Book Read Free


Page 4

by AnDerecco

  Keira gave Zeshawn a blank look.


  Aren’t you going to say anything?


  What do you want me to say?


  I don’t know.


  Boy, please. I knew that when I first met you.




  Female’s intuition.


  That’s not real.

  A couple walked by going to the next table. The smell of I Am King by Sean John cologne hit Keira’s nose. She froze in place. Suddenly she burst out in tears. Zeshawn went over to the side of the table where she sat and wrapped his arms around her. Her crying was getting loud. The manager and the waiter walked to see if everything was ok. Zeshawn gestured that everything was fine.

  ZESHAWN (as he took a napkin to wipe her face)

  Sweetie what’s wrong?


  My dad…


  What…is he sick?


  He raped me.




  Last month. I hate him. I hate him. I want to be with my mom.


  Baby, you mom is in a better place…well…I didn’t mean it like that. You know what I mean.


  I know. It’s just that I need to get away from him.


  Have you told anyone? What about his girlfriend?


  No. Just you.


  You can’t keep this inside. You have got tell someone before he tries this again.


  I can’t. All they will do is award me to the state because he is my only family. I don’t want to be in foster care.


  Sweetie you are going to have to talk to someone that can help you. I don’t want anything to happen to you.


  If he tries it again, I will kill him.

  From the look in her eyes, she meant every word.

  Cameron decided that he would call Alexis against his parent’s wishes. After four rings she answered the phone.




  How are you?


  I’m good.


  I have been meaning to call you but I couldn’t.


  Why are you calling me?


  To check on you and ask you something.




  That day you fell down the stairs at school, why did you tell people that I pushed you?


  You did push me. Cam, you wanted me to have an abortion. I told you no because I wanted to keep our baby.


  I am not going to get upset but tell me the truth.


  I am telling you the truth.


  OK Alexis. Well you have a good day.

  Cameron pressed end on his phone. He pressed the application on his phone that was recording his conversation with Alexis. After he decided that it was not the response that he wanted, he deleted it.

  Wednesday, October 31

  Keira walked into the Mrs. McClendon’s, school counselor office. She knocked on the door and Mrs. McClendon looked up. She gestured for Keira to come in and have a seat. Keira explained what happened to her at home. Mrs. McClendon showed compassion but not her real emotions. She asked Keira would she be willing to explain her story to Mr. Jones from the Department of Human Services. Keira agreed. She told Keira to go to class and she would come and get her in an hour. Mrs. McClendon made a few phone calls and within an hour, Mr. Jones from Human Services was at the school. Mrs. McClendon called for Keira over the intercom.

  Keira walked into the conference room where Mrs. McClendon, Mr. Jones, Dr. Jackson, the principal, and Alan sat. Keira was surprised to see Alan sitting there. He had a disgusted look on his face because they did a parent interview before calling Keira to come into the meeting.

  Alan beckoned for her to come and sit next to him but she declined and pulled a chair that was empty on the opposite end of the table.


  Keira we have talked with Mr. Garcia about the allegations that you stated.


  They are not allegations. It is the truth.

  MR. JONES (holding up his hand)

  Hang on. We have spoken with Mr. Garcia about the allegations. In a situation like this we have to remove the child from the home.


  What?! Keira, why are you doing this?

  Keira looked at her father and rolled her eyes.


  Being that you don’t have any other family here in Jackson, we are going to have to place you in foster care. I will escort you to your house to get some clothes and things.


  You are not coming into my house and taking my child.


  Mr. Garcia we don’t want any issues. This is a procedure that we must follow. Our main concern is the safety of the child.


  She is safe in my care.

  Alan stood and ran around the table to grab Keira. She saw him coming an immediately left her chair. Dr. Jackson tried to grab Alan but failed. Keira turned the knob on the door. By the time she pulled it open Alan picked her up by her waist.

  Keira fought to get away from him but he was too strong. Dr. Jackson radioed for security. Alan walked backward down the hall towards an exit. When he saw that security was coming he entered an empty classroom.

  Dr. Jackson knocked on the door and politely asked Alan to release Keira. Alan looked around the room and saw that the teacher’s desk was close to the door. Since the door open inward he devised a plan to push the desk in front of the door. He held Keira by her arm while pushing the desk. Keira tried everything to get loose. Alan pulled a gun from the waistband of his pants. Keira eyes grew wide when she saw this.


  He’s got a gun.

