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Your Husband My Trick

Page 3

by Solae Dehvine

  “You can’t get in the studio with me unless you can make me cum in five minutes flat.” He finally said one night.

  “You serious?” He laughed taking it as a joke but my dick sucking skills were legendary, I saw it as a challenge. I was already sucking dick in the private rooms for extra change.

  “I’ll show you how serious I am.” I touched my nose with my tongue for added measure. I wasn’t to be fucked with, I could suck a dick through a cheerio.

  “Shit…lets go. I’m ready right now.” I told him standing up and cracking my neck. Long story short we were in the back room for three minutes and forty two seconds before he exploded and he hasn’t been able to leave me alone since.

  “Alright baby. Love you.” Hearing him say that from the hall turned my pussy dry. I hated that I had to share him.

  “Damn gonna get the phone.” I forgot it was ringing, my mind had drifted back to that night when I first tasted his cum. Now I was in too deep and couldn’t let him go.


  “Your phone. It’s ringing like crazy. Answer that shit.”

  “It's just my sister again.”

  “Shit, the fine one?” I regretted that he had seen Fendi’s picture. Yeah she looked damn good on the surface. Cute little face, slim waist, ass for days, long ass natural hair, but there was one problem, and this one was big and small at the same time. Yet a problem that I didn’t feel like discussing. He didn’t know the truth and by looking at her, not a soul could tell that she wasn’t always curvy with long ass hair.

  “I mean...I only have one sister.” He always asked me shit that he had the answer to, as if he didn’t know that I had one sister. I wondered for a moment what bitch he had me confused with, but it didn’t matter. He was here with me no matter where his mind was.

  “Shit answer it. See if you can get her down here and be on the team.” I wanted to laugh in his face. If he thought my sister was about to come here and be a trick for him he had another thing coming.

  “She can’t dance Don. Fendi ain’t gonna be no stripper.” Don got money in a million ways from producing to pimping, and to him everyone in his eyesight was an opportunity to get paid.

  “Maybe she can help with your promo shit. Answer anyway.” I did as I was told since fucking him probably wasn’t an option anymore.

  “What bitch…?” I expected her to curse me right back but instead I heard whispers.

  “Sis I need your help.”

  “What? What happened now?” I laughed for Don’s sake but he wasn't paying attention. He was too busy packing up the bags to go make his meeting.

  “He’s back.”

  “Who Fendi?...It’s too late for the bullshit.” My sister loved to call me going off about this or that dick like I really kept track of who she was fucking. I could barely keep track of my own man.

  “Hood peen. You know, the dope boy with the fetish.” But I remembered this guy. It was hard to forget someone that threatened my sister’s life. He wasn’t just a dope boy, some throw away toy that Fendi could play with. This was a grown man that had connections, guns, and money. It was a deadly combination and those types didn’t just go away, at least until they got what they came for.

  “Are you fucking serious? Didn’t I tell you to block his damn number when you moved to your new place?” She was hard-headed and never listened, but hard heads always make for soft asses and sometimes dead ones.

  “It’s worse. He knows where I’m living now. I’m scared sis.” Fendi wasn’t the type to be afraid of anything so her admission of her fear meant that shit was way worse than she was telling me.

  “Fendi I told you not to leak that tape. Now that bastard is going to try to kill you. You can’t embarrass a man like that.” She laughed, I could tell she didn’t care. She never took my advice.

  “Girl I had to. I was tired of his ass. I took it down but now I think he found me over at Nick’s place.”

  “Nick...the married one that…”

  “That pays all my bills yeah. The one I can’t fuck up. That one.” Fendi was a master at finding men with wives and big pockets. She was the reason why I knew how to hustle and the easiest thing to hustle were men with wives. Men with little time always have money and want to spend it on their hot little side chick. But sometimes those relationships come with a price, especially with Fendi.

  “Yeah but the damage is done, I can’t take the shit back. And if he would have paid me I wouldn’t have leaked it...that’s on him.” Fendi was always getting into some shit and calling me, her big sister, to get her out.

  “Yo Fendi...come on down to H-Town baby.” Don screamed towards the phone. He was now fully dressed and our private time was officially over.

  “I’m trying Don.” She screamed back.

  “She said wassup.” I was like an interpreter. Working between the two of them because if it was up to Don he would have her down here, and that’s a headache I don’t need at the moment.

  “Anyway girl my bad...Wassup?” I started rolling up a joint listening to my sister and her problems.

  “I need help bitch. I think I should come down there.” I sprinkled a little bit extra of the cookie in the white wrapper just for her statement.

  “Why girl? It’s hella dry down here.” I lied, glancing over at my uncounted money from last night. It was probably a couple thousand dollars. All in a few nights work, but I didn’t have time for my sister and her headaches right now. “Look Fen, maybe we can meet up in Jamaica in a few weeks or something. But right now Houston is not the place to be.”


  “I gotta go boo, I got another call.” I lied, instead I hung up, tossing the phone onto the bed.

  “Why you do your sister like that?”

  “You about to leave baby?”

  “Yeah. Told you I only had thirty minutes. Gonna go hit up a few spots. I gotta meet with Astro later on.” I almost wanted to laugh in his face but I didn’t say a thing.

