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Kevin (The Ace’s Mc Book 2)

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by Roxanne Greening


  Three months later….

  If things kept up at this pace, I would be a cripple before I handed down the gavel. Another attack on the club had my teeth on edge. Things were getting progressively worse around here and everyone seemed to be more on edge than ever.

  Settling stuff with the Sons of The Apocalypse MC, and The Blazing Devils, should have brought a semblance of peace to all of us. The Sons of The Apocalypse MC and The Blazing Devils were a ruthless biker gang that made us look like angels. They terrorized towns and the people who feared them the most. Once we ended our long-standing battle with them, I thought things would go back to normal and calm down for a while. Instead, things had gotten worse and I now had nothing but more headaches.

  Other clubs weren’t happy with our alliance. Someone was sending me messages of the blood and gore variety as they tried to make their unhappiness clear to us. Money was disappearing from our accounts, and pig’s heads and other disgusting body parts kept arriving in sealed packages like we were living out some scene from the Godfather.

  Our relationship with the Grimm Brothers MC was like a unicorn’s farts and pots of gold that shit wasn’t real and never would be. It was hard to trust other gangs when we ourselves knew the lying, cheating, and stealing it took to run a gang.

  Most of the brothers wanted to make things work with the Grimm’s. As if shit like what we did with the other clubs was going to magically happen with this one. I wanted to look at the stupid pricks and ask them if they thought I was a fairy-god-mother or some other bullshit like that. Did they really think I could fix this mess? This shit storm had been brewing even before I was born. Now, they expected me to piece it back together? They were all fucking insane.

  “They think peace is the answer,” Tom announced, from the shadows cast by the low lighting and shity decorations of room.

  Turning I look at the bastard. Most would squirm under my glare, but Tom, he was a special breed all of his own. Some days the man even gave me the chills.

  “Do I look like a fucking leprechaun? Is this here gavel my magic welding wand? Fuck do I shit sparkles?” I snarl the questions at him. I should be afraid to speak to him this way, but I’m not. I have a reputation to uphold and backing down to anyone would only make me lose respect.

  The tall, slinky bastard barely cracks a smile. Not that I was trying to be funny or anything, but I will take the grin.

  “Did you swallow one of those glitter tablets? The ones that make your shit sparkle and your eyes gleam?” Tom shot back.

  “That shit real?” I asked. For some fucked up reason I believed it could be.

  Tom raised one dark eyebrow at me. “Yeah, some fuck tart thought it was a brilliant idea,” his tone was devoid of humor. Shit this was a real fucking thing.

  Sighing, I turn back to the room. Could this shit get any worse? The sound of the front door slamming against the wall was my answer. Yes, shit could get worse. It always did.

  Chapter 5


  The stench from the party last night permitted the air causing me to gag. The cool air had goose bumps forming on my bare skin. Welts stung as the scabs pulled.

  Last night, I was the entertainment. Johnny was a fan of using the whip on me like I was a damn horse or something. He gave me ten lashings as I stood and felt helpless. I had damn near bit through my tongue as the leather tore open my skin again, and again.

  I’ve marked the concrete floor of my closet, the place they put me whenever they were done with me. I felt like a caged animal that feared the beatings but wanted to bite and fight back. I looked down at the little lines counting the days of my hellish existence in this place. Part of me would sometimes wonder if anyone was out there looking for me. Then I would remember that I was all alone.

  It’s been six months and five days since I had been brought here. They’ve done things to me, dirty, awful things, but I’ve kept my virginity remarkably. The willing women walking around seemed to be what they wanted more than forcing a woman to sleep with them. I guess they had standards after all.

  They were ego maniacs, I’m sure they wouldn’t want the fact that I was unwilling to sleep with them to darken their precious egos. I watch as Sissy, walked out of the back room, her hair resembled a bird’s nest and her clothes rumpled.

  My lack of clothing had tears springing to my eyes. Every time I see one of these women walking around it reminds me that they had seen me as less than them; unworthy of human decency.

  Her eyes met mine and a small sneer lifted her lips and her nose scrunched up slightly. Her disdain for me apparent over her smug face.

  “What are you looking at slave?” her voice held every bit of the sneer she had directed at me.

  Swallowing, I cast my eyes away from her. It was hard to do. No matter how many beatings or how degrading the abuse was, I still wanted to spit in their faces and give them the bird. I won’t let them break me. I refuse.

  The sensitive skin on my back pulled, reminding me as to why I needed to behave today. There were days I thought of what would happen when I finally escaped, but then I looked at myself and questioned what kind of future I had.

  There was a day when I could see myself as someone beautiful, but now all I could see is the scars left from the beatings even the ones below the surface were ugly.

  The days passed slowly as if time was dragging in anticipation to what, I didn’t know. The tables were clean, and the floors washed. Leaning down, I grab another bottle of Jack and place it on the shelf. I was stocking the bar for tonight. All my efforts would be for night when the boys started partying.

  I would spend my night back here behind the shiny wood bar top, passing out beers and shots of whatever top shelf liquor they were wanting.

  I swapped one biker bar for another. I laugh bitterly to myself. I brought this on and I know that. Working where I did was a risk and I took it willingly.

