Book Read Free

Rookie Love

Page 3

by Skye Turner

  I don’t hate him. I don’t even know him.

  But, I don’t like him and I don’t like that he’s here…

  I blink and frown. “I don’t hate you. I don’t even know you.”

  He shrugs and I can’t help but watch the muscles bulge in his forearms. He says, “Ooo… kay…

  “Well, if this is you not hating someone, then I really am scared of you if you do hate someone.”

  Did he just say I was a bitch without saying I’m a bitch?!

  I grunt. “Yeah, well it doesn’t even matter.” Turning on my heel, I leave the lobby and gesture behind me without even checking to make sure he’s following me. “This is the lobby. You’ll check in at the desk when you come and go and it’ll track your hours.” I walk down the hallway that houses my office and hear his footsteps behind me. I point. “This is my office. You shouldn’t ever need to come in here.” I point to the doors as we walk down the hall. “Supply Room… Food Room… Kennels… Play Rooms… Recovery Rooms for small procedures…”

  We reach the back door and I open it and step onto the patio. “This is the patio. You can have slight breaks here, or wherever you want on the grounds, just stay close to another employee. You are never to go off on your own for any reason. You do not take any animal out of their room or kennel without permission from an employee. You do not return any animal anywhere without permission from an employee.” I point at the large fenced in area on the right. “That is for the dogs. They can run and play as long as they like, but someone must be in there with them at all times. If you are in there, another employee must be in there with you. Any poop needs to be picked up immediately and then discarded into the waste bins for poop. All of the animals must all be put back inside the kennels before nightfall.”

  Pointing at the white building directly in front of us, I inform Jase, “That is the vet clinic. Veterinary students or the Vet is in there four to five days a week. They perform spays and neuters on all animals that are brought to us. It is no cost to the adoptees. They also handle any and all issues that arise and on the rare occasion we have an emergency, one of them is always on call. In case of an emergency, you call whomever is on call that day. The list is at the front desk with all numbers and days. If ever you need me and I’m not here, my number is also on file at the desk, though you should never need me and I’m always here.”

  I gesture to the left and another fenced in area. “We also take in horses that are neglected or abandoned. They have two acres and a barn for severe weather and winter. It’s cleaned three times a day.”

  Pointing to the far left and the white building housed there, I say, “That is the birthing center. Any and all animals that are dropped off to us pregnant or with newborns are placed there. We feed them, read to them, love them, and make them comfortable. If they are unable to care for their babies, we help them and once they are old enough and healthy enough, we place them with the other pets and put them on the website and Facebook page to show they are up for adoption.

  “We do not charge people to adopt from us. We run solely on donations and revenue from the sites we have and merchandise we sell. We also have two very large fundraisers every year: the silent auction and five course dinner prepared by famous Louisiana chefs and the Mardi Gras Animal Masquerade Ball. Both are huge and tickets sell out every year. This year, we’ve been playing with the idea of a Fall Carnival, but I’m not certain I want to do it yet.

  “We also have every potential adopter fill out a very specific questionnaire. We are very careful about who we give our animals to and not everyone is approved.

  “Not that any of this matters as you are going to serve your hours and leave. So, do you have any questions before I send you off?”

  I’m out of breath from how quickly I was talking and the fact that I can feel Jase at my side, right next to me.

  Dear God, I need to get away from him.

  He chuckles and says, “Wow, that was quite a mouthful.”

  Turning, I look at him. I have to look up. I’m only average height and he’s tall. I’d guess he’s right above 6’0. He’s smiling.

  Evie is right…

  He’s hot.

  Stop it! Stop it.

  My brow arches. “Yeah, it’s a big operation. So, any questions or are you ready to get to work?”

  My brusqueness doesn’t seem to faze him at all. He nods. “Nope. No questions. This is an amazing setup and to think it’s all from donations… wow. I’m impressed.” He winks. “Not that you care though, right?

  “So, where are you sentencing me to?”

  He just winked at me and my stomach dropped to my feet. Men should not be allowed to be that sexy and the fact that he knows he’s sexy… UGH.

