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Carrying the Torch: Complete Trilogy

Page 18

by Dinia Steel

  One was of black marble and the other was of white marble. The door itself had vines carved into it that looked like grape vines and was bound with copper and the handle was made of copper also.

  Without realizing he'd done it, James reached for the handle and pulled the door open. He found himself standing on the banks of the Lake of the Moon and saw the Lady of the Lake coming towards him, walking upon the water.

  "Hello, James. It’s so good to see you again." The sound of her voice was like the tinkle of silver bells. This time, the Lady looked like Reggie.

  James found he could not speak.

  "Oh James, do not let the outward appearance fool you, it is she you wanted to see, so here she stands before you, but I am still The Lady of the Lake; I am Viviane," The Lady chided him.

  "I'm sorry Lady Viviane, it's just that Reggie is so beautiful and I ache for her," James confessed.

  "I understand, my son. Come, walk with me," She took James’ arm and they began a lazy stroll around the lake. "I asked your teacher’s permission to be with you alone. You are so troubled James, and you are in pain."

  James started to speak, but the Lady motioned him to be silent. "You and Regina were so in love and your souls were young. You remembered that whereas she'd forgotten it for the most part. What you and your other group members need to do is make Regina want to remember. She is such an unhappy soul now. It’s taken many life times for her to become so unhappy and lost. She was searching for love and just didn't go about it right. Karma can be a very painful experience and we don't always figure out easily what it is we need to do to correct it."

  James’ shoulders began to sag and his eyes filled with tears. "How can we make her want to remember?"

  "It's easy, James; fill your minds with the love you have for her and each other. Remember all the happy times spent together in her presence. Place her in the center of a meditation session, literally. Go to a place you know to be safe on the inner planes, and remember." The Lady of the Lake placed her hand on James’ shoulder, turning him to look at her. "It's going to take more than one or two times. I can't tell you how many it will take. She's in such pain spiritually and emotionally, it's like she's in a deep and dark well, but I feel confident that you'll figure it out together."

  James looked deeply into the warm chocolate eyes that were so like Reggie's. "Thank you, Lady. I'll try. I miss her so much and I do love her deeply still. When I first saw her picture on the back of her book, I only knew that I needed to be with her."

  "I know, my son. I will release you now. You may go back into the physical plane and you'll remember everything that you need to remember." The Lady was fast fading away.

  James opened his eyes knowing what he needed to do now and…it would be done.


  Chapter 41

  That night James experienced a deep and dreamless sleep. His body seemed to know he would need all his strength to get through the week and be prepared for the weekend.

  By the time Friday night rolled around, James and Harry had fallen into a relaxed routine of rising early, going for a walk together around the property, making breakfast, having a light lunch and an early supper that they cooked together. They would eat and compliment each other on their growing abilities to cook and made sure the very large mess they always left was cleaned up - not wanting to suffer the ire of Ms. Ryker- then they would adjourn into the library to read or just talk.

  Tonight's discussion was about what would happen tomorrow afternoon. They expected Josephine, Leo and Suzanne fairly early in the morning and wanted to give the new arrivals a chance to work the travel kinks out before they were forced to sit for an unknown length of time while they made the first of at least three path-workings to begin bringing Reggie's consciousness back into the now.

  The Lady of the Lake had told James basically how to start out, but experience already taught James he would have to pay close attention to the clues he'd receive from the unseen. Nevertheless, they would encounter real forces along the way and during the process.

  Harry still said he had no clue what to do or what to say - before, during, or after.

  James felt this wasn’t necessarily true, but he would have to wait and see what happened.

  Every night before he went to bed, James would stop at Reggie’s bedroom door, knock and enter to say good night.

  Reggie would be sitting there looking into nothing, but she was there.

  Tonia would tell James about Reggie’s day. How much she’d eaten and other pertinent facts about Reggie’s physical well being. Before he left the room, James would bend over, kiss Reggie’s forehead and whisper to her how much he loved her and needed her to come back to him.

  The nurse thought James and everyone else in the house, with the possible exception of Ms. Ryker, were out of their minds, but hell, it was a paycheck and an easy job. She managed to stay out of everyone’s way and watch her soaps, movies and read. Reggie was a walking and breathing vegetable.

  James heard all of this and he didn’t care as long as she did her job.


  Saturday morning bright and early, the guests arrived along with a not too unexpected Oscar Ryker just slightly beforehand.

  When Suzanne got out of Josephine and Leo's sedan, she carried a briefcase with her.

  Both Harry and James knew the papers inside were for James’ guardianship of Harry.

  What surprised them was the fact that Suzanne told them she was to complete an inspection of the property, buildings and all structures thereon as well, as part of the background investigation. Also, she required additional information on James’ financial matters.