  The little girl buried inside of me wept for the woman I had become. She wept for the future she always wanted. A life with a husband and children. My hands shook under the weight of it all.

  I would never have that now. What man would want a broken woman? Night has fallen, and the brothers were walking out of the one room that was restricted to everyone else.

  I swallowed hard as my tongue swelled painfully. My teeth had sunk into the already sore flesh. Tears filled my eyes as I cast them to the polished surface I was wiping down.

  Slowly, lifting my eyes, I watch through the curtain of hair as they made their way to the bar. I had to keep them in my sites. Not watching them was unwise. I learned that lesson the hard way over and over.

  “Beer bitch,” Crazy eyes snapped, as he turned and laughed with the others.

  His eyes always held a look of craziness that had my fear reaching to new heights. I watch as his hand lashed out wrapping up in my hair dragging me over the bar and tearing the scabs from my back.

  I had tried to scramble back, but I wasn’t fast enough. His horrible smelling breath lashed over my face as he bent over me. My face pressed hard into the cold, hard surface of the bar top.

  “What the fuck were you looking at?” he snapped, his fingers tightening viscously.

  “Nothing,” I whispered quickly.

  As he stood, my eyes landed on the bulge in his pants and my mouth went dry. Oh god no. My brain scrambled to find a place where it would be safe from the horrors I was sure was coming my way.

  My body was tugged closer to the edge of the bar by the hair on my head. His other hand reaching for the button on his pants.

  One of these days I promised myself I would bite it off. I would sink my teeth in and shake my head like a dog, refusing to let go until it was torn from his body.

  Johnny thought one day they would break me and I would let them have me willingly. Shame coated my cheeks as Crazy eyes slowly unzipped his pants. I would never break. I promised myself.

  Just as the head of his disgusting dick came closer to my fa
ce, the door slammed open rattling off the walls. The sound of gun fire and men screaming had him releasing my hair and throwing me down. Scrambling back, I sink to the floor. My hands covering my head for protection as bullets sprayed all around me.

  Would today be the day I was finally free? Was today the day I would die and find peace? I could only hope my death would be quick and not painful and slow like my last few months alive.

  Chapter 6


  The sound of bodies hitting the floor as men found their fate, was music to my ears. Knowing they were dying and that they were finally going to hell, made the thought of my own demise that much more beautiful.

  I wanted this for so long. I had prayed for it to happen for so long. A smile formed on my face as I realized my dark fantasy was coming to live right before my very own eyes.

  The sound of guns firing was waning. It was a matter of time before whoever was out there found me. I close my eyes and replay the moment I was sure Crazy Eyes met his fate. The sound of his body hitting the bar with a thud had been magical.

  The room smelled of old pennies and the sweet scent of gun powder. My body shrunk more as the sound of footsteps sounded around the now quiet space.

  Heavy accented voices echoed around the room. I had no idea what they were saying. Pain exploded through my head as my hair was yanked up again. My body was dragged across the floor, the cold concrete pulling at my skin.

  Men all dressed in suits looked at me coldly. I held my breath as I prayed for death and not another round of captivity and torture.

  The one dragging me stopped and released my hair harshly. My head hit the floor with a thunk, and dark spots that flashed purple danced blinkingly before my eyes. Then nothing.

  Chapter 7


  Axel, walked through the now open doorway followed by Jace, and their old ladies.

  “What the fuck?” I ask them.

  Axel shrugs as Jace smiles. The bastards.

  “Why the fuck didn’t you call?” I demand.

  “I like to see that constipated look on your face,” Axel, drawls.

  “Again, what the fuck are you doing here?” I ask them in aspiration.

  “The girls needed a change of scenery and I thought, what the fuck. We haven’t seen your ugly mug in a while,” Jace tells me.

  “I need beer,” I tell them tiredly.

  Already they exhausted me. I had enough shit going on that I didn’t need the Sons of The Apocalypse MC, adding shit to the already growing pile.

  “Ignore them Kevin, we’re on our way to see Beau,” Ella, said sweetly.

  Reaching the bar, I snag a beer and look at her.

  “How’s the kids doing?” I ask her.

  Her whole face lit up at the mention of her two little ones.

  “Growing too fast!” her voice was as animated as her face.

  “Planning to have any more?” I ask her.

  “Of course!” she shouted excitedly.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as Jace pulled her closer and pressed his lips to her forehead.

  “The girls need rest,” Axel tells me.

  Nodding in understanding, I point to the hallway leading away from the main room.

  “You know where the rooms are man,” I tell him.

  He nods gratefully as he leads Tessa out of the room, followed by Jace, and Ella. I won’t see them again until morning. Lucky bastards.

  Chapter 8


  There was a throbbing pain in my skull as I slowly opened my eyes. The pain pulsed in time to my heart beat and I sighed as I realized I was still alive. Reaching up, I placed my fingers against my temple and pressed slightly.

  As I shifted, I felt something heavy on me and my eyes flew wide. Looking down, I found myself dressed in someone’s clothes. They were new as if the tags had been ripped off just prior to them being put on my body.