  Yes, send him on his damn way, Cally.

  “Follow me. I’ll bring you to the pasture. The dogs love to play out there. You can help keep an eye on them and pick up the dog shit.” I grin as he blanches. “No worries. You’ll have gloves on. It shouldn’t touch you… well, unless someone has an upset tummy today.”

  After unlatching the gate, I walk through. “Hey, make sure you relatch that. Don’t want any of them escaping. They like that game and trust me, they’ll wear you out while you chase them. They think it’s great fun.”

  I hear the latch catch and then from the corner of my eye I see Jase jog up beside me. He turns backwards as he runs so he can look at me. He winks. “No worries. I like a good workout.”

  Holy shit! Yeah, I can see that you do!

  Oh boy, this is going to get sticky and I don’t just mean the sweat from the Louisiana summer coating our skin.

  WARNING: Jase Stevens is dangerous. My libido is already raging and I’ve only been around him for like ten minutes.

  How the hell am I going to keep my wall up for a couple of months?!

  Chapter Four


  I don’t especially care about what most women think of me, but for some reason, the idea that Cally has a poor opinion of me doesn’t sit well.

  She walked through the gate and called out to me that the dogs like a good chase and suddenly all I could think about was chasing her.

  What the hell? Is it because she so obviously dislikes me that I’m so intrigued?

  I can’t believe I just said that to her. I mean, I’m flirting with a woman who despises me.

  And there’s no denying it, I AM flirting with her.

  For the first time in a long time, I’m actively flirting with a woman and of course it’s a woman who can’t stand me.

  I have fucking issues!

  I saw her face when I said I like a good workout. She might not want to admit it, but she’s not unaffected by me. But, does that mean I have any kind of chance?!

  Do I actually want a chance with her?

  She glances away from me and I can see relief on her face as she spots something. Turning back around, I see a man about my age. His face lights up as he sees her. Looking at her from the corner of my eye, I try to see her response to him.

  Boyfriend? Lover?

  He jogs over and I have to admit that though he’s wearing glasses, he’s pretty fit under his t-shirt and black shorts. Who is this guy to her?

  I stand back as he reaches her. “Hey, Cally. Fancy seeing you here. You crawl out from under all that paperwork?!”

  She laughs and my back immediately straightens. Why is she laughing with him and so cold with me?

  She says, “Hey, Drew.” Leaning over, she bumps his shoulder. “Yeah, I’ve been in the office trying to get stuff together for the Silent Auction. My eyes were crossing from staring at the computer screen and entering everything on the spreadsheet.”

  Drew, is it?

  He drapes his arm around her shoulders and says, “I can help you if you need help. We make a good team and it’ll go faster.”

  She laughs up at him. “Nah, I’m good. I’m almost done anyways. It’ll be done by tomorrow, but thank you. I really appreciate it.”

  Ha, sh
ot you down.

  He frowns and looks at me. He looks me over. “Hey, man. I’m Drew. I’m one of the vet students here.”

  I hold my own hand out. “Nice to meet you, Drew. I’m Jase. Just a baseball player who is going to be spending some time here for the next little while to help out where I’m needed.” Looking down at his arm around Cally and arching my brow at him, I ask, “So, vet students take dogs for walks now?”

  He nods though I can see the realization in his eyes. He’s assessed me and realizes I might be interested in Cally. “Oh, you know. I do whatever I can to help out. I’m always here when she needs me for whatever she needs me for.”

  What now?

  Is he saying they’re dating? Are they dating?

  Shit, I can’t get a read on her.

  I nod and say, “Cool. Well, Cally was dropping me off to you. I think she was planning on heading back to the office. I too am here for whatever I’m needed for.”

  Cally’s face looks confused as she glances from me to Drew and then she slides out from his arm. “Yeah, I was heading back. So, you good with Jase being out here with you, Drew? You can show him the ropes?”

  Drew’s face falls and I see the war in his eyes as he looks from Cally down to his watch. “Actually, I can’t today. Remember?! I have to head back to campus. I’m meeting with my advisor about my fall classes and she’s already rescheduled three times.” He looks pained as he looks between us. “I can help you put the dogs up though. I have like an hour before the meeting.”