  When James cocked his eyebrow, Suzanne hurriedly explained it was just 'a formality.' The guardianship had already been approved, but that this other paperwork needed to be submitted and become a part of the sealed paperwork regarding Harry. On reaching his majority birthday, Suzanne further explained, the file would be given to him to do with as he saw fit. This also included the names and last known addresses of his living family members, along with their statements when they surrendered all claims to Harry.

  James nodded his understanding, but he had silent reservations, so he immediately called his attorney, Roger and let Suzanne tell him what she needed and why. When she was done, she handed the phone back to James who walked a bit away, so he could talk privately.

  "I'm not happy about this additional information Ms. Young is requesting, James. It's not something that's done in these cases. I'm going to give them a few details then we'll change everything to be hidden in double blind companies."

  "Roger, I don't think Ms. Young would misuse the information herself, but let's face it; she's not the sharpest tool in the shed." James smiled inwardly. "So that sounds like a very good idea. Maybe leave a little money in some of the accounts, just to see if it's ever tapped into. That way, any transactions I don't make could be traced back to who was doing it." James and Roger agreed on that plan of action. James ended the call and walked back to where the rest of the group waited.

  He was chuckling openly when he rejoined them. "That was Roger Quintion Stapleton III; he and I were roommates in college. He's never going to let me forget some of the stunts we pulled."

  After a beautiful luncheon spread supplied by Ms. Ryker, the group split up to entertain themselves however they wished, agreeing to meet in the library at four o'clock for their first session of the weekend.

  James went to his office, Suzanne disappeared with Oscar Ryker, Josephine and Leo parked themselves in front of the huge wide screen in the family room and watched a movie or something while Harry grabbed a couple of books and headed upstairs to his room.

  About an hour into the down time, there was a soft knock on James’ office door.

  "Come in," James called without even looking up, knowing it was Josephine.

  "James there's something I need to talk to you about..." Josephine started then stopped knowing he was already aware of what it w
ould be.

  "Yeah, I know – the additional information that Suzanne ‘needed.’ That set off warning bells with me and my attorney. The state agency already had what they needed from the paperwork I filled out before. Roger had a few ideas on what it could be about and how to make an end run to make what information gotten worthless," James confided.

  "Why even give them anything, James? Why didn't you just call her out on it right then and there?" Josephine questioned.

  James stared at Josephine. She was thinking about something she'd seen. "What have you seen, Josephine?"

  "Nothing really specific, but I saw an old friend of ours, Vivian. I haven't even given her a thought since our last encounter before Reggie and..."

  Josephine didn't need to finish. James knew exactly what Josephine was getting at. Nodding, he gazed down trying to suppress the pain associated with the last time Vivian had come into their lives. "Ok. Some things make a little more sense now after what I heard from Oscar Ryker."

  The question in Josephine's mind now, would have been apparent to anyone without mind reading capabilities. "What did you hear, James?"

  "Only that he's using our little Miss Young for his own purposes. I'd thought at first it was just for sex, but now that you've seen Vivian involved..." His sentence dropped off as he went deep into thought. "We need to look a little deeper into Oscar Ryker." James picked up his phone again and called Roger Quintion Stapleton III back. "Hey Roger, I need you to do an extensive background check on the son of one of my employees," He gave his lawyer all the information he had on Oscar, which wasn't very much really. "Yes, all his known associates, financial situation, you know... everything. Get back to me as soon as you can. If I don't answer, just leave me a message in my voice mail and I'll get back to you."

  About an hour later, the fax machine in James’ office rang and then started spewing out paper containing the background check on Oscar Ryker.

  It wasn't pretty.

  They would have to deal with Mr. Ryker, later. They had other, larger matters concerning them that needed their immediate attention.

  It was time to do the new path-working.


  Chapter 42

  It was four o'clock, so Reggie was brought down to the library and seated in the center of the chairs set up for the following path-working.

  It almost broke James’ heart to look at how beautiful Reggie was to him even without an expression on her face. She looked so placid and luminous sitting there with her ankles crossed with her body turned slightly to the side. Her hands were folded in her lap and she was looking downward. She'd lost some weight, but that was to be expected under the circumstances. She was exercised daily by walking around the grounds of James’ home, so her body was better toned, but underweight because it was very difficult to get her to consume solid food. Her main source of nourishment was intravenous feeding. Her hair wasn’t as soft looking either. Reggie was starting to slip away physically. She needed to be brought back fully, and soon.

  Josephine, Leo, Suzanne and Harry came in and took their seats as soon as the nurse left the room.

  James shut the door and made sure the fire in the fireplace was stoked high enough to keep them warm. Suzanne asked why he always made sure of the fire, because she was always feeling too warm when they began the mediation. James calmly explained that the type of meditation work they did, they would virtually be out of their bodies. This seemed to mollify Suzanne.

  After James sat down, everyone began their routine relaxation and breathing exercises to get them to where they needed to be mentally. It only took them about five minutes now since they were all used to working together.

