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Full Moon Secrets: The Complete Collection

Page 6

by Sophia Wilde

  No matter how much she sometimes hated the world she lived in, ever since she was a little girl, Cindy had always believed in a certain fairness of it. Even now, when everything looked so hopeless, she kept waiting for the almighty Fairness to come through for her one more time. It had to exist. Life had to be fair, if anything. At least to a certain degree. Otherwise, what would be the point? There had to have been a reward for all this trouble waiting for her somewhere down the line. There had to be a way to get Robert out of this mess. And if sleeping with Helen would even begin to do the trick, maybe it was worth a shot.

  This little voice at the back of her head was starting to get on her nerves. It was so full of compassion. It had a weird sense of adventure. It was full of hope. It was willing to try anything. It was so full of crap, as far as Cindy was concerned. But no matter what she did, she just didn't seem to be able to shut it up.

  After a lot of rethinking, she realized that the weird annoying little voice in the back of her head might just be right. Helen was hot. Maybe this would be a fun new experience. Maybe she would end up writing this whole damn thing off to experience. This weird little town. Robert Gray and his fancy little world. This childish crush she had on him. This notion of losing him she feared so much. Maybe one day, she would find it all of it so silly. One day. Not just yet. Right now, she was insanely jealous. But she was in the process of working through it. And well aware of the fact that she had to do it quickly.

  Lost in thought, she was now standing in the hotel hallway. Helen's room was right there. Cindy's hand was raised, about to knock on the door, when Helen opened it. She was standing there, caught off guard, smiling at Cindy.

  "I was wondering where you were. They told me you were seldom in your room." – Helen said. This was such a small town. Nobody minded their own business. Cindy would have been surprised if Helen didn't already know exactly where she had been spending her nights. She didn't expect her to mention it. It was a free country, after all, and Cindy was allowed to bang who ever she wanted.

  "Yeah. I've been quite busy." – Cindy said – "You ready?"

  So it was on. This had better work. She wasn't used to making sacrifices. Hey, that would be another new experience. Breathe, Cindy, all you need to do is get her to the mansion. The sooner you get there, the sooner it would all be over. But then...

  "Would you come in for a second?" – Helen asked – "I've got a treat for you."

  It felt as if the ground was shaking underneath her. This wasn't the plan. She was in no state to chat right now. Right now, she needed every little detail to go according to plan. She needed Robert. And right now, she thought she was going to be sick. A treat? What could all this be about?

  "Come on, just for a few minutes. We won't be late for anything, I promise. I just need to talk to you about something."

  Fine. Cindy walked in to find a bottle of her favorite vodka cooling in a bucket of ice. Phew. So the party was going to start early. That was it? That was what she got all worked up about? You won't hear her complain about that. Smiling, Helen walked toward her with a couple of glasses in her hands and a guilty expression on her face.

  "I am afraid I haven't been completely honest with you, my dear." – Helen's voice kept finding a way to freak Cindy out. It was so freakishly calm right now. That could be so much worse than angry. It filled the air with a strange tension. Somehow, Cindy knew something serious was going to get dropped on her any minute now. She was a cartoon character and the soft whistling sound was the piano falling on her head. Any minute now. As Helen's voice kept dancing around her, she did her best to pay attention to what she was saying.

  So Helen knew how much Cindy hated the idea of writing this article. That was nothing new. Cindy had made it crystal clear a long time ago. She knew how much she found all of this to be ridiculous and pointless. How little she felt respected as a journalist when she was assigned to the job despite everything. But she had to know that Helen did have great respect for her. She was just the perfect person for the job, that's all. Helen needed someone she would be able to count on. Someone with a clear mind. Someone who wouldn't be easily put off by superstitions. It had to have been a woman, so that when the right moment would come, Helen would find it easier to confide in her. And here it was.

