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Roll the Dice (Vegas Series)

Page 12

by Author Mimi Barbour

  "You didn't use my name?" Shock had her voice rising.

  Luke's expression slid from earnest to awkward that instant. "You'll be pissed."

  "Tell me."

  "It says Robocop."

  "I still don't understand. How did he connect that with me?"

  "Snoopy bastard must have searched out some of the old texts I've sent you. Your e-mail address includes Morelli. That's why he followed me home. Hit me as soon as I opened the door."

  "Then he beat the living shit outta you."

  "Uh huh, he wanted your address."

  "I'm so sorry, Luke. I never meant for you to be in danger."

  "My fault, Rory. I got careless."

  "You can't go back to work there, you know that. I'll spot you for the police academy this fall. Seriously, Luke, it's time." She'd make him listen.

  "No need. I've saved enough. As long as I work part-time, I'm good."

  She didn't realize how tightly her stomach muscles had constricted until she heard those words. As if a ton of weight had lifted, the knots in her shoulders eased. A smile lit her insides and pride joined the happiness.

  "I'll be holding you to that, my friend. Can't wait to have you on the team, wearing a badge.

  Tears clouded over the pain in his eyes, and he turned away. "I'll make you proud."

  "Look at you! I've never been prouder of anyone in my life." She cleared her throat and squeezed his fingers. Then changed the subject before they both ended up bawling.

  "You know I'll be paying a visit to Big Mike. We need to have a chat."

  "Yeah, I kinda figured. Tell him to send me my cheque. I won't be back."

  "He knows your address?" Aurora didn't like that at all.

  "You kidding? I got a box number. You did teach me some things. Look, you'll need a new source. There's a patsy by the name of Eddie—don't know his last name. He saw Rhondo with my phone and was standing there when he passed it back to me. The guy's a two-time loser, heading for three counts. Always carries a bag of weed in his shirt pocket but never smokes any. If you squeeze him, he'll burst like a bubble. Thing is, he can be your eyes on the ground if you work him right."

  "Oh make no mistake. I'll have Eddie eating out of my hands by day's end."

  "I've no doubt." Her grin answered his as she lifted the water glass.

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Her and Kai had split up at the hospital. She'd headed straight for Luke's room and Kai went to Wayne's. Needing to get moving now that she'd talked with Luke, she went to collect her partner.

  "Hey Mike, how's it going?"

  The officer sitting near Wayne's door had two empty coffee cups and a pile of magazines near his chair. He looked bored as hell and she didn't blame him.

  "Nice to see you, Detective Morelli. It's been quiet."

  "Glad to hear it. Is Detective Lawson still here?"

  "Yes. He left to buy some coffee, but he's back now."


  Mike opened the door for her to step inside the room. Kai sat relaxed near the bed, one leg balancing the other in the typical male slouch. She moved closer and could see Wayne's recovery had begun.

  Contusions, having been red and swollen before, were now darkened with yellow and purplish tones. The swelling around his eyes had diminished somewhat and he no longer looked like he's just gone twenty rounds with Mohamed Ali.

  Broken ribs weren't apparent. They'd take longer to heal—she knew that from experience. But being that he was young and healthy, she hoped he'd be back to his old cheeky self soon.

  "Hi Wayne." She winked when he smiled lopsidedly. "How's it going?"

  "Hello Detective. Other than Darlene is making me crazy cause she's so jumpy, things are better."

  "If Rhondo figures to get anywhere near you, he's got to get through the armed guard on the floor who's watching for him day and night. Plus the hospital staff have been warned. Darlene is coming here straight from work, right?"

  "She's sleeping here also. Bout drives me nuts."

  "Quit your whining. You're lucky to have a sister who gives a dam." Only half kidding, Aurora called his bluff and enjoyed his backing down.

  "I guess I don't mind. At least I know she's safe." It dawned on her then that the kid had wanted to look macho in front of Kai. She had caught the shared look passed between the handsome hunk and the beaten boy.

