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ROMANCE: BAD BOY ROMANCE: Bad Boy Brother (Stepbrother Interracial College Romance) (Contemporary Stepsister Taboo Romance)

Page 153

by Gillian Joyner

  “Oh no you’re not,” she said, her voice a strangely throaty hiss. “I don’t know what you’re planning on doing with all my family’s shit but…but…”

  She seemed to struggle with some deep confusion, some internal struggle. But when she spoke again, it was confident.

  “But it’s probably better than what we’d do with it. Pick up those bags,” she said, gesturing vaguely with the gun. No one moved. “I’m serious.”

  Behind him, Rush’s buddies did as she said, in a hurry, too.

  “And I’m coming with you,” she said.

  “Come on, Ricky,” Rush said, incredulous now. “You don’t want…”

  “Sure I do,” she said, and in the dark he could see the slight gleam of her teeth as she smiled. “In fact, I was just thinking about something like this.”

  “Ricky, that’s insane,” Rush said, stepping forward, sure that he’d really done it now. Why couldn’t he ever see crazy before he stuck his dick in it? “What do you think this is? A boy scout trip?”

  That gleam of a smile disappeared, and there was just her eyes reflecting the twinkling lights.

  “Take me with you or I scream,” she said, and he knew she meant it. “And this whole house wakes up.”

  Baffled and backed up against the corner, Rush had no choice. He dropped his arms, an elaborate shrug.

  “Alright, you crazy bitch,” he said. “Alright! But we’re going right fucking now. And whatever you think is gonna happen…well, what do you think is gonna happen?”

  That gleam of teeth again.

  “I won’t get in the way, Rush,” she said. “I promise. I just want to finish what we started back in that bar. That’s my Christmas wish.”

  At the memory, Rush’s cock jerked to life. Damn it. The girl was psycho, but she still got his blood pumping. And the fucking he’d give her as payback for this little stunt? Well, he was sure it’d be one to remember. Frustrated but slightly amused despite himself, he made an after-you gesture towards the door. As she brushed past him, gun still in her hand, she leaned in close. She smelled like peppermint and chocolate.

  “What was that thing you said about patience?” she whispered upwards. “Guess I don’t have much of it, either.”

  And with that, she was gone, out through the eaves and down the hallway. Turning with a groan, he was met with dumbfounded, inquisitive stares. He growled at them and shooed them away; they’d have time to discuss it all back in the van. Reaching into his pocket, he clicked his two-way, telling Booker to bring the van around.

  Outside, as the door swung shut behind them, Rush examined Ricky’s poor wardrobe choices. She shivered in the cold Connecticut night air, wearing only a pair of festive-looking leggings, some fuzzy socks, and a long sweater. Grunting and annoyed, yet still compassionate enough to hate her shivering, he unshouldered his own heavy winter coat and draped it around her shoulders. She looked up in surprise, her mouth opening in a warm smile.

  The headlights turned the corner of the wraparound driveway and the four figures shuffled down as the back doors of the van swung open. Each man hoisted his sack inside, then crawled in behind it, Ricky taking the rear. With a click, the doors shut, and the van peeled away, silent as the grave.

  “What the fuck is this?” Tech said, eying the girl.

  “Yeah, Rush, what in the actual fuck?” Crooks added his voice to the shouting melee, pulling off his ski mask, face red with anger.

  “What the hell was I supposed to do?” Rush said, snarling. “You saw what happened!”

  “Um, I’m right here,” Ricky voiced petulantly, crouched on the side of the van. “You don’t have to talk about me like I’m not. I’m Ricky,” she said, putting her hand out in Tech’s direction. “Nice to meet you.”

  Dumbfounded, the younger man took her hand in his and shook it before turning back to Rush.

  “Was this part of your haul tonight, Rush?”

  Rush grumbled, shot him a warning glance.

  “It was my idea,” Ricky chimed in. “I made him take me. You don’t have to worry; I’m not going to, like, rat on you or anything. I just got tired of sitting all alone in that house.”

