad. I wasn’t an old lady, a term the bikers used to refer to their wives and girlfriends; I was just a waitress a complete nobody to them and that put me in grave danger.

  “You owe us for the last run Smoke,” A man I’ve never seen before informs him.

  Smokey was sweating as his eyes took in the situation. He glanced nervously around the bar for someone to help him, but it was clear that he was on his own.

  “We don’t have the money Johnny,” he tells him, as his voice shakes with fear.

  If I hadn’t been so terrified myself, I might have enjoyed watching Smokey squirm a little. That bastard treated me and every other woman like trash and I have dreamed for years of seeing him get what was coming to him. But, this seemed wrong.

  “What a normal name for a biker.” The words just popped into my head and out of my mouth before I could really think about it.

  All eyes turned toward me, and I suddenly felt like my legs would give out as I felt my body begin to shake in fear.

  “This your piece?” Johnny, the asshole asked.

  Smokey eyed me for a moment and shook his head, no.

  “Collateral,” Johnny said, and as the word registered in my mind I began to realize what that meant. I wasn’t leaving this bar by myself. Smokey was going to hand me over as collateral to some piece of shit biker.

  I look to Tony pleadingly. Begging him with my eyes to save me. However, no one would make eye contact with me. This place was rough, but I always thought that maybe, just maybe, someone around here might value me. I guess I was wrong.

  “You owe us a lot of money Smokey,” Johnny says as his voice is full of disdain.

  Oh god, what was happening here? I felt like I was living out the scene of some low-budget horror movie. Instead, this was my life.

  “I know Johnny, but it didn’t work out the way it was supposed to. The bastards didn’t have all the money,” Smokey tells him in a pleading tone.

  “You got some of my money then?” Johnny asked.

  Smokey swallowed, and I pleaded with all that was holy that he did, and it would appease this terrifying man.

  No one spoke as he gave some finger move that had a few of the men with him walking through the room and toward me.

  Turning my back was a mistake, something I regretted instantly. Fingers fisted in my hair pulling hard. Tears filled my eyes as strands of hair were ripped from my head painfully.

  I let out a scream, but the hold on me only seemed to tighten. I was afraid to speak or plead with this man to let me go. I had learned that no one was safe here.

  “This is our payment,” Johnny said hauntingly, as he eyed me carefully.

  I was payment. Nothing more than an object to be shared. How did I get here? What had gone so wrong in my life that all my dreams were so distant and far away?

  “No!” I whispered the words firmly like my brain knew this was a bad situation and yelling would only make it worse.

  I wanted to fight, to beg, do anything, but I was frozen in place as the man tugged harder on my hair.

  He was pulling me backward by the hair on my head and the more I resisted, the more strands that were plucked from my head.

  It burned. My scalp felt like it was on fire. It felt like I was literally being waxed one strand at a time.

  “Someone please help me,” I begged.

  None of them would meet my eyes. These were
bikers, and I was nothing to them. I didn’t want to be alive if I made it to the door. All I could hope was that when they killed me, they did it fast.

  A hand clamped over my mouth as I started to resist. Taking a deep breath my eyes stung a little more as the stench of a chemical reached my rapidly fogging brain.

  “Chloroform.” The word drifted slowly through my brain.

  My eyes rolled into the back of my head as my eye lids became heavy, and slowly started to close.

  What was going to happen to me? These men weren’t going to help me... then blackness surrounded me, and I felt myself flying through a world of nothing; just blackness.

  Chapter 1


  I stare at the man I once called my brother as I press the wooden kabob stick slowly under his fingernail. His eyes watered as he bit his tongue to keep from screaming out in pain. He fucked this club over one time too many. Now, he will pay at my hands.

  “Come on Joey, you’re making this way too much fun,” I laugh the words, as his eyes widen painfully.

  Another kabob stick, this one I force under his middle finger. I watch as the nail raises slightly allowing the wood to slide smoothly underneath it. Even I cringe as I watch the wood tear at his flesh as red blood begins to seep from the wound.

  When the last one was in he would look like a wooden version of Freddy Kroger. Tears spilled from his eyes, but he stayed silent. Even now, he was trying to act like he was tough.

  “I’m sorry Kevin,” he tells me, as he attempts to make eye contact.

  “I’m fucking sick of hearing I’m sorry man. You fucking cost us sixteen-grand this time,” I tell him coldly, as I continue with my task.

  Over the years, I have learned to just finish my job without stopping to chat with the punishers. It may sound heartless, but it’s what I do.

  He nodded as if he understood what I was saying. Tom stepped up next to me and silently stared at Joey. Fucker still wouldn’t give me the green light to call him Sam, he was Tom. Period.

  Another problem was that I’ve been hearing whispers about Joey, disturbing things. Mostly centered around his treatment of women. This club didn’t mistreat women. We were supposed to be a family, a pack who looked out for one another and took care of the women who fed us and loved us even through our evil ways.

  “Loki, man come over here for a moment,” I shouted to the man lurking against the wall.

  He was just as pissed as the rest of us. Killing Joey wasn’t something I wanted to do, but he cost us more than cash this time. We lost an old lady and a brother. His mistakes couldn’t go unpunished.

  “Fucking bastard. Darren killed himself because of you and your bullshit. He couldn’t live without Josie,” Loki spit the words through clenched teeth.

  Darren was more than just a club brother, he was literally Loki’s, brother. Which made this even more personal. We were a family, but when you were blood; that shit became a whole new level of love.

  “I’m sorry man. I’m so fucking sorry,” Joey hung his head, as he whispered the words. He knew what was going to come next. He had seen this done a million times before. No one escaped when they cost us family.

