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Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

Page 6

by Paige Cameron

  “Sure. Come for dinner, and we’ll talk afterwards.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  Mitch and Daren put Rae’s and Jewel’s suitcases and the painting supplies in the truck bed. Daren opened the door to the backseat. Rae climbed in, and Jewel followed.

  Rae’s mind raced as they drove toward her home. She was afraid she’d never feel totally in control again. Not until she found out if last night was real or a dream. She touched her stomach. Whichever it was, he hadn’t used any protection and she’d been off contraceptive medicine for several years.

  At her house they waved good-bye to the others, and she and Jewel went inside. “You know the way to the guest room,” Rae said as she turned toward her bedroom.

  Perhaps she’d never see him again. But what if he kept coming to her in her dreams? If that happened, she’d have to ask the Priestess how to shut him out.

  A surge of heat and desire raced along her nerves. But did she truly want to keep him away? That might be how he got past her walls. Her desire was stronger than her mind’s determination. She’d work on her resolve. Not that she didn’t enjoy herself, but there were too many questions about him that needed to be answered before she and her heart got involved.

  * * * *

  Sahale knocked and called out, “Anyone home?”

  Sara came from the kitchen area. “Hi, Mitch said to tell you to meet him and Daren in the conference room downstairs.”


  He waved as he headed toward the elevator. Downstairs they did their secret work and held the most private meetings. Mitch and Daren had to be concerned to meet there. Sahale couldn’t remember the last meeting that took place in their reinforced conference room. No one could penetrate the walls to hear or see what was happening.

  Sahale stopped in the doorway. Their Priestess Elle and her husband Pruet sat in a circle that included Mitch, Daren, Sahale’s brother Lang, and his grandmother, who most everyone called Nanna.

  “Join us, Sahale. I sent the helicopter to get Nanna.” Mitch smiled at the tiny woman sitting to his right.

  “It was quite an exciting adventure. I believe I will ask for the helicopter whenever I want to come to the main ranch area.” She smiled at her two grandsons. “That way I can visit more often.”

  Mitch grinned. “It’s at your beck and call, Nanna. Now for the more serious reason Daren and I asked you all here. Strange occurrences have been happening since Caedmon Quinlain visited our ranch. Much of it pertains to Rae. I didn’t ask her to attend. At this point I don’t think her perspective can be clear and focused.”

  Daren leaned forward. “Quinlain came to talk with us during his first visit and this last one. He was very open about being a member of the third tribe. His brother and cousin are the leaders. I asked why they had two for one tribe. He said all would be explained at the proper time.”

  “Did he say when this time would be?” Elle asked.

  “Not exactly,” Mitch said. “But his goal is to reunite our tribes.”

  “I wish we knew the reason our ancestors broke off from their tribe. But when the third tribe left they managed to take all the scrolls concerning that period of time, and some of the scrolls from when our people first arrived on Earth,” Elle said. “I’m leery of this sudden desire to integrate with us.”

  “They also took the mechanism that allowed us to contact our planet. It was badly smashed in the collision with Earth, but with modern advances I wonder if they have been able to contact our home planet.” Mitch looked at each person. “I want to go around the room and have each of you tell me your thoughts on this.”

  “Our planet is billions of miles away in a galaxy that Earth scientists have yet to be able to discover. I suspect they have not succeeded in repairing the mechanism to contact our old world. But what if they did?” Lang asked.

  “According to the few older scrolls the third tribe left behind and from what our grandparents have passed down to us, we left our planet searching for another place viable for us to live on,” Elle reminded the group.

  “Yes,” Nanna said. “I have heard the story. Your ancestors feared the larger two of the five tribes were preparing to go to war, to take control of your world. Your ancestors preferred to be prepared if they had to escape the enemy.”

  Daren nodded. “Those two tribes were a much more warlike group and wanted complete control. They disliked being part of a group of leaders who did what was best for all. I remember my grandfather telling us such stories starting when we were small.”