  “You got tired of sitting alone in your house, so you decided to hitch a ride with the men robbing it?” Hawk said, mouth hanging open in wonder. His eyes flicked towards Rush. “She’s crazy. We’ve got a crazy person on board. Holy fuck…”

  Rush eyed Ricky. Now, with the light on in the back of the van, he could actually see her clearly. Her eyes seemed to implore him, beg him for something.

  “She had a gun,” he said, turning back to the group. “And she said she’d scream. Nothing I could do for it.”

  Crooks, who had begun to fish through his bag of stolen gifts, muttered something underneath his breath.

  “What was that?” Rush asked, believing he’d heard a few choice words in that mumbled statement. Crooks looked back at him, eyes flashing.

  “I said, we could have knocked her out and gotten away, you chose to bring the little whore because you wanted her to suck your cock again,” Crooks said loudly. Without even thinking of what he was doing, Rush lunged forward, grabbing Crooks by the front of his jacket. He was okay with the girl being called crazy; she was. But she wasn’t a whore, and he hadn’t done what he’d done because of her oral talents, and the idea of actually hurting her made his blood boil.

  “Shut your fucking trap, Crooks,” he growled, his larger figure striking immediate fear in the smaller man’s eyes. “Don’t talk shit about what you don’t know shit about.”

  Releasing him, Rush settled back down across from Ricky, who was looking at him again, eyes all wide and gorgeous and wanting. He sighed, rubbing his temples.


  “Who’s Trevor?” Hawk said suddenly, holding up a shiny, silver-wrapped package.

  “My brother,” Ricky said, brows furrowing.

  “How old?”

  “Um…he’s like 10,” she said. “Why?”

  “Alright, boys, anything for Trevor goes in the do-gooder pile,” Hawk said, tossing the package into the far right corner of the van. Ricky saw a sizable, unsteady hill of packages there. Apparently, these guys liked to separate their stolen goods by age, like a child might separate his Halloween candy by type or desirability.

  “Booker,” Rush said loudly, crouching up towards the row of seats at the front of the van. “Just take me home. I got something I gotta fuckin’ deal with. No goddam eggnog for me tonight.”

  “Aw, hell, Rush,” the driver said, leaning back and shouting to be heard. “We’ll miss ya. It ain’t Christmas without you playin’ Santa.”

  Ricky watched the group share a smile, like brothers sharing some family secret or inside joke. She felt a strange sadness in her heart, thinking that this horde of criminals might be closer than her own family. When Rush returned, sitting across from her, she wondered if she was taking him away from his family on Christmas Eve.

  “We can go,” she said. “I mean, you can go. I could, like, wait, or something. But I don’t want you to miss out on…”

  He dismissed her with a wave of his hand.

  “It’s too damn cold out,” he said. “And I don’t feel like explaining to the big boss why there’s a hundred-pound addition to our yearly take.”

  The men were busy examining the gifts one by one, pulling them out. Every once in a while, they’d toss one into the far corner. Ricky fell into a sort of dull trance, the rocking feeling of the truck as it drove lulling her mind. She could have been thinking about how she’d made a mistake, how this was stupid, how she could be setting herself up to get herself killed, or kidnapped for real, or any number of horrible outcomes.

  The gun was still in the front pocket of her hooded sweater; she’d trash it before going home, and hope that her father would think it had been taken from its hiding place in the kitchen by the same men who had taken the gifts. She wondered if the police would be able to find them. The security system had never gone off w
hen they broke in, and the security system and the house’s security cameras were all on the same line. Judging by the high-tech computer system she’d spied Tech working on, they knew what they were doing.

  The van began to slow down and Rush moved forward once more, looking out the shaded windows. Turning back, he grabbed a bag.

  “Alright,” he said. “I’ll drop these off tomorrow morning.”

  “Sure you don’t want us to do it? Seems like you might have your hands full,” Tech said snidely, gesturing to Ricky, who watched with interest. Rush sneered at him.

  “Fuck off, kid,” he said. “You guys have fun tonight.”

  With the bag full and the van finally stopped, though still running, Rush crept to the back and grabbed Ricky’s hand.

  “Come on, fuckin’ crazy girl,” he said, and opening the back door led her out. Looking back at the still-confused faces in the fan, she gave a half-hearted wave before the door slammed shut and the van sped off.

