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Carrying the Torch: Complete Trilogy

Page 17

by Dinia Steel

  Suzanne gazed down into her hands, then into the fire burning in the fireplace they were sitting in front of before looking back at James. "Ok. I get it, I think…" She paused again. "Just what are we going to do tonight then?"

  "We…" James indicated the two of them and the others. "…Will be going on what's known as a path-working that entails us to all visualize the same settings and to concentrate upon the words of that path working."

  "You'll be leading us?" Suzanne asked quietly.

  "Yes," James’ answer was firm. "Will you trust me to not lead you astray?"

  Again, Suzanne gazed into the fire, thinking. "You know I do. I'm not sure why, but I do," With her answer, Suzanne got up and left the room.

  James continued to sit in the easy chair staring into the fire. Tonight they would concentrate on Harry. After he came back, then they would all concentrate on Reggie. It seemed too much to hope it would all be accomplished tonight. James had no such expectations. He smiled to himself, but I can dream.


  Chapter 37

  About 7:45 pm, everyone came into the library and began setting up the room, so they wouldn't have to spend precious moments later moving stuff around and more time getting relaxed again.

  James already asked Carol Ryker to be sure to have the coffeemaker primed and ready to go, so all they needed to do was flip the switch. She also was asked to have the electric teakettle ready to go, since a couple of those present drank tea instead of coffee.

  At 7:55 pm, both Harry and Reggie were brought into the room and seated comfortably where James asked them to be. When the mantle clock over the library fireplace struck eight times, James cleared his throat.

  All eyes in the room turned to him.

  He began the instructions to breathe deeply, hold for the six counts, then to release the breath slowly, emptying from the bottom of the lungs first and to continue breathing this way until asked to do otherwise.

  It seemed to take everyone forever to really settle in, but in reality, it’d only been about five minutes.

  Then James’ speaking voice took on a deeper quality, more masterful.

  All those assembled, including Suzanne, were fully relaxed and ready to follow James’ instructions.

  "Visualize a blue mist gathering around our feet. We are all dressed comfortably wearing loose fitting clothing of neutral colors along with whatever foot gear is most comfortable for you...This is the order we will assemble ourselves in: Harry walking next to me, Reggie and Suzanne next, with Josephine and Leo last. We are going to a small ancient Grecian style temple that is located on the top of a verdant hill overlooking a placid ocean. The sun will be shining brightly, but the temperature will not be too hot nor too cold.”

  As the blue mist cleared, they were able to see their destination just up the hill a short distance. They seemed to reach it in no time at all. Once there, they took in the appearance of the Temple.

  The columns are of white and black marble with the floor being paved in black and white checkerboard. In the very center was a fire pit. Embedded in the floor around the fire pit was a tile working of a sunburst in the colors of the rainbow. There was no fire burning within it at present. They entered the Temple and placed themselves around the cold fire pit.

  Another voice took over at that exact moment. James knew better than to comment because he’d hoped this would happen, but had been prepared in case it didn't.

  It was Harry who was speaking. The words were of a language not spoken aloud in ten thousand years. However, everyone assembled knew exactly what was being said. Although if asked how they knew, they would not have been able to say.

  When the last word left Harry's lips, he held his hands over the empty and cold hearth, only to have flames leap upward.

  Everyone present would have sworn they heard the sound of children laughing as the flames leaped to life.

  A different voice continued... "Brothers and Sisters in Light, we are assembled here to see if we can ascertain the reason for the silence of our Brother, Harry. We need to tell a story so you will all understand the gravity of this child's silence. It is not a long story, but it is a painful one for Harry. We must look back into the dim past of Alexandria Egypt where the Mother of Books was established, followed by where the greatest school of its time was located. This school was headed by an extremely intelligent, though headstrong woman, who did not bow down to any man. Though many bowed down to her because of her status as head of this powerful school. There was a new religion gaining power that believed in only one god rather than that one God made manifest in many different personalities. This new religion was banked upon the teachings of a young Rabbi by the name of Yeshua ben Yosef. The followers of this new religion were adamant that everyone should recognize and accept it as the one true religion. Most of the people of Alexandria were falling into step with the demands of the leader of this new religion.”

  The group listened in obvious fascination.

  “All but the head of the school of Alexandria. She challenged this new belief and more importantly, it's leader. This man could not abide that a mere woman was able to hold so much power over the minds of so many people who lived there, to say nothing of the rest of the followers of her pagan ways. A plot was formed that the next time she left the confines of the Temple grounds, she would be attacked and murdered by a mob of believers of this new religion. A very young and impressionable young woman was given the task of letting those who wanted to kill the school's head to do so when the time was right. The fateful day arrived and the message was sent when the school’s director, would be leaving for a trip out into the desert around high noon. The mob was waiting for her just outside the gates of the school. They stoned her, while she was driving through the marketplace. When she fell to the ground, they tied her unconscious body behind one of her horses and dragged her through the streets of Alexandria, until there was little left to recognize as having once been human."

  As soon as the last word rang through the air, Harry let out a strangled cry and fell to his knees, crying uncontrollably.