  Time to go! "Kai you ready?" She passed the remote over to Wayne and added. "Here, watch the idiot box. It's probably time for your favorite reality show." She patted his hand and turned to leave.

  Whispered words and Wayne's chuckle slowed her down but only for a minute. No time to play. She had better things to do.


  After driving in silence the short distance, they pulled up in front of The Hangout, Big Mike's tacky bar. In a depressed neighbourhood, the neon lit building stood out. Surprised he'd taken the passenger seat without any comments; she carried on her usual inspection and became aware of his observing everything also. A good cop always knew where they were, and who and what was near them.

  A quick glance in the mirror to show that no last minute repairs were needed, she pulled the trunk lever so they could get the bullet proof vests from the back. Her gun, strapped on her hip today, would be used as a last resort, but who knew when the last resort might be the first solution. Then she reached into the special compartment for her taser.

  His raised eyebrows asked the question.

  "Just to be on the safe side. I don't trust this crowd."

  Retrieving the vests, she handed one to him and made sure hers fitted over her short-sleeve, tailored white blouse. She tugged unsuccessfully at the sides, knowing the posers inside would appreciate the snug fit over her impressive chest. "You ready?"

  "I would be if I knew what to expect."

  "Right, sorry." She flipped her hair back and caught it up with a hairclip to be piled on the top of her head.

  "Luke, my guy worked here. Last night when Rhondo arrived with a bunch of his friends, Luke tried to call me. His boss interrupted, threw a tray at him to clear some tables with. In order to catch it; he carelessly dropped the phone in his pocket, except it didn't make it. Just his bad luck that Rhondo picked it up off the floor, saw the caller ID, and linked it to me. He followed Luke home and the rest you know."

  "This guy, big Mike. Has he got a record?"

  "Not anything recent. Years ago, he ran with a bunch of losers and did some time, got a rep, but once he got out, he's kept his nose clean. Came into some money when his parents died and bought the bar. Far as we know, it's clean. Mind you, his element of clientele leaves a lot to be desired."

  "I see. Okay, I'll take it from here."

  "Sure, no problem. And the little woman will follow a foot behind, kissing your ass all the way. Screw you, Kai. This is my show."

  A non-verbal tug of war lasted only a few minutes, but by the time Aurora headed into the place with Kai close behind, ice had time to settle in her veins. She was pissed. No one better had mess with her now.

  Chapter Thirty

  "If it isn't our classy Detective Morelli. What can I do for you today?" A huge man whom Kai supposed was Big Mike schlepped a five-gallon soda keg behind the bar and lifted it as if it weighed nothing. Three other fellows sat at the counter nursing beers and two tables were full of card-players who swept the tables clean of the cash the instant after Kai and Aurora stepped inside.

  While Aurora walked steadily forward, her swaying hips caught his attention. She moved sensuously, shoulders back, and her trim figure had drawn all the eyes in the place. She looked competent and he felt the need to strut just a little. One thing he did do and it sure as hell didn’t come easy—stand behind her so she ran the show.

  She'd put him in his place earlier, and he'd deserved it. Never before had he treated a female colleague so insanely wrong. Hell he'd trained many of them as rookies, and highly respected their abilities. Had been heard to say previously that he'd rather ride with a woman t
han many of the puffed-up young males joining the force nowadays. They had more sharps and many of them had more balls.

  So why did this protective bullshit emerge for competent Aurora Morelli? He didn't want to probe the reasons. No more than he'd let himself review their night together. He'd deserved to get slapped down. And trust the woman standing in front of him to do it well.

  The stench of old cigarette smoke, spilled booze and bad breath filled the space and made one wonder how anyone could spend too much time in this atmosphere. Walking from the blinding heat outside to the coolness inside didn't come close to making up for having to breathe in the fetid air.

  "How's things Mike? Have you visited Luke in the hospital yet?"

  The keg clanged loudly as it hit the floor. Everyone had watched Kai and Aurora walk in, but tension hadn't peaked until the noise rang through the building.