  Cally frowns as she looks at all of the dogs playing in the grass or lounging in the shade under the trees. “No, I’m not going to make them go in yet. They’re having a blast out here.” She glances at me and then at Drew. “It’s ok. Go to your appointment and I’ll stay out here with them. Jase will just stay out here with me.” She smiles at Drew. “It’s really ok… no worries. With everything else today, I just forgot. I’ll see you later. Good luck with your advisor.”

  Drew does not look pleased with this chain of events and shoots me an irate glare before looking back at Cally. “Are you sure? I can cancel…”

  She laughs. “I think not. You just said that she’s rescheduled three times already and school starts back up soon, so you need to get straight. It’s great. No worries. Go ahead.”

  He mumbles something and then turns away. “Ok, see you tomorrow.”

  Cally, turns to the dogs and waves behind her. “Sure thing. Bye, Drew.”

  That is NOT the way people who are dating act.


  Drew’s face as he walks away tells me all I need to know. He might be interested in Cally, but they are not a couple, so, that means… I have a shot, too.

  Well, except for the fact that she can’t stand me.

  Suddenly from around an oak tree, a very large dog comes running at Cally full throttle. I call out, “Cally, watch out…”

  She turns and squeals as the large animal hurls itself at her. “Eeeeep!”

  With three strides, I reach her just as the massive beast knocks her off balance. Reacting quickly, I wrap my arms around her and turn us so that I hit the ground on my ass. As we do, I bounce.

  Cally is in my arms and as we fell, somehow, I managed to land almost sitting and not flat on my back. Cally is in my lap and the animal that attacked us is beside us… barking.

  My eyes go wide as I tighten my grip on Cally to protect her. Then, I realize she’s laughing. “Percy… you big clumsy boy! You knocked me down! What have I told you about doing that?”

  Turning, she looks down at me where I’m semi-sprawled on the ground with her firmly locked in my arms. Her brow wrinkles as she says, “Are you ok, Jase? Percy didn’t hurt you, did he?”


  Percy did what Percy does and came flying at me when he spotted me. He’s just a giant baby, though I’m trying to break him of that habit.

  Jase reacted to protect me from what he perceived as a threat. He doesn’t know that Percy is my dog.

  Jase saved me… from Percy kisses.

  And now… I’m snuggly cocooned in the steel bands of Jase’s arms… and sitting in his lap as Percy barks at him because he wants to make sure that Jase isn’t hurting me.

  Reaching over, I ruffle Percy’s head and ask Jase if he’s ok. Percy sees that I’m not alarmed or scared, so his barks quiet and he cocks his head to the side to look at Jase as he sits down.

  Jase looks shell-shocked and a little uneasy, so I ask him again if he’s ok. “Jase, are you hurt?”

  He blinks and then looks from me to Percy. “I’m fine. My ass might be a little sore tomorrow, but no major damage.” Again, he looks at Percy as Percy looks at him. “What the hell? He attacked you…”

  I giggle. “No, he didn’t. This is Percy. Percy Jackson… my dog. He’s only about a year and a half old, so, still a baby, though he’s a massive beast.” I lean over to kiss his nose. “And we’re still working on containing his excitement when he sees me. He hasn’t quite grasped the concept that he’s huge and can knock me down, yet.”

  Jase chuckles and loosens his hold on me. He tentatively reaches out. “Can I pet him? Will he bite?”

  Percy sniffs his hand and then bumps his head against it. I laugh. “No, he won’t bite. He likes you. That head bump means you’re ok to scratch his head.”

  Jase scratches his head and behind his ears and then leans back some. “Hi, Percy. You are a very big boy.” He looks at me and smirks. “Did you say Percy Jackson? Like the books?”

  I feel my face pinken. “Well, yeah. I love to read and I had just finished the last book when he was dropped off here. He was a wobbly, uncoordinated little fellow. His feet were huge and he wasn’t exactly stable on them. He hopped right up to me and laid his big old paw on my thigh and pressed his little nose to my cheek. I immediately fell in love with him. He adopted me more than I adopted him. The name Percy Jackson popped into my head, so I went with it.