  Immediately, James helped Suzanne stand him up and they left the Temple as the flames had gone out, which was to be their signal that the meditation was finished. Hurriedly, they made their way out of the temple, down the hill, into the blue mists, and found themselves once again, sitting in James’ library.

  Harry was kneeling on the floor, no longer crying. When it became apparent everyone was once again fully back, Harry rose and walked to stand in front of the fireplace.

  Suzanne started to go to him, but James stopped her.

  Very faintly, Harry began to speak, "That was me. I told when Hypatia was to leave the temple grounds. Even though I've lived many lives since then, I've kept myself mute out of shame and as a penitence for having betrayed my teacher and very good friend. I am assured that I have punished myself enough now. That I should regain my voice and use it to help bring back one of our own. I am given to know the woman who was Hypatia in that lifetime has long since forgiven me. That it’s time to forgive myself.” Once again, he started to sob.

  James stood and walked over to stand beside him. “Harry, it is time. As we always tend to do, you are so much harder on yourself than is expected or necessary. You are needed now, Harry; to help another young woman regain not only her voice, but her life as it should be."

  Harry squared his shoulders, turned and faced the others. "Hello everyone. Can we wait until tomorrow to begin our work with Reggie? I'm both very hungry and tired at the same time."

  Just then, the mantle clock chimed nine times.

  Everyone stood up, stretched and left for the kitchen for something to eat and drink.

  James felt a little disappointed as he wanted it all done now, but understood it wasn’t possible. He stood gazing down at Reggie as she sat on the couch.

  He could dream, though.


  Chapter 38


  Long he
bore his shame

  Silence was his name

  Radiant was the forgiving heart

  Called now to heal one set apart

  Original Poem Written for

  “Keeper of the Flame” by Redbadams7

  Everyone adjourned to the kitchen to see what there was to eat.

  Ms. Ryker was hard at work cooking. She looked up giving a very sweet motherly smile. "I figured you'd be ready to eat when you got through with your conference." She started to turn back to the stove, but stopped midway, "Is Harry going to be staying with you from now on, too? If so, I'm going to need to get more groceries."

  With a little investigation, and before Ms. Ryker ran everyone out of the kitchen to set the dining table, they determined that she'd cooked them a pot roast with carrots and potatoes and green beans. Yum.

  While waiting for the feast, James asked Suzanne if it would be possible for Harry to come and live with him. “I have plenty of room and a place for a private nurse for him also,” he explained.

  Since Suzanne is Harry's caseworker, her input would go a long way. Harry had family, but none of them could be bothered with him. "I don't see it being a problem, James. You'd be taking in another mouth that the State has to feed, and you are wealthy enough to pass any monetary concerns. I'll have someone from my office fax the proper paperwork to you in the morning and we can get the ball rolling. In the meantime, I'll leave him here with you."

  "Just a minute, Suzanne, we need to see what Harry's wishes are on this," James reminded her. "Harry, would you like to live with Reggie and me…here?"

  Harry looked very tired and old beyond his young years. "I think that would be the best James, if you'll have me."

  It seemed evident now… Harry had come back. The others didn't need to be around. At least until the next weekend when they would all do more work.

  "Yes, Harry, I'd be honored if you'd share my home with me. There's a great deal for you to catch up on, I think." James placed a hand on Harry's thin shoulder. "First and foremost, though, I think it's food that you need!"

  Just as the words escaped James' mouth, Ms. Ryker and Oscar came into the dining room, carrying the night meal on trays.

  The pointed look Suzanne gave Oscar wasn’t lost on Josephine and James, nor the look Oscar returned to Suzanne. It was all James and Josephine could do to keep from laughing out loud.

  Once the food had been passed around and everyone had their plates full, they all dug in with gusto.


  Once the dinner plates were cleared and coffee, tea and juice sat on the sideboard to have with the dessert Ms. Ryker provided, everyone sat back and relaxed.

  Suzanne was staring at Harry and he seemed to become visibly irritated. "What?"

  Unabashed Suzanne asked, "Have you always been aware, but just didn't want to reply or interact in anyway with the rest of the world?"

  Sighing heavily Harry responded, "I could always hear, but my body was unable to respond even though in my mind, I knew I could if I so chose to. I just didn't choose to. I felt I had said too much already in the past." Harry looked around the table before continuing, "But then, you know that now."

  James shook his head while looking levelly at Harry. "You just have to really forgive yourself now, Harry. The members of our Order have forgiven you."

  "Yes, I understand that, there is one more who really needs to forgive me." The beginnings of tears were streaking along his thin cheeks. “You do know who Hypatia is today, don't you?" He looked around the table. "Today…you call her Regina Adams."


  Chapter 39

  The expression, ‘you could have heard a pin drop,’ came to mind. A collective gasp escaped those around the table. All eyes were trained on Harry.

  Sitting back in his chair, James cocked his head to one side studying Harry.

  Josephine kept nodding her head in agreement. "Oh! That makes so much more sense. I can see it more clearly now. That's the piece that was missing!" Her eyes were locked onto Harry but not seeing him in the now.

  "Holy Shit!" Leo exclaimed.

  "Wait—what?" Was Suzanne's brilliant response.

