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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

Page 166

by James Jackson

  “We need a way of securing the craft, then there is the issue of the RMC and IGD.” Voknor replies.

  Hemlax shakes his head, “You’ve lost me. What’s the issue with these systems?”

  “Both draw their data from the navigational shields, and adjust the internal dampeners to compensate for any speed changes.” Voknor explains.

  Hemlax grins as he replies, “We all know that!”

  “But,” Voknor presses, “the ships that are inside the main shields of your flagship will not be getting true data. Their shields would not receive the correct information, meaning the systems won’t compensate, and all on board will be killed the moment your vessel accelerates.”

  “Then we can’t do it?” Hemlax questions.

  “I have it!” Voknor exclaims, “Link the navicons, as we do when coordinating fleet maneuvers. Your flagship will feed the craft being carried the data required!”

  “How do we secure the craft?” Hemlax queries as he begins to doubt the entire idea.

  Voknor stands, then paces his bridge for a moment. Suddenly he stops and exclaims, “We shuttle construction teams across to manufacture docking clamps directly to your outer hull.”

  Hemlax shakes his head, yet grins as he says, “You are crazy! But I like it.”

  Voknor’s crews are efficient, and fashion two areas on Hemlax’s flagship where the damaged craft now rest, secured in place. The Primes of these vessels synchronize their navicons to the flagship, then wait.

  Hemlax orders a series of test maneuvers, each slightly more drastic than the previous, and as the docked craft remain firmly in place, with their crews not experiencing any inertia, he decides it is time to test the main drive.

  Regent Voknor watches the successful test, then contacts Hemlax, and says, “We have a world nearby where we can repair all vessels. I would have you join us!”

  Hemlax considers the offer, then decides, “My fleet is in no condition to fight; I will join you until repairs are complete.”

  Calm before the Storm

  Voknor presides over another group of younglings, and watches with pride as they each claim their rightful place amongst the clan. He frowns as he tries to recall how many trials this is, but he lost count a long time ago.

  Prytec nudges Voknor and whispers, “You seem preoccupied, what’s bothering you?”

  Voknor nods as he replies, “Is it that obvious?”

  “You have become quiet and reserved lately. The Primes are taking notice, with some becoming concerned that you are losing your way.” Prytec replies bluntly.

  Voknor sighs, then shares his thoughts, “We have had a long series of successes. The cruisers, the Kord Transport system, along with the minor technological enhancements the Kord provided us.”

  Prytec glances around, then questions, “Then why be sullen?”

  Voknor stands tall, then states, “The Atlans!”

  “Okay. The Atlans…” Prytec presses.

  Voknor stares at Prytec, then sighs as he replies, “Since our last attack with Hemlax, they have not attacked a single clan. It has been more than five of their generations. And then I receive a report that they are developing a new carrier, one they have named as a Warmonger Class.”

  “I take it this carrier is special?” Prytec questions.

  “For the Atlans to spend so long, leaving us in peace; it’s not like them.” Voknor states, then adds, “There is something going on, I feel it.”

  Prytec stares fiercely back as he states, “I trust your instincts. What would you have us do?”

  “That’s just it!” Voknor replies, “We know the Atlans received their second to last prophecy, and then instead of attacking us, as I expected, they withdrew and spent generations…” He pauses, then with a deepening frown finishes, “doing what?”

  Prytec ponders his reply, then offers, “They had to figure out their latest prophecy?”

  “Exactly!” Voknor replies, then says, “And now I hear of a new carrier design; yet all I know is that it’s large. No other details have been forth coming, oh, other than it being named.”

  “Warmonger class!” Prytec states as a chill runs up his spine, “A craft with a name like that can only be for one thing.”

  “Yes. They plan to come after us again, but I fear that this time we will be outmatched.” He replies.

  “You will find a way to beat them,” Prytec replies confidently, “you always do!”

  Voknor places a hand on Prytec’s shoulder and says, “You have been my loyal friend for a long time. I hope you’re right.”

