Hitler's Art Thief
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The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Abwehr (Military Intelligence)
Acheson, Edward C.
initiatives in conflict with
as unraveling Nazi methods
Adolf Hitler im Felde 1914–1918 (Mend)
ALIU (Art Looting Investigation Unit)
Hildebrand deposed by McKay
initiatives conflicting with
Nazi art theft probe by
Alldeutscher Verband (Pan-German League)
mainstream nature of
Alleinschulde (sole war guilt)
Almas-Dietrich, Maria, as Hitler dealer
Amann, Max
Anschluss (Austrian annexation)
of German nationalism
of Hitler
of Nazi Party
Arbeitsgemeinschaften (labor associations)
Arbeitskommandos (Units of Black Reichswehr or Black Defense League)
ms industry
art and artifacts. See also internationally exploitable art
death camps link to
as easier to recover
freedom in exchange for
Germany rearming funded by
as gone missing
as hidden away
Jeu de Paume Museum with
making opportunistic market in
market upheaval in
as Nazi target
as not harmless
as political tool
racism united with
Swiss simplify trade in
art dealer
Aryanization of Jewish
Commission Dealers as
Nazis bad for
art history
Art Looting Investigation Unit. See ALIU
Art Loss Register
art museum. See also Kunstverein
degenerate exhibits in
directors purged from
divesting modern art
“health, stable art” exhibit in
Aryan mythology
atonement tax. See Sühneleistung
Austria, World War I
Anschluss of
Austrian Social Democrats of
Commission Dealers work in
countries from
dissent in
Dual Alliance of
Great War begins for
Hildebrand base in
Hitler need to save
Kristallnacht in
Posse plunders art of
Triple Alliance of
Bacon, Francis
Ballmer, Karl
banking privacy, in Switzerland
Barlach, Ernst
Barr, Alfred A.
Bauch, Bruno
Bauer (colonel)
Beckmann, Max
as Hildebrand reference
The Lion Tamer of
as Malverbot
Nazi limit sales of
OAP seized works of
Beckmann, Peter
Behr, Kurt von
Der Belfried, as Flamenpolitik (Flemish cultural politics)
Belgium. See also Flamenpolitik
art plunder of
German anti-Semitism in
Monuments Men (German) work in
Nazi invasion of
neutrality guaranty for
as Ruhr occupier
Berenson, Bernard
Berlin Königliche National-Galerie
Berlin Secession
Bernhardi, Friedrich von
Bernstein, Carl and Felice
Bismarck, Otto von
Black Defense League. See Arbeitskommandos
Der Blaue Reiter (Blue Rider Group, Kandinsky’s Expressionist art movement from Munich)
Blomberg, Werner von
Böcklin, Arnold
Böhmer, Bernhard A.
Bormann, Martin
as Hildebrand customer
Brecht, Bertolt
Bridge Expressionist art movement. See Die Brücke
Britain. See Great Britain
brownshirts. See Sturmabteilung
Die Brücke (the Bridge Expressionist art movement, which originated in Dresden)
brutality. See Einzelaktionen
Buchenwald death camp
Buchholz, Karl
as Commission Dealer
as Flechtheim assistant
as Hildebrand partner
NY gallery of
Bülow, Bernhard von
Bunjes, Hermann
Burckhardt, Jakob
Bürgermeister (mayor)
Carnegie, Andrew
Caspari, Anna
Cassirer, Paul
Cavell, Edith
Chagall, Marc
Cornelius III with
Hildebrand owning
Charpentier, Claude
Christian Social Party
Circle of Friends of the Economy.