  “Do you fear the third tribe has become like them and would try to take us over?” Pruet asked.

  Mitch stood and paced around the room. “I don’t know. I think there are definitely more of us. Quinlain said they came in peace to reunite with their kin. The man has a good reputation of being honest and is well respected as an attorney.”

  Nanna had closed her eyes. Sahale had been watching her. He noted Lang had, too.

  “Nanna, please tell us what you sense or know.”

  She opened her eyes and stared at Sahale, and then Lang. Tilting her head, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes again.

  “Winds of change are whirling around us. Some good, but there is a sinister cloud rapidly following. There will be much to accept and some to question. You must use all your skills and your instincts. In the end the battle to save us and our adopted world will be on all our shoulders.” She opened her eyes and looked at Mitch and Daren. “Trust, but keep your eyes and ears alert. Not all are trustworthy.” She looked around the room. “But it is best to have your enemy in sight.”

  Elle nodded. “Do I understand we can trust most of the third tribe, but there are a few we can’t?”

  “My vision is not totally clear. I believe what you said is correct.”

  “And you think we must meet with the third tribe and begin to have talks? Mitch asked.

  “You must. Quinlain and his cousin have chosen Rae for their mate.”

  “He told me much the same,” Mitch said.

  “She could be the bridge between you all,” Nanna added. “But she will fight the idea. I have picked up on her disturbed psyche. She is unable to clear her head of them. She’s been hurt by the first one she loved. She will resist trusting either of these two. Especially the one who holds the secret of why the tribes separated.”

  Chapter Seven

  Rae waved good-bye to Jewel as she drove off to have dinner with her parents. She glanced down the road at her brothers’ house. A number of cars and trucks were parked in front.

  Sara probably invited her friends and their husbands. Rae thought briefly of calling and begging off, but her brothers and Sara would not be pleased. She had to hurry or she’d be the last to arrive.

  After dressing casually in jeans and a white shirt, she pulled her hair back, and sat to pull on her boots. Then she walked down the street to the house she’d grown up in.

  “Welcome.” Daren had come out on the porch. When he saw her walking in his direction, he waited. “I was about to come get you. We thought you might try to bail out on us.”

  “I would have, but I knew you’d drag me out.”

  Daren put his arm around her. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. Quit being overprotective.” She frowned at him.

  “Tessa’s food is sure to make you smile. Come in and socialize. We’ll forget all the questions for now.”

  “What do you and Mitch have planned? Are you going to interrogate me after my meal?”

  “What a harsh word.” Daren’s expression showed his concern. “We’ll do nothing of the kind. We’ve been worried about you since the other night.”

  “Please don’t be. I’m all over the shock of Nate’s return with a wife and child.”

  Daren took her arm before she walked off. “Don’t hesitate to call, ever, if you are upset. If you don’t want your brothers involved, Sara is here.”

  Rae had never seen Daren this serious. He seldom ever
frowned, at least not at her.

  “Let me go.”

  “I will when you promise to always call if you feel the need. You’ve always tried to handle everything on your own. It isn’t necessary.”

  “People are looking at us.”

  “Doesn’t bother me.”

  “All right. Cool it.”

  “Say you promise. You were always sneaky as a kid, Rae. You let us think you agreed. Then did whatever you wanted.”

  Rae yanked on her arm. Frowning, she stared into his eyes. “I promise. Satisfied?”

  His familiar grin wreathed his face. “Yes.”

  Sara came to Daren’s side. “You two looked like you were arguing.”

  Daren put his arm around both her and Rae. “Both my favorite ladies can be very stubborn at times. I’m hungry. Is the food ready?”

  “Almost. Both of you come and talk with our other guests.” Rae held on to Sara’s arm. Daren walked toward Nick and Lang and their new bride, Cassie.

  “Sara, I know you’ve been working with Elle regarding your psychic abilities. Elle said recently that you were doing well and were very astute,” Rae said.