  They were standing in front of a surprisingly nice little house; it had nothing on Ricky’s mansion, of course, but for what it was, it was nice. A little shotgun style house with big yards on either side.

  “This is where you live?” she asked, surprised. Her words came with puffs of visible air. He rolled his eyes.

  “What did you expect? A goddam shack?”

  Ricky blushed, but followed him up the walkway and then through the door.

  Flipping the light on, Ricky was equally surprised to see a small, sparsely decorated Christmas tree in the living room. Did he live here alone? Rush didn’t seem like the sort of guy who’d put up his own tree. She pointed to it and smiled.

  “Nice,” she said. “Your girlfriend put that up for you?”

  He scoffed once more.

  “I don’t have a fucking girlfriend. What kind of guy do you think I am?”

  Ricky shrugged and took in the rest of the room while Rush put the bag of gifts down in the center of the room. There wasn’t much to it; through the door at the end of the room she could see what looked like a kitchen. The living room itself had a bookshelf stocked with paperbacks and DVDs, a coffee table, a TV with a nice sound system, and a black leather sofa. And, of course, the tree in the corner.

  “I need a fucking drink,” Rush said, crossing the room. He didn’t ask if she wanted one herself, but he came back with two glasses; Ricky took a sip. Gin and tonic; what she’d been drinking the night they’d met. Rush downed his in two gulps, and Ricky tried to follow suit but choked. Taking the glasses, he returned to the kitchen and came back again, both filled once more. Ricky was already feeling the effects of the first drink, though, and placed hers down on the coffee table. He studied her.

  “What’s your deal, anyway, girl?” he asked, clearly less on edge now that he had some drinks in him.

  “I told you in the bar. I just…I don’t get along with my family. They’re boring. I’m bored.”

  He shook his head.

  “Don’t you have any sense at all in you? I could kill you right here and now,” Rush said, setting his now-empty glass down beside hers. Ricky’s heart skipped slightly in her chest, but she held his gaze.

  “You won’t though,” she said, sounding more confident than she felt. He raised one eyebrow.

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because you want me,” she said, taking a bold step further, trying to ignore the desperate beating of her own heart. “You want me and…”

  Fear pulsed through her, then a shock of lust, as he grabbed her arm, stopping her midsentence. His eyes bore into hers, making her feel like wilting away and kissing him all at the same moment. But she saw, in those eyes, how much her words had rang true. He wanted her. And she was going to let him take her. Right then, right there.

  “So, you want to call the shots tonight? Well, how do you want it, little girl?” he asked, his voice low and gravelly. The question took her off guard; she hadn’t planned anything past her immediate actions. Now, she was faced with the consequences.

  “What do you mean?” She tried to cover the uncertainty in her voice. Rush moved closer, so close she could smell him, still sharp and fresh from the cold air outside.

  “Do you want it gentle, and slow,” he said, bringing his hands to her shoulders and pushing off the heavy jacket he’d given her, his fingers travelling down her sweater-clad arms, raising static electricity between them. When he got low enough, his fingers curled around the bottom of the sweater.

  “Or,” he said, increasing his grip and pulling her close then spinning her into his arms, backwards, so that her back was pressed against his chest. Her heart lurched as heat flushed through her, his hands yanking at the bottom of the sweater until he pulled it over her head, her bare chest and taut stomach tightening under his cold hands.

  They landed on her beasts, kneading the flesh hard, cupping the small but pert bubbles from below. One hand moved to her hair, pulling her ponytail, her head snapping on her neck as his lips lowered to her ears. “I could fuck you hard, and fast, make you scream.”

  Ricky’s stomach churned as he plunged one hand downward, past the elastic of her leggings to her panties, cupping her sex, his hand warming immediately from the heat it was giving off. His thumb found her clit through the thin fabric and pressed against it, just holding it, applying a pressure that was light and firm and made her want to grind against his hand.

