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Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

Page 7

by Paige Cameron

  “You’ll learn to grab the moment whenever you can.” Mitch grinned at Daren.

  “Let’s go.” Mitch stood and pulled back Sara’s chair. “Nick and Sahale will be waiting in our office.” He took Sara’s hand and led the way.”

  “Sara”—Mitch motioned to a chair close to his desk—“I want you to sit there and appear to pay little attention to the visitors.”

  “I know. I’m to look like the adoring wife who has a little brain focused on sex and procreation.”

  Nick and Sahale coughed and looked at each other. Mitch and Daren both grinned.

  “I doubt we can hope for such a magnificent performance since neither I nor Daren have ever had a glimpse of such a paragon.” Mitch stood in front of her with his arms folded. Daren hooted behind him.

  “And you won’t. Except in dire circumstances when you need my expertise in acting.”

  The teasing eased the tension in the group. Mitch impressed on the others to watch the visitors closely. They’d compare notes afterward.

  Phillip came to the door. “Your guests have arrived.”

  Sara, Mitch, and Daren went to the front door. Caedmon Quinlain stepped in first and introduced the others. His cousin, Garth Sherwyn, came in right behind him, followed by Garth’s brother, Raoul, and Raoul’s friend, Aleron.

  Quinlain and Mitch met eye-to-eye, but his cousin, Garth, was at least an inch taller, had broader shoulders, and blond hair. Garth’s brother was not as large a man, but certainly as tall as Daren. Raoul had light silver-blond hair and steely gray eyes. His friend, Aleron, had been introduced last. He did not resemble the other three. He had chocolate-brown hair, midnight-blue eyes, and was as tall as Mitch and Quinlain. As Mitch assessed them, they were doing the same.

  “Follow me to my office,” Mitch said. Nick and Sahale stood as they entered.

  After more introductions everyone found a seat and Mitch sat in his chair behind the desk. “Since you all asked for this meeting I suggest you tell us what you want to discuss.”

  Garth studied Mitch. They stared at each other for several minutes. Tension spiked so high the others got restless in their seats.

  “As Cad mentioned to you when he was here, we’d like to consider the three tribes reuniting. We believe it can be beneficial to all of us.”

  “We’re doing well on our own,” Daren said. “I can’t see a benefit to us. And why should we trust you?”

  “Exactly my reaction if I were in your shoes.”

  “Tell me, if you had a choice, would you go back to our planet?” Garth asked. “If you had to choose an alliance between this world or the one our ancestors left hundreds of years ago, which would be your choice?”

  Mitch and Daren spoke at once. “This is our world.”

  “Perhaps it could really be our world. We could be in charge.”

  “You mean take over the whole world?” Daren snapped. “Are you crazy?”

  Mitch saw the men stir and thought he heard a brief growl. What the hell was that? He glanced out his window, but saw nothing.

  “Where is this conversation going?” Daren asked.

  Raoul spoke up. “Have you a stronger telescope than the ones available to the general public?”

  Mitch nodded yes.

  “Recently, one night about six months ago, we noted a strange blip on our screen. Just that. We didn’t see anything, but our scientists estimated whatever is was wasn’t a small object.”

  “And your theory?” Mitch kept his expression blank. They had noted the same thing around that time period. But he wasn’t showing his hand yet.

  “We’d rather not talk further on this subject until more trust is established,” Garth said. “We invite you and the others in this room to visit our compound. We are located in the mountains of New Mexico.”

  “If we are to be reunited in the future, you will return the stolen documents.” Mitch looked straight at Garth.

  “And you will share what you have with us,” Garth emphasized.

  “Agreed, if or when we reunite. Would you care to visit for a few days?” Mitch asked. “You will be watched closely as I stated earlier.”

  “We’d expect no less,” Quinlain said. “I’d like to see Rae during this visit. Perhaps today if possible.”

  “I’ll see if she wants to talk with you.”

  Quinlain nodded, and they stood to leave.

  Mitch buzzed for Phillip. At his knock, Mitch asked him to come in. “See these gentlemen are shown to two of our visitor cabins. They’ll be staying a short time with us.”