  Kai saw the worry in the other man's face, worry he hid as soon as it appeared. But it had been there, which gave Kai hope that they'd walk out of the place without having to fight their way to safety.

  One of the players at the bar leaned out so far to eavesdrop that he toppled over. His dishevelled appearance, dirty torn t-shirt, long hair, and large earring hanging from his right ear wouldn't earn him any points for style but he did fit in with everyone else.

  Mike waved a big paw towards him in a menacing manner and said. "Eddie, you can't stay on the stools, you can't stay in the bar. Either sit yourself down or get the hell out." The tone and glare let everyone know Mike meant every word.

  Eddie wobbled over to the stool closest to Aurora, climbed on and sneered in her face. "Your lyin. Luke worked here last night."

  "Then he went home and had the shit kicked out of him by Earl Rhondo. Now he's in the hospital. You know anything about that?" She'd started out answering Eddie but ended up talking directly to the owner.

  Steel entered grey eyes that hardened in a scary way. "You say Rhondo beat him up?"

  "That's what I'm saying. But more importantly, that's what I saw. Only I got there too late."

  "He's still alive in a hospital, so it seems to me, that you got there in time."

  She shrugged, and Kai took one step back and crossed his arms. He scanned the rest of the boys to make sure they were behaving themselves and was reassured. A sorrier bunch of deadbeats he'd yet to see. Not dangerous, thank goodness, just a waste of flesh.

  "What time did Luke leave here last night?"

  Lines in his forehead appeared on Mike's face. He took a moment and then answered. "Kid was stumbling around, told him to get his ass home to bed about midnight. Once the cab got here, I walked with him to the door. Last I saw, he slid into the back seat."

  "You see Rhondo leave at the same time?"

  "Nope, he left before."

  "How long before?"

  "Don't know."

  Mike's squinted eyes led her to believe he was lying but no matter. She knew Rhondo followed Luke home.

  "Don't want to tell."

  "Same thing."

  Aurora's gaze swung over to Eddie. Then to the rest of the men who sat quietly listening to the conversation. "So Eddie, did you see when Rhondo left? Then she swung around to include everyone. Anybody else?"

  The other men ignored her question and Eddie shook his head. "Nope."

  She moved toward the lying piece of shit and Kai changed position of his hands down to rest on his hips.

  "I think you're lying, Eddie. You saw something, didn't you?"

  He stiffened and began to shake his head. "No, I never."

  She just kept staring at him and sweat broke out on the little weasel's face. Kai wanted to grab him and shake him like a pup with a plush toy, but he knew better. Staying back and letting Aurora take lead had to be the most difficult position he'd ever been in. A wave of bile rose from his clenched stomach and burned his throat when he swallowed.

  Eddie's reaction didn't surprise him. What did was when he'd decided that he'd had enough of the interrogation and stood unsteadily to walk to the door.

  "Oh you're so not going anywhere without us, Eddie. Just sit yourself back down until I'm finished." Aurora's unwavering look had the man rush to do her bidding.

  She turned back to Mike. "Luke won't be back. He'll be needing his pay. Send it to him. And take real good care, Mike. My friends and I are going to be keeping a close surveillance on this joint. We see so much as a mouse fart, we'll be all over you."

  "I'll keep that in mind."

  The back door opened just then and three of the meanest looking dudes sauntered in through the kitchen. Recognition had then stopping dead, and bravado kept them coming. From the tats all over their bodies, the paunches, and the hells angel's duds to the ice in their eyes, they had the hair on the back of Kai's neck waving their follicles and screaming warnings.

  He watched to see Aurora twisting her head to the side as if she had something in her ear and realized he'd seen her do the same thing before at Darlene's apartment. Must be a personal habit during moments of stress. As much as he'd backed off earlier, he had no intention of laying low now. These guys meant business.

  "Morning detective." A particularly ugly bugger got in Aurora's space. She didn't move.

  "Hey Hank. Looking to spend some time at my place?"

