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Herobrine Scared Stiff

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by Zack Zombie

  I couldn’t believe it. Minecraft Zombies and Creepers have invaded the human world!

  Chapter 4

  Preparing for the Party

  I wanted to run out and warn everybody, but I was too scared to move. What if there were more mobs coming out? Or what if they pushed me into the portal?!! I couldn’t take the risk. I held tight and continued to watch.

  The more I watched, the weirder things got. The wizard boy and the other kids joked around like it was normal to have man-eating Zombies and exploding Creepers hanging around. Suddenly, the wizard boy’s mom called to the kids from the kitchen doorway. The kids ran into the house and, to my complete surprise, the Zombies and Creepers ran in too. This was serious. I had to warn people or human life as they knew it would be totally over.

  I crept out from behind the bush and tiptoed down the side path and through the garden gate into the street. As I backed away, I bumped into someone. I was so scared I screamed like a little girl! What was behind me? Could it be another Creeper? As I turned around, I breathed a huge sigh of relief. Luckily, it was only Lucy lurking behind me.

  “Where have you been?” she asked. “I’ve been searching all over for you. We need to get home. My friends are coming over soon for the Halloween party.”

  “But I just saw Zombies and Creepers!”

  “We haven’t got any more time for that now. We’ve still got lots to prepare at home. Come on!”

  Wow. Lucy must have a heart of steel.

  After what I told her, she just acted like having man-eating Zombies and exploding Creepers in her neighborhood were no big deal.

  I looked back at the spooky house and could just about see in through the living room window. The kids now seemed be playing a game, but I couldn’t see the Minecraft mobs anywhere. I squinted harder because the room was so dark. Suddenly, a Creeper sprung up at the window and stared straight at me. I panicked and ran for my life. I caught up with Lucy, jumped up the steps to her house and slammed the door behind me.

  “What’s all the noise for?” Mrs. Lurker asked, not looking up from the sandwiches she was preparing in the kitchen. “It sounds like a herd of elephants came storming through the door.”

  Noticing that I was still wearing the bedsheet from the spare bed, Lucy quickly pulled it off of me and threw it into the cupboard under the stairs.

  “Sorry for making such a noise, Mrs. Lurker,” I replied. “I’m just… err… excited to be at my first Halloween party.”

  “Good for you, Herobrine,” she replied. “Now both of you come here and help me carry this food over to the dinning room table.”

  The food Mrs. Lurker had prepared looked amazing. There were mini finger sausages, potato chips, fruit and all kinds of sandwiches. They even had my favorite human food, cheese squares!

  “Do we need to carve this fruit too?” I asked, heading to the kitchen drawer to get the carving tools.

  Lucy and her mom gave me a strange look and then continued putting the food out. Once everything was ready, we took out some orange and black decorations and hung them up around the room. I was given the task of helping Lucy pin things up. I guess my square head made a good step stool.

  Once the decorating was done. It was time to prepare some Halloween party games. Mrs. Lurker had everything organized, so Lucy and I did our best to help.

  The first thing we did was take a tray of donuts into the garden. Lucy had to tie some string around each donut and then my job was to hang the donuts from a pole just above my head.

  “What’s this for?” I asked.

  “We do this every year. This is a game called the Donut Eating Race. We each have to wear a blindfold and then try to be the quickest to eat a donut.”

  “Oh! Wouldn’t it be quicker if you just served it on a plate?” I asked.

  “Of course, but it wouldn’t be as much fun. Now head inside and get the next things from mom.”

  I went back inside to see Mrs. Lurker. To my surprise, she was holding several rolls of toilet paper and dumped them into my arms.

  “I don’t think I have to go right now, Mrs. Lurker,” I said.

  “No, no…they’re for the party. They need to stay down here,” Mrs. Lurker said. “Put them on the couch will you, Herobrine?”

  I did as she asked, but I was confused as to why the toilet paper was being put on the couch.

  Lucy walked in and could obviously see the confused look on my face.

  “The toilet roll is for another game,” she said. “For that game we have to wrap each other from head to toe and pretend we’re mummies.”

  I turned to look at Mrs. Lurker because I was totally confused.

  Lucy’s mom didn’t have any toilet paper wrapped around her, so I was sure I had missed something.

  Maybe she puts it on after she uses the bathroom, I thought.

  “If we have enough, we can even look like Ancient Egyptian Mummies,” Lucy replied.

  I just kept looking at Lucy’s mom to see if I could make sense of what she was talking about, but I couldn’t figure it out for the life of me.

  “Bring some toilet tissue outside too,” Lucy said.

  That kind of made more sense to me, since back home we didn’t have indoor toilets.

  But Lucy took the rolls of toilet paper and set them up in the shape of a pyramid. It seemed that the final game we had to set up was called pumpkin bowling. The idea of that game was to roll pumpkins at the toilet paper pyramid to see if you can knock them over.

  I guess the winner of the game gets to “go” first while everybody else has to wait their turn.

