Book Read Free


Page 3

by AnDerecco


  Damn…you can’t hold water.


  Dude I am sorry to hear that.


  It’s not a surprise to me. I knew that it was coming.




  So Demarcus, you played a great game the other night.


  I thought you went to the movies.

  ALEXIS (hesitantly)

  I did…I heard about it.

  Cameron didn’t believe her. He wanted to tell her something but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it.

  Wednesday, September 12

  Alan came home unusually late. His girlfriend, Patricia, was sitting in the bed watching television. He stumbled and bumbled into the room. She looked at him curiously because this was unlike him. Alan walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. Patricia sniffed an unfamiliar smell in the air. Alan leaned over and gave her a kiss. She could then smell and taste the alcohol on him.


  You have been drinking.


  I had one or two drinks.


  Smell like you had more than that.

  He rose off the bed and went into the bathroom to wash up. When he returned he got into the bed. He reached over and pulled Patricia to him.


  No. I don’t want to, not when you have been drinking.


  You haven’t complained any other times.


  You have never been drunk any other times.


  I am not going to argue with you. (Snatching and grabbing her with force) Come here.

  Patricia grabbed the remote off of the nightstand and hit Alan in the right eye. He could not believe that she had hit him. He immediately got out of bed and went out of the bedroom closing the door behind him.

  As he was walking down the hall he stopped at Keira room door. He opened the door gently and peaked in. Keira was laying on her right side asleep in her bed. Alan tiptoed over to her bed and stared at her. He reached down and gently pulled the covers from over her. He leaned down and gave her a kiss on the forehead. When he raised open he smiled. He leaned down again and nibbled her on the ear. This action caused her to awaken.

  Keira jumped when she realized someone was in her room. When her vision focused she saw that it was her father. She could smell the alcohol that was taking over his I Am King by Sean John cologne.


  Oh hey dad. What are you doing in here?


  I wanted to check on you.


  OK. How was your day?


  Good. After work some friends and I went for some drinks.

  Keira frowned as she looked at him. She pulled the covers closer to her.


  You stopped drinking remember.


  I just had a few. No more than two. I think.


  Well I appreciate you checking on me. I am really sleepy. I am about to go back to sleep. I will see you in the morning.


  Come on now, I want to talk.


  Dad I will talk to you in the morning. Go talk with Patricia.

  Alan walked towards the door to leave. Keira’s eyes never left him. She wanted to make sure that he was out of her room before she lay back down. When she saw the door shut and he was on the other side, she laid her head on the pillow.

  Alan rushed back into the room and jumped on Keira.


  Dad don’t! (She screamed)

  He placed his hand over her mouth. Keira took this opportunity to bite it. When he pulled his hand back from the pain he slapped her. Tears begin to form in her eyes.


  If you scream I will honestly hurt you. Do you understand me?

  Alan pulled his hand from her mouth. He pulled the covers from her neck where she had placed them. He massaged her body and moaned.


  You said that you would never do this again.

  Once again he slapped her.


  Shut up and enjoy it. I know that you want to make daddy happy.

  Keira laid there in fear. She wanted to scream but she knew that if she did he would hit her. Thoughts raced through her mind. Tears flowed down her face like the Mississippi River. Alan rose up and saw that she was crying. He licked the tears from her face. This made her cry even harder. She wanted her mother there to protect her.

  As he flung the covers off of the bed he pulled up her nightgown. With a quick motion of his hand, he unzipped his pants and lowered himself into her.

  Keira lay there thinking, “How could he do this to me again and again. I am his daughter. He is suppose to protect me, not rape me. I wish my mother was here. She should have killed him when she caught him doing this to me before. Instead she packed me and my brother up and moved. Now I am back in his evil claws. No one knows about this. I can’t tell anyone about this. Who would believe me?”

  Alan collapsed on her. She pushed him off and ran out of the room. She went into the bathroom and locked the door. She turned water on in the shower until it was scalding hot. She stepped into the shower to rid herself of Alan’s scent and touch.

  Thursday, September 20

  Keira was standing at her locker when it was forced closed. To her surprise there stood Alexis. Keira looked at her and reopened her locker. Alexis pushed the door to close it with Keira’s arm inside. Keira pulled her arm out of the locker and put her finger on Alexis’ nose.


  Little girl this is not the time to fuck with me.

  ALEXIS (pushing Keira’s finger away)

  I saw you at the game with Cameron. I just want you to know that I don’t appreciate you disrespecting me. I am carrying his baby.


  Well that’s make you the fool twice.