  Prytec places his hand on Voknor’s as he replies, “In the meantime, we shall remain vigilant as our clan grows under your leadership.”

  With a nod, Voknor states, “You can inform the Primes, unofficially, that my concerns are due to the unknown nature of the Atlan’s technologic advancements.”

  “By your order, my Regent!” Prytec responds respectfully.

  Regent Voknor watches as Prytec departs, then returns to his thoughts about the Atlans, their technology, and ponders what their plans are. As time passes, he begins to consider that perhaps there is something else going on within the Atlan Empire.

  Chapter Thirteen – New Horizons

  Regent Voknor strides onto the bridge and proudly states, “Lilpax, find us a planet with radiologics so we can build a new ship for…” he pauses and grins, then reveals who, “Skylow!”

  Skylow is surprised to hear his name. He turns, then stands and says, “Regent, you honor me.” He pauses for a moment as he reflects on the possibilities of his own command, then frowns.

  Voknor detects an unexpected apprehension and says, “Speak openly, my friend.”

  Skylow nods, then says, “We each find our way in the universe, each with our own destiny.”

  Lilpax, along with the rest of the bridge crew, wonders where Skylow is headed with his philosophical talk. It is quite unlike him.

  “Regent, I have found my place. I am your second in charge, which means that when you’re not here, you entrust me with the fleet, the entire fleet!” He adds with emphasis.

  Voknor agrees, “Yes, I trust your judgement, and if anything were to happen to me, you would take care of the fleet until the next challenges.”

  Skylow responds, “I am honored by the prospect of my own clanship, but feel a greater honor serving you, here!”

  “But, as Prime you would be eligible to challenge to be Regent, otherwise, you cannot!” Voknor states.

  “My days of ambition are long gone. I am truly happy exactly where I am!” Skylow responds, then with a tilt of his head says, “However, I do know one who is seeking such a position, for the good of the clan.”

  Voknor replies with a chuckle, “Only one? I can think of dozens.”

  Skylow grins widely as he says, “Sharz is the one to watch! He is well liked, highly respected, and works dutifully.”

  “Sharz.” Voknor repeats, “My Resource Officer! He does show promise, is ambitious, and yet has a balance of patience about him.”

  Skylow nods as he says, “Sharz is considered the fleet’s resource officer too! No ship goes without, thanks to his diligence, and although it is not my place to say, I would recommend him, as my replacement for the position of Prime.”

  “I respect your advice Skylow,” Voknor replies, then states, “Lilpax, I still require a world where we can construct a new vessel.”

  Lilpax reviews the Galactic map, then reports, “We have been steadily moving away from the core, which opens up new possibilities for us all the time. I have been monitoring several planets, and have a candidate!”

  “Already?” Voknor replies, impressed and surprised at the same time.

  Lilpax proudly states, “The target planet exhibits signs of having radiologics, and is at the extreme edge of our assigned region of space. The area is well away from any known Atlan forces.”

  “Perfect,” Voknor replies, then orders, “Skylow, inform the fleet, and get us underway when all
Primes are ready.”

  “Regent!” Skylow replies, then begins to contact the fleet.

  Voknor stands, stretches, then says, “I will be with the Den Mothers if needed.”

  Lilpax feels a momentary wash of guilt and anguish over her inability to lay eggs, and to provide an heir, and she wonders if her mate is secretly arranging for one. She would not fault him, but is concerned.

  What she does not know, is that Voknor is presiding over the installation of an enhanced defensive system for the hatchery; one of many such measures being installed throughout the flagship.

  Welcome to Pythos

  Regent Voknor stares at the small craft on their sensors, then queries, “Four life signs?”

  “Yes,” Frazik confirms, then states, “It looks like it’s an expedition craft from the planet we’re heading to.”

  Machkno gleefully offers, “Shall I destroy it?”

  Voknor shakes his head as he replies, “No. It’s of no threat to us, leave it be.”

  Cushkull reports, “We are on approach to the target planet.”