  Now, while it was great fun helping Lucy prepare the Halloween party games, I was still really distracted. I couldn’t get the image of those Zombies and Creepers out of my head. I needed time to formulate a plan to destroy them before they ate Lucy and all her family and friends.

  I headed up stairs and sat down on Lucy’s bed while she helped her mom put the finishing touches on all decorations.

  How did the wizard boy manage to get the Minecraft mobs to come through the portal? I thought. In fact, how did he create the portal in the first place? They don’t have any obsidian here, do they?

  He must have some sort of special Minecraft power. But where did he get it? I closed my eyes and tried to remember what happened earlier. Was it his hat that gave him the power? Naw, it looked kind of homemade. Maybe it was his outfit? Nah…that looked kind of homemade too. But then, I remembered the magical staff!

  Whoa! I remembered he held it over his head when he chanted the words. I bet the staff was the key to his power. I realized that I needed to find the wizard boy, steal his staff and return those Zombies and Creepers back to The Overworld before it was too late. But how to do it?

  I figured my best bet was to head back to the wizard boy’s house. If I found the boy, I’d find the staff.

  Suddenly, my concentration was broken as I heard the sound of muffled music coming from downstairs. I opened the bedroom door and the music became louder.

  I stood at the top of the stairs, preparing to go down, when the door bell rang. It seemed that the party was getting starting.

  Lucy came running to answer the door in her witch outfit. Before she even pulled the door halfway open a group of little astronauts, princesses and pirates came flooding in. They all headed straight for the dining room table and began digging into the food. I started walking downstairs. This was my opportunity to sneak out the door and then secretly find my way back to the wizard boy’s house. But, suddenly the doorbell rang again. I jumped back to the top of the stairs and looked down as Lucy answered the door again. To my horror, in through the door came the wizard boy!

  He hugged Lucy. I couldn’t see him really well, because Lucy was blocking my view. As he walked past her towards the living room I noticed he was
carrying two things. In his left hand was a Halloween cake in a box. And in his right hand was the magical staff!

  It was at that moment that I knew I had to do what I did best. I had to hide in a dark place and seize my chance to creep up to the wizard boy and take the staff. That was the only way I could save the town from a killer Minecraft mob attack!

  Chapter 5

  The Magic Staff

  I reached the bottom of the stairs and glanced into the living room. Kids were dancing and eating the party food, and it seemed like they were having a fantastic time, completely oblivious to the terror that lurked only a few houses down the street.

  I looked for the wizard boy, but couldn’t see him. The room was pretty packed. He must have removed his hat or I would have seen it sticking out above everyone else. That made me think he knew I was onto him.

  Just then, the lights went off. Mrs. Lurker turned the music up louder and some flashing disco lights came on. The party was in full swing, which created the perfect situation for me to find that staff. I sneaked into the living room, being sure to creep across the walls so I couldn’t be seen. I realized my eyes were shining really bright so I tried to cover them up so that they wouldn’t give me away.

  Suddenly, a kid dressed as a Toilet Paper Mummy spotted me. He stared at my glowing eyes and took a step towards me to take a better look.

  I realized I was right next to the disco lights. So, I put my hands in front of my eyes and moved them up and down. It made it look like my eyes were flashing, which blended into the disco lights perfectly. All of a sudden, the boy started to bounce up and down to the rhythm of the flashes coming from my eyes. Then the other kids started to join him. Next thing you know the whole room was dancing to the rhythm of my flashing eyes. So I was stuck there for at least four songs. Finally, they started some party games so the kids moved onto something else.

  After, I moved around to where the wizard boy was. He was standing next to Lucy. More importantly, I couldn’t believe how relaxed he looked considering he’d just released man-eating Zombies and exploding Creepers into the world.

  But where was his staff?

  I thought he would be holding it because it was so powerful, but I couldn’t see it anywhere. He definitely had it with him when he entered the house, so I figured it had to be around there somewhere. I crept close to the wall and decided to move into the dining room to take a look.

  Just then, Mrs. Lurker bumped into me. She was holding a plate of small cakes and asked me something. The music was so loud I couldn’t hear a word she said. All I could see was the movement of her lips. I shook my square head and she moved on to the next kid.

  I moved on quickly and eventually stepped into the dining room. This seemed to be the area where kids were keeping their stuff. So, if the staff was anywhere, surely it had to be there.

  Then, as I moved people’s stuff, I found what I was searching for. There, underneath a vampire cape was the wizard boy’s magic staff! I grabbed it and felt a rush of energy flow through me. The power of the magical Minecraft staff was now mine. It was time to restore order to the human world, but first I had to get back in front of that Minecraft portal.

  There was no way I was going to be able to sneak back though the house to the front door. There were way too many kids in the living room now, plus the doorbell had run again which meant more kids were flooding into the house. My only possible exit was through the back door. That meant moving through the kitchen where the lights were still on. I could see most of the kitchen from where I was standing. No one was in there, so I ran for it. I darted though the door, glanced over my shoulder and pulled on the handle of the back door.