  Excuse me?


  Look I don’t have time for you or this conversation.

  Keira turned to walk to her class. Alexis grabbed her by the arm. Keira stopped and looked down at Alexis hand on her arm. She quickly released her.


  Don’t you ever in your life touch me again. I will mop the floor with your ass. Trick, I am from Vegas. You don’t know anything about me.


  I don’t give a damn about you being from “Las Vegas”. You ain’t about nothing. (Throwing her hands up) Get some or go home.

  Keira just laughed at her. By this time Cameron walked up behind Alexis. Keira looked up at him behind her back. He was making gestures behind her back.

  KEIRA (smiling and shaking her head)

  Cameron you are stupid boy.


  You don’t need to speak his name. He may be stupid but he is mine. I got that. He will take care of me and his baby.


  Cameron did you hear your girlfriend call you stupid and said that she got you.

  By this time Alexis realized that Cameron was standing behind her. She turned and looked in his face. Cameron was not smiling.


  Baby I didn’t call you stupid.


  Don’t say anything to me.

  Alexis tried to caress and console him. He pushed her hands away.


  Oh, you are going to believe her over me?


  We need to talk.


  You can because I am so done with the conversation that she was trying to have with me.

  Cameron walked to the staircase and Alexis followed.


  Let me get one thing straight with you. You don’t have me. I am my own person. Yeah you are carrying my baby, but I think that we need some time apart.


  What are you saying?


  Damn, are you that slow?


  I am not slow.


  The hell you say. I just told you that we need some time apart and you turn around and ask me what I am saying. You didn’t understand that?


  Why are you doing this?


  I can’t breathe with you. I don’t like your jealous ways. I can’t hang with my boys because of you. I can’t get a good night’s sleep because you are calling or texting. Basically I don’t want to be in a relationship.


  You just don’t want this relationship. I saw you at the game with Keira. I saw when you went over to her house.


  Oh you are stalking me?


  I am not stalking you.

  Cameron turned to walk away. Alexis grabbed him. Cameron snatched away causing Alexis to miss the first step. She fell down thirteen steps uncontrollably. Cameron ran down to her and yelled for help.

  The safety officer heard the call and came to check out the problem. Cameron explained to him that she fell down the flight of stairs. He used his radio to call the office for an ambulance. Cameron told Alexis not to move. Alexis grabbed her stomach and screamed. They told her everything would be alright.

  Dr. Jackson came into the stairwell with the paramedics. When they lifted her on the stretcher they noticed blood on the sheets.


  She is bleeding.


  She’s pregnant.

  The paramedic pulled the cover back and saw that the blood was coming from her mid-area. The paramedic explained that she might be miscarrying. Hearing this information frightened Alexis.


  Cameron, why did you push me? Why? I know that you wanted me to get an abortion but you didn’t have to push me.

  Cameron stood there confused. He didn’t know what to say.

  EJae met Demarcus at the door when he arrived home from school. She was holding a letter that was from the University of Kentucky. Demarcus took the envelope from her hand. He was too anxious to open it. He sat down on the couch and stared at the address. He could not believe that the letter was here.


  Ma, what if they said no?


  Demarcus have faith. Now open the letter.

  Demarcus turned the envelope over. He slowly tore the side off and slid the letter out. Unfolding the letter caused his leg to shake. His eyes moved side to side and he scanned the letter. He bit the corner of his mouth and walked to the window. EJae stood from the couch.


  What did it say?

  Demarcus turned around halfway.

  DEMARCUS (in a low tone)

  I got in.


  Boy, open your mouth and talk to me.

  DEMARCUS (screaming)

  I got in and a full scholarship.

  Demarcus and EJae jumped and hugged each other.


  I am so happy for you hun.


  Thanks ma.


  Full scholarship, that’s great.

  EJae face turned as she walked into the kitchen. Demarcus followed her.


  I already know what you are thinking. It’s only a ten hour drive and a four hour flight. I will be home on the holidays. But this is a new life for the both of us.


  I know. But you are my baby. I am so happy for you. Now…what are you going to major in?




  Well alright.


  I have got to tell me boys.

  Demarcus pulled out his cell phone and sent a text to Cameron and Zeshawn that read, “Meet me at Buffalo Wild Wings”.

  Demarcus pulled into the parking lot the same time as Zeshawn. Keira got out of the car with Zeshawn. She and Zeshawn were at the mall when Demarcus texted him. Zeshawn and Demarcus greeted each other with their made-up handshake. Entering into the restaurant, they spotted Cameron sitting in the corner. He looked very depressed.