  Lilpax is never bored when they approach a new world, no matter how many they visit, and this one is no exception. She has been reviewing the data on the inhabitants, and relays her findings, “The locals call the planet Pythos, and although there are many factions, each with a military force, they would seem to be at peace with each other.”

  Voknor nods, then orders, “Skylow, start contact procedures.”

  “Regent.” Skylow replies. He has been waiting for the order, and simply touches one icon on his console.

  Moments later the planetary satellite grid is under the flagship’s control, and is transmitting Voknor’s image, along with drum beats, to every frequency available.

  Lilpax watches as the inhabitants instantly panic. They clog their mass-transport systems in their efforts to go somewhere, but she is not sure why they are fleeing. There is nowhere on the planet that is beyond their fleet’s reach.

  Regent Voknor stares at the chaos below, then sighs and says, “We’d better contact them before they ruin their infrastructure.”

  Skylow taps on his console, then says, “We’re being contacted!”

  Voknor raises his eyebrows as he states, “Well, that was quick.”

  A moment later a robe wearing alien appears before them. He looks like a miniature Atlan, except for his huge blue eyes that seem to dominate his facial features.

  The translators have no difficulty relaying his words, “I am the Supreme Ruler of Pythos, and I welcome you, in peace.”

  Voknor stands, then strides closer to the viewscreen as he states, “I am Regent Voknor, and my fleet requires that your civilization provide us with resources.”

  “We would love to open trade negotiations with you!” Replies the planet’s ruler with a huge smile.

  Voknor chuckles, “The negotiations are simple. You provide what we need, and we will be gone soon enough. If you do not, well, we have the capability to take what we want. But, I prefer that you willingly supply what we require, it’s easier for all concerned.”

  The Supreme Ruler’s face spasms as he responds, “What would you have us do?”

  “Two of my vessels will land near your larger transport hubs. You will immediately begin transporting resources to them.” Voknor replies bluntly.

  “I will prepare my people for your arrival.” He replies, despondent and disappointed.

  As the screen fades to display the planet, Lilpax comments, “They all seem to think that they have something to offer?”

  “Yes,” Voknor replies, “without exception, they either feel that they can fight us, or that we are here to trade.”

  Skylow comments, “Speaking of which. Shall we go to phase two?”

  Voknor nods and says, “Yes.”

  Machkno has been waiting, and the moment he hears the order, he fires the flagship’s weapons. Cushkull orbits the planet as they systematically destroy every satellite, while leaving their own behind.

  Lilpax does not fully understand why they leave satellites that prevent the locals from launching objects into space. It feels almost unfair to stop them from having any sort of space program, trapping them on their world.

  As if reading her thoughts, or recalling one of many discussions on the matter, Voknor softens his voice and says, “If we learn that they are a good race, we will shut down the energy weapons, but until then, I will not risk our clan.”

  Lilpax reviews her data, then says, “Primes Lokarz and Malflik have selected their landing sites, and are descending.”

  Voknor glances at Skylow, then taps on his console, activating the ship-wide communications, and orders, “Sharz, report to the bridge.”

  Skylow is closely monitoring the planet, and reports, “I am detecting little military activity, just a few atmospheric craft which seem to be escorting larger civilian passenger transports.”

  Machkno locates the offending units, then turns to Voknor, and waits for the order to destroy them.

  Voknor stares back as he considers the risks, then says, “Let them go. However, if you detect any more that are not escorting passenger craft, eliminate them.”

  Machkno removes his claws from his panel as he nods. He enjoys destroying things, and hopes that he has the opportunity.

  Lilpax frowns as she reviews her scans of the planet. She sighs, then reluctantly states, “The raw materials we require are sparse, and would be difficult for us to mine, which would make it tougher for the inhabitants.”

  Voknor ponders this dilemma, then asks, “Thoughts? Should we locate another world?”

  Skylow shares his thoughts, “I say we stay. This race appears to be cooperating, which helps.”

