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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

Page 165

by James Jackson

  Voknor recalls the Den Mother’s whispered words, then replies, “It happens sometimes. It’s okay!”

  “No its not!” She cries, “You deserve an heir!”

  “Fate it would seem has other ideas.” He replies philosophically.

  “You must choose another!” Lilpax states between sobs, “I am no good to you!”

  “I will not!” Voknor states bluntly, and loudly, causing all in the room to stop, and stare.

  Lilpax blinks away her tears, then says, “But I insist!”

  “Insist all you like,” Voknor replies, “I wish for no other.”

  “But you must have an heir!” She laments.

  “The clan will thrive, whether I have an heir or not. It is the way of things.” Voknor replies.

  The Den Mother who met Voknor at the door, approaches and whispers in his ear once more. The two stare at each other in silence as an understanding is reached.

  Lilpax frowns, then says, “I’m not stupid. I know what you are talking about, and I will not have it!”

  Voknor replies softly, “I would have you live! There are many in the clan who could take my place, and I shall see to it that I begin to work more closely with those I trust and respect. My legacy shall not pass silently into the night. When I am gone, I shall live on, through my teachings to others.”

  Lilpax gazes at Voknor and states, “But is that enough? You would be the first Regent in history to not have an heir!”

  Voknor laughs, “It is fitting, don’t you think.”

  Lilpax frowns in confusion, then considers all the things their clan has already done under his leadership, and smiles.

  “Now rest,” Voknor states, “the Den Mothers have work to do.”

  Lilpax takes a deep breath, then nods to Voknor as she replies, “Who am I to deny the wishes of the greatest Regent who has ever lived?”

  Voknor chuckles, “I am far from the greatest, “but thank you.”

  The Den Mothers lead Voknor out of the room, and then begin preparations for a rarely performed surgery. Indeed, if it were not for the Kord Medical units, they would not even attempt it.

  The days pass slowly, as does Lilpax’s recovery. In time, she regains her strength, and proudly takes her place at Voknor’s side. True to his word, Regent Voknor seeks no other, and instead, begins to focus on the younglings once more. He makes it his personal goal to know each by name as they return from their trials, which bolsters the crew’s morale all the more.

  There is continued discussion amongst the fleet about the validity of having females in roles other than as Den Mothers or egg layers. Many use Lilpax as an example, and blame her condition on her duties. Regent Voknor hears of these talks, and decides to let his crew sort the matter out amongst themselves. If the issue becomes serious enough, he has no doubt that he will hear about it at one of his briefings.

  Over Watch

  Regent Voknor stares at the world below, and cringes. Its landmasses are small, and filled with active volcanoes which spew forth vast amounts of ash and dust into cloudy skies. A few of the landmasses support lush vegetation, enormous herbivores, and ferocious carnivores. Aquatic life is in abundance, with many large enough to swallow a shuttle whole.

  Frazik notices Voknor’s expression and offers, “We can find another planet for the trial.”

  Voknor sighs, “No, the trial is meant to be a test of endurance, cunning, and survivability. The last few have been rather tame, which makes this planet tougher, that’s all.”

  Eighteen younglings stand before Regent Voknor, eight females, and ten males. He slowly casts his gaze over the group, evaluating them, and then offers his motivational speech, “The trial has been with us since before the exodus, and remains still as a test of ingenuity and your ability to adapt. Those of you who survive, earn the right to choose a name and join the fleet as respected clan members. Make us proud!”

  Prytec monitors the group from his private surveillance room, a recent addition to the flagship. He assigns a trusted pilot to watch each youngling, and then sits back in his comfortable chair, a rare luxury, and waits. A single continent is selected for the trial; one that appears dangerous, but in reality has few predators.

  Four days into the trial, Prytec notices something disturbing. There are few large predators, because the entire continent rests atop a super-volcano, one which is now venting lethal levels of gas into the atmosphere. The chances of an eruption are slim; however, a cloud of gas rolls out toward three of the younglings.