  Apparently, there was an old aunt of Helen's who lived somewhere in this little town. She would come visit Helen's mother very often, ever since Helen was a little girl, and when she did, she would tell these amazingly creative romantic stories about werewolves. A werewolf, actually. As Helen grew, she started to notice more about these stories. The way they were told. The loving look on the old lady's face as she spoke. The tears in her eyes that she tried so hard to hold back. She just thought the old lady was very good at telling stories. Amazingly good.

  Just a couple of months ago, her old aunt came to visit once again. This time, she stayed for a while, and she confided in Helen that all of those stories were true. Even more. She told her all about how her heart was broken by a werewolf. How she tried so hard to find a way to fix him. How werewolves did exist and how one of them could have been her uncle. If only the fates had decided it to be so.

  As a river of bitter tears was flowing down the old lady's face, Helen looked on in horror. It was so hard to believe. She just had to investigate it. But she couldn't do it herself. It hit way too close to home. So she used Cindy to do it. It was her personal business and she shouldn't have done it. She was very sorry and she hoped that Cindy could understand how concern for one's family members could make one do things they really shouldn't be doing.

  Fuck. The old lady. THE old lady! She must have been going home from having visited Helen when Cindy met her in the train. So Helen wanted to check if the stories were true. Things were finally starting to make sense. It wasn't like her to chase fairy tales. She was running a serious newspaper after all.

  Poor Helen. This must have been a lot to process. She looked so worried now. And Cindy found herself wanting desperately to make it better. Still, she couldn't help but ask:

  "So, you were never gonna publish the story?" – Cindy gleamed.

  "Oh, yes. If I were to gather enough evidence. We wouldn't want to lose credibility, writing about werewolves without any proof. That was yellow pages stuff. We don't sink that low."

  Damn. Back to square one. Oh, well, it might just be the vodka talking, but if they were being honest, all close and personal, Cindy should be able to get some things off her chest too. So she told Helen all about how she had met the old lady. How the old lady had told her all about the werewolf. How she even revealed his identity. And how it was all true. It all checked out. But the story needed to remain unpublished. Cindy felt strongly about it. And so did the old lady.

  After all, the werewolf had been someone very dear to her. She would want his descendants to live safely on without being labeled as monsters for the whole world to see. Cindy kept talking, putting all of her efforts into convincing her boss not to go through with publishing the story, no matter how solid of an evidence she may find.

  Helen looked at Cindy with her mouth open. This left her very confused. What in the world did this whole thing have to do with Cindy? What made her so passionate about it? Sure, auntie Mary did have a way with people, but to get someone to care this much? And why is Cindy only telling her this now? This was important stuff. Really important stuff. She should have told her this a long time ago. But, as Cindy was surprised to find, she was not angry at all. She cared deeply for her old aunt and seemed to be very worried for her mental health. Right now, she was relieved. Kind of.

  Of course, finding out that monsters in fact did exist is not something to be happy about. Thinking back on all the fairy tales she knew, and all the monsters in them... It didn't feel really good to imagine a world full of werewolves, vampires, evil witches and boogeymen. Right now, she could almost see herself checking for monsters under her bed every time she went to sleep. It was definitely not something she looked
forward to. But at least this meant her dear old auntie Mary was not losing her mind. So yes, she was relieved. But not completely at peace. She needed to see this with her own eyes. She was not going to believe it until she did. Considering the way she used to feel about all this, Cindy could completely understand her skepticism.

  "But not today." – Helen said – "I've had more than enough disturbing new information for tonight. Tonight, your assignment is to get me drunk. Very much so." – Cindy was definitely not going to argue with that. They left the vodka for later, it would still be there when they got back, and Helen left herself completely in Cindy's hands.

  Relieved, Cindy was trying to sort everything out in her head. She didn't have to do that thing anymore. Helen had been so understanding and tomorrow, they were going to clear everything up. Yay! She didn't have to share! She could have her favorite toy all to herself. And yet, a part of her did want to see Helen naked so much. Especially now that she didn't HAVE to do it.

