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Full Moon Secrets: The Complete Collection

Page 7

by Sophia Wilde

  This was their time to move. The cop was trying to catch up with the beast, completely forgetting about the two of them for the time being. They both knew that he would be back for them soon. And there would be no logical explanation they would be able to give him that would save them from being locked up for a very long time. They were accomplices to murder, after all. MurderS, that is. Staying here could bring them absolutely no good.

  "You should really get going." – the worried tone of the usually always so polite voice of the ever smiling James was ringing in Cindy's ears. The lack of the smile was almost painful, when he came up to them with a stern look in his eyes – "Right now."

  This could only mean that the thing had gotten really, REALLY bad, Cindy concluded. The butler was never, ever, worried. He was the smoothest guy she knew. He had a solution for everything. Seeing him worried made her fear for her life. It was like the entire universe had gone completely wrong.

  Putting their clothes on as fast as they could, the two women decided to make a run for the hills, following Robert's lead. Hurriedly, James handed Cindy a key, and she knew exactly where he wanted them to go. Maybe all was not lost after all. She knew that Robert had a cabin somewhere up there. He himself might be hiding up there right now. They just had to find exactly where it was. It would at least provide them with a safe place to clean up and hide for the night. After that... who knows? There would be time for thinking about the future later. Right now, they just had to make sure there would be a future to think of.

  The moonlight was playing tricks on their eyes. Somehow, it made the darkness even darker. Scarier. It felt as if countless pairs of eyes were following them from the shadows wherever they went. Cindy found herself caught in her childhood all over again. Trembling underneath her blanket. Too scared to go to the bathroom because of all the monsters that were waiting in the darkness. Waiting for her to leave the safety of her warm blanket behind her. It was amazing how much power a soft warm blanket possessed.

  While we are children, we can all sense what's going on around us. In the darkness of our wardrobes. Under our beds. In the shadows of the trees outside our windows. Once we grow up, we learn to make ourselves believe that there's nothing there. That there is nothing to be afraid of. And we grow up to be the protectors. Just like our parents. We transform completely, once a tiny someone walks through our bedroom door for the first time, scared senseless, looking for a comforting hug and a place to spend the night. Away from the monsters. That is when we all become those who will bravely comfort the little ones and provide shelter from the things we know don't even exist.

  But what now? How does a big, bad, grown-up protector of the little ones handle seeing with his own eyes all the things he always knew didn't even exist? How brave would a big, bad grown-up be if he were forced to hide in the deep darkness after seeing Evil itself enter it not even a minute ago? It was like that for Cindy and Helen. No matter how much they liked Robert, no matter how sweet they thought he was, they knew very well that the creature he always turned into under the full moon had very little to do with the real him. He himself begged Cindy to stay away from him when he was in that state. That was when he couldn't be held accountable for his actions.

  They could hear the cop coming back. His steps echoing confidently through the night. They didn't hear a shot. He didn't get Robert. But he was damn sure that he was going to get them. After all, it was just the two of them. The two frightened little city girls. Where would they go anyway? In the woods? They would come back crying and begging him to lock them up. Now that the initial shock had passed, he was ready for everything. He was looking for them. He would be following them. There was no time to be afraid of the dark. The darkness was their ally. This was the time to embrace it. Join the ones who were lurking in it. No matter how hard it would be.

  That was exactly what they did. Blending in with the heavy shadows the moonlight cast on the forest ground, they had a chance of going unnoticed by their persecutor. Standing calm. Hardly breathing at all. Feeling him walk right towards them. Careful not to move a muscle, so that they wouldn't give themselves away.

  It was amazing how loud a heart could beat when the only thing you wanted was to be completely silent, Cindy thought. And hers was beating as loud as a drum at a rock concert. He was so very close. Who knows if he could hear the drumming too...

  In that moment, something moved not far away from where they were hiding. The rustling of the leaves as it was running away was music to Cindy's ears, because it seemed to make the cop follow it. She felt like a wounded wild animal, hiding from the hunter. The fact that the hunter was hunting somebody else made her feel so good. The relief it brought her felt like nothing she had ever experienced. But, where was he now? Wait. Where was Helen?

  A pair of cold hands grabbed Cindy from behind, covering her mouth so as to prevent her from screaming out. Her heart started pounding even harder, but then she heard a soft whisper in her ear, asking her to calm down. Oh, so that's where Helen was. She was just waiting for a perfect chance to let Cindy know that she was right there next to her by scaring the crap out of her. Well, at least she was having fun.

  They kept going through the dark forest, climbing the hillside all the way to the top, silently looking back every now and then to make sure they were not being followed. Their eyes got used to the darkness, but that didn't make things a lot easier. It still felt as if something was after them. Lurking from the deepest dark. Stalking them, as if they were its prey. Just waiting for a chance to leap from the deepest of shadows and rip them apart. They knew damn well that the woods were no place to be at a night like this. At no night at all, ever, actually. If they had a choice, they would be nowhere near them ever again, but hey, life's a bitch.

  Salvation arrived in the form of a cozy looking little cabin. It was there, right in front of them, and yet somehow they were too scared to go near it. It belonged to Robert. Robert, the werewolf. Even if they did hope to find him there, the moon was still up. The full moon. This was not the right time to hang out with him.