  Regent Voknor receives the news, then ponders his dilemma. He taps his armrest, then after weighing the pros and cons, orders, “Pick them all up, and relocate them.”

  The fleet’s Primes become aware of Prytec’s actions, but instead of becoming angered or annoyed, many approve and add their own initiatives, further enhancing the survivability of the younglings.

  The invisible protection does not make the trial feel any less dangerous to those participating. However, many only survive when predators and large animals are directed away from them. Others, if injured, are picked up early under the pretext that the fleet is about to depart. When the fleet remains, they are returned, but restart their ten days from scratch.

  However, the trial is still dangerous, as all are reminded when a youngling inadvertently step off a cliff edge, and falls to his death. On another occasion, Prytec reviews the recording of a youngling eating a small indigenous animal, and watches as the hapless individual dies from its poison before a recovery team can get to him.

  Time marches on, and the fleet’s ranks begin to swell, as trial after successful trial bolsters their numbers. The few deaths are nothing in comparison to the losses experienced in the past.

  The protective issue becomes a topic of hot debate between various Primes, but with crew numbers ever increasing, even those advocating the removal of the monitoring teams appreciate its value to the clan. As for Regent Voknor, he offers each and every youngling high praise upon their return. Each one he greets makes his own sacrifice of not having an heir feel less concerning.


  “Regent Voknor, we are under attack and require support!”

  The bridge crew all stares at the main view, in disbelief. This is the first time they can ever recall another Regent requesting help, and yet, there on the main viewer is Regent Hemlax, doing just that.

  Voknor responds, “We stand ready to assist. What’s your situation?”

  Hemlax shakes his head as he replies, “An Atlan force of six carriers has been harassing us each time we disengage our main drive. We’re unable to out run them, and there are too many to fight!”

  “Cushkull, how long to intercept?” Voknor questions.

  Cushkull taps on his console, reviews the data, then shakes his head as he taps again and again. Finally, he replies, “I have an interception point; almost a quarter of a duty cycle, which has us arriving moments after Regent Hemlax.” With a slight hesitation, he leans closer to Voknor and whispers, “I used the cruiser’s maximum speed as a guide.”

  Regent Voknor nods to the main view, and says, “Regent Hemlax, let’s do this!”

  Hemlax replies with trepidation, “Our combined forces will make this a more even battle, but it’s still going to be one tough fight!”

  Voknor grins as he replies, “I think it’s time we revealed a surprise of our own. Let the Atlans think your main drives have problems from operating too hard. Don’t lose them.”

  Cushkull quickly reruns his data, then reports, “Sending coordinates, adjusted for two additional stops.”

  Voknor grins as he says, “Regent Hemlax, see you soon.”

  Hemlax nods as he frowns; he has no idea what surprise Voknor is talking about, but has no time to discuss the matter.

  Voknor is still grinning as he taps his fleet-wide communications icon and orders, “All Primes, prepare to engage the enemy at the coordinates being sent. All vessels, keep pace with the cruisers, we have Atlans to kill!”

The mining operations on the uninhabited world below cease immediately. The four craft on the planet recover their crews quickly and efficiently, then lift off to join the fleet in orbit.

  Voknor’s fleet streaks away to join Hemlax in battle. Everyone is excited, and apprehensive about the cruisers; this will be their first combat encounter. Though fully functional, they are still operating with a minimum crew. All outer decks, fleet wide, have been evacuated, with damage control teams preparing for the upcoming fight.

  Lilpax has a sudden realization, then shares her fears, “This is the only ship of the fleet not refitted with the new armor-shields combination.”

  Voknor replies confidently, “Our armor has been hardened, which will provide us additional protection.”

  Lilpax turns her attention to the main viewer and the kaleidoscope of colors as they travel at many times the speed of light. They are pushing their main engines beyond their normal tolerances, to maintain pace with the fleet’s cruisers. The standard ships of the fleet are running slightly below maximum, but only slightly, the Kord did an excellent job on their construction. The Gamin engineers are still reviewing the engine schematics. Technically, they are Gamin engines, and yet there are subtle differences, enhancements, making them more efficient than expected.