  The kitchen door swung open. I jumped though, closed it as quietly as I could behind me and dived behind the trashcan on the patio. I peered over the top as Mrs. Lurker walked into the kitchen, added some more food to her tray and then left again.

  I breathed a huge sigh of relief. I had the magical staff. Now I had to find a way to get those Zombies and Creepers back to The Overworld and close that portal forever!

  Chapter 6

  Running from the Mob

  I headed to the end of the back garden and stepped though the gate. On the other side was a poorly lit pathway but it seemed to run the full length of the street. It’s times like these that make me really glad to have flashlights for eyeballs. So I followed the path to get to the wizard boy’s house.

  I began the journey to rediscover the Minecraft portal, but as I walked along I realized the short journey was going to be harder than I had imagined. I stumbled over soda cans, tripped over pizza boxes and a black cat darted out in front of me, scaring the living daylights out of me. Finally, I stepped in a huge wad of gum! My square foot was stuck to the concrete and I couldn’t pull it free. Eventually, I managed to use the magic staff to lever my foot from the ground. Then it took me ten minutes to scrape the gum off my foot because of my thick, square fingers. And then it took another ten minutes to get the gum off of my fingers.

  Eventually, I arrived at the back gate of the wizard boy’s house. It was easy to find because of the giant Minecraft portal that stuck out in the back garden.

  I crouched by the gate to allow my glowing eyes to light the area in front of me. I found the latch and lifted it. The gate creaked as I pushed it open, causing a dog to bark next door, but other than that no one seemed to notice.

  I stepped into the garden and slowly approached the portal, holding the magic staff in front of me. I had no idea if any more mobs had been unleashed or whether any were about to jump out from the bushes.

  I moved around to the front of the portal. A huge light shone onto the purple haze as it seemed to move in the light breeze. I looked around to make sure nobody else was near.

  Once I was confident the coast was clear, I stood firm, planted the staff on the ground and began to chant. Except, I realized I didn’t know what to say. So I just made it up as it came to me.

  “Uh… Minecraft mobs away!…err… Minecraft mobs vanish!… Minecraft mobs go home already!”

  But before I could complete my chants a floodlight on the back of the house turned on, filling the entire garden with light.

  “Hey! Who’s out there?” an angry man yelled.

  I quickly turned around to see a hairy, bald man leaning out of an upstairs window in his white tank top. He squinted as he tried to focus. I stood as still as I could, hoping he wouldn’t see me. But, he spotted me and started yelling inside at the lady in there with him.

  “Hey! Marge! Call the cops, there’s a weird looking square thing in our garden with a baseball bat.”

  It looked like I was in serious trouble! Suddenly, the hairy bald man came hurtling into the garden from the back door and lunged at me. I jumped to the side as he fell face down on the grass. He turned a weird shade of red and looked really sweaty. I think it was time for me to get out of there!

  I ran down the side entrance and out into the street.

  “There’s a kid in a refrigerator box trying to rob us!” the man cried, running down his sidewalk as lights flicked on in every house in the street. “Grab him!”

  Front doors flew open and people came running from their houses armed with wooden spoons, spatulas and any other potential weapon they could find. I turned towards Lucy’s house and ran as fast as I could.

  Still, I was no match for the pace of the mob! They formed together as a group and raced after me with their wooden spoons and spatulas waving angrily in the air. I don’t know if it was the full moon or the fact that it was Halloween, but it seemed like people were really angry for some reason. So I just ran as fast as I could.

  I looked over my shoulder and the mob was gaining fast.

  Just then, I spotted a house with large, rectangular pillars. It seemed I couldn’t outrun the mob, so I needed a better plan. I darted up the steps to the
house and hid behind one of the pillars. I held my breath and clutched the magical staff against my chest. Luckily, the mob continued shouting and ran straight past me. I waited for a minute for them to move further down the street, then I crept out and ran to Lucy’s house, having one last look for the mob or any Zombies and Creepers on my way.

  The moment I reached Lucy’s house I bounded up the steps, opened the door, threw my body inside and slammed the door behind me, resting my back against it.

  I’d had quite a fright. If the mob had caught me, I had no idea what would have happened. I was glad to be back in Lucy’s house. At least I would be safe here.

  It was then that I looked up. Every mini-monster in the room was staring at me. And the wizard boy was in front looking really, really mad.

  Chapter 7

  Into the Void

  “Hey! The box kid stole my staff! Give it back!”

  The wizard boy stepped forward and grabbed the staff, but I wasn’t going to let go that easily. I tugged it towards my square body, but the wizard boy seemed to have powers greater than I had expected and yanked it back towards him. As I gave a final tug and pulled it back into my grasp, I glanced amongst the kids to search for Lucy. It was then that I saw the Zombies and Creepers! They were huddled at the back eating mini-sausages.


  I began pushing the kids towards the door as they shouted at me and tried to push me back. I couldn’t believe they weren’t as terrified as I was. I realized I needed to take drastic action. If the kids weren’t going to run for safety I had to find a way of destroying the Minecraft mobs there and then.


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