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Roll the Dice (Vegas Series)

Page 11

by Author Mimi Barbour

  "The pizza’s still hot and the mushrooms and cheese smell delicious. Do you want to plate it and I’ll get us something to drink. Coke for me, but I have beer if you’d like."

  “Sure, I’ll have one. Where do you keep you’re dishes?” Kai stepped into the kitchen's small space and looked bewildered.

  “Over the dishwasher. The glasses are next to them if you want one. I never use a glass, but some people prefer it so I always ask.” Shut off the blabber—he’s going to think you’re losing it.

  “I don't use em either. How much do you want to eat?”

  “Just a small plate. My appetite’s gone.”

  A distinctive sound had her looking at him.

  “Stop worrying. It’s not the injury. I never eat much when I'm on a big case.”

  Her hand automatically worked at the small bandage over her left ear. Again she fumed that the idiot doctor had cut off so much of her hair.

  Kai stepped into her space and lowered her hand. “It’s hardly noticeable, and it’ll grow back. It’s kind of girlie—you so worried about your hair.”

  “Fuck you!”

  “Ahhh, there’s our sweet little Aurora in person. I missed you.”

  She laughed and noticed that he relaxed his shoulders. It hadn’t dawned on her that he might be fretting over her being injured. But instantly, she realized something. Ever since he'd found her, he’d behaved like a worrywart, concerned about her comfort and constantly watching her for signs of affliction. Something soft began to ease into the tight controls she kept in place.

  Logic told her she needed to keep the barriers up, save herself from the heartache he foreshadowed. Loving this man would be a foolish—really stupid move, and not being a stupid or foolish woman, she knew it.

  They carried their drinks and pizza into the cozy family room and sat together on the beige leather sofa. Automatically, she put her bare feet onto the low table and her gold ankle bracelet tinkled against the glass. She saw his gaze follow the sound, and he stared at her feet, all pink nail polish and toe rings. Wearing fancy boots hid this habit from most and knowing he saw this feminine side to her escalated her own awareness to his masculinity.

  She reached for the remote at the same time as his fingers grabbed the item. Her quick withdrawal ramped up the tension between them—had him quizzically holding the article towards her. "Sorry. It's a man thing,"

  "No. It's fine. Go for it." She picked up the pizza and shoved it in her mouth to prove she didn't want control. The food titillated her taste buds and it dawned on her, she was starving.

  He flipped on the news channel and then took a bite from the savoury slice in front of him. "Humm. Good pizza. I love this stuff."

  "My favorite gourmet meal." She grinned at him and his reaching fingers wiping at the sauce on the corner of her lips didn't faze her whatsoever. At ease for the first time in his company, she let down her guard.

  "This is an All Points Bulletin. Anyone who sees this man, Earl Rhondo, should get in touch with Crime Stoppers or the local detachment of the LVMPD. Consider him armed and dangerous. Detective Aurora Morelli with the Las Vegas police was brutally attacked today in the commission of her duties. She saved the lives of two youths—"

  "Hey, why'd you turn it off?" Kai, wearing a frown, leaned towards her.

  "Same reason you would. It's all blah, blah. You can't explain reality in a three-minute sound bite. The truth was that I thought Luke had been killed. And I died a little more with every step I took inside that place. Then to see him tied up like a piece of garbage with his poor face beaten, my adrenalin almost choked the hell outta me."

  Kai put his plate on the table and turned her way. As he filled her horizon, the space compacted instantly. "Honey, no one is perfect. You stopped the asshole and you saved the boys. You!"

  "Because my training kicked in. It was pure instinct that carried me through. I stopped thinking and started reacting."

  "So I heard. I imagine Mr. Rhondo will be leaving the ladies alone for a good long while if Luke's testimony is to be believed. Said he thought the man's eyeballs had rolled right out of their sockets."

  She laughed as he obviously intended. "Seemed to be the right thing to grab at the time. I had a female self-defence instructor who taught us the weaker points on a man's body were the one's to aim for. It's fortuitous that so far she's been proven correct.