  “Okay cool.”

  “You good?”

  “Yeah I’m fine Don, I just wonder why you gotta run so quick. It’s like you DON’T want to fuck me or something.”

  “I got shit to do. Go find a nigga with no money if you want somebody to sit up and fuck all day.” I didn’t say a word. I watched him grab his gun, money and jewelry from the dresser.

  “Count that money up. I’m gonna need to go to the store tomorrow and I need every penny.”

  “Every penny of my money?”

  “Yeah. Shit I need way more than that.” He said picking up the bag and bouncing the dollars around.

  “Why are you so pressed? You don’t have your own money?” He looked up at me like I called him a bitch.

  “I need this money to do what the fuck I need to do. So don’t get to asking me what the fuck I need the money for.” I didn’t mind giving to my man but it was turning into an everyday thing.

  “I’m just asking Don.”

  “Then bitch don’t ask. Remember who wear the motherfucking pants around here.” He got louder and I got quieter as he got in my face. I braced myself for a hard slap in my mouth, instead he started laughing.

  “Look at this house, that car outside, hell I even got you a job at Onyx. You wouldn’t have been able to step foot in there without me.” I didn’t say a word. I knew from past experience to be quiet when he got like this. “I told you to get recruiting and you wouldn’t have to spend all of that on the shit I need.”

  “You acting like that P word again.”

  “What? A pimp? Bitch because I am or did you forget? Now I’m not pimping you. If I was, instead of talking to you, I would have a foot in your ass. ” He got like this when he was stressed out but I just kept rolling my joint. It wasn’t worth the argument and eventually he did what he always did...leave.

  “Aight I’m gone…” Moving towards the door just as fast as he came. “And order wifey those shoes I told you about. You keep her happy and I’ll keep you happy. We a fa
mily remember.” I rolled my eyes at that.

  “Yeah I’ll get to that.” It was always something with him or for his bitch rather. He wanted me to not only be his side bitch but his personal assistant to his wife. The shit I put up with for a shot in the music business. “Just make sure you order the right size and the color I told you. And get something nice for yourself.” As if I wasn’t going to do that anyway. I had his credit cards, I knew his social security number better than he did.

  “Okay”, was my only response.

  “Aight...bye.” He was gone, leaving the house just as quickly as he came. Leaving me alone, but that wouldn’t last for long. On cue my phone rang.


  “Is that nigga gone?” I could only laugh at that.

  “Yes Astro. He’s gone.”

  “ fuck him?”



  “Cause this pussy belongs to you.” I repeated it every day and it was true.

  “Good...I’m on my way.” He hung up and I got excited, the juices returned to my pussy lips and my heart skipped a beat. He was cheating on me with his wife so why couldn’t I cheat on my man with his best friend? I didn’t have an answer, and until I got one I would never stop.


  Love or Lust


  The ringing phone woke me up. In a daze I grabbed the knife I had sitting on the coffee table unsure what was going on until the persistent ring kept invading my ears.


  “Fendi…” I could barely make out the voice. I heard machines beeping in the background and screeching voices.

  “Who the fuck is this?”

  “Fendi it’s me.”

  “Who the fuck is me?”

  “Nick girl.”

  “Oh baby. You’ll never believe the night I’ve had I…”

  “I’ve been shot.” My eyes shot open when I heard that. Every bit of groggy sleep fog that was on me evaporated.

  “What? Where are you? Are you okay?” I was already up out of the bed grabbing my clothes to go see about my man.

  “I’m fine. But I need you to listen to me.”

  “What...what is it?”

  “Look. I don’t have time to explain but I’m going to tell you this and I need you to just do as I say okay?” I didn’t like how this sounded but I needed to know.

  “What is it?”

  “My wife. Rachel.” I knew the bitch’s name too well.

  “Yeah...what?” Why was he talking about her now?

  “While I was unconscious she went through my phone. She knows about the apartment. She knows about everything and she’s on her way over there.” This had to be a joke, no way that this was real life “ you hear me? You gotta get packed and leave, now.”

  “Dammit! Nick. I thought you had this shit covered up.” I was always ready to go at a moment’s notice. Call it the byproduct of growing up in the foster care system. But right now I was half asleep, pulling suitcases out of the closet and throwing all my belongings in. I figured I would have to do this to get away but not this soon, and never for this reason.

  “Just go somewhere safe for a little while.”

  “Like where huh? I should just tell her what the fuck we’ve been doing. Tell her the truth.”

  “Don’t do that.”

  “Why not?” He acted like he was afraid of this bitch. He just got shot and he was trembling about this psycho bitch.

  “Real women don’t do this shit. I should invite the bitch in and show her that video of you eating my ass.”


  “No motherfucker you look. You don’t love me. You said you were going to leave her and now I gotta go stay somewhere and…”



  “Listen to me dammit. She’s a fucking cop.” Everything in my body froze.

  “She’s a what?”

  “A cop.” He said clearing his throat. “Well actually, she’s a detective.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about Nick?”