  He spread his hands wide and sneered. "Nope, you got no booze. My buddies and I just came in for a cold beer and some food. Don't want any trouble."

  "Then get the hell outta of my face and there won't be any." Cool as sin, she stepped one closer and nonchalantly waited with her hand resting on the taser linked to her belt.

  Kai stepped beside her and leaned back against the counter, his hands free and ready.

  Mike ran interference at the exact moment when Kai figured there'd be hell to pay. "You want food, Hank? Back off. Get a table and I'll be over to take your order. "

  Hank studied Mike's sincerity first. Then shifting his eyes back to the woman bugging the hell outta him, a low growl escaped and he strutted to the closest table, his boys joining him. All three slouched in their chairs wearing freakish grins that had Kai wanting to bitch slap them off.

  Much to his horror, his sweet little partner strutted right behind them and waited until they were settled. Then with her hands on the table, she eyed each player and spoke softly.

  "Any of you guys in here last night?"

  Three heads moved in a negative way."

  "Okay. Then how about sharing information about our mutual friend Mr. Rhondo. Anything happening we need to know about?"

  Same answer.

  "Doesn't surprise me that you studs know nothing. Fine. Just give the sick bastard a message for me. You tell him if he wants me, to stop fooling around beating up on young boys and come get me."

  By this time, the three were sitting at attention. The game had ramped up and Kai sensed that Aurora's little pitch had gotten to them. No matter how mean these sons-a-bitches were, none of them went along with anyone working over kids.

  The stench of fired up testosterone in the dim room added to the air pollution and Kai decided the point had been made and the time had come to leave.

  Clearly, Mike did also. He stomped over to the door and waited, his posture screaming…get out!

  Aurora backed off and moved towards where Eddie still sat enthralled by the action being played out in front of him. She reached into his shirt pocket for the bag of marijuana she knew she'd find and waved her finger in front of his face. "Lying to an officer of the law and carrying illegal drugs. I guess you'll be coming with me."

  The poor guy's face turned pale as he cringed. "You can't do that. You can't search me for nothing."

  "You wanna complain? Fine. You can bitch to your lawyer."

  Kai stepped up and grabbed Eddie's arms and hauled them behind to put on the cuffs. As he did this, he noticed the telling bulge in the back of Eddie’s shirt. He slyly removed the piece and then motioned for Aurora to head out. He'd follow up the rear with the prisoner. His place –
keep her back covered.

  Chapter Thirty-one

  "I don't know nothing!" Eddie had been using the same line all the way to the precinct, up the stairs, and for an hour in the interrogation room.

  Aurora was sick and tired of the words, but the skinny schmuck was surprisingly uncooperative.

  You sure you have nothing to say? I'm all ears if you want to share.

  "Got nothing. I'm cool."

  Aurora stood up from the table separating the two of them and took her half-empty water bottle with her. Then at the last moment, she left it sitting there, smiled, and joined Ham and Kai who waited behind the glass partition.

  "Ham, turn the air conditioning off in Eddie's suite. He's feeling a mite cool right now."

  "On it Rory."

  "Don't call me Rory.' She shouted after him then muttered. "Hate nicknames."

  Kai blinked at her, and she realized he'd heard the words and had been surprised by her vehemence.

  "My crazy mother used to call me that. Hated it then, and still do."

  The right side of his mouth rose in a grin she'd gotten used to and found attractive. Then he shrugged. "I'm lucky, my name can’t be shortened."

  “Asshole can.”

  “Very funny.”

  Thoughts bouncing in her head escaped. "She only used it when she hated me. Correction! She used it all the ti..." Aurora bit the words off once she clued in on what she had revealed. The only people who knew about her childhood were Debbie and Cory, and she disliked anyone else being aware that she'd lived through hell.

  Before she could turn away or change the subject, his warm arms swept her close and his tenderness shot straight to the little girl still buried deep inside who'd longed for hugs.

  Never before had an embrace meant so much or felt so good. His warm breath stirred the short hairs that had escaped from her French braid and started a mellow vibration inside her head.


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