  James knew it was time when he felt the now familiar tingling on the back of his neck. He began with talking them through reaching the mist covered ground and then led them up the hill to the small temple upon the hill.

  Reggie was with them all the way, walking on her own beside James. He thought she looked stronger here than she did in the past or even on the material plane. This was a good sign because things always happened on the higher planes first and worked downward to the physical. Reggie was beginning to mend.

  The mist cleared as they approached the Temple. By the time they'd reached the entryway steps, the sun was shining high in the sky, which was a clear, crisp blue. Today, no fire burned in the center of the tiled floor. Benches of white marble veined with black were placed in a circle.

  Reggie walked of her own volition until she was standing within the center of the circled benches. She stood on the sun tiled on the black and white tiled floor with her arms dangling down at her sides and her eyes cast downward as she did in the library.

  The others arranged themselves upon the benches and looked expectantly at James and Harry.

  James raised his right hand and made a knocking motion three times.

  Brothers and Sister in Light, Welcome.

  Without hesitation on his part, James began to speak, stating the intention for this visit and asked what guidance could be given to them in the quest to restore Reggie's conscious mind.

  You have already been told what you need to do. Fill your thoughts with love for her, with your memories of her and with your hopes for her. She must want to come back once more. She is only in what you'd call a limbo because she wishes to be. Your intervention into her plight was not lasting. It only showed to remind her of her true path and how far she'd fallen from it.

  This was a revelation. Josephine, James and Leo all looked at each other.

  "So Reggie is punishing herself now, just as Harry had been punishing himself?" Josephine asked.

  The sound of tinkling bells filled the air. It felt like laughter. Yes, Sister of Light! Exactly.

  James spoke up again, "How much longer will her physical body survive at its current rate of deterioration?"

  The physical body is of little importance, but it will last a long time with the proper medical care, more importantly is that the longer the mind is left as it is, the further away it drifts. If you want this child's body and mind to work together again, you must convince her to rejoin you, and it must be soon that is to happen." The sadness in the disembodied voice was very apparent. Life is a gift and should never be wasted.

  James and Josephine glance at each other while nodding.

  James began by telling what happened between them in another life they’d lived together, "Regina, do you remember the time we held hands and walked up the mountain to find wild daisies and you made us each a garland for our heads? We then laid back on the green grass and watched the clouds pass us by making different shapes above us."

  Reggie gave no indication she even heard what James said.

  "Do you remember I asked you to marry me there that very same day and you told me yes; that you'd be mine forever?"

  Still, no reaction from Reggie.

  Josephine took over, "Reggie do you remember you, me, James, Leo, Suzanne and Harry all sitting in our Master’s chambers reading scrolls and you and James were teasing each other by throwing tiny pieces of parchment at each other and the Master coming in and chastising you both rather loudly for doing it? Do you remember what your punishment was?"

  Not a twitch from Reggie.

  Josephine continued, "That punishment was you both had to tend the Fires in the Temple so you'd remember what we were studying..."

  Nothing seemed to register in Reggie.

  "Do you remember James telling you he'd love you forever? Do you remember violating his love and his trust with the dark priest?"

  James thought he saw Reggie's hands twitch.

  The betrayal.

  "Reggie, why did you betray James' love?" Leo jumped into the questioning.

  Reggie said it so softly they were unsure they'd heard it... "Power."


  Chapter 43

  I'm The Keeper of the Flame

  Played with fire and I was burned

  Gave a heart but I was spurned

sp; All this time how I have yearned

  Just to have my love returned

  Nina Simon

  Oscar Ryker

  "Oscar? It's Vivian."

  Even though Oscar had been asleep, his mind came immediately to attention. "Yes, Vivian, what can I do for you?"

  "They're all gone!" Vivian who usually acted normally and aggravatingly calm, was hysterical.

  A chill spread through Oscar. "Calm down, Vivian. Who's gone?"

  "The High Council! Everyone of them. They're all dead."

  "Wha—what?" Oscar stammered out.

  "The entire High Council has been killed. It's confirmed. Most of their bodyguards are dead too."

  "How did you find out, Vivian?" Oscar asked quietly. He needed to gather as much information as he could before he reported to his council.

  "Esteban called me when he was released from the hospital."

  "I need you to explain to me, in as much detail as you can, exactly what happened." Oscar moved his hand across his face, trying to wipe the last vestiges of sleep away.

  “This is what Esteban related to me about what had happened that day in Germany:”

  “The Americans came walking into the High Council's chambers, calm as a glass of water. What happened next was almost a blur...a buzzing sound filling the audience room.

  A low hum at first.

  It sounded like a single engine private plane passing much too low overhead. The volume kept increasing, until it sounded like millions of angry hornets. With the sound, came a swirling of golden flecks of light that coalesced around the three American's, standing, still bodies.

  I don't know who shot first, but gunshots began to ring out through the audience room then, our bullets were unable to penetrate the shield that was surrounding the trio of Americans like a tornado of light.


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