  When they’d left the house, Mitch and the others talked. He turned to Sara. “What did you pick up?”

  “There is a strangeness about the leader Garth and his brother Raoul. They had walls all around them. I wasn’t able to get a glimmer of their thoughts. In personality, Quinlain and Garth are the strongest, but in different ways. Garth is the leader. I believe he’s shrewd and extremely confident. Quinlain and he are close, and Quinlain is probably the only person whose advice he takes.

  “I saw the way they subtly glanced at each other. Quinlain is the coolheaded one. He stays calm, and although he didn’t have the walls up that the others did, he is not easy to read. But of them all, he’s the one I’d trust the most.”

  “Good job.” Mitch hugged Sara.

  Nick and Sahale agreed. “There’s a mystery and they aren’t ready to tell us,” Sahale said. “I’d love to have them meet Nanna, especially Garth.”

  “Maybe that can be arranged,” Mitch said. “Her cabin isn’t far from your hideaway, Sahale. Quinlain wants to see Rae. Tomorrow, we’ll take them to Nanna’s. While she visits with them Sahale, you can go ask Rae if she’s ready for company. Some of what they want is connected to Rae. How much, I’m not sure.”

  Chapter Eight

  Caedmon and Garth rode in the helicopter with Mitch and Sahale on their way to visit Sahale’s grandmother. Caedmon suspected the older woman had the gift of second sight. But what made him and Garth agree to the visit was knowing Rae was nearby and might allow Cad to meet with her.

  “Buying this helicopter was the best decision I’ve made lately,” Mitch said. “We get around much quicker. As you see from the land we’re flying over, our property is quite extensive. We’ve recently acquired another ranch. The owners retired and moved to a warmer climate.”

  “Then you have room for us to move here if I pay you for a parcel of the land?” Garth inquired.

  “Perhaps, but we’re a long way from making that big of a decision,” Mitch said.

  Cad gave Garth a warning look. Garth had little patience, but pushing Mitch Stanton wouldn’t work. He’d distrust them more. Cad was anxious to see Rae. She’d still be mad because he sent Garth to watch her and to see if Rae affected him as much as she did Cad. Apparently Garth had a strong response. They wanted, needed her for their mate.

  When the helo set down, Cad was first out of the copter. He ducked under the blades and ran toward the small cabin. A tiny woman wearing a pink dress and a white apron came to the door.

  “You are one of the men who has upset Rae.” Her beautiful aquamarine eyes matched her grandson’s. She stared at him intently.

  “You are a smart man, gifted with your hands and voice. May I hold your hands?”

  Cad nodded. He was aware the others stood a short distance behind him. Her touch was gentle. Yet he felt the flow between them. A flicker of her eye told him she’d felt it also.

  She closed her eyes and hummed. Cad’s body relaxed, and opened to her sight.

  The humming stopped, and she released his hands. “My name is Minda, but family and friends call me Nanna.” She looked beyond his shoulder and spoke to them all. “Welcome to my home.”

  Nanna stopped Sahale at the door. She nodded to Cad. “Take him to Rae. He won’t hurt her. She needs him. Leave them to visit and return here. You can use my old truck.”

  “As you wish, Nanna. Mr. Quinlain, come with me.”

  Mitch turned.
Nanna went to his side. “It is best. She will be all right. And you must be the leader of the third tribe.” She greeted Garth as Cad followed Sahale out the door.

  * * * *

  Rae had slept well and felt more herself this morning. She’d meditated and then watched the wild horses in the canyon. Later she’d taken a walk that included some climbing, and her muscles were protesting and getting sore.

  But she’d done her thinking about Nate, kicked herself mentally enough times for being so dumb, and resolved the issue hopefully for good. She didn’t allow her mind go to Cad and Garth. Not yet.

  After a quick lunch of a tuna sandwich and a banana, she lay down on the sofa for a nap. She was just dozing off when she thought she heard a truck. It could be Nanna or Mitch come to talk. Inwardly she groaned at the interruption.