  MRS. MCLENDON (whispering)

  Oh Lord. I hope that he doesn’t do anything to that child.

  Dr. Jackson raced back to the office and got on the intercom.

  DR. JACKSON (calmly so that she would not frighten the staff or students)

  Pardon the interruption. The school has been place on lockdown. NO ONE, I repeat no one should leave your room. If you have an emergency buzz the front office. Again, the school is on lockdown.

  After making her announcement she walked hurriedly back to the classroom where Keira was being held hostage.


  Mr. Garcia. We have called the police. I am asking you please let Keira go. She will be taken good care of. Your actions right now are only prejudicing the case.


  Keira, are you ok?



  Demarcus and Cameron were in Mr. Wansley’s class. Mr. Wansley had turned the lights off and closed the blinds on the windows. He placed a good slip under his door to let the monitors know that all his students were in the classroom and accounted for. He had the students sitting along the back wall so that if anyone was to try and peak into the windows, the students would not be seen.


  Mr. Wansley, what is going on?


  Cameron, I don’t know.


  Is this a drill?


  I don’t know.


  Go check. I don’t want to be sitting on this floor long.


  Boy shut up.


  I am tired. Plus, I want to finish my lesson.

  The whole class turned and looked at Cameron. Cameron was know
n to be a class clown while maintaining his C average.


  Cameron, come on now. At least be real with yourself.


  Mr. Wansley, you trying to clown me?


  Never that son.


  I hope that everything is ok.


  Man this is just a drill. They will be coming on in a few second saying, “ALL CLEAR”.


  I need you to be quiet. If this is a drill, great, but if not we need to hear any directions they may give.


  Can we whisper?


  Cameron, if you must talk…keep it very low. I don’t want to hear it.

  CAMERON (turning to Demarcus)

  He knows something. This ain’t a drill. You know they have a schedule when they are going to have drills.


  Just be glad it’s not a fire drill.


  I know, right?

  The assistant principal came around to the room where Keira was being held hostage. They had one red slip in their hand with the name “Zeshawn Bracey” written on it. This meant that he was in the building but not in the classroom.


  Did you have any other red slips?




  Now I have a child missing. What class is he supposed to be in?


  Ms. Laston’s, class for Spanish III.


  Did you go back the library? The cafeteria?

  Before anyone could answer Zeshawn came walking down the hall. Dr. Jackson raced over to him.

  DR. JACKSON (sternly)

  Why are you in the hall?

  ZESHAWN (looking confused)

  I am going back to class. I went to the JROTC building. See here is my pass.


  Did you go before or after I made the announcement that we were on lockdown.


  Before, the time is written on there.


  Well didn’t you hear the announcement? I said for everyone to stay in class and not move.


  Dr. Jackson, the intercom in the JROTC building doesn’t work. They are all still practicing drills.

  DR. JACKSON (directing the assistant principal)

  I thought you checked all of the buildings. Never mind, go and let them know that we are on lockdown. And tell them to not move until further notice.


  This isn’t a drill, is it?




  What is going on?


  Let me escort you back to class.

  While walking to class, they passed the class where Keira was being held hostage. Zeshawn looked and saw the people talking through the door to Alan. He heard Mr. Jones called Keira’s and Mr. Garcia’s name.


  Oh damn, that’s Keira in there. Dr. Jackson that is my best friend.

  Dr. Jackson ignored his statement and only walked faster so that Zeshawn didn’t hear anything else.

  After walking him back to class she went to Mr. Jones and pulled him from the door.


  When you saw the student in the hall, you should not have called anyone’s name.


  I didn’t see any student.


  Umph, if you say so.

  MRS. MCLENDON (stepping to the door)

  Mr. Garcia, please let Keira go.


  She is not going anywhere but home with me. I want you to bring me the withdrawal papers and slide them under the door.


  Mr. Garcia, I can’t allow that to happen.


  Dr. Jackson, is that you?


  Yes sir.


  Dr. Jackson, make it happen. This is your building.


  Mr. Garcia, you have put this whole situation in a new category. What are you doing is kidnapping within a federal building. I cannot allow you to withdraw this child from this school.


  Well, I must do what I need to do.

  Alan fired off two shots. Keira screamed. You could hear screams coming from every classroom. Everyone on the outside of the door dropped to the floor.


  Keira are you ok?


  Yes. He shot the windows.

  The police raced towards the classroom. They tried talking with Alan to release Keira. He stated that he was not letting her go. The bell sounded for everyone the change classes. Dr. Jackson raced to the office to make the announcement for everyone to continue to stay in their room.