  This time he laughed. Then he turned her head to the side and looked again at the wound hidden by the loose curls streaming behind. His soft way of gathering the mass and pushing it to the back earned him big points with Aurora who had a thing about her hair. As a child, her mother had continually forced her head under a bowl, and to save money, the wicked bitch had hacked it off herself.

  Little Aurora, hiding an inner dainty princess, hated the look and swore when she grew up, no one would ever have the right to tell her how to look. Therefore she kept her beautiful dark locks long and thanked the gods for the natural wave.

  "You have lovely hair." His voice sounded harsh, as if the words had escaped his restraints.

  Shaken, she had to lower the plate or else wear the leftover pizza. Food couldn't get through a throat clogged with emotion. Her breathing quickened, and when she looked, his gaze reflected the passion she'd begun experiencing.

  Oh oh! This wasn't on her to-do list at all. In fact it was on her not-a-chance-in-hell list. His face angled with a silent question clearly written. Eyes, bluer than any eyes had a right to be, hotter than hell and sexier than she could handle peered into her soul and found a willing mate.

  Her brain whispered wickedly. Who're you trying to kid? After all, she'd always known it would happen, hadn't she? Wanted it to happen. No—needed it to happen.

  Sliding closer, she licked the side of his lips, cleaning away the crumb that clung to the day-old beard. Her action set them off and in seconds he had her on his lap and was kissing her as if he couldn't get enough. Moans added to the mesmerizing moments as their bodies heated up.

  God, he tasted good. The last time they'd kissed had been perfect. This was even better. Hardness surrounded her. Hard arms cuddled her; hard muscles formed the legs she sprawled over and the hardness jutting from his lap promised heaven.

  The devil's lips were the only soft things about him—soft and knowing as they travelled from her mouth to her neck, seeking out her ears and travelling all around the perimeter.

  Yes! Oh yes! He was a lover. Not a man in a hurry to get his satisfaction, but practised and willing to share. His hands began their assault, and his massage became more seductive with each caress. First her breasts garnered his attention, and once he'd divested her of her blouse, his lips took over in that area while his hands moved lower.

  Not to be outdone, she made sure that her writhing enticed him further. Not that she figured he had the room to grow any larger considering the restraints of his snug jeans. Thinking to help the poor man, she searched for and found the zipper and worked the button above free.

  Realizing her goal, he lifted her in his arms at the same time as he manoeuvred them into a prone position. She appreciated his gentleness and the strength it took to be able to handle the switch so easily. Wanting to show her appreciation, she snaked around him, her willingness to please obvious.

  She'd always been choosy in her mates. Therefore she had very few notches on her bedpost. Rather than get involved with a man she didn't hold in the highest esteem, she'd go without and had done so a lot.

  However, this man fit her picky profile, and for the first time in a long while, she wasn't having sex. She was making love. And it felt good. So good!

  In no time at all they were both naked. The sweat from her body dampened his so that they stuck together in the places where they were attached—lips to lips, legs between legs and with him buried deep inside.

  Leaning away, he swept her hair towards her back and then framed her face with his hands. His voice roughened with passion, he whispered. "Are you okay? I don't want to hurt you

  He'd probably noticed how tight she'd been when he'd first penetrated. Lack of loving did that to a girl.

  "You stop and I'll shoot to kill." Her voice, sounding totally unnatural, quivered. No wonder! She hadn't felt this wonderful in such a long time—months, years, no centuries.

  She stopped rubbing his back and moved her hands lower in order to guide him deeper inside. The purring she made couldn't be helped. It sounded perfect with the groans coming from him. Her heart thudding next to his made their own music. It was as if everything in the universe fit.

  Until the horrible moment when she realized they weren't using birth control. With a curse, she pushed him away. Her body still wanted but her brain had kicked in. She had trouble talking and had to push the words out. "Protection. Do you have any?"

  His painful moan almost had her relenting. Who cared? Right? She'd always wanted a baby.

  "Please tell me you're on the pill. Please."

  Her breath coming in gasps, she replied." Can't take them. They make me sick."