  Skylow confers with Frazik, Cushkull, and Machkno, then reports, “Regent, we will be reducing speed soon, and have not contacted Hemlax’s fleet, as an additional precaution.”

  Voknor replies, “Understood.” He activates fleet-wide communications, and orders, “We do not lose anyone today. All Primes, disengage at your own discretion. Do not risk your vessels, or crew needlessly.”

  Lilpax is still not used to Voknor’s calmness when a battle is upcoming. It is as though he has already resigned himself to whatever fate lays ahead for him.

  Cushkull lifts his fist, then as he drops it, reports, “Shutting down main drive, diverting all energies to the shields.”

  Lilpax’s breath is taken away by the scene before them all.

  Regent Hemlax appears on the screen, “Cruisers! Damn Voknor, how did you build those?”

  Voknor grins as he reviews his data, then says, “Seven carriers? I thought you were being pursued by six?”

  “What can I say? We’re popular today!” Hemlax jokes. All stress about the outcome of the battle has faded away.

  Machkno cheers, “Both cruisers have engaged the Atlan fleet.”

  Frazik turns, and with slight hesitation, reports, “I am registering in excess of fourteen hundred Atlan fighters. If they concentrate their firepower, they will be able defeat our forces.”

  Voknor considers the sheer number of enemy fighters, then orders, “Move to intercept, then disengage. I want to draw their attention, but not engage too many at once.”

  Cushkull replies with a nod, then pushes the sub-light engines to maximum thrust. The flagship passes between both cruisers, aiming headlong at a large group of Atlan fighters. The fighters turn from their intended target, and rush toward them. He deftly maneuvers the monstrous craft down, and below, Malflik’s cruiser, rolling them over as he brings as many thrusters to bear as possible to hasten their turn.

  Skylow praises, “I had no idea our ship could do that! Great piloting, Cushkull.”

  Machkno laments, “Well, you also limited the number of weapons I can bring to bear!”

  Voknor strides to Lilpax’s console, then reviews the larger display as an idea comes to mind. A few moments later, he transfers the data to the main viewer, then says, “Look at the way those carriers are all hiding on the far side of their fighters.”

  “There is no way we can fight our way through them,” Skylow states, as if reading Voknor’s thoughts.

  “No we can’t” Voknor agrees, “but, we could main drive to here,” he adds as he motions to an area in space, away from the battle, “then, here,” he adds as he stares at the battle. He stabs at the area where the carriers are, and venomously states, “and finally we could get right in behind them!”

  Skylow nervously questions, “our flagship, on its own, against seven carriers?”

  Voknor adjusts the display, then motions to it and says, “Look at the way they’re positioned. If we can get to right here, then they can’t all fire at us!” His claw points at the screen.

  Skylow stares at the area in question, then says, “You want us to park this ship, in that location?”

  “Yes!” Voknor states.

  Frazik stares at his console, then says hesitantly, “You’re asking Cushkull to plot multiple main drive jaunts, and then park in an area the exact size of this craft?”

  “He’s good!” Voknor replies confidently.

  Cushkull feels his face twitch as he prepares for the series of maneuvers, all the while dodging and weaving, in an effort to offer the pursuing Atlan fighters a more difficult target to hit. The sight of a craft, which is larger than many cities they have seen, dodging and weaving, is almost comical; the flagship looks more like its wallowing, than anything else.

  Energy weapons penetrate the shields, and strike the rear of the flagship, digging deep furrows in their armor, but fortunately, missing the main engines.

  Cushkull gulps, then says, “Ready on your order, Regent!”

  Voknor sits down, then says, “At your pleasure, Cushkull.”

  The flagship streaks away, apparently retreating, then moments later, slows and performs a hard turn. Cushkull engages their main drive once more, this time for a little longer, as he monitors a countdown timer. The second stint at sub-light takes longer, then he ramps the main drive to half speed for a brief instant.