  “Yes, how can I help you?”

  “Come to my house tomorrow. We can talk privately. Jewel will be visiting friends and family most of the time she’s here.”

  “It’s a date. Shall we meet around ten?”

  “That’s good for me.”

  “Ah, Tessa is calling us to the table. I hope you’re hungry. She’s made all your favorites including apple pie.”

  The food was good. There was lots of kidding at the table, especially to the newlyweds. Rae envied the happiness of the couples surrounding her. She wanted that for herself. Cad and Garth popped into her mind.

  No. She wanted a man from this ranch. One who she’d known a long time. She’d know what to expect. One whose powers aren’t as strong as mine.

  Ridiculous, she never had a problem with others being strong and gifted. She wasn’t such a petty person.

  “Are you going to hold the bowl of mashed potatoes and admire them or pass them on?” Jack spoke from across the table. “I want a second helping, too.”

  “Sorry. I got lost in my thoughts.”

  “No problem. You look pale. Call and make an appointment and I’ll check you over,” Jack said.

  “I’m fine. I do not need a doctor.”

  Jack took the bowl and put a large helping of the fluffy potatoes on his plate. “Come in anyway.” He handed the bowl to Ellen.

  At the end of the meal, Mitch stood. “We had two reasons to invite you all to dinner tonight. One, we enjoy your company. Two, Daren and I want to have a meeting with the men and Rae to discuss our next assignment. I hope you ladies will excuse us and enjoy visiting with Sara.”

  Nick, Lang, Sahale, Jack, Ethan, Justin, and Rae stood to follow Daren and Mitch. Tessa came in with plates of apple pie and ice cream on a tray.

  “I’m not missing dessert.” Jack reached for a plate. Soon they all had one.

  Tessa shook her head at them. “I’ll bring coffee to the office as soon as I serve your ladies.”

  Rae took a chair off to the side and began to eat her dessert. “Hmmm, wonderful.”

  Mitch sat behind his desk. Daren slouched in a lounge chair, and the others grabbed whatever was left.

  Tessa brought the coffee just as they were finishing their dessert. She cleared the plates and closed the door when she left.

  Daren explained about the earlier meeting. Rae was shocked they’d left her out.

  “Why wasn’t I included? I seem to have been part of the discussion.”

  “You aren’t thinking clear or at least you weren’t when you left here,” Mitch stated. “Since seeing Nate your world has been upset. Then you go to a place where you hope to relax and regroup, and you don’t stay long enough for it to help you. You couldn’t expect to be clear and focused. Don’t get your back up.”

  “I told you it did help. You said Nanna told you these two men want to marry me?”

  Sahale spoke. “Nanna said you might be the bridge between our tribes. But time will tell if that occurs. Don’t make any decisions against what is in your heart.”

  “Absolutely,” Mitch said. “You will be the one to decide who you want to marry. Only marry your true mate.”

  “I wish I knew what I wanted. My mind and heart have taken a beating lately. Right this minute I want to rest far from all of this.”

  “Then you must. I will give you a map to my hideaway. You are welcome to use it,” Sahale said.

  “Can I go tomorrow?”

  “Nanna is going home in the morning by helicopter,” Mitch said. “You can ride along with her, and be dropped off at Sahale’s.”

  “Better take food with you. The refrigerator is usually empty,” Sahale said.

  Tomorrow she’d be alone. Rae wanted the morning to hurry and get here. She had heard of Sahale’s cabin, the beauty surrounding it, and the peace. Just what she needed, and far away from any men.

  * * * *

  The helicopter flew off into the blue sky. Rae watched as Nanna waving good-bye disappeared out of her sight.

  The pilot soon landed at Sahale’s place. He helped Rae gather the groceries and suitcases, and then they headed to the cabin. The house was built on the side of the mountain with a drop-off just a few feet from the back of the building. Rae walked inside first. The pilot put down her suitcases and waved good-bye, as she took the groceries into the kitchen and put them on the table.