  "When was your last…?" His normally clear-eyed gaze, murky with smouldering lust, begged.

  "Right! It was two weeks ago. Come here!"

  And he came.

  And so did she, with fireworks that threatened to blow her brains to smithereens.


  Later, lying in her queen-size bed, cuddling, her fingers caressing his chest while his combed through her hair, he revisited the subject on both their minds.

  "If you get pregnant—"

  "I won't."

  "If you do, I want to know. None of this modern shit where the woman gets to decide the outcome all on her own.

  "Kai, I won't get pregnant. And if I did, I'd have more respect for the baby's father than to ignore his rights." A tingle of apprehension settled into her tummy. If only…

  Chapter Twenty-six

  The next morning, with a lightness to her step and a grin in her heart Aurora headed for Cory's office as soon as she arrived at work. She knocked and wondered why the door was closed.

  "Enter." He'd barked the word, and she knew instantly there were problems.

  Her smile didn't get returned but she plodded on anyway. "Hey boss! Came to check on the news from the hospital. Did you bring Debbie and baby home last night?"

  "Get in here Aurora and close the dam door. Everyone wants a piece of me today and there's not enough to go around." He sat with his head in his hands and a frown marring his good looks.

  "What's up, Cory? Is it Deb?" Worry invaded, and she moved closer to where he slouched behind the loaded desk. Papers covered every inch and threatened to topple over.

  "They won't let her come home yet. The infection hasn't cleared and until it does, they refuse to release her. I can't figure out who's more miserable, her or me. She keeps phoning me to spring her and I can't. Plus the sheriff lost his cool over Rhondo's shenanigans yesterday." He stopped his tirade long enough to point his finger in her direction. "Good work by the way. "Then the media is playing devils advocate to build sensation and scare the living shit out of as many tourists as they can and…" Sadly, he shook his head and admitted the truth. "…I'm getting sick of sleeping on that bloody hospital cot." He arched his shoulders, and when he exercised his neck, she heard the snap clearly.

  "I sympathise buddy. Really—don't glare at me like that. Look, do you want me to stay with her tonight?"

  "Right, like you're in the greatest of shape, getting concussed just yesterday." He actually snorted as he said the words.

  "I'm not concussed. I never lost consciousness and I got a great night's sleep." She hoped the smile in her heart didn't reflect on her face or he'd know something was up. His scowl hadn't deepened nor had his perceptive ability kicked in. This alone proved her friend was totally bummed. "Deb won't mind, trust me. Contrary to popular opinion, she likes me."

  "I'll run it by her and let you know later. Now, let's figure out where we go from here with Rhondo. Just so you know, I'm getting really sick of hearing his name. It's time we put the prick away."

  "Couldn't agree with you more. Kai went home to change and as soon as he shows, we're going to have a visit with Luke and find out what set him off yesterday."

  "Hope you have more luck than we did. He had no trouble telling us what happened after you arrived at his place, but anything before is for your ears only. Stupid kid is as loyal as they come."

  Hey, he's a good kid. One day, he'll be sitting in your chair or maybe higher. He's got the brains."

  "Well let's hope he has enough of them left after the shit-kicking he took yesterday. The only thing he'd admit was that Rhondo wanted your address and he didn't get it."

  "He's my guy!" Aurora let the pride shine through. "Let me know about the wife-sitting. And by the way, I only change by the hour." She made a funny face, and after he waved her away, she left.

  Walking towards the coffee room to retrieve her coffee mug, she decided to stop by Ham's desk. "Morning Ham. Has Kai arrived?"

  His startled look spoke volumes. She never said Good morning. His answer came after a short pause. "Yep. About ten minutes ago, he strolled in whistling with a satisfied look on his puss. You know anything about that?"

  Using the premise that the best offence is defence she turned on him and glowered. "Don't be such an ass."

  He straightened his face and looked chagrined. "One can only hope, lass."

  Continuing on to her office, she extinguished the glow by having a short talk with herself that went something like…smarten up, idiot! Before everyone in place figures it out.

