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ROMANCE: BAD BOY ROMANCE: Bad Boy Brother (Stepbrother Interracial College Romance) (Contemporary Stepsister Taboo Romance)

Page 152

by Gillian Joyner

  “You don’t wanna know,” he said, the slight glint of his white teeth seeming suddenly menacing. She shivered despite her rising body temperature.

  “Who says what I want,” she managed to stutter out, defiant even through the jolt of fear.

  “I do bad things,” he finally said, before pulling away with a devious smile. Ricky’s eyes went wide, but she forced herself to shrug it off with a grin of her own. Still, she felt so momentarily unsettled that she had to excuse herself to go to the bathroom.

  Ricky forced herself to smile at him and made her way to the back of the bar, feeling the combined effects of the alcohol and her strange reaction to Rush. She nearly fell over trying to pull her jeans and panties down, but somehow managed to get her business done without falling into the toilet.

  It was only when she looked down at her panties between her ankles that she realized they proudly displayed evidence of her arousal; a large, damp spot right where her slit met the fabric. Half ashamed and half turned on by this realization, she pulled her pants up and flushed, eager to get back out there and get to the bottom of these feelings – whatever that meant.

  Washing her hands quickly, she took a look at herself in the mirror, coming to the conclusion that she didn’t look half bad considering her mental state. Her mascara had smudged slightly, giving her that smoky eye look that girls took hours to perfect before going out. At some point, she’d put her hair up in a messy bun; probably to stop herself from playing with it too much and giving away her stubborn attraction. If she’d twirled any more hair around her finger, she would have wound up with curls by the end of the night.

  A knock on the door had her realizing she’d been standing with the water running for far too long. Shaking her hands dry, she opened the door, expecting to see some drunken patron swaying in the doorway. Instead, she got an eyeful of the man she’d been staring at all night. Rush stood, tall and impressive, the fluorescent light of the bathroom only giving her a better look at him. Those eyes that she’d known were green now seemed like they were the color of the sea on a stormy day. His hair wasn’t just brown; it was jet black. His chin, covered in a fine scruff, was dimpled.

  “Oh,” Ricky said, her words catching in her throat. He towered over her, more than she’d realized at the bar or the pool table. Her heart beat hard in her chest, her breath was shallow. She remembered that damp spot in her panties and knew it was only getting damper with each moment he stood there in all his muscled magnificence, those eyes bright and knowing.

  “Let me in,” he said, a demand, not a question. Without thinking, she stepped to the side, and he entered the bathroom, the door swinging shut behind him.

  “What are…” she started to say, but her lips were caught as his hand shot forward, gripping her chin, not too hard but hard enough to stop her from speaking. She could smell him; whiskey and heat.

  “You should know,” he said, his face lowering towards hers to whisper in her ear, his hot breath sending tendrils of want down her spine, words curling around her eardrum like a cat by a fire. “I’m not a very patient man.”

  “Um,” Ricky managed to say despite his firm hold on her chin.

  “When I see something I like,” he said, now moving his lips closer, tickling her flesh, her knees about to give out from the heat rising in her belly. “I take it.”

  His arm snaked around her midsection, enclosing her entirely in his strong grasp, and pulling her in released her chin, only to cover her lips with his. Ricky’s shoulders fell in total relief as the tension between them finally eased, his tongue demanding entrance, her lips willingly giving it.

  He tickled the roof of her mouth with the tip of his tongue, his other arm coming down now to squeeze her ass through her jeans, making her moan into his mouth. Forcing her back until she hit cold tile, Rush reached down and grabbed her thighs, lifting her into the air, her cry of surprise swallowed by his lips.

  Desperately grabbing him around the neck, she felt him pressing himself against her, his cock hard underneath the denim of his jeans. With her legs spread, her panties clinging skintight to her pussy, her slit rubbed against the seam of her jeans, the friction lighting a fire deep inside her.

  “These are some tight jeans, little girl,” he said, pulling away to whisper against her flesh. Breathless, stunned, Ricky could only moan as he thrust himself harder against her. “Bet you can feel me through ‘em. Bet I could even make you come.”