  “You’re awake,” a deep smooth voice echoed around me.

  Scanning the room, I look at the owner of that voice. His light-colored hair was slicked back, and he was dressed in a dark blue suit.

  “Where am I,” I ask him, my voice hoarse.

  “You were to be placed with the other girls, but you have something going for you,” he tells me cryptically.

  Swallowing past the lump in my throat, I fight the urge to crawl away from him and hide. Great, I have been imprisoned again. I must have really pissed someone off in another lifetime.

  “Aren’t you curious to know what you have that’s different? What has given you a different fate?” his voice had a smooth, well revised tone to it. I wasn’t fooled, he was a snake.

  “What?” My voice was hesitant, almost fearful on its own of what he might say.

  “You, my dear, will belong to one of the boys,” he says, coldly.

  “Boys?” I croak.

  “Yes, one of the boss’s sons seems the old man has taken a liking to your beauty and your purity,” he tells me, in the same voice I was sure he used when talking about the weather.

  That lump in my throat grew to the point of pain.

  “Belong?” I whisper.

  Like a piece of property. All this time I’ve been locked away and lived in a world trapped between life and hell. It had to be hells waiting room, that’s what I called the club house and those men were demons.

  “You will be a wife to one of them. You will find yourself in a high position in this family,” he tells me.

  Family? What the fuck?

  “I’m honored,” I tell him sarcastically.

  Before I could comprehend fully what was happening, his hand was wrapped up in my hair as his face grew cold as he leaned in close enough that I felt his breath on my face. This close I could see the blue flecks in his green eyes.

  “You will show them respect,” his voice was filled with cold furry.

  I swallow and fight the urge to spit in his face.

  “Now, you will get what any bride does. A year to plan a wedding,” he tells me, like we were back talking about the weather.

  This can’t be real. What century are we living in? Forced marriages? A woman being given to a man? This surely was hell, or someplace worse.

  “Get ready for dinner tonight, the boys will meet you and decide which one will take you as theirs,” he started for the door as he finished.

  Great, it will be like hells version of the Bachelor.

  “Wait,” I tell him.

  When he paused, but didn’t turn around, I swallow again, but forge on.

  “Where are the other girls? What happens to them?” I ask him.

  I needed to know about those other girls. I may not have met them, but I just needed to know. Something in my heart tightened and worry overtook me.

  He turned to me with his eyes calculating as they scanned my face. A small smile tips his lips as he looks at me.

  “They find themselves in the care of the other men in the family,” he tells me.

  I watch as he started to leave again. No, that wasn’t good enough for me. If I was going to be forced into all of this craziness, I at least deserved some real answers.

  “Wait,” I shout.

  He pauses, and sighs, like I’m putting him out.

  “What?” he asks coldly.

  “What do you mean other men? What kind of care?” I ask making quotations with my fingers as I asked the last question.

  “Mistresses,” he tells me with a voice filled with humor.

  I opened my mouth to ask another question, but it quickly was swallowed back when that demon looked at me again.

  “So worried about them, but what about you? Why do you care what happens to them when you should really worry what happens to you?” his accent was thick, as he asked those questions.

  I stare at him and try to place the sound of it Russian? Yes, that was it, he was Russian.

  “Someone needs to care about them,” I tell him quietly.

  The surprise in his eyes was a shock even
to me, somehow that meant he cared and that he had feelings.

  “Some of them are quite happy Maya,” he tells me sincerely.

  “And the others?” I ask him already knowing the answer.

  “They wish for peace,” he tells me honestly.

  He has been almost kind to me here. Something I was sure the others we’re not. Why did he care?

  “You need to get ready for dinner,” he tells me quietly.

  When I shake my head to refuse he moved. He was almost a blur of movement before he was in front of me.

  “You don’t want to fight them,” he tells me sincerely.

  “I don’t want this,” I fight back the cry that wanted to escape.

  “You have a year of freedom,” he tells me, like that should be enough.

  “Don’t you get it. I don’t want any of this! Not a year, not a month, not even a week. NONE OF IT!” I tell him sharply.

  He looks lost for a moment before he shakes his head.

  “Listen to me Maya, you will do this, or you will have a worse fate,” he tells me, his voice deepened slightly.

  It was like he cared. I was somehow shocked by this since it had been so long since someone had cared about me. I didn’t even remember what that felt like anymore. His eyes scanned my face, and I could see the spark of desire under the cool exterior.

  “Hope you don’t get Timofey,” he tells me sadly.

  My heart stuttered in my chest. This was really happening. I was going to be married off to some creep like a child bride.

  “Where am I?” I ask him.

  “This is the Dons house,” he replies, evasively.

  I was going to be married into the mob. Fear drifted through my body. I knew what that meant. I had seen and heard enough at the biker bar to understand the deadly world of the mob.

  “Get your shoes Maya, we must be going,” he tells me firmly.

  Reaching for the shoes he held out to me I asked, “Who are you?”

  “Nikolai, I’m the Dons nephew,” he tells me.

  I slip the black heels on my feet and stand. The long, black and white dress was form fitting in the bust and flowed freely below the waist. My arms were bare, and they felt cool.


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