  “I asked him if he liked it and he kissed me again, so, Percy Jackson it was. Besides… this big baby is my protector and isn’t that who Percy is?! The protector?!”

  Jase is just watching me as I can’t seem to stop rambling. He shuffles beneath me and that’s when I realize… I’m sitting in his lap… I fell into his lap.

  Oh my God… I’m IN his lap and it’s a really comfortable place to be. He’s hard, yet soft, and he smells really good…

  Is that like vanilla and leather?!

  What the hell is wrong with me? Get OFF his lap.

  Get up… Get up… Get up, Cally!

  Jase sighs and says, “Yeah, I guess he is. The protector… Hey, I tried to protect you from the beast, too.” He nods at Percy. “I didn’t know he was harmless.”

  What now?

  Suddenly everything in my head is screaming at me to get off of Jase. The little orange spinning lights are flashing behind my eyes and screaming, “Danger. Danger. Danger.” Yet, everything except my head is screaming at me to melt into the very hard and very sexy body still cradling me in his lap.

  My eyes widen as Jase’s head gets closer to my own and my breath hitches. I whisper. “That was pretty brave.”

  He nods and angles his head. My own moves just a smidgen and our lips are perfectly lined up. All it would take to close the distance is a simple exhale from either of us. Time seems to stand still though I’m certain only seconds pass.

  Finally, he mutters, “Brave acts are usually handsomely rewarded. I think I’m going to claim my boon now.”

  I don’t have time to move, not that I could anyway, before his lips are brushing against mine. They’re soft. He only brushes them against mine, not trying to deepen the kiss and his hands stay on the ground at his back. We kiss this way for what seems like ages… just the simple, light pass of lips on lips.

  My scalp is tingling and goosebumps are popping out on my skin from the whisper soft contact and then I gasp. My lips part and my tongue sneaks out to moisten them. The tip touches Jase’s lips and
I taste vanilla.

  I sigh and use my tongue to lightly trace his full lips beneath mine. He allows me to and doesn’t push for anything else. My nipples are beaded beneath the cotton of my bra and my skin feels like thousands of butterflies are dancing across my body.

  His tongue slips out and lightly caresses mine. We both still and then his hands leave the ground and cup my cheeks. His mouth opens and he slides his tongue past my lips. My gasp is swallowed by his mouth as passion overcomes him. He feverishly kisses me. My own hands clutch at his shoulders as he devours my mouth. I find myself turning in his arms to deepen the kiss. He growls and his hands weave into my hair at the sides of my head. He holds my face hostage as he wars with my tongue. The sounds coming from my own chest and mouth are animalistic as I kneel on the ground on either side of his hips and bury my hands in his hair because I have to touch the soft strands.

  I’m consumed and completely forget where I am… until a cold nose presses into my arm and an excited bark echoes in my ear.

  Pulling back, I stare at Jase through blurry eyes as the reality of what just happened washes over me like a bucket of ice water.

  Jerking back, I scramble to get off his lap. Percy is jumping beside me and barking happily. Jase just leans back on his hands and stares at me unblinkingly as his chest rapidly rises and falls.

  Smoothing my t-shirt, I glance away from him and try to regain a shred of sanity. The rest of the dogs are all still happily playing or sleeping beneath the trees.

  They seem content and I feel like I just got swallowed up by a hurricane and flung around like a rag doll.

  Holy shit… what now?!

  This has never happened before…

  What the hell do I do to fix this shit?

  Chapter Five


  That just happened, Jack.

  And damn… but at the same time, now Cally is freaking the hell out. Like I can SEE her freaking out.

  Her eyes are flitting everywhere, glancing over everything… except me. It’s like she can’t look at me. Her hands are shaking as I watch her smooth her shirt down and wipe them against the light denim of her jeans. Her teeth are gnawing on her bottom lip and if she doesn’t stop, she’s going to bust it.


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