  “She works with me at the police department. But she ranks higher than me.” There were two professions that my Mama told me never to date. Firefighters and police officers, but the officers were always the ones she warned me the most about. “They can kill you and no one will ever know.”

  “Are you fucking serious?”

  “Please, you have to go.” He hadn’t said anything but a word. I was throwing shit in the suitcases as fast as I could until I heard a hard banging at my door.

  “Oh shit…”

  “Is she there…?” He asked as I crept to the front door, and there she was. Running up and down the hallway like a wild monkey. She would beat on one door then run to the next up and down the hall. “Open up bitch…”I watched through the peephole as she ran down the hall banging on every door then making it back to mine. “C’mon bitch. You fuck with married men but you can’t face me?”, yet another mad wife, angry at the wrong person. She was bouncing up and down the hallway like a toddler. Stomping her feet, screaming and making threats. All of this for an apartment and a small allowance to keep my hair and nails done.

  “I could have fucked with an NBA player or a football star. Nope...out of all the dick in Atlanta I get with yo hoe ass.” I growled into the phone.

  “Fendi...please….just go.”

  “I can’t fucking believe this.” I whispered to him as I backed away from the door.

  “Leave Fendi. Just go. I’ll be in touch, just let this shit cool off.” I had him in my ear and his wife at my door. I peeked back at the door, hoping that maybe she was going to leave peacefully but she was still there. Her caramel face red as a cherry and the fire in her bloodshot eyes made me jump.

  I’ve seen that look in a dozen woman’s eyes when they find out I’m fucking their husband and like every other time I don’t feel a tinge of guilt, instead I feel amusement.

  How could they be so stupid to step to me instead of their man? I had seen them all, from crying hysterically to spiteful anger. But tonight was different, this woman didn’t look dainty or frazzled, this was a controlled rager and that was the scariest emotion of them all.

  “Where are you bitch?” She sat down on the steps, laying the gun down on the worn carpet, “I can wait here all night.”

  “Fendi...Fendi…” His whispered in my ear, but seeing that gun was my cue. Keep moving Fendi. You know the drill, time to go. I didn’t play with bitches and weapons. The dick was good and rich but it wasn’t that good, so I slipped into survival mode. He was in my ear but when I saw that gun everything went out the window. I switched into survival mode. I hung up on my now Ex- lover and slowly and silently slid a chair in front of the door. Tiptoeing back into the bedroom, I was packing shit so I could get out of dodge.

  I am an expert packer, throwing things and gathering all traces and signs of my existence into my traveling dresser with wheels, otherwise known as a suitcase.

  Her knocking didn’t stop, it served as a timer for me. I felt like I was on one of those shows where you battle to escape, except this show had real consequences. If I didn’t get out of here I might die.

  I had done this too many times from foster home to foster home so I never unpacked everything. In every situation I always had a bag ready to run out. Now I just had to throw in my essentials. Clothes, computer, passport and my life, I just wanted to leave with my things and the breath of life blowing through me.

  Why did you even come here? The more rational side of me asked. If it was up to that side I would have stayed in Illinois, bored, looking at cornfields, instead of coming to Hotlanta where the ratio of men to women is 16 to 1.

  That made for a lot of situations like this, where a woman was coming to claim what was hers.

  Lark didn’t want me in Houston, that wasn’t a mystery, but now she didn’t have a choice.

  “Please pick up...please.” I begged like she could hear me,
but the same thing kept happening, straight to voicemail. I had to keep calling, without her help I would be dead here.

  “Come on...pick up, pick up please…” I begged and finally the ringing stopped. I heard the muffle of noises on her end before her voice broke through.

  “Hello.” She sounded like she was in some kind of deep sleep but I needed her awake right now. This was life or death.

  “Lark...wake up’s an emergency.”

  “What! I’m busy...what you want?” She must have been drunk.

  “You're the only one that can help me?”

  “It can’t wait?” The banging had stopped for the moment but in this case silence meant a whole lot.

  “His wife is here? The guy...that got me the place. His wife knows now and I have to leave.” I told her, refreshing her memory of my little situation.

  “What? I told yo ass…” but before she could speak up someone spoke from her line.

  “Who the fuck is that?” I heard a raspy voice deeper than Barry White’s.

  “It's my sister Fendi.”

  “Tell my brother in law I’m ready to take him up on his offer.”

  “How do you know that’s who you think it is?” I instantly shut up. I had broken rule number one, assume nothing.

  “I’m sorry...I…”

  “Yeah now speak on what you know.”

  “You're right sis. I just…” I wanted to scream it but that would only blow my cover to my unwanted guest outside my door.

  “I’m sorry Sis.” I knew better. Lark was like a chameleon changing with whatever she was around and she seemed to always have someone new.

  “I’ll be right back.” I heard her say. Seconds later I heard the sound of running water and the hiss of my sister’s voice.

  “Bitch that’s not Don.”

  “My bad sis...My bad…I just…”

  “Now...How are you going to come here Fendi?” She finally spoke to me.

  “BITCH COME OUT!” I had the devil at the front door, I didn’t have any other choices.

  “Send me a ticket. I’ll get the money back to you. I won’t be broke for long.” I whispered as I tiptoed through the apartment towards the back door.


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