  Kai eyed her balefully as she stepped in carrying her coffee and she purposely ignored the telling gesture. Instead she set the tone for the day with her next remark.

  "Just so you know, and I won't have to listen to another lecture on the proper behaviour for partners, I'll be gone for a while this morning to see Luke. Cory's informed me that he's gone mute about what led up to the events last night. He'll only talk to me. Do you want to tag along and wait, or meet me later?"

  "I'll go along and at the same time see Wayne. Did you take a look at the board?"

  "No, what's up?"

  "The team updated it last night, but we still don't know the connection to Luke. Haven't figured out how Rhondo linked him to you. Either he dropped the ball, or someone else connected the dots?"

  "That's what I intend to find out." Bristling like a cat with it's tail caught in the door, she spit words in his direction. "Luke would never intentionally talk—"

  "I never said he did. From everything I've heard about the kid, he's solid. But Rhondo knew he'd get to you through him. There's a leak and we need to trace it."

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Kai couldn't believe how hard it was to let Aurora out of his sight. Earlier, when they'd woken up wrapped in each other's arms happiness had surged into his warm, comfortable body. It chewed at the boundaries he'd set, and before he could stop it, tried to slither in all the crevices he rushed to cover.

  How in the world could he have let this happen? A woman who had as much grit in her as Aurora, wouldn't be easy to forget. All he'd done was ensure a lifetime of regrets. His plan to avenge his sister hadn't changed. In fact it had strengthened because now the dirtbag had even more to answer for. He'd hurt Aurora.

  Trying not to appear to as if he regretted the night before, because dammit he didn't no matter what he told himself, the romance could go no further. It had to end. He'd protect this beauty, with his life if necessary, but no more. She had to understand that any commitment was out of the question. His only obligation for the future involved killing a man and if need be, taking the punishment.

  Decision made, he'd let her down easy rather than pull away from the get-go. Make her aware that she embodied every man's dream, just not his.

  Except he didn't get the chance and it had royally pissed him off, dumb shit that he was. Instead of counting his blessings, he'd found himself angry and …and dammit…he felt hurt. />
  She'd backed off before he could put his plans into practise. Made his breakfast with a flippancy that had him gritting his teeth and then grabbed her keys and left him fuming to make his own way back to work. Said she had to talk with Cory. Left him sitting with egg on his face, literally, and next thing he knew, she moseyed into the room without a care in the world looking like a model on the front cover of Cosmo.

  "Stop that infernal humming." He couldn't bite off the words so instead he followed them up with a mean look.

  "I wasn't." The little witch smiled.

  "Yeah, you were."

  "A little moody today?"

  He nodded. "Meet the new me."

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  "Luke, stop trying to sit up. Be comfortable. I'll move the chair so we can talk." While Aurora arranged the seat close to the bed, she stared hard at the floor to hide the shock in her eyes.

  Her informant looked as if he'd fallen face first on a pile of rocks. Battered and bruised, Wayne and him could be twins. Rhondo, that bastard, clearly took pride in his work.

  Speaking hurt, established by the wince when he tried to say hi. He pointed at the glass of ice water. She picked it up from the side table and fed him the straw so he could take a sip. It helped, and he moistened his lips.

  "The bugger worked me over good." With each word, his voice gained strength.

  "I should of shot him." Regret sat on her, weighing her down.

  "Your punishment worked. He'll be sounding like a girl for a while." He laughed deep in his chest and it came out warped, but it still made her feel better. He hadn't lost his quirky sense of humour nor had his spirit been broken. Body's healed, but take the heart out of a man, and he'd never recover.

  "Tell me a story." She leaned in so he didn't have to talk loud. "How did he connect us?"

  "My fault. Stupid. He came with a bunch into the bar. I'd decided to call you again and got sloppy. Mike flipped me a tray cause he wanted me to clean off some tables before I left—as you know, I'd worked a double and was beat. Not paying attention, I missed my pocket when I dropped in the phone and Rhondo picked it up just as you returned my call. He must have seen the caller I.D."


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