  Loki flipped his wrist, opening his butterfly knife and slammed it hard into Joey’s knee. Finally, he screamed in pain.

  It was going to be a long fucking night.

  Chapter 2


  I have no idea how long I was passed out from the chemical-induced-fog I was placed under, but when I finally came to, we were standing in the parking lot of the bar.

  I felt the cold steel sliding up my throat and pressing hard against the soft flesh underneath my jaw. All the blood in my body slowed and turned cold as everything that had happened that night came flooding back to me.

  “You’ll get on this bike quietly, or I’ll pull this trigger and decorate this parking lot with you brains sweetheart,” Johnny tells me coldly.

  Evil surrounds him as he looks at me and I can’t help but feel like I am in the presence of the devil himself.

  Swallowing hard, I wince as the barrel presses deeper into my skin. I wanted to nod, I wanted to talk, but I was frozen in place’ afraid the slightest movement would have his finger twitching.

  Looking deep into his brown eyes, I try to convey my agreement. His fingers twisted in my hair as he slowly pulled the gun away from my sore jaw. He must have seen the conformity in my eyes because his body seemed to relax a little.

  “Now get the fuck on my bike. You keep being compliant sweetheart and you may walk away from this whole,” his voice turned darker, colder and more terrifying.

  The moment his finger unwound from my hair, I sagged slightly. Taking deep, calming breaths was something that wasn’t working for me. As I stood there with my captor, I couldn’t help but allow sick and morbid thoughts to invade my mind. Maybe it would be best if I just let him kill me now. At least it would all be over.

  What did you think was going to happen? A voice whispered through my head. You allowed your dreams to escape you and now… I couldn’t even finish the thought. I had done this to myself.

  I don’t fucking know! I snap back at it. Shit I was losing it. Talking to oneself let alone snapping at oneself, was a one-way ticket to crazy land.

  Walking over to the bike Johnny was standing near, I close my eyes, and swing my leg over the seat almost stumbling as I lost my equilibrium. I had never ridden on a bike before and the fact that this may be my first and last time didn’t go unnoticed.

  The sound of the bike starting had my hands clenching at my sides and my heart freezing painfully in my chest. I couldn’t help but look over my shoulder and back at the bar that had so ruefully handed me over to this wicked man.

  My eyes were glued to the door unblinkingly, begging it to open, and reveal one of the many bikers hiding inside. The nob didn’t turn, not even a centimeter.

  No one was coming to my aid now. Not one of those bastards were going to help me. Fuck them all. I hope everyone of them finds their way to hell in a fiery death kind of way sooner, rather than later. Maybe I will get to take them there myself.

  I had a moment where I wanted to share some of the shit I heard in there. The bikers talk, loudly. Over the years, I had heard more secrets shared and information that shouldn’t have been public knowledge slip past their lips. Maybe I could convince him to trade the shit I knew for my safety. Opening my mouth, I take a deep breath, I thought of doing that right now, but the words refused to budge.

  Johnny revved the engine and accelerated quickly. My hands clench grabbing onto his leather vest as my nails dug into his side. It was on instinct that I grabbed him, but I instantly regretted it.

  That deep breath I just took was lodged deep inside my throat as he pulled out onto the road at a speed that terrified me more than the man himself.

  Chapter 3


  We’ve been driving for hours and I’ve lost feeling in my ass after thirty minutes or so. When the compound came into view, my already over worked heart kicked into a painful overdrive. Where in the hell was he taking me?

  I look at the steel fence topped with bob wire guarded by men with Ak47’s. The building sat back a little way and was built with what looked like cement blocks that had been painted white. The roof was a faded red. Is this a prison?

  There were cars and bikes that littered the parking lot. I knew from experience from the few times bikers came to the bar with their old ladies, that those cars belonged to the club’s old ladies. I hated that term—old lady. Why would anyone ever think that is a sexy or endearing term?

  My eyes painfully widen as that fear I was fighting back came flying to the surface in a painful, stomach clenching intensity. If I am being forced here against my will, what else will they do to me?

  The hair along my arms rose slowly causing a slight itchy tingle. I wanted to scratch at myself and claw at the weird sensation, but I was too afraid to move.

  Air fought its way into my l
ungs as the wind picked up howling around us. As soon as the gate was opened, we were moving again.

  I blinked my eyes feeling liked they were filled with sand. I couldn’t get the feeling of wrongness to dissipate. I didn’t want to believe that I was stuck in some nightmarish hell of my own dark doing.

  There was a loud squeaking sound that was heard over the roar of motorcycles reeving and I knew it was the gate closing slowly behind us locking me into this hell. Even if I had tried to escape, these men wouldn’t let me get out that gate without being seen. The bob wired top kept people both in and out. Staring at the forces keeping me locked inside, I wondered why these people needed this much security.

  I knew somewhere deep down that it wouldn’t stop me from getting out of this place I wouldn’t and couldn’t let it. It was one thing to hang around bikers of your own free will, but it was all together another story when you didn’t want to be anywhere near them. It was even worse to be considered property and not in the old lady kind of way.

  Chills danced along my body causing parts of my me to freeze and stiffen slightly. Every molecule in my body was painfully aware of what was happening to me.

  All the horror stories I heard whispered around the bar were instantly flashing before my wide, unseeing eyes. Women forced to do all kinds of horrible things played through my mind.

  More shudders raked my body causing my breast to brush against Johnny’s, back. He turns and looks at me with a wild fascination as his eyebrow cocks at me over his shoulder.

  It took a moment for the reality to sink back in that we weren’t moving. He was, in fact, waiting for me to get my ass off the back of his bike. I was holding up the progress of my new hellish existence.

  Chapter 4


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