  His warm breath against her neck sent shivers down her spine, and when his lips finally landed on the smooth curve of her flesh she whimpered, his tongue licking gently at her skin. His mouth traced her jawline, his thumb never moving yet thrilling her all the same. Releasing her hair, his hand fell once more to her breasts, two fingers coming to tease her nipple between them until she squirmed at the mix of pleasure and pain.

  “I’m a virgin,” Ricky said suddenly, surprising even herself. He growled against her skin and she could feel his cock growing hard against her ass.

  “You’re kidding me,” he said, yanking harder on her nipple while pressing his thumb tighter against her clit. Her thighs clenched together in desire.

  “No,” she panted, “I’m not.”

  He pushed her away then, and she cried out gently in shock. Turning to him, she was cold without his touch, and craved his now-warm hands on her once more.

  “Is that a problem?” she asked, wondering if she shouldn’t have told him at all. But seeing the animalistic lust in his eyes as he examined her from head to toe, his chest rising and falling sharply, she knew she hadn’t.

  “No,” he said, his voice a snarl. “It’s the opposite of a problem.”

  She was standing right in front of the leather sofa, and when he lunged forward she instinctively backed up, her knees hitting the edge and forcing her to sit down with a loud thump. He towered over her, but then leaned forward, forcing her to lean back further until she hit the back of the couch. He pinned her in place there, his arms on either side of her, his eyes trapping hers in their crystal green gaze.

  “I’m going to break you in,” he said, his words making her heart race. “I’m going to fuck you so good, you’ll spend the rest of your life as a little slut, just trying to feel that good again.”

  She moaned, even though he hadn’t touched her, the dirty words making her slit gush. His hands moved down to the waistband of her leggings and yanked downwards, taking her panties with them, until she could feel the cool leather under her flesh, her pussy exposed to him, already glistening with desire. When he touched her there, she gasped, eyes half-shutting with pleasure.

  “Not wet enough,” he growled, and grabbed her by the hips, pulling her forward until her ass hung halfway off the couch.

  “What are you…” Ricky started to say as he crouched down before her, but her words caught in her throat as she felt his tongue snaking out, sliding over her hard and swollen clit, making her stomach clench and turn in pleasure. “Oh, fuck!”

  “That’s right,” Rush growled between her thighs, the breath fro
m his words seeming to caress her swollen lips. “Gonna get you nice and wet before I fuck your brains out.”

  Ricky’s hands immediately flew to his hair, fingers entwined in the strands, as he leaned forward again, snaking his tongue around her clit and sucking it gently between his lips. She felt her juices flowing now, dripping from her slit as he licked and sucked her tender nub, his hands moving upwards to clasp and knead one breast.

  Fire burned in her cheeks, pussy clenching, hands pushing forward. Her hips bucked upwards, her cunt aching to be filled now that her clit was enjoying each sharp flick and tender roll of his expert tongue, his mouth on her sex warm and needy. He zig-zagged across her clit with his tongue while teasing her nipple between two fingers, then moved his mouth lower, probing her aching slit as far as he could reach before moving upwards again to circle and flick, circle and flick and then gently suck…

  “Rush,” she said, her voice breathless and wanton. “Oh, my God, Rush, please, don’t stop, don’t stop, I’m gonna….oh, fuck, I’m….”

  As he sucked her clit between his lips, pinching her nipple hard, she felt a pressure building inside her like a wave, a throbbing, aching desire overtaking her. Her toes curled. Her hips thrust upward. Her hands pulled his head tighter, grinding against him, the need so great she thought it would break her in two.

  When she felt his teeth graze, ever so slightly, against her clit, she jolted bolt upright, spine cracking as the wave broke inside her, a flood of electric light snapping at her nerves, a flood of juices spilling from her cunt and into his waiting mouth, her thighs clenched around his head like a vice as her muscles snapped and trembled in bliss.

  “Fuck!” Ricky screamed, her voice filling the room with her ecstatic release, until she went limp, legs falling to the side, body still buzzing but seemingly spent now, vision returning slowly as her toes uncurled themselves. As Rush raised himself above her once more, wiping her juices from his stubble, she felt that aching need once more, mellower now but still there. Looking forward, she saw his hardness for her, his cock straining to escape his jeans.


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