  As though determined to prove himself right, Rush hoisted her up slightly and pressed harder, grinding his hips against her crotch. Ricky’s eyes widened as she realized he wasn’t lying; every thrust forced her tight, swollen clit to rub against the seam of the denim, the constant pressure mixing with the repetitive rubbing.

  “You gonna come for me?” he growled into her ear, licking and nipping gently at her earlobe, making her groan in response. “Wanna feel this hot little body shake…”

  “Oh,” Ricky heard her voice echo against the walls of the bathroom as he thrust forward once more, now lifting one knee and pressing it underneath her, right where her slit met her pants, the slightest pressure there immediately making her grind against it. Pinning her against the wall with his leg and one arm, he snaked his other arm around her, and forcing her hips down he positioned her so she was straddling his thigh, riding it, thrusting her own hips back and forth as her clit buzzed and begged for release.

  “Yeah, you are,” he whispered again. “You’re gonna come for me, right here and right now.”

  “Rush,” she moaned, his name a whimper on her lips, her mind blank but for the pleasure she was feeling. “Oh, god, I’m gonna…oh my God….I can’t…I can’t…”

  With one strong jerk, he slid her body upwards, and Ricky’s thighs clasped around his leg, her body releasing in a flood of pleasure, slit soaking through her panties as her body quaked and rumbled with her climax. She felt like she was breaking in half, her ass bucking against the wall, her hips still grinding her downward as though his thigh was a hard cock she could ride. When finally the sensation waned, leaving her breathless and shell-shocked, he pulled away.

  “Now,” he said, a glint in his eye that told Ricky that he wasn’t done with her yet. “How do you plan on repaying me?”

  His green eyes captured hers, and without a single thought, she slid down the wall, dropping to her knees before him. Desperately, she fumbled with the zipper to his jeans, her fingers shaking. She had never wanted someone’s cock in her mouth so badly – she couldn’t even remember wanting anyone’s cock in her mouth at all. But right here, right now, with her mind and body still reeling with pleasure she’d only read about in books, she wanted nothing more than to suck every drop of cum out of Rush’s cock.

  When she finally managed to get his pants down, her eyes widened. Looking up to see the shit-eating grin on Rush’s face, she wondered, briefly, if she’d made a mistake after all. He was huge; she didn’t know how she would ever fit all of him into her mouth.

  “Scared?” Rush asked, his voice almost taunting. It gave her the push she needed to at least try; she wasn’t going to be taken for some wimpy little thing now, after what he’d done to her. She wanted to show him she could give as good as she got.

  “That’s a good girl,” he whispered, his head falling backwards as she licked the head of his cock. Ricky tasted a drop of briny precum, found it strangely delicious, wanted more. Leaning forward more, she took the head into her cheeks, flicking her tongue across it as her hand gripped the base and gently stroked upward; when her hand met her lips she pulled away, and using her spit as lube stroked him back to his base, her mouth coming back to the head and further, licking the velvety skin underneath, feeling the vein pulsing there, his desire making his cock throb against her tongue.

  She moved further down, slowly, inching her lips down the shaft, taking her time to slowly lick and lap at every part she could reach. Opening her eyes, she saw that she was halfway down his shaft, but already she could feel the head
pressing against the back of her throat, threatening to trigger her gag reflex. Instinctively, she tried to pull back, but right at that moment, his hand fell to the back of her head, keeping her in place.

  Her nostrils flared in momentary panic, her hands coming to his thighs for support, tears budding in the corners of her eyes as he gently pushed her head forward. When she looked up, she saw him looking down at her, a smile on his lips as he watched her struggle to fit more of his manhood into her tiny mouth. That smile chased away her body’s panic and she did her best to lick at each new inch of his cock, moaning on his dick so that he could feel the vibrations against the head.

  When he grunted in pleasure, she hummed, making him press even harder against her scalp in desperation. She kept her hand firm on the base of his cock, knowing that she could never fit all of him inside her; when his hips began to thrust, her mouth and hand covered each inch of him, his cock thrusting into her throat at his own pace, fucking her mouth like it was his to do with what he wished.