  They all walked over to Cameron.


  Dude, how did you get here so quick?


  I was already here.


  What’s wrong?


  Alexis lost the baby.


  Ah man. How?


  She fell down the stairs at school today. When they were taking her out on to the ambulance she said in front of everyone that I pushed her.




  Are you serious? That girl got issues.


  Yeah you think? Now this is tearing at me. I feel empty. I don’t know what will happen now.


  I hate to share my news now.


  Is it good or bad? I need something that will cheer me up.


  Well I got accepted into University of Kentucky.


  That’s great.


  Yeah congratulations.


  Congrats man. I want to be happier right now but I can’t. But you deserve it.


  Thanks…all of you.

  Three policemen entered into the restaurant. They looked around and walked. They stopped at various tables and asked questions. One of the policemen came to the table were Demarcus sat.


  Do any of you know Cameron Lawson?


  That’s me.

  POLICEMAN (Walking over to Cameron making him stand to place handcuffs on him.)

  You are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent; anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights as they have been said to you?

  CAMERON (Being escorted out)

  Call my mother.

  Friday, October 5

  Homecoming night and Demarcus was standing on the football field with the homecoming queen. There was a maiden and escort for each high school grade. The cheerleading squad came and presented them with a bouquet of roses. Zeshawn presented Demarcus with a football. Demarcus signed the ball and tossed it into the crowd. The stadium went into an uproar.

  As the homecoming court left the field the crowd cheered again.

  This was a big game for Junction High School Wolverines. Not only was it their homecoming, but they were playing their biggest rival, the Forest Grove Tigers. The cheerleaders came back onto the field and held up a banner that read, “Junction High School Homecoming – We Gonna Take Them DOWN!!!” The football team came running through the sign.

  After the first quarter with no score from either team, the Tigers got on the scoreboard just before halftime. The Tigers continued to add to their lead in the third quarter when their #86 ran sixteen yards for a touchdown. The Wolverines’ defense made key stops throughout the game for Junction High as they stopped the Tigers from scoring in Junction’s High red-zone three out of five times. Brandon Bridge went 5 for 21 with 56 yards while Darius Smith was 4 for 12 with 43 yards. Demarcus was the team’s rushing leader for the game with 10 carriers for 35 yards. Unfortunately to say, the Wolverines fell to the Tigers 14-7.

  Cameron was out on bond. He was not in the mood to go to any game. Plus, he didn’t want to run into Alexis. This would be the first homecoming game that he missed in four years. His mind was not stable. His mother came into his room and checked on him every thirty minutes. This was aggravating him.

  He decided that he would go to the Super center just to walk around. As he was walking down the
household aisle someone called out his name. He turned to see a dark skinned man in his early twenty’s calling him.


  You Cameron?


  Who wants to know?


  I do…that’s why I asked.


  Why you wanna know if I am Cameron?


  ‘Cause you look like that nikka that made my gurl lose her baby?




  Do you know Alexis?


  I do…I go to school with her.


  She told me you pushed her down da stairs man…and she lost my baby.


  Your baby? She was pregnant for me bitch.

  O’Koyea sucker-punched Cameron in the face. He gave Cameron three quick blows to the stomach. Cameron regained his composure and locked his legs around O’Koyea which caused his to fall. Cameron reached on the shelf grabbed a bottle of bleach. He wanted to pour it in O’Koyea’s face but decided to pour it on his clothes instead.

  He threw the bottle down beside O’Koyea and kicked him in the face breaking his glasses.

  As Cameron was walking away he was accosted by security. They viewed the scene from the cameras above.

  Cameron was held in the back until his parents arrived. O’Koyea was arrested.

  Sunday, October 14

  Zeshawn invited Keira out to Applebee’s. He had to beg her to come. She kept telling him that she didn’t feel well. Out of the few months that he has known her, he knew something wasn’t right.

  He drove to her house to pick her up. The drive to the restaurant seemed to last forever. Zeshawn tried to start conversations, but Keira was giving only one word responses.

  When they arrived to Applebee’s the host guided them to a booth. They sat and placed their drink orders.


  I didn’t see you at Homecoming.


  I just didn’t feel like coming out. I went walking so that I could think.


  Is everything ok?


  Fine…until I get out of my dad’s house.


  Why? What’s wrong?


  Nothing, don’t worry about it.


  I want to tell you something…I feel that I can trust you…There is something about me that I have known for some time. I talked with Mr. Wansley at school about it and he made me feel a little more comfortable with myself. But I am gay.


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