  As she sat up, she brushed her long, loose hair back from her face, and walked barefoot to the door. She blinked. The man coming toward her looked like Cad. How did he find her?

  “I see you’re surprised.”

  Rae heard the truck engine growing fainter. “Who brought you, and why did they leave?”

  Cad explained how they had come to the ranch and Nanna’s instructions to bring him here. “Don’t worry, Sahale will be back in an hour or so to get me.” He looked at her hand where she held the screen door closed.

  “Are you going to let me in or leave me out here the whole time?

  “You deserve to stay outside after sending that overconfident, arrogant, forward man to keep an eye on me.”

  “He’ll get a laugh out of all the adjectives you used to describe him.”

  Rae glared at him. “I am not laughing.”

  “Too bad. Get used to him. He and I are going to marry you.” Cad pushed on the screen. Rae stepped back. Cad caught her in his arms and pulled her body hard against his. His mouth covered hers before she could speak. His tongue plundered every sensitive spot. He rubbed his tongue along the lower part of hers and then the top. He held her lower body tight against him, and his hard cock pulsed against her abdomen.

  Desire warmed her insides and sizzled along her nerves. Her body said, “grab him and hold on,” but her mind raised red flags of caution.

  When his hand cupped her breast, she caved in and put her arms around his neck. His hair slid through her fingers like silk.

  He leaned her head back, and his mouth kissed along the side of her neck. Heat, pleasure, and hunger all flashed through her.

  She wasn’t aware he’d unbuttoned her blouse until his hot mouth covered her breast. He’d pushed her bra cup down, and his tongue teased her sensitive nipples. She moaned with delight.

  Cad gradually loosened his hold and stepped away. “Can you still honestly say you have no feelings for me? Especially after the other night.”

  Rae pulled the front of her blouse together. “I’m confused. I know nothing about you except my body responds to you and Garth, the man you sent to watch me. At least I like you. I’m not sure about him. And I’m not sure about marriage.”

  “Give Garth time. He’ll grow on you.”

  She frowned. “You want me to like him?”

  “Yes, because we both want to marry you.”

  “No way. I’ve never considered marrying two men. One would be quite enough to handle.”

  “My darling, we’re not the kind of men to be handled.” He picked up her hands. “Unless you want to handle us with these. I’m sure we’d agree.” His golden eyes glinted with humor.

  Cad pulled her into his arms. “Let me remind you how good it is between us.” He purred the words into her ear and then nibbled at her earlobe, sending a jolt of desire straight down her spine.

  Her pussy clenched and unclenched, and moisture flooded her panties. Her body ached with the desire to have him make love to her again.

  “Sahale will be here soon to take you back to the main part of the ranch.”

  “We have plenty of time.” He pulled her blouse off, unfastened her bra, and threw both toward the couch. She moaned when his hands covered her breasts. His firm, warm grip had her nipples tightening into pebbled points. Gripping his head between her hands, she kissed him.

  “Hold on.” He pulled her legs up and around his waist. His cock rubbed against her body in just the right spot.

  “Where’s the bedroom?”

  Rae pointed to the hall. Cad carried her as though she was small and petite. She’d always been conscious of her height and her rounded curves.

  Cad took her into the bedroom and sat her on the side of the bed. He sniffed her hair and kissed her shoulder.

  “You have the most tantalizing fragrance. When you walked into the cabin that first night I breathed in your exquisite scent. My whole body came alive.

  “I’ve looked for you for years. The one mate for me and Garth. Still, I wasn’t totally convinced until your hand touched mine. Your eyes are very expressive. I knew you’d felt the jolt, too. But you were wary and frightened, whereas I was filled with pleasure and excitement.”

  He stepped away from the bed and took off his shirt. His broad, sleek shoulders were tanned from the sun. Black hair lightly covered his chest and arrowed across his hard abs to disappear under his belt buckle.

  Rae went to him. She put her arms around his neck and moved her pebbled nipples across the soft hairs on his chest. Her teeth nipped at his hard jaw. Then her lips scattered kisses down his neck to the spot where she felt his heart pound.