  “Fuck, yeah, girl,” he groaned, thrusting harder, the vein underneath his cock pumping faster. Ricky felt his cock throbbing and straining in her mouth, his hips moving faster, her throat growing raw as he used her. He couldn’t last much longer, and she moved her free hand to his balls, feeling them churn as she massaged them gently, tickling between his thighs until finally he slammed himself against her, thick spurts of cum shooting into her throat and cheeks; she swallowed each drop, loving the way it felt as she sucked him dry, almost wishing for more when he finally pulled out entirely with a rough gasp.

  “Jesus fucking Christ, girl,” Rush said, moving around her to lean against the wall. “That’s how you make a man fall in love.”

  Ricky laughed; she had no intention of making Rush fall in love with her. Nothing could be less appealing. But this…this had seemed like just a taste…a big taste, for sure (one that still lingered in her mouth, in fact), but just a taste all the same. She wondered, if his cock had felt so good in her mouth, what it might feel like in her pussy…

  Ricky raised herself off the ground and walked forward, now pressing Rush against the same wall. Leaning upwards on her toes, she kissed him, close-lipped, long and sultry.

  “That was fun,” she said, pulling away. “Thanks.”

  He looked at her in genuine surprise, the look of shock followed by a smile. A really, really cute smile, Ricky thought.

  “You’re a lot cooler about this than I imagined from a…from a…”

  “From a little girl?” Ricky answered for him, and he nodded, chuckling. She shrugged and backed away, preparing to leave with a look in the mirror to make sure she didn’t have any cum dripping down her chin. “People sure will surprise you, won’t they?”

  And with that, she left, swallowed up by the noise of the bar.


  Christmas Eve was rapidly becoming Christmas as Ricky sat watching the lights on the tree blink and fade and blink and fade. Everyone had gone to bed hours ago, her parents tanked on Chardonnay and her little brother dreaming of Playstations and 4-wheelers. But Ricky couldn’t sleep. Not out of excitement for what Santa had left under the tree – out of desire to make the call she’d been worrying about for the past few days.

  After their encounter in the bathroom, Rush had emerged and bought her and Sasha another round, seamlessly getting back into the groove they’d had going beforehand. Sasha, no fool, had known something had happened to keep her friend and the biker gone for so long, but she was cool enough to let it slide until the car ride home, only giving Ricky a knowing smile before including her on the current topic of conversation.

  At the end of the night, Rush had slipped Ricky a napkin with his number on it, a gleam in his eye. She’d taken it coolly, with a smile, shoving it into her back pocket. Now, she sat with that napkin in her hands, turning it over and over.

  She wanted to call him. She wanted to call him and see if he was as good in a bed as he was in a bathroom. And he wouldn’t have given her the number in the first place if he hadn’t wanted her to call. Still, something held her back. Something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. She thought maybe she was worried she would get attached – but she didn’t really think she would. And if she did, so what? Hearts are broken every day. Did that really give her a good excuse to miss out on what might just be the best sex of her life?

  Not according to Sasha, who had encouraged Ricky to make the call every day since.

  No, when Ricky was really being honest with herself, she knew it was nothing like that. She was worried about something, sure, but it wasn’t that.

  It was who she was. And who he was. And knowing that if she did this, called him, went to him, let him fuck her senseless…well, it wouldn’t just be some happenstance meeting in a bathroom bar. It’d be a proactive decision, it’d be her taking a chance, taking control of something in her life, giving herself permission to be everything her parents feared most.

  She’d be giving herself permission to have an adventure.

  And though college had changed her, she was still young enough to be afraid of that.

  Closing her eyes and drawing her feet in close, she made a Christmas wish. Of course, it wasn’t the kind that Santa could ever wrap up and put in a stocking, not that she believed in that anymore, anyway. But it seemed right, at the time, what with the clock about to chime midnight and all.

  Let me be brave, she thought to herself. Let me be bold and daring and brave and have an adventure I’ll never forget.

  And then a thousand things happened all at once.

  The clock struck midnight. A loud banging noise came from the front hall. Wind rushed through the house. And Ricky’s heart almost stopped.