  Or did she? Helen never actually said that she was not going to publish the story. Once she got the proof, who's to say she wasn't going to fall to the temptation? But if there was an obstacle... If she were to sleep with the subject, it would compromise her integrity as a journalist. If it were to get out there, of course. And it was fucking Robert Gray! The whole world made it their business to know all about who he slept with. And even if they wouldn't find out, Cindy could easily take care of that.

  She could almost see the grinning face of the little devil that was sitting on her shoulder, spurting these obscenities in her ear. But, she couldn't help but ask herself – who was she doing this for? Robert? Or herself? Suddenly, she couldn't get the idea of having wild sex with her boss out of her head. Maybe she was just giving herself a valid way to justify doing this. Sleeping with the boss was bad. Unless you were doing it for the right cause. And now she had one.

  As they were making their way towards the mansion, Cindy thought about how this place was enriching her life. In such weird and unexpected ways. There was a smile on her face, and she just couldn't wipe it off. It was relief and anticipation all rolled up in one. It was the best feeling in the world.

  "Hello, Niles!" – said Cindy, the wide smile still settled firmly on her face.

  "Hello, miss Cindy." – said James, with that same smile – "Master Gray is waiting for you out in the garden."

  Helen was impressed. Cindy had managed to get an interview with THE Robert Gray while she was here? And not only that, they were about to spend the evening in his mansion. Nobody did that! Everybody knew that young master Gray wouldn't take anyone while he was here. This was his special me-time. Maybe she really should consider giving young Cindy some bigger stories. She seemed more than able to manage it. And after all of this, she did owe her. Big time. Maybe she would give her some time off after this was all over.

  Robert, being his usual charming self, greeted them with a smile. Prancing around in his elegant black outfit. Poring wine and dropping lines that were sure to sweep any woman off her feet. He was enjoying this, Cindy thought. And here he had her convinced that he was a poor little romantic mistakenly portrayed as a playboy. That bastard. He was spinning her around his little finger. And what was worse, she liked it. And what was even worse than that, she wasn't about to stop it now. She was in too deep. And she was loving it. She didn't want to get out of this mess even if she could.

  It was as if rivers of wine were flowing through their glasses, and after a while, both of the women started feeling a bit light headed. Still, a part of Cindy was completely sober. Observing. Soaking in every second of the evening. Just waiting for Robert to make his move. It was gonna be soon. She could see it in his eyes. The eyes of a wolf were digging deep into the two women sitting side by side, while the wolf himself was getting dangerously close to them. This ought to be fun. Cindy could feel her heart beat faster. What was she supposed to do? Three was a crowd, and she was so curious as to how they were going to do this.

  Somehow, things didn't go the way Cindy had expected. She expected to be disappointed. A big part of her expected to be left aside, with Helen at the center of everything, but now... Robert came up to her and started kissing her passionately. Cindy thought she was dreaming. His soft lips were pressed hard against hers. His tongue roaming the inside of her mouth. His strong arms gripping her once again. Pulling her clothes off slowly. But wait, what was that? It was not only his hands shamelessly touching her body. Not only his lips covering her skin with passionate kisses. Helen appeared to have joined in the game. Huh. Nice. Wasn't she a piece of work?

  Helen and Robert, the two of the more experienced persuasion, were all over Cindy. Just like two wolves on a lamb, Cindy thought. God, this was good. Slowly moving her hands around with her eyes closed, Cindy was feeling her way over naked bodies, sweating in ecstasy. Somebody kissed her. The lack of stubble on the face told her it was not Robert. Still refusing to open her eyes, Cindy marveled at the fact that she was in the middle of experiencing her very first kiss with a woman. It tasted sweet. It was strange. Smooth. Gentle. So much more so than any other kiss in her life. It almost made her regret not experimenting in college. A lesbian faze might have done her well. Luckily, it wasn't too late just yet.