  “All thrusters at maximum breaking, turning the ship,” Cushkull announces as they approach the Atlan carriers at high speed.

  The maneuver is so extreme, they can almost feel the g-forces as the ship’s systems are strained to their limits.

  Frazik gleefully reports, “Cushkull has put us in a perfect position, despite the fact that one of the carriers is moving.”

  Machkno wastes no time, and fires everything they have at the closest carrier. Though they are close, he does not wait to see the damage inflicted, and immediately targets a second carrier. Pounders, large and small, cross the distance at nearly the speed of light, while energy weapons lace out in both directions.

  “Cushkull, roll the ship,” Voknor orders as the carriers react to their vulnerable position, and bring more of their own weapons to bear.”

  Machkno fires on a third carrier, ignoring the fact that the first one, though showing signs of damage, appears to be fully functional.

  The Atlan carriers are not coordinating their maneuvers, or their attacks, which is fortunate for the flagship.

  One of the carriers inexplicably explodes, sending vast amounts of debris in all directions. Frazik’s jaw drops as he watches Hemlax’s flagship smash its way through the debris field.

  Hemlax appears on the main viewer, and states gleefully, “I couldn’t let you have all the fun!”

  Voknor responds with a mixture of unease and pleasure, “Excellent, now get your vessel out of there before they carve you up!”

  Atmosphere vents from numerous gashes in Hemlax’s hull. The massive vessel turns, revealing that at least one of its main drive engines is dark, as if it took a direct hit.

  Machkno has not been lax, and reports, “All six remaining carriers show significant damage; time to pick them off!”

  “Damage to our forces?” Voknor queries.

  As the main bridge crew is busy, Lilpax responds, “Both cruisers are taking considerable punishment, and yet their shields are holding! Primes Devril, Pitrax, and Algathor have withdrawn from the battle, each with extensive damage.”

  “Casualties?” Voknor queries. The sheer number of fighters, and their ferocity, indicates that there must be some, but he hopes he is wrong.

  Lilpax sighs, “Yes, all retreating vessels report deaths and injuries.”

  “What of Hemlax’s clan?” Voknor adds apprehen

  Lilpax grins happily, “Five of his craft have retreated, and joined our forces, two others are maneuvering on sub-light engines only, their main drives are damaged. But, none have been lost.”

  Machkno cheers, “Two more carriers destroyed!”

  The bridge crew looks up to see the remaining carriers, and their surviving fighters converging. Voknor cringes as he reviews his console, revealing that more than nine hundred fighters remain. He shakes his head as Hemlax turns his flagship, as if to make an attack run. The combined firepower of the Atlan forces is more than enough to eliminate any approaching vessel.

  Hemlax contacts Voknor and says, “Are you thinking what I am thinking?”

  “Not sure,” Voknor replies with a chuckle, then in a sterner tone, says, “We should let them go, before they figure out that they could still take out half our fleet!”

  “Yeah, but I want them to pay so badly.” Hemlax retorts.

  “They paid!” Voknor replies, then says, “Let’s rally our forces, and get them repaired before they get reinforcements.

  Machkno growls at Cushkull, “You could have let me get in a few more shots before moving out of range!”

  Cushkull ignores the comment, he feels the same way, but he also understands that the Atlans are only retreating because they were surprised.

  Voknor taps his armrests, then says, “Hemlax, how long to repair the main engines on those damaged vessels?”

  “They will have to be abandoned.” Hemlax replies stoically.

  Voknor nods in agreement, then recalls the image of the four craft maneuvering over one of the cruisers, and says, “Wait, I have an idea.”

  Lilpax interrupts the Regents, and reports, “The Atlan carriers have retreated.”

  “Good!” Voknor replies, then says, “Hemlax, your damaged vessels should land on your flagship!”

  “Ah,” Hemlax replies nervously, “what about the stress to the hull?”

  “Yes… Yes...” Voknor stammers, then says, “but that’s not the main issue.”

  “It’s not?” queries Hemlax, his curiosity mounting.


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