  Squinting up at the lavish mansion, Rush waited for Tech to give the go-ahead. The aptly named whiz kid was hunched over a tiny computer, numbers flashing across the screen. He was humming a Christmas tune as he worked, something inanely catchy that Rush was sure to be hearing in his own head for the next week.

  “Alright, guys, you’re in,” Tech finally said with a resolute click on the keyboard. “Security’s down, you’re all clear.”

  “Solid,” Rush said. “We’re out, Booker. Keep ‘er running, I’ll beep ya when we’re ready,” he said, leaning forward to speak to the driver, who acknowledged him with a two-finger salute before turning the keys in the ignition. Rush, Hawk, and Crooks slunk from the van, shutting the doors silently and hustling forward in the cold December night.

  The lock on the door was no issue that Crooks’ tool belt couldn’t fix, but as the lock clattered to the floor beyond Rush cringed. That was always the worst of it; if anyone heard that, whether it was a light sleeper or a father still laying out Santa’s bounty, they’d have to make a hell of a run for it. But there was nothing for it but to go in.

  The grandiose front hall was dim, but he could see poinsettias and ivy all along the halls. As the trio crept forward, each holding a sack, he made for the soft glow creeping around a doorway across from a large staircase. Keeping close to the wall, he peered around; the coast seemed clear enough, and he waved his comrades in, walking through the eave and having to stifle a cry of satisfaction.

  That was one hell of a bounty.

  If they hadn’t already safely put two houses behind them, this haul alone would have made the night worthwhile. The three men made their way to the tree, Hawk stopping to lift the heavy stockings from the wall and slide them into his sack. Working quickly and quietly, they filled their bags with the tinsel-wrapped, bow-adorned gifts.

  And then Rush heard a click that he knew all too well.

  His balls nearly jumped up to his stomach, his skin breaking out in a cold sweat. Slowly, he turned in the direction of the noise.

  “Don’t move,” a voice whispered from behind the barrel of a gun. Rush’s jaw dropped, and a part of him wanted to laugh. He knew that voice. He knew that face. He knew that body, too.

  “Listen, I don’t want any
trouble, so just leave the stuff and get out, please,” she said, her voice firm with only the slightest hint of a quiver. She was holding the pistol steady, too; if he hadn’t been blown away by her behavior at the bar, he certainly was now.

  “Ricky,” he said, keeping his own voice low. He watched her eyes widen, the gun moving down slightly as she leaned forward, trying to get a better look at him. Fat chance; his ski mask made it impossible to tell who he was. In the long moment that followed, he had to make a decision. Follow what she said, leave, and have that be it, count it as a loss; or reveal himself, and hope for the best.

  He knew, in his logical mind, which choice was less likely to get him jailed on Christmas morning.

  But somewhere deep down, he had a very different idea of what the girl in front of him would do if he revealed himself.

  “How do you know my name?” she asked, lifting the gun again, though now it did shake slightly in her hand. That shaking was what finally decided it; he didn’t trust that she might not get scared at the last minute and slip her finger on that trigger.

  “Ricky, it’s me,” he said, lifting his hands slowly, palms open to show he was unarmed. Grabbing the bottom of his mask, he pulled it above his head. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Crooks’ incredulous stare through the eye opening of his mask.

  “Rush!” Ricky said all in a breath, and he quickly made a shushing gesture. The gun fell to her side, her mouth going slack as she looked at him bewildered.

  “What…what is…holy shit! What are you doing?!” she whispered, stepping forward, gun still in hand.

  “What does it look like?” he said. “I told you what kinda guy I am, Ricky.”

  He could see her eyes wavering from confusion to understanding to denial to acceptance – finally stalling somewhere in the middle of it all. He still held his hands open.

  “Now, we’re gonna go, okay? We’re just gonna slip out, no harm done, okay?” he said, stepping back. He heard Crooks and Hawk moving behind him, their bags dropped to the ground full of the would-be bounty. Ricky’s eyes flashed in the glowing lights, taking in the scene, the shadowy figures and their dark intentions. And then, suddenly, that barrel was pointed straight at Rush once more. His arms flew up, and Hawk and Crooks froze in their places.


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