  Helen was still kissing her, when she felt Robert's strong arms pull her legs apart. He was inside of her once again. Cindy's hands went wild. She could feel Helen's bony structure under her fingertips. She was amazed at her own natural reflex to squeeze Helen's firm breasts. To let her hand roam all over Helen's body. Robert was pulling out now, as a set of soft, sweet lips started going down on her. When she heard Helen's voice moaning, she just had to open her eyes. The sight was weirdly arousing. Cindy's legs were spread, as Helen was slouched between them, with Robert banging her hard from behind. She could feel the force with which he was ramming himself into her. Into both of them, at once.

  It made Cindy want more. She didn't know why she was so reluctant to try this. It was so exhilarating. Helen's hands were reaching up and around, touching Cindy in ways no man ever could. It was as if a burning ball of energy had formed at the top of Helen's lips, about to explode all over Cindy's body any minute now. Please, please, please don't stop now! She was moaning for more. Helen appeared to be going through a similar experience of her own.

  The outside air was chilly, and a full moon was peeking down on them from behind a cloud, when Cindy watched Robert's transformation begin, just as a sound of heavy footsteps appeared to be getting closer. A man in a uniform burst out through the door, as James the butler was unsuccessfully trying to stop him. The sight he ran into was enough to throw him off guard and make him stop cold. Two naked women in a threesome with a werewolf.

  His face turned pale. James, who was desperately running after the man, found himself genuinely concerned about the man's well-being. Cold sweat was running down the side of his face. He wasn't blinking. He wasn't breathing. He was pale like a corpse, and as still as one too.

  What felt like an eternity to the policeman, actually lasted for only an instant. Soon enough, he was his old self, all ready to protect and serve. His hands still shaking slightly, he managed to get his silver bullet ready. The beast didn't seem to be hurting the women. Just the contrary, they appeared to be enjoying everything it did to them. What kind of a Gomorrah did he just step into? What was he supposed to do now?

  Upon seeing the shock on the policeman's face, Helen turned to see what was going on. And nearly fainted. There was a partially transformed werewolf there with them. Slowly backing away from him, she looked at Cindy, who smiled at her. Cindy's calmness made things somewhat better. It still didn't explain a damn thing. So this Robert person was a werewolf? She was supposed to believe that this wonderful young man was the monster she had been looking for this whole time?

  Why the hell didn't Cindy say anything to her? Like, before there was an armed cop pointing his gun at them. His finger shaking on the trigger. Scared out of his mind. Dangerously close to f
iring. Dangerously close to killing them all.

  And not a soul in that small town would blame him.

  Volume Four – On The Run

  There they were, held at gunpoint, unsure of what to do next. Time appeared to have stopped, yet everything was happening so quickly. The policeman's steps running through the corridor. Getting closer. And closer. Voices shouting around them. Getting louder. Getting closer to them. It didn't sound an alarm back then. It didn't seem to matter at the time, for all three of them were in the process of getting closer to something as well, and nothing was going to stop them. But now... Now they could all feel the world tumbling down around them. There was nothing left to do but run for dear life. But how?

  The hand holding the gun was shaking in fear, which made it all the more dangerous. The policeman wasn't blinking. There was no telling what kind of a state he was in. He might kill them all on sight if any of them were to move a muscle. On the other hand, his heart might be giving out any minute now, by the look of it. He was muttering something under his breath. He might have been swearing. He might have been praying. From way over there, it could have been either one of those.

  The only thing Cindy could discern in this whole mess, was the concerned face of James, the butler. And it was enough to scare the life out of her. No, Willikins, or whatever his name was, was never ever worried. The world could be coming to an end and an army of the un-dead could be crawling all over him, trying to bust his head open and eat his brain, and he would still be fucking smiling! The lack of the freakish smile on James's face was freaking her out. Oh, right. And the man with a gun. There was that too. Great.

  The werewolf was the first one to make a move. His animal instincts were telling him that this was not the place he wanted to be right now, so he took off. In a blur, the two women could see how he jumped over the high fence and disappeared into the night. Running into the woods. And the policeman ran after him. He didn't shoot, he ran. Even though he had no chance of catching up with him. That was a relief on so many levels.


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