  James turned his head to regard Josephine. "Josephine?" he asked very softly. "Josephine, look at me, please."

  Josephine looked over at him her eyes locking with his.

  Give me your thoughts. James’ inner voice commanded.

  Josephine's vision: A young girl watches from the gate’s tower as the crowd surges around the single horse chariot. A single agonized scream pierces the air and the crowd's voice rises in a triumphant yell. The child crumples to the floor and does not witness the lifeless body being tied to the back of the chariot and dragged through the marketplace. When the girl regains consciousness, she can't live with the guilt of what she's done and she throws herself from that same tower's wall.

  No one pays attention to the broken lifeless body of that child.

  No one mourns.

  The only human who really cared for this young innocent girl has been murdered by a mob. A mob that same child had informed that her mistress was leaving the Temple grounds.

  Josephine's eyes were the only ones filled with tears for the child.

  Leo pulled Josephine into his lap as she cried silently.

  Harry put his head in his hands and his narrow shoulders were shaking. He raised his gaze to Josephine. "Thank you, Josephine. After all these hundreds of years, someone finally shed tears for the child that I was."

  "I understand so much better," James declared. "That explains a great deal. To be the cause of a life being taken, creates a Karmic debt, and then to take one’s own life adds to that burden tenfold." James felt so much sorrow inside. "Harry, I'm so sorry we didn't know before."

  Tears were still streaming down Harry's face, he smiled wanly at James. "How could you know, James? It's not like we didn't lose touch with each other over the centuries."

  "I understand that Harry, just seems the Brotherhood would have made sure we knew what had been going on." James shook his head. "We have to figure out a way that we'll all know in the future...somehow."

  "How would that be possible James?" Harry asked. "This is the first time in hundreds of years, that we' were all incarnated at the same time."

  Josephine left Leo's lap and went to kneel next to James' chair. "He's right you know, James. Leo and I have had more incarnations together than the rest of you have...for some reason." She glanced at her love, her husband, with deep affection and pride. She then stood up, moved to Harry and put her arms around his thin neck. "We're together now, Harry, and we'll help each other through this. And maybe, just maybe, we'll help each other absolve some other debts too." Again, Josephine wore that faraway look she always got when she was seeing something. "That's why we're together now - to absolve each other."


  Chapter 40

  As if a silent agreement had been reached, everyone except Harry and James headed upstairs to their rooms for the night.

  "Please come with me to the library, Harry,” James said. “There are some things I need to discuss with you that I don't necessarily want the others to hear," They got up from the table and walked into the library. James motioned for Harry to have a seat. He got himself a brandy, but didn’t offer one to the teen, then sat in one of the comfy chairs in front of the fireplace across from where Harry sat. He stared down into the swilling golden liquid in the brandy snifter, collecting his thoughts. "Harry, there are some things about Reggie, you and I need to discuss before our next group session,"

  Harry silently stared at James, waiting for him to continue.

  "It was Josephine, Leo and I who burned Reggie's conscious mind out, or would it be more accurate to say paralyzed it..." Suddenly, it occurred to James, that he couldn't hear Harry's thoughts. "Harry! I can't hear you. I've never been able to not hear anyone before," James’ head cocked to the side straining to hear.

  Harry smiled. "I know. I have the ability to blo
ck thoughts. If I'd been around when you were having your troubles with Mike and Pat, I would have been able to prevent them from harming you. It's one of the talents we were taught to use when we were in training in the temple. We each have 'gifts' that we're meant to use in congress with each other in doing the work together. I know the more we are in each other’s company, the stronger our individual gifts will become."

  James sat there dumfounded. "Now, why didn't I know that?"

  "Did you ever ask?" Harry asked simply.

  "No, of course not. I’ve never had an inkling of it."

  "So, James, what is it you need to discuss with me about Reggie?”

  "How do you want to proceed with trying to restore her?"

  "Why are you asking me?" Harry seemed taken aback by James’ question.

  "When Josephine, Leo and I went into the Cave of the Mother, we were told that you were required to awaken Reggie," James answered.

  "Hmm, I wonder." Harry scooted forward in his chair, leaned his elbows on his knees, and rested his chin on his knuckles. "I wonder if it's that we need... all of us to be together as we were in the beginning?”

  James just shook his head. "I haven't a clue, Harry. I just thought it was you that would be able to bring her back," He paused to take a sip of his warm brandy, "I guess we'll either have to experiment or take another trip to the Cave - if we can." He stood up, drained his brandy and stretched. "I think we should call it a night, Harry. I bet you're really tired and need to sleep too."

  Harry nodded and left the room to head up to his bedroom.

  James took the now empty brandy snifter into the kitchen and put it in the sink. Ms. Ryker would wash it tomorrow. Now the bed was all he could think of. As his foot touched the bottom stair, a tingling along the back of his neck startled him. Without really knowing how he knew, James felt he needed to go back into the library. He locked the door behind him. The fire had burned itself into a bank of coals now with just enough heat coming from it without being too hot. He sat in his favorite chair, and sat back, breathed deeply several times and found himself standing in front of a doorway with a rounded top between two pillars.


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