  It was a tough call. Staying outside, where things even scarier than Robert could get to them, or going in and risking finding him in there? The wind was rising now. There would be no way of knowing what the rustling in the leaves was. Cindy and Helen were getting anxious, so they decided to get closer to have a better look. From way over where they were, it didn't look like anyone was there, but you can never be too careful.

  So they got closer. Peeking in through the window, all they could see was darkness. The moonlight illuminated some parts of the room. Dusty sheets covering some furniture nobody has been using in a long time, apparently. There was no noise coming from within. It seemed safe to conclude that the cabin was completely empty. Werewolves were night creatures. What would one of them be doing just hanging out in a cute little cabin at the top of a hill? Werewolves don't hide. They get hidden from.

  The two women decided to go in. It would be much safer for them that way. It looked as if nobody had been there in years. That was a good thing. The place looked forgotten. The cop probably wouldn't think to look for them there. Robert was nowhere to be seen, but, hopefully, he was safe and sound and as far away from them as possible. At least until morning.

  The cabin was even nicer than it looked from the outside. It had a working bathroom and the softest beds in the world. Or at least that was what it seemed to the two of them right then and there. They were safe for the night. They had each other. Actually, it was all they did have at the moment. They should make the best of it.

  Building a fire and heating up the water took no time at all. The two women acted as if they were on vacation. A nice little weekend getaway just for the two of them. It was funny, wasn't it? They had shared an intimate experience just a few hours ago, and here they were now. Now that the hard part seemed to be over, and they could finally relax, Cindy felt a slight discomfort. She had just been in a threesome with this woman. Like a virgin, embarrassed after h
er very first time, she was wondering if Helen had had a good time as well. She felt good in Helen's company, but still... It was a tough question to ask.

  Helen didn't seem to have this problem. Ever since they got there, she was just chattering away. Maybe it was her strange little way to deal with this. Her mood appeared to change from one moment to the other. One moment, she was frightened, the next, she was little miss sunshine. Well, at least she got a chance to speak to Cindy alone and clear up some things. Somehow, she always managed to find a positive side to any situation. And then, her face took on a strange expression. There was something she needed to get off her chest. She appeared to be sad. What was that all about now?

  Apparently, Helen found it sad that Cindy didn't seem to be able to open up to her even after all these years. Why didn't she tell her about Robert? Helen wasn't a monster, she would have understood. She would have helped her keep this a secret. And now... It was too late. Now it would be out for the whole world to know.

  Okay, she had to admit, there might have been a slight chance that she would be tempted to publish the story. It was proof that an entire new race existed, for heaven's sake! Werewolves. Bloody fucking werewolves! A piece of a fairy tale, brought to life! But had Cindy explained it all to her, she would have backed away. Robert seemed like a nice guy. He shouldn't be punished because the animal inside of him killed some people completely against his will. It really wasn't his fault. And yet, the burden of it was his to bare. That was making her sad too. It was something Helen could understand. And she could understand why Cindy liked him so much. She was just disappointed that the Cindy she thought she knew pretty well.. The Cindy she thought she knew well enough to trust with such a personal assignment, had such a bad opinion on her. She thought they were friends. Well, as much as one could ever be friends with one's boss.

  Cindy was left speechless. She honestly couldn't tell why she said nothing about Robert being a werewolf even after she realized that Helen wasn't in this for the headline. She was scared. She didn't want to complicate things any further by dragging Helen in with her. So she ended up making everything so much worse. She was so sorry, she said, as tears started rolling down her face. All she wanted to do right now was to wake up. To be back in the big city. To be late for work as she so often was. To be complaining about having to do some lame little stories she hated doing so much. She would have given anything for a lame little story right now. She would have done anything to get that life back, because she knew it was a life she would never get to lead again. Huh. It looked like they were right when they said that you never really did know what you had until you lose it. And right there, in that cabin, through tears that never seem to stop, Cindy realized how fucking lucky she had been her whole life. The ungrateful little brat.

  There it was. A point of no return has been crossed, and Cindy could no longer stop the tears. And with them, a whole lot of her craziness spilled out for Helen to drown in. But she didn't. She just sat there, looking at Cindy with an understanding look in her eyes. A gentle hand brushed against her cheek, wiping it dry, only to have the wild salty river make it all wet again. Helen pressed Cindy against herself in a comforting embrace. It was warm. It felt really good. It made Cindy calm down a little. Almost as if everything was going to be okay again. Almost, but not quite.

  "Okay, it wasn't all that bad." – Helen smiled – "We did have a good time back there, didn't we? That was a side of you I had never seen. Actually, I never could have imagined that it even existed."

  There was a spark in her eye as she said this, and a strange feeling caught hold of Cindy. Something had shifted between the two women and suddenly, everything felt so much different. The innocent comforting hug gradually turned into a passionate embrace. Helen's hands started roaming over Cindy's back, finding their way to her front. Squeezing her breasts. Feeling her skin crawl under her fingertips as her breathing got heavier and louder by the minute.