  Rae heard the sound of the helicopter as it took off. She was finally alone.

  She moved around the kitchen putting up the groceries. There was no sound but the whistle of the wind as it rolled across the small cottage.

  Standing at the back windows, she saw wild horses racing across the bottom of the canyon. Wildflowers of every color bloomed. She’d have a cup of tea and several of the chocolate chip cookies Tessa had baked early this morning.

  After her tea, she was tired. She’d take a nap on the couch. But first she’d put a protective shell around the cabin and the land close by. She sat cross-legged and closed her eyes. In her mind’s eye she visualized the golden curtain protecting her and the land from strangers. She muttered the chant three times. There. Now she’d lie down and let her body relax.

  * * * *

  Mitch’s phone rang shortly after Nanna and Rae had left. “This is Mitch Stanton.”

  “Mr. Stanton, we haven’t met. I believe we should become acquainted. My name is Garth Sherwyn. I’m Cad’s cousin.”

  “He mentioned a cousin, but not your name. I agree we need to talk.”

  “I’d like to bring Cad with me. He’s been to your ranch. Also I want to bring my brother, Raoul, and his friend, Aleron.”

  “Where shall we meet?”

  “Will you grant us permission to come onto your ranch? We’re nearby.”

  “If you agree to be checked at the gate for weapons and cameras, and you’ll be watched closely while here.”

  “I agree to your terms.”

  “Then my brother and I will meet you all at, say two o’clock. Does that fit your schedule?”


  Mitch hung up and called Daren. He explained about the meeting. “We must have four of us to equal them.”

  “Let’s look at the skills we need,” Daren said. “I’d suggest Nick and Sahale.”

  “A good mix. I agree. Will you call them?”


  “I’m going for a ride.”

  Mitch went in the barn to the stall holding his stallion, Satan. “We need a ride.” He spoke to his horse as he saddled him. “And I need time to think.”

  He swung up on the saddle, rode outside the barn, and Satan took off flying across the prairie.

  A cool wind blew in Mitch’s face, and the sun shone bright across the land. He had a deep love and respect for this country. It was the only home he’d ever known. The stories of their ancestors had passed
down through the families, but this world was his home and where he was born. He slowed Satan and stopped by the river.

  They had to be very careful about trusting the third tribe. What were their real reasons for wanting to join with them? Mitch suspected they’d known, for some time, how to contact them. Why the urgency to meet now?

  He’d warn his men to be alert to any danger to their people or to the ranch. He turned Satan and let him have the lead to gallop toward home.

  There was time for a shower, lunch, and then a quick meeting with Daren, Sahale, and Nick before the others arrived. He strode across the road and into the house.

  He was impatient to meet these relatives. Too bad Rae wasn’t her usual self or she’d be sitting in to assess and report after the meeting.

  Sara was almost as good as Rae. He’d have her join them. He looked in the dining room and kitchen.

  “She put the little ones down for a nap after their meal. You might find her there,” Tessa said. “Your lunches are almost ready,” she added.

  Mitch took long strides to his bedroom. He quickly stripped and stepped into the shower. Sara stuck her head around the bathroom door.

  “I was in my room and heard you come in.” She walked into the bath. “Hmmm, you look very sexy.”

  “Want to join me?” Mitch’s cock had immediately gone to full attention.

  Sara started to remove her clothes. “Tessa will be mad if we’re late for the noon meal.”

  When she got close, Mitch swept her up in his arms and kissed her. “She’s used to us. But we have to be ready for company by two.”

  “Then we don’t have any time to waste.”

  * * * *

  Mitch pushed his plate away and glanced at his watch. “One thirty, we have a few minutes to talk with Sahale and Nick before the others arrive.”

  “Are you sure you want me to join you all? I’ve never tried to read a stranger. I’ve just practiced on willing friends.”

  “You’ll do fine,” Daren said. “And afterwards I want time to play with you like Mitch did. I feel quite left out.”


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