  Frazik suggests, “What about the bodysuits? Both cruisers have automated assembly plants. We could equip them with mining modules, and put the locals to work.”

  Voknor taps his armrest, then states, “I will not be my father, and force them. We will request volunteers.”

  Lilpax reports, “Both craft are about to land. They report no resistance, or the presence of any military units in their immediate vicinity.”

  “Understood,” Voknor replies, then says, “Machkno, if any military approaches their positions, I trust you will eliminate them.”

  “It would be my pleasure,” Machkno replies, a little too enthusiastically.

  Skylow offers a positive thought, “It may take longer, but we should still be able to construct craft on this planet!”

  “Agreed!” Voknor states with a positive tone.

  Sharz steps onto the bridge, and says, “Regent.”

  Voknor stares at him for a moment, then orders, “Sharz, oversee the landing sites. I want bodysuit production for the locals; see if you can get volunteers to assist with mining operations. You will liaise with the planet’s authorities.”

  Sharz blinks in surprise at his instructions, then replies, “I will take a shuttle down immediately.” He turns and leaves the bridge, perplexed by his orders.

  Voknor contacts Primes Lokarz and Malflik, and appraises them of Sharz’s responsibilities. Both Primes are happy once they realize that Sharz will be dealing with the locals, leaving them to manage their ships.

  Machkno keeps reaching toward his fire controls, then sighs and stops as each potential threat turns out to be yet another false alarm. He is itching to destroy something, and is annoyed that the entire planet has capitulated so easily.

  Voknor grins at Machkno’s annoyance, then says, “You would think that out of this entire planet, someone would try something?”

  “They’re no Gamin, that’s for sure,” Machkno comments, then states, “we would not surrender without a fight, no matter what how badly the odds were stacked against us!”

  Voknor stands, stretches, then says, “Skylow, the fleet is yours.” He strides from the bridge, glancing at Lilpax as he leaves.

  The days and nights pass quickly on Pythos, with little to report, leaving Voknor to continue his proje
cts throughout the flagship. Teams of engineers work nonstop to comply with his numerous requests. Most projects are straightforward, such as additional armor, and secondary power grid relays. However, tasks such as the installation of the transit system, a gravity room, and a secondary backup life support system, take greater effort.

  Meanwhile, on the planet, things are not going as expected. For every local who steps into a bodysuit, and is capable of operating it, there are a thousand who are unable to.

  The line of volunteers diminishes day by day, until one morning Sharz finds no one waiting.

  A nearby guard shrugs indifferently, then says, “Eight of them are currently on mining duty.”

  Sharz sighs as he ponders what to do.

  “We could make them!” The guard offers indifferently.

  Sharz grins, and says, “I think I have a way!”

  The guard watches, mystified, as Sharz strides to a shuttle, and then flies off.

  Sharz lands on the grounds near the Supreme Ruler’s palace, then makes his way to the main building. He glances warily at two armed residents, then dismisses them as non-threatening as he passes by.

  One of the sentries moves to block Sharz, then quickly changes his mind, and steps back. The other runs into the building.

  Sharz enters through a pair or large ornate doors, and hears the Supreme Ruler stating nervously, “Here? Now! And you just let the alien walk in? What use are you?”

  The sentry is distraught as he replies, “What was I supposed to do? Shoot it?”

  “Well, I guess you do have a point.” The Ruler reluctantly admits.

  Sharz loudly interrupts, “If any of my kind are attacked, we will level this planet!”

  The Supreme Ruler spasms once more, then nervously asks, “What am I to do for you now?”

  “First of all,” Sharz replies in a softer tone, “we should have a proper introduction. My name is Sharz.”

  “My title is Supreme Ruler!” Replies the local, authoritatively.

  Sharz glances away as he tells himself to calm down. It does not work, so he bares his teeth and demands, “You will have volunteers lined up to try the bodysuits, as miners by the time I leave here! Supreme Ruler.” he adds in disdain, then turns and leaves.


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