  Cindy's face was still covered in tears, even though she wasn't crying anymore. She wasn't doing anything anymore. She was in shock. This was not something she was expecting to happen. The fact that she was looking forward to what was going to happen next was the real surprise. Looking at her boss's wonderful smile. Not able to move a muscle. Amazed at her own incredible desire to feel so much more of Helen. To touch her soft flowery scented skin again. To taste its sweetness again.

  Helen's hand gently slid across Cindy's face again, wiping the tears away once more. Slowly passing under her eyes. Down her smooth cheek. Until it got to her lips. Her full, soft lips. She passed over them with her fingers and lingered there for a while. As if she were making some kind of a very important decision. And then she leaned in and kissed her.

  Cindy knew that kiss. She remembered it from before. It was so soft and so sweet like no kiss she had ever experienced in her entire life. Until tonight. It was a woman's kiss. It was a kiss that changed her life in a way. It was so much more gentle than anything she had ever felt. And yet, she would find a way to ruin the experience.

  In the midst of it all, Cindy's mind managed to find a way to miss the rugged stubble of a man's face. The roughness it brought to such a gentle an act. She shook it off immediately. What was happening here and now was freaking amazing, and what was she doing? Bullshit! She wasn't going to ruin it by bringing a man into it. Especially when the sole thought of the one she had come to think of as "her" man over the last couple of months made her worry sick. It made her want to cry again. And that would not fix a damn thing.

  So she decided to let herself go. To let this wonderful woman bring her back to life. There was nothing she could do for Robert right now, but to wait. She needed to do this for herself. She needed to stop herself from going crazy. The decision itself appeared to have such a great power. It gave her back the ability to make a move. To take some action. Helen's skin was so smooth and soft under her hands. The gentle moaning as she was touching her all over sounded so nice. She liked the fact that Helen was pleased by what she was doing. Even though it made her feel as if she were in the middle of a disgusting little porno movie. "An eager young reporter does EVERYTHING to please her boss", Cindy could almost see the title on a racy website, as she was kissing her way down Helen's neck and over her breasts.

  As always when she would start over-thinking things, which she so often tended to do, she started freaking out. What the hell was she doing? And how the hell was she going to do it? She had never gone down on a woman before. What if she was really really bad at it?

  "Is everything okay?" – Fuck. Helen could tell there was something off. – "You don't have to do this, you know." – she was saying and Cindy could see that it was time to make the leap. And so she did. She was not going to let this whole low self-esteem business take this away from her. She was finally being what she was supposed to be. Young. Adventurous. Reckless. Everything she had never been before. So she just said:

  "No. I am just scared. It has been such a long and strange day." – and let go of all the fear, diving into a woman's body for the very first time in her life.

  This shouldn't be all that difficult. They were both women. Both of their bodies worked in the same way. Pretty much. It was a perfect set up. There was no need for any kind of guess work. She knew exactly how she should treat another woman. She knew exactly how to drive another woman crazy. She knew how she wanted to be treated.

  As her tongue gently rolled over Helen's clitoris, the moaning got louder. Hell yes, she was on to something here! Helen's whole body was going wild, and Cindy was responsible for it. Her hands clutching at the sheets. Sweat covering the skin of her silky thighs. Cindy was loving every minute of it. The tastes. The smells. The softness of Helen's skin. The way her bosom heaved from excitement.

  Who knew giving a woman an orgasm could be so satisfying? No wonder men always bragged about it. It was, in fact, a big deal, Cindy thought as she lay next to breathless Helen. You never could get such a reaction from a man. They would enjoy sex,
but not make such a big fuss about it. Most of them wouldn't make a peep. But women... When you did a good job by a woman, you got a real show. And it was a delight to watch and listen.

  Men are easy. In most respects. They are so easily satisfied. As long as they are not hungry or thirsty, and as long as they have a hole to stick their dick in, they are happy. Women are generally much harder to please. Both under the sheets and otherwise.

  You are being a pig again, Cindy. Or are you? Well, she could honestly say she never saw a man crying about how his night was ruined because the store had every kind of chocolate other than the one he wanted. Not once. While she herself had done precisely that, like, a thousand times by now. Stereotypes always had a tiny amount of some fundamental truth in them, Cindy believed. If they didn't, why would they even exist?

  A stereotype was that making a woman happy was a difficult thing to do. And right about now, a very happy woman indeed was interrupting her train of thought because she was about to return the favor. Eager to do so, as a matter of fact. Cindy appeared to be in for a very exciting night. And she was looking forward to it so very much.

  The wind was violently bending the trees outside their window. The sound of it was just the thing the cracking of the fire needed to complete the atmosphere. Such a romantic setting and a hot piece of ass to make love to all night long. What more could a girl possibly want? So Cindy let go. No more thinking. It was the thinking that always somehow managed to ruin everything. Enough. It's not every day that she got to experience something like that.

  Dawn was on the verge of breaking in through the dusty window, and the two women were still wide awake in each other's arms. It felt good. It was so simple, how they had managed to make each other forget about all the scary things lurking in the night. None of it existed right now. And here, the sun was about to shine bright on them really soon. And there would be absolutely nothing left to fear. At least for a short while.


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