  By this time a local news station pulled up at the school. The camera man and reporter stood outside the building. Dr. Jackson was not too happy about the media being outside her school on this occasion.

  Zeshawn sat in his classroom nervous about Keira. He took his cell phone from pocket and text Demarcus, ‘I think that Keira is being held hostage by her father down the hall.’ Demarcus could not believe the text that he read. He whispered to Cameron what was going on. Cameron sat in disbelief. Demarcus texted Zeshawn back. Zeshawn wanted to do something, but was not sure what.

  Alan sat over in a desk beside Keira. She moved her desk over to stay away from him. Alan tried to talk to her, but she didn’t want to hear it.

  ALAN (pain in his voice)

  Baby I want to apologize for the other night. I was drunk and was wrong for what I did to you.

  Keira didn’t respond.


  Back in the day I was on drugs bad. I was doing anything and everything I was big and bad enough to do. I stole, I sold, I planted, I raped. I was out of control. One night I came home and I was stoned. I don’t remember all the drugs I did that day. Some guys and I were even drinking. Your mother didn’t want to let me in the house. I remember forcing my way in. She and I got in a fight. I remember throwing her all over the house. I raped her that night. You were about seven then and your brother was ten. She tried to leave but I would not let her. I took you and told her if she tried to leave I would do the same to you. I didn’t want to hurt her and damn sure didn’t want to hurt you. But I couldn’t control myself. She told me that she was going to leave. I took you and forced myself on you and in you that night. Your mother bust into the room and tried to get me off you. I knocked her into the bed where she hit her head. When I finished with you I told her if she reported it I would kill all of you. I can still hear the screams and terror that was in your voice. Your brother was away at boy scouts. I hate that day. I wish that I could erase it from my mind. But every day I can see it and hear it.

  Keira’s eyes were filled with anger. She, too, tried to block that night out of her mind. That was the main reason why her mother packed them up and moved to Las Vegas. She didn’t tell Alan where she was moving. She packed that weekend when he was supposed to have been at work. Her mother’s best friend drove them to the airport. She didn’t want to drive her car because Alan could have reported it stolen and the police would have found them.


  I remember that night. I have always hated you. I will always hate you.


  Please give me another chance. I hate that your mother and brother died. But I was happy when they told me that you were coming to live with me. I thought this would give me a chance to make up for my wrong.


  I want to be emancipated from you. My parents are dead.


  Please don’t say that.


  My mother and brother are buried in Las Vegas. I don’t have a father.

>   ALAN



  I didn’t want to move back here. I wish that I could have died with them. I hate you Alan. I don’t ever want to see you again. I hate you with a passion.

  Alan tried his best to keep his composure. But the words that Keira spoke hurt. He stood up and walked to her. She rose from her desk and stepped back. He reached out for her but she slapped his hands away. Alan tried to reach for her again. Keira ran towards the door. Alan bent her over the desk that was blocking the door. He slapped her in the back of her head several times in a rage. Keira tried to fight back. Alan snatched down her pants that she had on. He bent down and bit her on her buttock. When he rose, his teeth print was in her skin. Keira saw a pair of scissors on the right side of the desk in a holder. She grabbed the scissors and plunged them into Alan’s neck. He screamed as blood shot from his neck like a pulsating water hose. He pulled the scissors out of his neck and collapsed to the floor.

  She slowly walked over to him and looked down upon him. He laid there with his eye wide open. There was no life left in them. As she was looking down on him she spit in his face. She turned to walk away. Suddenly Alan reached out and grabbed her leg tightly. Keira screamed. She took her other foot and stumped his wrist until she was loose. She ran to the door and pushed the desk out of the way. When she opened the door she embraced the first person she saw.

  Monday, November 5


  Congratulations on your acceptance into UK. I know that you are happy.


  Thanks. I am really happy. I know that my mom is happy, but she is not happy about me being so far away.


  She will get used to it.


  Yeah, that’s what I told her. Have you decided where you are going to college?


  I have been accepted to Tougaloo and Jackson State but I really don’t want to go to school here. I want to move away. I have lived here my whole life. I need a change. Plus everyone I know in high school I will see at one of those colleges.


  Well, you will meet new people.


  Yeah, but I don’t want to see the old ones.


  Have you talked to Keira lately?


  I’ve tried calling her a few times but she doesn’t answer. I have texted her – no response.


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