See Freundeskreis der
The Cistercian Monasteries in Belgium
Clemens, Walter
Combat League for German Culture. See Kampfbund für deutsche Kultur
Commission Dealers
action of
Austrian work of
depot of
Fluchtgut and Volksvermögen for
Haberstock against
Swiss simplify trade for
Commission for Reich Leader Rosenberg. See ERR
Commission for the Seizure and Disposal of Degenerate Art. See Commission Dealers
fights with
Germany safe from
Hitler as
Luxemburg as
Papen demise by
Reichstag fire by
concentration camps
art theft connected with
Buchenwald as
gold from
Cooper, Douglas
Cordon Sanitaire
Corinth, Lovis
cultural politics. See Kulturpolitik
Currency Control Command Unit. See Devisenschutzkommando
Dada art
Darmstäedter, Gertrud
Dawson, Christopher
declaration of imminent war. See Kriegesgefahr
Defense League. See Wehrverein
Degas, Edgar
Demeures Historiques (Historic Buildings Commission)
Der Spiegel
Deutsche Kulturwacht (German Culture Watch)
Deutschen Allgemeinen Zeitung
Deutscher Kunstbericht (German Art Report)
Deutschvölkischer Schutz und Trutzbund (German Nationalist Protection and Defiance Federation, more commonly known as the Organization Consul)
Devisenschutzkommando (Currency Control Command Unit)
Diels, Rudolf
Dietrich, Otto
Dimitrov, Georgi
Dix, Otto
Dolchstoss (“stab in the back”)
Donandt, Rolf
Doyle, Arthur Conan
Drang nach Osten (drive to the East)
Dresden, Germany
firebombing of
Hildebrand home in
Kristallnacht in
New Secession of
Dresdner Anzeiger
Drexler, Anton
Das Dritte Reich (Moeller) (The Third Reich)
drive to the East. See Drang nach Osten
Dual Alliance
Dulles, Allen
Durand-Ruel, Paul
Düsseldorf school
Eastern European immigrants. See Ostwanderer
Eckart, Dietrich
Edel, Christoph
Ehrenburg, Ilya
Ehrhardt, Hermann
Eichmann, Adolf
Einkreisung (encirclement)
Einsatzstab Reichleiters Rosenberg (Special Commission for Reich Leader Rosenberg). See ERR
Einzelaktionen (allegedly unrelated individual acts of brutality)
emergency money. See Notgeld
Enabling Act
encirclement. See Einkreisung
Enemy Property Control. See Feindvermögen
Engel, Herbert
Enlightenment. See Haskalah
Entartete Kunst Austellung (Degenerate Art Exhibition)
Entartung (degeneration) (Nordau)
Ephrussi, Charles
Epp, Ritter von
ERR (Einsatzstab Reichleiters Rosenberg)
as art plunderer
as battling Kunstschutz
as focus of ALIU
Erzberger, Matthias
Exodus 34:7
Expressionist art
Faison, S. Lane
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
Fechter, Paul
Feder, Gottfried
Federal Association of Artists. See Reichsverband Bildender K
Federal Bureau of Investigation. See FBI
Feindvermögen (Enemy Property Control)
Feininger, Lyonel
Felixmüller, Conrad
Ferdinand, Franz (archduke)
Feuerbach, Anselm
Fichte Society
Fischer Auction
Fischer, Theodor
German art auction of
in Hildebrand black-market
sale of Picasso by Böhmer
as top German art dealer in Switzerland
Flamenpolitik (Flemish cultural politics)
Der Belfried in
Belgium annexation goal of
Monuments Men (German) work in
Osthaus reply in
propaganda of
Flechtheim, Alfred
as art dealer
The Lion Tamer of
Nazi targeting
Schulte “Aryanized” gallery of
as wandering in fear
Flechtheim heirs
Flottenverein (Naval League)
Fluchtgut (objects of value sold at a huge discount to flee Nazi persecution)
Focus magazine
fondation (foundation)
aggression of
Alsace-Lorraine of
arms spending of
art of
Cordon Sanitaire by
ERR as top plunderer in
“Exodus” from
fortified lines of
Franco-Russian alliance of
German war plans for
in Great War
Hildebrand struggle in
Monuments Men (German) doubted by
Nazi invasion of
Franco-Russian Alliance
Franke, Günther
Frankfurter, Alfred
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Frässle, Nikolaus
freedom. See Freiheit
Frehner, Mathias
Freiheit (freedom)
Freikorps (violent paramilitary groups formed from the former Imperial German Army)
Göring control of
as path to SA
Riga campaign of
fremdvölkisch (of an alien people)
Freud, Sigmund
Freundeskreis der Wirtschaft (Circle of Friends of the Economy)
Frick, Wilhelm
Friedlander, Max J.
Friedmann, David
Fritz Gurlitt Gallery
Gurlitt, Wolfgang, owner of
Impressionist exhibit at
Kirchbach bailout of
Der Führer. See Hitler, Adolf, Third Reich of
Führerbau (Hitler museum in Munich)
as art storage for Linz
Gaceta del Arte (the Art Gazette)
Garnowski, Klaus, (aka David Toren)
Gauleiter (regional Nazi Party leader)
Gebt mir vier Jahre Zeit (Give me four years’ time, Hitler’s warning to the modern art community)
Gemäldegalerie (art museum/picture gallery)