  Her hands slid down across his chest to his waist. She unbuckled his belt, pulled his zipper down, and pushed his shorts and jeans toward his feet.

  “Let me help you, love.” Cad sat on the bed and yanked off his boots, socks, and pants. He reached across and placed a condom on the table by the bed.

  When he stood, the beauty of his body took her breath away. The first time they’d been together she’d seen him in the moonlight and then dressed the next morning. In full daylight his muscular physique had a polished, honed appearance, as though a sculptor had smoothed all the rough edges leaving a beautiful example for others to envy.

  Her hunger to touch him, kiss him, and have him inside her aching pussy overwhelmed any remaining resistance. His broad chest and lean hips led to long legs. His large, hard cock stood at attention, tempting her to taste.

  Cad reached for the snap on her jeans. “Enough looking at me. I want to see all of you.”

  Heat flushed in her face. Her body couldn’t compete with his. He must have had many beautiful women. She was too tall and had fuller curves than what was currently popular. He hadn’t seen her that clearly the first time.

  He’d undone her snap, and stopped. “Blushing? I’m sure you aren’t shy. We’ve already made love before, so why are you hesitant about me seeing your body now?” He tipped her face to look at him.

  “Just get it over with. I look better in the moonlight. You’re going to be disappointed and change your mind about my being the perfect mate.”

  “I’d never suspected you had any uncertainty about your beauty.”

  He pulled her zipper down and, catching hold of her panties and jeans, swept them to the floor and off. Cad stood back and took his time studying her.

  Rae wanted to put her hands up and cover the places she knew were too heavy. “Too fat” was the word she’d tried to avoid thinking.

  Cad ran his hands from the curve of her neck, along her shoulders, and trailed his fingers over her arms. His head bent forward, and his mouth kissed one breast then the other.

  Her body shook from a mixture of desire and fear of rejection. Cad continued touching each spot. He cupped her breasts and nuzzled her abdomen with light kisses. His hands brushed the edges her hips, before exploring her long, curvy legs.

  She feared she’d crumble to the floor at any moment. Her heart beat rapidly.

  On his knees, Cad continued to touch the skin of her legs, along the outside of her thighs and the inside, while his lips kissed around the outer perimeter where her clit was hidden. />
  Heat and pleasure rushed through her veins. “I’m going to fall,” she said, as her fingers held tightly to his head.

  When he glanced at her, she saw his smoldering sexuality shining in his eyes. He slid upward, and his body touched her all the way.

  “I won’t let you fall or get hurt. I intend to love you, protect you, and keep you happy for the rest of our lives.”

  He lifted her onto the bed. “You’re beautiful all over in my eyes. I love your lush curves, the softness of your sweet belly, the fullness of your breasts. I’m sorry I didn’t verbalize that more the other night. Don’t ever doubt or question your beauty.” He kissed her lips.

  Cad started to move downward. She stopped him. Rae rolled him on his back. She began to learn his body as he had hers.

  Her fingers ran lightly across his face, touching his forehead, eyebrows, the outline of his sensuous mouth. She licked around his ear and bit the edge of his earlobe. She tasted the salty skin of his neck.

  Her hands smoothed across his shoulders and down his arms, as her tongue circled first one and then his other nipple. Hearing the catch in his breath made her smile.

  She sat straight, and her fingers roamed across his chest, down his tight abs, and finally circled his hard cock. He groaned.

  “You like for me to touch you like this.” Her hand moved up and down, and her mouth covered the top of his dick.

  Cad’s hands touched her hair. “Stop. I want to be in your hot pussy. Then I’ll watch your face as the pleasure overwhelms you.”

  “You’re confident you can please me?” she teased him. A spark of fire lit his honey-golden eyes.

  “Hasn’t anyone told you to never dare one of us? Surely your brothers warned you.”

  “They did. I like to live dangerously.”

  “Let’s hope you can handle the results,” he warned her.

  Suddenly, she was on her back and Cad had opened her legs. His mouth covered her clit, and his tongue teased the throbbing nub. He spread her lower lips and put a finger into her wet pussy. An electrifying exhilaration swept up her spine and spread to every cell.


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